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1、毕业设计文献翻译与原文题目: 钢筋混凝土框架结构建筑物倒塌的稳健性评估 学 院: 测试与光电工程学院专业名称: 测控技术与仪器班级学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二O一五 年 四 月 钢筋混凝土框架结构建筑物倒塌的稳健性评估 Alessandro Fascetti , Sashi K. Kunnath , Nicola Nistic 摘要:一个由非线性静态和动态分析得出的新方法被提出,它用于比对钢筋混凝土框架结构建筑物抗连续倒塌的相对稳健性。该方法提供了评估一个建筑在突然失去一个或多个垂直承重部分时抗倒塌性一般方式。该方法的新颖之处在于连续动态+静态的方法,它能随着每个关键柱移除跟踪轴向力的分


3、构建模和用于负载表示及应用的方案上。该问题的正规解,必然包含一个伴随大位移非线性和材料非线性考量的非线性动态分析(NDA)。由于使用高仿真模型计算望困难,数值容易出现误差,宏模型成为钢筋混凝土结构倒塌模拟的首选,因为这种方法从工程的角度来看合理准确而且可重现结构的整体行为,当然这需要仔细校准模型。在这种背景下,“宏模型”是指一种由一维梁单元组成的结构的框架元素模型,这种一维梁单元有这沿构件长度上离散纤维截面。评估结构健壮性最常见的方法是变换载荷路径法(APM),已在GSA 5和UFC 6中讨论过。 APM不是精确地模拟负载,而是通过去出达到临界负载的承载件来评估该系统的抗倒塌性的简化方法。但是

4、,由于达到APM认可的结构可能仍然在倒塌的边缘,所以APM不能提供接近系统失效的信息。 Agarwal等人通过分析结构形式的连通性提出了一个结构脆弱性理论。通过静态下压分析,以及对节能的考虑,Abruzzo等人发现一个超过ACI完整性的要求,但专为低地震力设计的建筑,可能仍然容易受到连续倒塌的损坏。 Starossek 9开发出一种类型学和的基于可能导致倒塌的不同机制的分类。而一种基于决策分析理论和概率风险分析的鲁棒性评估框架是由Baker等人提出的 10。另一个简化架构,以量化的结构坚固性,提出了通过Izzuddin等人11,他们认为像能量吸收力、延展性和冗余这些因素不能独立地被作为鲁棒性度

5、量,但该架构被称作伪静态容量纳入三个参数是鲁棒性更可靠的指标。他们提出比较所述内部应变能(计算出来作为压力矢量和相应的位移的结果)以及重力载荷所做工。应变能等于外部做工的条件反应了目标的位移和连续倒塌分析中力的水平。静太下压方法已被Bao和Khandelwal等人用于在数值模拟以及钢筋混凝土框架的实验测试中。Tsai评估了不同模拟负载来近似的进行框架结构突然失去承载的连续倒塌分析。Xu和Ellingwood 把一种基于能量的非线性静力Pushdown分析用于评估系统脆弱性。虽然上述大部分参考文件解决不均匀的倒塌,但没有开发出能量化系统鲁棒性的具体方法。 Khandelwal 和 El-Tawi

6、l的工作是为数不多试图量化结构鲁棒性的研究。他们建议使用的过载系数作为衡量一个系统的稳健性(过载系数是破坏载荷与标准重力载荷的比率)。他们提出三种不同的下压模拟方法:(1)均匀下压(UP):整个受损结构的重力载荷成比例地增加直到其倒塌; (2)弯下压(BP):其中重力载荷只增加受损弯度直到其倒塌; (3)(IDP)增量动态下压:包括了通过增加所要研究的弯处的重力荷载直到过载系数达到对应的失效损坏的弯度的连续动态分析。如该作者指出,因为通过放大结构上的负载的总和,UP是不能够得到抗连续倒塌阻力的详细信息。倒塌机制会在带远离初始损伤的地方被触发。出于这个原因,目前的研究提出了使用局部下压的程序(类


8、。此外,为了准确地评估一个建筑物倒塌的脆弱性,以及捕获随着局部破坏的非弹性响应和力的再分配,局部下压(LP)分析和NDA都将作为不可或缺的基本工具。所提出的方法的新颖之处在于序列非线性动态加静态的程序,它试图估计的局部损伤引起的内力重分布并提供建筑中的薄弱环节的概述(例如缺乏冗余或延展性)。更重要的是,连续倒塌可能是由不均匀机制被启动前的不同的局部失效而引起,LRE方法适合于捕捉这一方面,正因为它明确地考虑了所涉及的不同的失效机制,并识别了最关键的一个。以前的方法,如Khandelwal 和 El-Tawi提出的超负荷的因素提供了基于局部弯处损伤相对比较的鲁棒性度量。在所提出的方法中,鲁棒性是

