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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 初三英语百词竞赛Units151.害怕去做某事be afraid of doing/be afraid to do sth.2.生气.的气,对.感到气愤be mad at / be angry with3.突然中止,中断break off4.把.变成changeinto5.怎么处理,应付how deal with6.以做某事结束end up doing sth /end up with sth.7.对.感到兴奋be /get excited about8.(指时间)过去,消逝go by9.做某事有困难have trouble (in) doing

2、 sth10.以后,随后later on11.嘲笑,取笑laugh at12.查阅,查找look up13.犯错,出错make mistakes14.编造,组成,拼凑成make up15.将.视为.regardas11.嘲笑,取笑laugh at12.查阅,查找look up13.犯错,出错make mistakes14.编造,组成,拼凑成make up15.将.视为.regardas21.非常害怕. 极度恐惧.be terrified of doing22.给某人惹麻烦have problems/trouble for sb.23为.担忧be anxious about24.尽管,即使,纵然

3、even though /even if25.放弃give up doing26.入睡go to sleep/fall asleep27.校长head teacher28.最后,终于in the end/at last29.在过去的几年里in the last/past few years30.做决定,下决心make a decision /decide to do31.不再,已不 no longer/no more32.不再,再也不 notany more33.对.注意,留心pay attention to34.对.感到自豪take pride in35令某人惊奇的是.to ones sur

4、prise36.过去经常,以前常常used to do37.为.担心、烦恼worry about38.同意be in agreement/agree with39.目前,现在at present 40.对.有益,有好处be good for41.对.认真be serious about42.对某人要求严格be strict with sb.43.担心,关心care about 44(把.)打扫干净clean up45.全神贯注、专心于.concentrate on46互相each other47.妨碍(某人的)get in the/ones way of48.休息(多长时间)have/take

5、off49.代替,而不是instead of50.向.学习learn from51.遵守规章obey the rules52.养老院old peoples home 53.不睡觉,熬夜stay up54.偶然地,意外地by accident55.出版,发表come out56.名列前茅come top57.提出,想出(主意、回答等)come up with/think up58.与相处得好、不好get along/on well/badly with sb.59.藏某物以防某人(发现)hide sth from sb.60.事实上,实际上in fact61.当众,在公共场所in public6

6、2.向某人做自我介绍introduce oneself to sb.63.使失望或沮丧letdown64.医学研究medical research65.一点也不,根本不 notin the slightest/notat all66.很多的,足够的plenty of67.代替,而不是rather than68.如果.将会怎么样what if69.未经允许without permission70花费时间干某事/花费钱干某事 spend time (in) doing sth. /money on sth.71.极多的,无穷无尽的an ocean of72.在野营中at the picnic73.

7、当心,留神be careful of74.因为,由于because of75.属于belong to76.报警call the police77.赶上,错过公共汽车catch/miss a bus78.在音乐会期间during the concert79.逃离escape from80.感到忧虑,焦虑feel anxious/worried81.期末考试final exam82.登机get on the plane83跑步锻炼run for exercise84.玩得开心have fun/have a good/great/ wonderful time doing85.不知道have no

8、idea86.知道have some/any idea87.在我们社区in our neighborhood88.形成,组成,构成,编造make up89.隔壁的邻居next door neighbor90最近,近来these days91.假装做.pretend to do92.设法,尽力做.try to do93.关掉turn off94.用完,用光,耗尽use up/run out of95.向某人求助ask sb. for help96英语口语spoken English97报怨complain about/of98对.感兴趣be interested in doing99与.发生冲突

9、get into trouble with100紧张的get/be stressed out101日常生活daily life102浪费某人的时间waste ones time 103驾驶证the drivers license 104有机会做某事have an opportunity/a chance to do/of doing sth.105前几天the other day106自己做决定make ones own decision107实现梦想achieve ones dream108做演讲give/make a speech109征求某人许可ask ones permission11

10、0好朋友圈a circle of good friends111在午饭时间at lunch time112在.方面有很多经验have a lot of experience doing sth.113掉下楼fall down stairs114.的危险the dangers of115古典音乐classical music116去音乐会go to the concert117练习干某事practice doing sth.118通过做某事 by doing 119.怎么样? How about /What about doing ?120为什么不.?Why not do/ Why dont y

