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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在 Mr Brown 家里,刚回国。回国后你却发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:1感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助;2一本英语词典忘记带回;3词典是美国老师送的,非常珍贵;4词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上;5邮资自己付。注意: 1.词数 100 左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:邮资 postageDear Mr Brown,_ Yours,Li HuaDear Mr Brown, Hows everything?

2、 Im writing this letter for two reasons. The_first_reason is, to thank you for all_your_help while I lived in America as an exchange student. I will_always_remember the help you gave and the friendship we built. Second,_I have left a dictionary in your home. The dictionary is very important to me, b

3、ecause it was given to me by an American teacher. Id like to ask that you send the dictionary to me. I think you will find it on the bookshelf in the bedroom where I stayed. I will gladly pay the postage. I really hope you can do this for me. I really_miss my stay in your home, and I hope to see you

4、 in China one day. Welcome to China and my home. Best of luck!Yours,Li Hua内容要点齐全,主题明确,结构清晰明了。开门见山地说明了写信的两个原因。然后使用the first reason., second.来组织文章。运用明确的主题句有利于收信人迅速了解信件内容,减少理解误差。这也是书信类写作首先要注意的问题。言辞情真意切,如通过对thank you for all your help, really hope, will always remember, really miss等词的运用,作者充分地表露了自己的感情。 有

5、效地运用了定语从句和状语从句。.完形填空 One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty. The _1_ legend about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value _2_. Little George cut down his fathers favorite cherry tree while _3_ his new hatchet. When his father asked him about it, George said, “I

6、_4_ tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet.” Instead of punishment, George received _5_ for telling the truth. Americans still believe “_6_ is the best policy.” Another _7_ Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesops fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thought he c

7、ould win easily, so he took a _8_. But the turtle finally won because he did not _9_. Another storytells of a little train that had to climb an abrupt hill. The hill was so _10_ that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it. _11_ the train just kept pulling, all the while saying,“ I th

8、ink I can, I think I can.” At last, the train was _12_ the top of the hill.“ I thought I could, I thought I could,” chugged the happy little _13_. Compassion may be the queen of American virtues. The story of “The Good Samaritan” from the Bible _14_ a man who showed compassion. _15_ his way to a cer

9、tain city, a Samaritan man _16_ a poor traveler lying on the road. The traveler had been beaten and beaten. The kind Samaritan, instead of just passing by, stopped to help this person _17_. Compassion can _18_ turn into a positive cycle. In fall 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help

10、Floridians _19_ by a hurricane. The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returned the favor. In less dramatic ways, millions of Americans are quietly passing along the _20_ shown to them.1A.famous Babstract Cmysterious Dsensitive 【答案与解析】A本文从三个方面阐述了美国的道德观。下文叙述的应是一个“众所周知的”传说故事。2A.truly Bd

11、irectly Ceffectively Dobviously 【答案与解析】D“很显然”华盛顿和樱桃树的故事是在弘扬这一美德。3A.trying for Btrying out Ctrying up Dtry over【答案与解析】B试试(try out)他的新斧头。try for “争取;谋求;申请”; try up “校准”; try over “试演(戏剧等)”。4A.can not Bmay not Cmust not Dshall not【答案与解析】A我“不能”说谎。5A.message Bpraise Ccriticism Dcourage【答案与解析】B说了实话而受到“表扬”

12、。6A.Honesty BFaith CModesty DEducation【答案与解析】A“诚实”是上策,且文中第1句也提到“美国人最基本的道德观之一就是诚实”。7A.advantage Bview Cpoint Dvirtue【答案与解析】D本文讲述的三个“美德”之一。8A.breath Bmeal Cnap Dchance【答案与解析】C龟兔赛跑故事中,兔子是因为“小睡了”一会。9A.give away Bgive up Cgive off Dgive out【答案与解析】B乌龟的成功是因为它没有“放弃”。10A.dangerous Brough Cslippy Dsteep【答案与解析

13、】D根据上句“abrupt”找出其同义词。11A.Instead BBut CBesides DSo【答案与解析】B上下文是转折关系。12A.through Bacross Cover Dabove【答案与解析】B最后小火车“翻过”山顶。13A.train Bman Cperson Dboy【答案与解析】A上文讲述的是“火车”的故事。14A.explains Bhears Cdescribes Dindicates 【答案与解析】C圣经故事中“描述了”一个富有同情心的人。15A.To BFor COn DIn【答案与解析】C“在去途中”用on。16A.searched Bliked Cfoun

14、d Dreached 【答案与解析】Cfind sb / sth doing 表示“发现某人/物保持某种状态”,与上下文意思相协调。17A.in debt Bin condition Cin need Din deed 【答案与解析】C根据上下文意思,此处应为“需要(帮助)”。18A.even Bever Cnever Dseldom【答案与解析】A上一段讲了“同情”是美国道德观之精华,文章继续说它“甚至”能形成良性循环。19A.won Bdefeated Chit Dbeat 【答案与解析】C帮助遭遇飓风“袭击”的佛罗里达人。20A.hatred Bkindnesses Cpities Dc

15、urse 【答案与解析】B成千上万的美国人在默默地传递着他们身上的“仁慈或善意”。.单项填空1He sat silent at the desk, with his eyes _ on the book.Afix Bfixes Cfixing Dfixed【答案与解析】Dfix ones eyes on 是固定搭配,这里用于with 复合结构,fixed为过去分词,在with后作宾语补足语。2I dont like my hair _ so Im having it curled.Astraight Bstraightly CdirectDbent【答案与解析】A题意:我不喜欢直发,所以我要把