9、通过一组确定在每一个阶段中最弱元件的顺序分析而测量出来,其结果然后被组合起来,以产生一个唯一的(最低)值,它代表一个性能的度量。该程序中获得的信息可以以不同的方式来定义的系统的结构的鲁棒性 - 文章内提出了两种可能的方案。2. 钢筋混凝土框架组件大位移问题钢筋混凝土梁结构的大位移的行为是由悬链作用支配。这种行为已在数值研究和本文前面提到的实验研究中得到证明。让一个两端固定的加强混凝土梁(如示于图1)承载垂直载荷,当达到其最大抗弯能力时其峰值负载将达到极限。如果梁的配筋固定得足够好,悬链作用就可以作为阻抗机制发挥作用,让梁超越大位移抗弯极限承载额外的垂直载荷。如果大位移悬链效果不能准确的建模而且


11、整体或局部下压分析。这些方法的示意图分别如图2和图3。在局部受压时,重力负载方程a1* DL+a2* LL (DL和LL是在结构上与a1,a2相应的静和变载荷因子)保持不变而对应于失去承载梁的节点其集中荷载要乘以K(t)。在整体受压时,整个重力负载方程a1*DL+a2*LL乘以函数K(t)直到该结构失效。 K(t)是表示施加负载的单调线性函数;当然也可以考虑其它的施加位移的方程式。变量“t”表示时间。 图1图2 图33.建模的注意事项宏模型的方法被用于本研究中以模拟钢筋混凝土框架建筑物的大变形响应。如图Bao等人1这种方法是有效的,它适用于正确预测包括悬链的影响在内的RC组件的连续倒塌行为。本

12、文介绍的模拟用到了OpenSees18平台。使用该软件的主要优点是便于旋变换 19 ,这意味着可以计算二阶的精确几何变换。为了便于正确地表示相关的应变梯度,几种基于位移的结构元件被用于梁和柱的离散化中。每个元件有五个整合点。用来定义混凝土是Concrete02材料,它利用众所周知的肯特和Park 20模型中压缩和张力线性弹性变化,随后通过(见OpenSees的参考文件 18)。加强筋用允许三线定义变化的迟滞材料模拟。线性搜索算法能解出参与解决问题的非线性方程组,同时位移控制的集成方法已被用来模拟组件的响应。对建模标准的验证已通过比较模拟力和钢筋混凝土梁-柱组件变形响应结果完成,这些是Bao等人

13、所获得的结果 1。如图4所示的表明了所采用的建模方法是合理的。随着这种建模的验证,在局部稳健性评估(LRE)方法用于选择的案例研究之前,为了进一步了解对连续倒塌分析至关重要基本模型参数要进行更多的研究。Bao等人把先前的一个10层RC建筑的调查考虑到自己的研究中1。该调查中的两栋楼:1号楼被设计在严重的地震带(抗震设计D类按ASCE-7),而2号楼设计为低到中度地震带(即抗震设计类别C)。这两种结构的平面图及正视见图 5。设计细节告知了Bao等人1。在本节介绍的模型调查中用到的建筑是1号楼(SDC-D)。 图43.1二维与的三维建模 连续倒塌的建模是明显取决于在两个横向方向上的结构元件对整体刚

14、度的贡献。因此,一个二维(2D)平面框架模型将提供比三维(3D)模型的分析更加保守的的位移和系统阻力估计。为了证明这个效果,比较了二维和三维模型的失柱的位移响应(图6)和下压变形响应(图7)。在这些模拟中考虑的方案是把建筑物的最低楼层的F-3柱除去(参照图5)。图7纵轴所示的是被上述柱的轴向力(在其被去除之前)归一化的下压载荷,它被称为轴向载荷乘数(Ln)。可以看出,如果不考虑横梁的存在该平面模型就明显高估由柱失效引起的动态位移。更重要的是,二维分析不能正确地再现悬链效应。这种效应也是由两段受约束的梁支配,并且只有3D模型可以反应这种效应,很明显如图7。 图5图6、73.2板效应接着,楼板对响