11、ou do? 121为考试学习study for study 122让我们做.,好吗?Lets do, shall we? /Let us do sth, will you?123大声读 read aloud124学很多 learn a lot 125对某人做某事很难 Its hard/different for sb. to do sth.126你曾去过北京吗?Have you ever been to Beijing?127例如for example128看电视太多对你眼睛不好Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.129参加俱乐部join th

12、e club130看某人干某事/正干某事 watch sb. do /sb. doing131做某事很开心have fun doing132假装做某事pretend to do sth.133英语口语spoken English134学做某事learn to do 135去年 last year136笔友pen pal/ pen friend137没关系it doesnt matter138嘲笑laugh at139喜欢做某事enjoy doing140持续很久last long141互相each other142用英语in English143全世界all over the world/ar

13、ound the world144抱怨complain about /of145让某人做某事let/make/have sb. do sth.146不必dont have to/neednt do147等一下wait a minute148不喜欢干某事dislike doing sth.149介意做某事 mind doing sth.150买不起cant afford to do16.做笔记,做记录take notes 17.起初,开始to begin with/at first/at the beginning18.尽力做. try ones best to do19.在.的帮助下with

14、the help of20.一直,总是all the time6-10单元1对有害be bad for2意见一致be in agreement3一定要、务必要be sure to do4伴随着音乐跳舞dance to the music5饮食均衡eat a balanced diet 6即使;纵然;虽然even though/even if7保持良好的平衡have a good balance8玩得开心;过得愉快have fun doing/enjoy oneself/have a good/great/wonderful time9保持健康keep/stay healthy/fit10展览;

15、陈列on display11多年来over the years12喜欢做胜过做prefer doing to doing13提醒;使记起remind sb. of doing14随着唱歌sing along with 15一个六个月的英语课程a six-month English course16与保持距离stay away from17合某人的意;对某人(很)合适suit sb. fine 18(作插入语)老实说;说实在的to be honest19拍电影make a movie20来来往往come and go21在热天on a hot day22很幸运去做某事be lucky to do

16、 sth.23轻柔的歌曲quiet and gentle songs24对重要be important to sb.25去度假go on vacation26感到恶心feel sick27根据;按照according to28尽快地as soon as possible29乐意(做某事)be willing to do sth30梦想;幻想;向往做某事dream of doing31继续;坚持;保持hold on to 32通常;大体上;一般而言in general 33相当多;不少quite a few34从容;轻松;不紧张take it easy35每年的这个时候this time of

17、year36数以千计的;许许多多的thousands of37计划干某事plan to do sth.38考虑做某事consider doing39继续做某事continue doing40有朝一日some day4最具活力的城市之一one of the liveliest cities42应该做某事be supposed to do sth.43去旅行take a trip44为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.45离开;远离be away46问题的答案answer to the question47不太现实的梦想less rea

18、listic dreams48实现的梦想achieve ones dream49横渡太平洋sail across the Pacific50一方面另一方面on the one hand,on the other hand51要求;请求ask for52使振奋;使高兴起来cheer sb. up53(把)打扫干净;(把)收拾整齐clean up54用装(充)满fill with55修理;修补fix up56分发;发放hand out/give out57帮助(某人)解决困难help sb. out58推迟;拖延做某事put off doing 59张贴;搭建put up 60用完;耗尽use u

19、p/run out of61建立;创立;开办set up62与(父母等)相像take after63想出think up/come up with64产生结果;发展成功work out65写下;记下write down/put down66打电话call sb. up/ring sb. up/make a telephone call to67是某人的家园be home to68充分利用某物put sth. to good use 69小学elementary school/primary school70捐赠give away71与相似be similar to72所要ask sb. for

20、 sth.73残疾人disabled people74确实如此;毫无疑问for sure75训练某人做某事train sb. to do sth.76一只经过训练的狗a specially trained dog77闲逛;闲荡hang out78安静be quiet79不仅而且not onlybut also/bothand80生病的孩子sick kids81无家可归的人homeless people82帮助孩子做功课help kids with their homework83志愿去做某事volunteer to do sth.84根据;按照;视什么而定depend on 85偶然地;意外地