16、它做成卷发。straight “直的”,符合题意。3Having been absent for weeks, he has a lot of homework to _.Aset upBtake upCmake upDput up【答案与解析】Cmake up “弥补;补上”。题意:由于缺了几周的课,他有许多作业要补。set up “竖立;建立”; take up “拿起;开始从事”; put up “张贴;发布”。4It will take us quite some time to get our _ back after the tiring climb.Aair BAttention

17、 Cbreath Dbreak【答案与解析】Cget ones breath back “使喘过气来”。5My brother is fond of not only playing computer games in his spare time but also _ on the Internet.Achatting Bto chat Cchats Dchatted【答案与解析】A考查非谓语动词。这里playing computer games和chatting on the Internet都作be fond of的宾语。6Over the years Ive come to a _ t

18、hat shes a very great musician.Aconfusion BquestionCdecisionDconclusion【答案与解析】Dcome to a conclusion “得出结论”。题意:多年来,我已得出结论:她是位非常优秀的音乐家。7Remember your _; thank your friend when you leave the party.Aadvice BWays Cmanners Dapology【答案与解析】C根据题意应该是记住要有“礼貌”,用manners。8I said nothing, _ made him even more angr

19、y.Awhich Bthat Cwho Dwhat【答案与解析】Awhich引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句。题意:我一声不响, 这使他更加生气。9_ is known to all, paper money was invented by the Chinese.AWhichBThat CAs DWho【答案与解析】Cas 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句时,可放在句首。10The house, _ the great writer was born, is visited by tourists all the year round.AwhichBthat Cwhere Dwhen【答

20、案与解析】Cwhere引导定语从句,修饰the house,在从句中作状语。.阅读理解 In a society such as the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious, and cultural differences, people highly value individualism that the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student

21、special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work individually and find answers themselves. There is often discussion in the classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions. In most Asian so

22、cieties, by contrast, the people have the same language, history, and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of Asia reflects societys belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan, and Korea often work together and help one another

23、on assignments. In the classroom, the teaching methods are often very formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen. There is not much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized. There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of ed

24、ucation. For example, one advantage to the system in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science than American students learn by the end of high school. They also study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The system is difficult, but it prepares stu

25、dents for a society that values discipline and selfcontrol. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have memorized.The advantage of the educational sys

26、tem in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values creative ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they havent memorized as many basic rules and facts as students in o

27、ther countries have.1The reason why American teachers emphasize the importance of individualism is that _.Athey are required to do soBtheir students do not memorize informationCthe United States is a country of diverse (多元的) cultureDtheir students work individually【答案与解析】C根据文章第1句“In a society such a

28、s the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious, and cultural differences”可知选C项。2Which of the following statements applies to Asian methods of education?AEach child in a classroom draws a different picture.BStudents have to find information themselves.CStudents are prepared for a s

29、ociety that values discipline.DTeachers serve as a guide in discussion. 【答案与解析】C根据第3段中的 “but it prepares students for a society that values discipline and selfcontrol” 可知选C项。3An ideal educational system would be the one that _.Ahave more advantagesBis the combination of Western and Eastern methodsCi

30、s based on the Western systemDrests on the Asian system【答案与解析】B通过文章中提到的东西方教育模式的优缺点可以推断,作者认为最理想的教育模式是东西方教育模式的结合,故选B项。4The author is convinced that _.Adifferent educational systems reflect different culture of the societiesBstudents from Western countries are creative but selfishCAsian students are me

31、rely interested in math and scienceDthere are more advantages to Western system of education than to Oriental one【答案与解析】A根据第1、2段的第1句可知选A项。5The author focuses on _.Athe differences in methods of education between East and WestBthe advantages to both of the Western and Asian educational systemChow Asi

32、an school systems reflect group goalsDhow Western school systems mirror the value of individualism【答案与解析】A本文大意是介绍东西方教育模式的不同,故选A项。.短文改错 As the high school student, I like to talk with foreigners to practise my oral English but learn more about other cultures. There were two foreign teachers in our sc

33、hool in this term. They often go to the English corner so that we can have a chance to practise the language. I seize every chance talk with them. However, I sometime find they are not so interesting in what I say, and its hard for I to choose a suitable topic. I would like some advices about how to

34、 communicate proper with foreigners, and what topics to pick.【答案】1.第1句thea2.第1句butand3.第2句wereare4.第2句第2个in去掉5.第4句talk前加to6第5句sometimesometimes7.第5句interestinginterested8.第5句第3个Ime9.第6句advicesadvice10.第6句properproperly.书面表达仔细读下面的一幅图,描述图画内容并就此进行评论。要求:1在图画的基础上可有适当的联想;2评论要抓住重点。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:日用品 daily

35、 necessaries【答案】One possible version: In this picture, we can see that a woman is doing shopping in a supermarket. She chooses a pair of slippers and buys other daily necessaries. Walking beside the place where fresh fruits are sold, she suddenly finds it unnecessary to buy slippers. So she throws t

36、hem away without any hesitation. Seeing what happens, a customer behind her is shocked by her behaviour. We can learn much from the picture. This phenomenon often occurs around us. Most people hate it when someone does something like this. Those who throw things without thought are believed to lack

37、responsibility to society. That is to say, they only think of convenience to themselves but ignore others feelings. So what she does is absolutely wrong. We should establish a good situation where we can do anything delightedly. It is everybodys duty to keep a clean environment in our world.专心-专注-专业

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