15、应的效果是通过简单的等效模型间接地调查出来。这些模型包括两个不同的结构模型部分。第一个考虑矩形梁部分(称为梁模型),而第二个考虑有效楼板(梁+板模型)。需要注意的是被除去的柱是外墙柱因此在这种情况下有效楼板仅在梁的一侧。图8中显示了建模部分的模拟结果。把楼板的结果放在更硬但有更高的强度的元件中(特别对于是该部分的顶部的承拉结构的负弯矩)。为了模拟板坯的效果,有改性材料性质的等效矩形梁被开发,以便获得到与梁+板模型相同的扭矩 - 曲率响应。在图8所示的三个扭矩 - 曲率分析的结果表明,该变性等效矩形截面对板效应在强度和刚度方面具有很好的代表性。这是板对悬链效应所做贡献的近似值,这避免了对使用壳单

16、元板的有限元表示。3.3整体与局部下压分析前面描述的两种方法(图2和图3)被用于一栋10层大楼去除F-3柱的情况。在这两种情况下,要在施加恒定重力负载的情况下进行初始动态分析;对于局部下压仿真,在移除柱的顶部节点上加载单点负载,而对于整体下压仿真,整个重力负载被连续地增加直到失效。模拟的结果显示在图9。在当前的应用中,均匀的施加载荷模式使整体下压方法得到更平滑的力 - 变形响应。相反,局部下压方法能捕捉更多细节,如局部的屈服和再分布。正如所料,整体下压用稍小的力致使系统失效而倒塌则是由局部下压一个较小的位移造成。此外,由于整体下压的负载是施加在梁而不是在板上,当板尚未被明确建模时,这种方法用于

17、该仿真被认为是不准确的(还记得Khandelwal and El-Tawil17的研究就指出/整体均匀下压方法的不足之处)。因此,在下一节中描述中局部下压(LP)分析被用于稳健性评价。图84.系统评估的局部鲁棒性评估(LRE)方法虽然鲁棒的概念易于定性解,但文献中没有描述任何用合理程序和相应的索引定义的方式来量化它的专用方法。Khandelwal 和El-Tawil 17指出备用路径法不能用来测量鲁棒性,并提出了下压方法来评估该结构的剩余性能,定义了与倒塌模式相应的过载系数作为稳健性的措施。尽管非线性动态分析是耗时的,但它无疑是模拟一个或多个结构部件突然损失所造成影响的最适当方法。动态分析结合


19、通过比较系统的剩余性能就会得到一个信息,这个信息就是对结构而言哪个被移除柱是最关键的。上述分析的结果构成了第一个步,它确定了最关键柱 - 于是该柱从建筑物中除去。在接下来的步骤中,一次一个地移除所有邻近于最关键柱的柱子,重复上述过程,以确定建筑层的下一个关键柱。重复上述步骤,直到动态分析用无界响应和系统失衡模拟出的失柱结果。这意味着无论是建筑物的整体或是部分都即将发生连续倒塌。在此阶段,关键柱及其移除顺序都已经被确定的。被移除柱的个数本身就可以表示一个健壮指标,这个柱数是指引起连续倒塌的最少移除柱数。由移除柱之前,通过作用在元件的轴向力使施加负载正常化会有两个明显的优点:第一,它重新组合下压曲

20、线,使其在与移除柱的相位系统阻力值向一致的范围内,其次,它能够识别与每根移除柱相关的潜在风险。例如,一个柱如果具有较高的轴向力乘数或其轴向力乘数增加迅速,这就表示它是支撑重力载荷的关键柱。下面列出的是该程序的步骤:1基于服役载荷的考虑建立该结构的完整的三维模型并获得在最低楼层的每根柱上的轴向力(建筑规范通常指定正常使用条件下得到的额定负载)。2在所选楼层拆下一个垂直元 件(注意:在本研究中,建筑物的最低楼层已被选定用来表示关键楼层)当然该过程可以被应用到任何楼层,用动态分析来模拟柱的突然拆除。3如果突然移除所选的柱没有导致无界的响应(用来指示连续倒塌),就在除去垂直元件的顶部节点处施加单调递增