21、by accident86错误地by mistake87用来做be used for doing/as/by88把分成divide sth. into89落入;陷入fall into90这样in this way91与相撞knock into 92列出的名单make a list of93闹钟alarm clock94电灯泡light bulb95微波炉microwave oven96最有帮助的发明the most useful invention97日日夜夜地all day and all night98最后in the end/at last/finally99一段时间for some t

22、ime100自从那时起since then101人们相信据说据报道It is believed that/It is said that/It is reported that102的数量the number of103停止运转;出故障break down104到时候;到之前by the time105穿衣服get dressed106结婚get married107让某人搭车give sb. a ride108发出响声go off109准时on time110跑掉;迅速离开run off111卖完;售光sell out112激起;引起set off113出席;露面show up 114淋浴t

23、ake a shower 115起床get up116出去get outside117到家get home118到达get to/arrive in/at /reach119返回get back to120醒来;叫醒某人wake sb. up121不得不have to 122等他出来wait for sb. to come out123吃早饭have breakfast 124经过go by/come by/pass by125乘他爸爸的汽车in his dads car126成功到达;约定等make it127愚人节 April Fools Day128熬夜stay up129邀请某人干某事

24、invite sb. to do 130遍及全国across the whole country131和一样asas132尽可能多地as soon as possible133如此以致so that134当地超市local supermarket 135免费for free136一张纸a piece of paper137当我出去时,公车已经离开了。When I got outside outsile, the bus had already left.138我上学从没迟到过。I have never been late for school.139你睡过头过吗?Have you ever o

25、verslept?140游遍中国travel around China141留心某人正做某事notice sb. doing sth.142积极参加take an active part in 143三千年three thousand years144多于more than/over145包括中国including China146加拿大医生a Canadian doctor147一个叫做的医生a doctor named/called 148出生于be born on/in149被要求做某事be made to do sth./be asked to do sth.150运动员的安全the

26、safety of players151撞上knock into152跌倒fall down153教他们怎么玩teach them how to play154当做时while doing155互相each other156篮球的流行程度the popularity of basketball157外国球员foreign players158在21世纪in the twenty-first century159在某人第几个生日时on ones birthday160直到才not until161决定做decide to do sth.162西方国家western country163。使顾客高

27、兴make the customer happy164足够薄thin enough165个人电脑什么时候发明的?When was the personal computer invented?166想做某事would like to do/want to do/feel like doing167制定计划make a plan168花费某人多长时间做某事It takes sb. some time to do sth.169你认为怎么样?What do you think of ?How do you like?170你干什么工作的?What do you do?171在周末on weeken

28、ds /at the weekend172职业歌手professional singer173谢谢你做某事Thank you for doing174使某人做某事成为可能make it possible for sb. to do sth.175让我的生活充满了快乐fill my life with pleasure176面临挑战face the challenge 177接电话answer the telephone178关门shut the door179我的一个朋友a friend of mine180因为because of181我不知道我应该怎么做。I dont know what

29、I should do.182希望做某事wish/hope to do /wish sb. to do183我喜欢人们友好的地方。I love places where people are friendly.184对友好be friendly to sb.185我想穿越丛林。I would like to trek through the jungle.186让人放松的什么地方somewhere relaxing187乘地铁到大多数地方很便捷。Its convenient to take the underground train to most places.188法国是个昂贵的地方。Fr

30、ance is quite an expensive place.189应该做某事be supposed to do sth.190除非你自己说法语,unless you yourself speak French,191乘出租车游览巴黎花很多钱Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.192中国东部某个地方somewhere in eastern China193为某人提供provide sth. for sb./provide sth. with sth.194介意做某事mind doing195省钱save money1

31、96给某人建议give sb. suggestions197来吃饭come for dinner198在将来in the future199好像做seem to do200以便so that201最受欢迎的职业选择the most popular choice of job202作为翻译as translators203实现come true204能be able to do sth.205努力工作work hard206宁愿做也不prefer to do rather than do207一首音乐a piece of music208不喜欢做dislike doing209戴眼镜wear g

32、lasses210最新的电影the latest movie211最著名的音乐家之一the most famous/the best-known musicians212寻找look for213一个安静的度假的地方a quiet place to go on vacation214有害健康be bad for health215照顾我的健康take care of/look after my heath216增加患癌症的几率increase the risk of cancer217我以前从没看过印度电影。I have never seen an Indian film before10 / 10

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