21、垂直位移进行局部下压(LP)分析。 4对于所选择的楼层每个相邻的柱,一次一个地重复步骤2-3。通常从对称的柱子开始只移除有限的几根,在每个柱移除期间建筑布局和观测将提供一个顺序合理的信息。5通过轴向力将使载荷归一化来绘制每个移除柱的下压曲线,这个轴向力与之前被移除的柱相应的。在此步骤结束时,每个柱的轴向载荷乘数(LNI)就得出了。 6具有最低轴向力乘数的柱是关键柱。 7步骤6中移除关键柱之后,评估各柱轴向力上的新的水平。8在所选择楼层的剩余柱上重复步骤2-7。(注:步骤2-7代表了程序中完整的一部分,它决定了一组下压曲线,也确定了要移除的下一个关键柱)。在每个阶段结束时,另一个柱将被从建筑物的

22、所选楼层中移除。9当系统突然失柱时连续倒塌即将发生,这将导致系统不能保持平衡而且一个被移除元件下的动态位移会无限增加。在这个阶段中被移除柱总数表示为nr,它也是引发建筑连续倒塌所需除去的最少柱数。参数nr和该组Ln零界值可用于开发研究结构坚固性的独特方法。第一个被提出的指数是一个简单整体指标,它代表导致结构失效的最小失柱数:Srl1=nr/nf在上述表达式是整个过程中失柱的临界值nr比上楼层各自的总柱数nf。第二个更能提供定量分析措施的指数定义如下: Srl2= i*Ln,cr其中,Ln是每个阶段中所移除关键柱的轴向载荷乘数.4.1LRE方法的验证已经表明,去除在建筑1(SDC-D)的四个关键


24、建筑物倒塌之前的损坏分布如图15所示。根据以下来估计损伤:梁和柱两端的塑性旋转,它们基于下列标准:塑性旋转0.025严重破坏; 0.015-0.025:中度破坏; 0.005-0.015:轻微损坏。两种情况被提出:用LRE方法分析倒塌以及用随机失柱序列分析损伤状态。这些损坏的情况显然证实所提出的方法确定导致连续倒塌的最优顺序,因此它可以作为一个定义系统的健壮性可靠的方法。损伤分布也就失柱造成广泛影响提供了有用得信息,对于模拟连续倒塌至关重要的3D建模进一步强化了这一发现。5结论 一种用于评估钢筋混凝土框架结构连续倒塌的鲁棒性的方法已经被提出。另外,重要的关于筋混凝土框架结构经受突然的失柱钢的非

25、线性响应分析的建模问题已经也研究。它首先表明,大的变形的模拟要考虑几个建模的影响:三维建筑物的模型需要以真实地反映该建筑物的抵抗力和板对刚度和强度贡献可以以等效方式纳入其中,从而避免用来模拟的整个楼层的计算工作。其他因素,如应变率效应也被认为会影响连续倒塌的行为,但并没有考虑在研究中。一个新称为本地鲁棒性评价(LRE)的程序被开发出来,用以确定造成建筑物倒塌最佳的失柱顺序。通过LRE方法和替换失柱顺序的比较证明了LRE方法确实能得出最优失柱数。失柱顺序对连续倒塌也显示出重大影响 - 例如,在样品建筑物移除F1-F2-F3-F4柱没有导致失效,而在开始移除F3柱时表现较显著建筑物倒塌阻力,该方案

26、的效用是通过使用上述稳健性指标比较两个建筑连续倒塌性能来说明的。它表明,所提出的方法是一种评估结构鲁棒性可行的方法,该结构的连续倒塌是由建筑物中一个或多个关键垂直元件失效引起。致谢这项研究的是美国国家科学基金会通过发放CMMI-0928953赞助。本文的任何意见,研究成果,结论,是出自作者的,并不一定反映赞助商的意见。参考文献1 Bao Y, Kunnath SK, El-Tawil S, Lew H. Macromodel-based simulation of progressive collapse: RC frame structures. J Struct Eng, ASCE 200

27、8:107991.2 Bao Y, Kunnath SK. Simplified progressive collapse simulation of RC frame-wall structures. Eng Struct 2010;32(10):315362.3 Sadek F, Main JA, Lew HS, Bao Y. Testing and analysis of steel and concrete beamcolumn assemblies under a column removal scenario. J Struct Eng, ASCE 2011;137(9):8819

28、2.4 Bao Y, Lew HS, Kunnath S. Modeling of reinforced concrete assemblies under a column removal scenario. J Struct Eng, ASCE 2013;140(1):04013026.5 GSA. Progressive collapse design guidelines for new federal office buildings and major modernization projects; 2009.6 UFC. Design of buildings to resist

29、 progressive collapse; 2010.7 Agarwal J, Blockley D, Woodman N. Vulnerability of structural systems. Struct Saf 2003;25(3):26386.8 Abruzzo J, Matta A, Panariello G. Study of mitigation strategies for progressive collapse of a reinforced concrete commercial building. J Perform Constr Facil,ASCE 2006(

30、November):38490.9 Starossek U. Typology of progressive collapse. Eng Struct 2007;29(9):23027.10 Baker JW, Schubert M, Faber MH. On the assessment of robustness. Struct Saf 2008;30(3):25367.11 Izzuddin B, Vlassis A, Elghazouli A, Nethercot D. Progressive collapse of multistorey buildings due to sudde

31、n column losspart I: simplified assessment framework. Eng Struct 2008;30:130818.12 Khandelwal K, El-Tawil S. Assessment of progressive collapse residual capacity using pushdown analysis. Struct Cong 2008:18.13 Sasani M, Bazan M, Sagiroglu S. Experimental and analytical progressive collapse evaluatio

32、n of actual reinforced concrete structure. ACI Struct J 2007:7319.14 Yi WJ, He QF, Xiao Y, Kunnath SK. Experimental study on progressive collapseresistant behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures. ACI Struct J 2008(JulyAugust):4339.15 Tsai MH. Evaluation of different loading simulation appro

33、aches for progressive collapse analysis of regular building frames. Struct Infrastruct Eng 2010:115.16 Xu G, Ellingwood BR. An energy-based partial pushdown analysis procedure for assessment of disproportionate collapse potential. J Constr Steel Res 2011;67(3):54755.17 Khandelwal K, El-Tawil S. Push

34、down resistance as a measure of robustness in progressive collapse analysis. Eng Struct 2011;33(9):265361.18 McKenna F, Fenves GL, Scott MH. Open system for earthquake engineering simulation. University of California, Berkeley; 2013. .19 Crisfield MA, Galvanetto U, Jelenic G. Dynamics of 3-D corotat

35、ional beams. Comput Mech 1997;20:50719.20 Kent DC, Park R. Flexural members with confined concrete. J Struct Div 1971;97(July):196990.21 Santaf Iribarren BS, Berke P, Bouillard Ph, Vantommea J, Massart TJ. Investigation of the influence of design and material parameters in the progressive collapse a

36、nalysis of RC structures. Eng Struct 2011:280520.22 Su Y, Tian Y, Song X. Progressive collapse resistance of axially-restrainedRobustness evaluation of RC frame buildings to progressive collapse Alessandro Fascetti , Sashi K. Kunnath , Nicola Nistic Abstract:A new procedure derived from non-linear s

37、tatic and dynamic analyses is proposed for comparing the relative robustness of RC frame buildings against progressive collapse. The methodology offers a formal way to assess the collapse resistance of structures following the sudden loss of one or more vertical load carrying member/s. The novelty o

38、f the proposed methodology lies in the sequential dynamic + static procedure that tracks the redistribution of axial forces following each critical column removal. The basic tool used in the procedure is the pushdown analysis, which permits estimation of the residual strength in the structure after

39、it has been damaged by the loss of a critical vertical element. Referred to as Local Robustness Evaluation (LRE), the methodology is used to develop two robustness indices and applied to two buildings to demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure in providing a basis for comparing their resistan

40、ce to progressive collapse.1.Introduction Progressive collapse is typically the result of a chain reaction arising from local damage to one or more structural elements caused by overloading or extraordinary loading. The source and magnitude of the loads may vary, but in any case when the local capac

41、ity of a resisting element is reached, failure of a larger portion or of the complete structure may occur. Continuous and redundant frames are generally capable of absorbing local damage; however their ability to resist progressive collapse depends on many factors that have yet to be identified in a

42、 methodical and reliable manner. Many studies have been carried out on the topic of progressive collapse in recent years. Most of the existing literature focuses on modeling of the structure at the component level and on schemes for representation and application of the loading. The formal solution

43、of the problem implies a Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis (NDA) with consideration of large displacements and material nonlinearity.Since the use of high fidelity models is computationally prohibitive and prone to numerical setbacks, macromodels are preferred in collapse simulations 14 of reinforced concr

44、ete structures because it has been shown that this kind of approach is reasonably accurate from an engineering standpoint and can reproduce the global behavior of the structure, though careful calibration of the models is needed. In this context, macromodels refer to frame element models of the stru

45、cture composed of one-dimensional beam elements with fiber-section discretization at integration points along the member length. One of the most common approaches to assess structural robustness is the alternate load path method (APM), discussed in GSA 5 and UFC 6. APM is a simplified methodology th

46、at does not explicitly model the loading but rather evaluates the collapse resistance of the system by removing critical load bearing elements.However, APM cannot provide information on the proximity to failure of the system since a structure that passes APM could still be on the verge of collapse.

47、Agarwal et al. 7 proposed a theory of structural vulnerability by analyzing the connectivity of the structural form. Using static push down analysis, together with considerations on energy conservation, Abruzzo et al. 8 demonstrated that a building that exceeds ACI integrity requirements but designe

48、d for low seismic forces can be still vulnerable to progressive collapse. Starossek 9 developed a typology and classification of progressive collapse based on different mechanisms which may induce progressive collapse. A framework for robustness assessment based on decision analysis theory and proba

49、bilistic risk analysis was proposed by Baker et al. 10. Another simplified framework to quantify structural robustness was proposed by Izzuddin et al. 11 who conclude that factors such as energy absorption capacity, ductility and redundancy cannot independently be considered as measures of robustnes

50、s but the socalledpseudo-static capacity which incorporated all three parameters was a more reliable measure of robustness in a lost column scenario. They propose comparing the internal strain energy (calculated as the product of the pushdown forces vector and the corresponding displacement) and the

51、 work done by the gravity loads. The condition in which the strain energy equals the external work represents the target displacement and force level for the progressive collapse analysis. Static push-down methods have been used in numerical simulations by Bao et al. 1,2 and Khandelwal et al. 12 and

52、 also in experimental testing of RC frames 13,14. Tsai 15 evaluated different loading simulation approaches to perform progressive collapse analysis of frame structures subject to sudden column loss. An energy-based nonlinear static pushdown analysis was used by Xu and Ellingwood 16to assess system

53、vulnerability. While most of the afore-referenced papers deal with disproportionate collapse, there are no specific methods developed to quantify system robustness. One of the few studies that attempts to quantify structural robustness is the work of Khandelwal and El-Tawil 17 who suggest the use of

54、 the Overload Factor (OF), which is the ratio of the failure load to the nominal gravity load, as a measure of the robustness of a system. Three different approaches for the pushdown simulations are proposed: (1) Uniform Pushdown (UP) in which the gravity loads on the entire damaged structure are in

55、creased proportionally up to collapse; (2) Bay Pushdown (BP) wherein the gravity load is only increased on the damaged bay until collapse; and (3) Incremental Dynamic Pushdown (IDP) consisting of successive dynamic analyses with increasing gravity loads in the bays of interest until an Overload Fact

56、or corresponding to failure in the damaged bay is attained. As the authors suggest,the UP is not able to give detailed information on the progressive collapse resistance, since by amplifying the totality of the loads acting on the structure, collapse mechanisms can be triggered in zones far away fro

57、m the initial damage. For this reason, the procedure proposed in this present study will use the local pushdown (similar to the BP proposed in 17) to quantify the reserve capacity in the damaged bay. All of the current work on quantifying robustness generally falls into the general framework of APM

58、and attempt to define local or global measures. Parameters evaluated include demand-to-capacity ratios and ductility capacity at the local level and load or energy factors that indicate the reserve capacity in the system following a push-down analysis. Most of the studies employ planar models that i

59、gnore three-dimensional effects, which can play a critical role in collapse resistance, as shown in the following sections. Recognizing the merits and limitations of existing studies and methodologies, a new procedure is proposed herein to evaluate the progressive collapse resistance of RC frame bui

60、ldings. The Local Robustness Evaluation (LRE) methodology is based on combining pushdown procedures with nonlinear time-history simulations and offers a simple and systematic manner to compare the robustness of different systems. The methodology was conceived by recognizing that progressive collapse

61、 phenomena are governed by the dynamic response of the bays adjacent to the initial, triggering event. Moreover, to accurately assess the vulnerability of a building to progressive collapse as well as capture the inelastic response and force redistribution following local failure, both local pushdow

62、n (LP) analysis and NDA would need to be utilized as fundamental and essential tools. The novelty of the proposed methodology lies in the sequential nonlinear dynamic plus static procedure that attempts to estimate the force redistribution resulting from the local damage and provides an overview of

63、the weak links in the building (e.g. lack of redundancy or ductility). More importantly, progressive collapse may result from different local failures before a disproportionate mechanism is initiated and the LRE method is tailored to capture this aspect, since it explicitly considers mechanisms involving different failures, and identifying the most critical one. Previous methods, such

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