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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高一英语阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析八 抓主干,理枝叶长难句增加,是近年高考阅读理解试题不可忽视的现象之一。英语的长句可分为两类:含有数量较多的定语或状语的简单句和含有数量较多的各种从句的并列句或复合句。 阅读长 句的基本方法是抓主干, 理枝叶。抓主干就是抓句子的主体部分, 也就是主语和谓语, 它们 是传达信息的主要载体; 理枝叶就是分析句子的附加部分,不论它们有多长,有多复杂,它 们都是辅助成分,我们只要明确它们与主体的关系就可以了。如:The moon is so far from the earth that even if huge trees were gr

2、owing on the mountains, and elephants were walking about, we could not see them through the most powerful telescopes which have ever been invented.这个长句的主干就是 The moon is far from the earth,其他部分,如状语从句、定 语从句等,都是为突出主题服务的。Passage A阅读理解The Winter Olympics, which is also called the White Olympics, were fir

3、st held as a separate competition in 1924 at Chamonix Mont Blanc, France. At this time, many colorful stamps are published to mark the great games. The first stamp marking the opening of the White Olympics was issued (发行 on January 25, 1932 in the United States to celebrate the third White Olympics.

4、 From then on, issuing stamps during the White Olympics became a tradition.To observe the fourth Winter Olympic Games, a group of stamps were published in Germany in November, 1935. The five rings of the Olympics were printed on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the symbol (象 征

5、 appeared on stamps of the Winter Olympics.In the 1950s, the stamps of this kind became more colorful. When the Winter Olympics came, the host countries as well as the non host countries published stamps to mark those games.China also published four stamps in February, 1980, when the Chinese sportsm

6、en began to march into the area of the White Olympics.Japan is the only country in Asia that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise funds(经费 for this sports meet.Different kinds of sports were printed on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty o

7、f the wonderful movements of some athletics.根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. People have published stamps marking the Winter Olympics_ .A. since the first White Olympics in 1932B. when the first Olympics games startedC. since the third Winter Olympics in 1932D. on the same day of the third Olympics2. From the passa

8、ge we can see that_ .A. the Chinese sportsmen began to take part in the Winter Olympics in 1980B. it was in 1980 that the Chinese began to publish stampsC. the Chinese began to take part in the Olympics games in the 1980sD. China held the Winter Olympics in 19803. Which of the following statements i

9、s NOT true?A. The third Winter Olympics opened on January 25, 1932.B. Publishing stamps is a way of raising money for the sports meet.C. In Asia only Japan held the Winter Olympics.D. In the 1950s all the countries published stamps to mark the games. 难句注释 The first stamp marking the opening of the W

10、hite Olympics was issued on January 25, 1932 in the United States to celebrate the third White Olympics. Total words:226Reading time:_Reading speed: _为了庆祝第 3届冬季奥运会,纪念其开幕的第一枚邮票于 1932年 1月 25日在美国发 行。 to observe the fourth Winter Olympic Games 为了庆祝第四届冬季奥运会。 observe 意为 “ 举行;庆祝 ” 。Passage B阅读理解Today, roll

11、er skating (旱冰 is easy and fun, and it is popular throughout the world. People roller skate outside on paths and roads, and inside in rinks. But a long time ago, it wasn t easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didn t exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlins work was

12、making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man full of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer. One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball (化装舞会 . He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came

13、near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance (隆重出场 at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.Merlin tried different ways to make himself fool. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller

14、 skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was surprised to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates

15、. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking into pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin s grand entrance for a long time!根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. The text is mainly about_.A. a strange manB. an unusual partyC. how roller skating beganD. how p

16、eople enjoyed themselves in the 18th century2. People thought Merlin was a dreamer because he_ .A. often gave others surprisesB. was a gifted (有天赋的 musicianC. invented the roller skatesD. was full of imagination3. Merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to .A. draw the guests attentionB. arrive a

17、t the party soonerC. test his inventionD. show his skill in walking on wheels4. What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?A. The roller skates needed further improvement.B. The party guests took Merlin for a fool.C. Merlin succeeded beyond expectation(超出预料 .D. Merlin

18、got himself into trouble.难句注释 Merlin tried different ways to make himself fool.默林尝试不同的方法使自己看起来有点滑稽。Total words:261Reading time:_Reading speed: _ Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.默林为他的发明感到非常骄傲,并且梦想滑着轮子演奏小提琴出现在晚会现场。 be proud

19、 of 因 骄傲dream of doing sth.梦想做某事 Down fell the mirror, breaking into pieces.镜子掉了下来,摔成了碎片。Passage C阅读理解Dwight W. Morrow was an American ambassador (大使 to Mexico during the 1920s. He is remembered as a smart diplomat (外交家 . He is also remembered by his family and friends for his absent mindedness (心不在

20、焉 . Once while on a train, a conductor came to Morrow, asking for his ticket. He began to search his pockets. No ticket appeared. Morrow began searching his suitcase. “Never mind, sir.” said the conductor, seeing how anxious Morrow was becoming and trying to comfort (安慰 him. “When you find your tick

21、et just post it to the station. Im sure you have it somewhere.”“Im sure, too.” said the diplomat as he went on with his search. “But I must find it. I need to know where Im going!”Another time Morrow got off a train in New York and hurried to a telegraph office, where, feeling not unlike a small boy

22、 who had got lost, he sent the following to his secretary: “I am in New York but don t know why.” Within minutes came the short reply: “You are not supposed to be in New York. You should be in Princeton giving a lecture.”根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. The passage mainly shows Morrows _.A. cleverness as a diplomat

23、 B. foolishnessC. sense of humor (幽默感 D. absent mindedness2. Morrow was very upset (不安 when he couldn t find the ticket because_.A. he had forgotten where he was goingB. he would be punished if he couldn t show his ticketC. the conductor looked impatient(不耐烦的 D. the conductor might think he was lyin

24、g3. When Morrow got off the train in New York, _.A. he forgot the addressB. he forget his suitcaseC. he did not know that he was in a wrong cityD. his secretary wasn t there to meet him难句注释 He is remembered as a smart diplomat.在别人的记忆中,他是个精明的外交家。Total words:202Reading time:_Reading speed: _ .feeling

25、not unlike a small boy whohad got lost. 感觉不啻于一个迷路的小男孩 Passage D完形填空“A robbery (抢劫案 .” a voice came from the radio. John was driving home late last night from a trip, and now he was having trouble staying 1 . He turned 2 the radio and tried to fix his attention on the 3 , but his eyes kept on closing

26、.It was 4 that he noticed the hitchhiker (搭便车者 by the road. 5 even thinking about what he was doing, he stopped the car.“To Midrille?” “Get in.” The hitchhiker got in and immediately John was 6 that he had picked him up. The young man 7 a strange face and long hair. When John asked him questions abo

27、ut himself, he changed the 8 .John 9 the news. He began to sweat (出汗 and his thoughts 10 nervously (紧 张地 to all the money he was 11 .At the next small town he stopped his car and said, “I m sorry. I m so 12 that I can t drive you to Midrille. I think I ll find a 13 and spend the night.”The young man

28、 slowly 14 into his pocket. “This is it!” thought John. At that 15 moment he considered shouting for help, but instead of a gun, the hitchhiker pulled out several 16 . “Oh, no. I dont want your money. Just get out. Okay?” The young man looked 17 . He insisted on 18 John the money. John watched until

29、 his 19 had disappeared from sight, then stepped on the 20 and drove out of town.根据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. A. asleepB. earlyC. strongD. awake2. A. on B. offC. up D. over3. A. outside B. news C. speed D. way4. A. there B. earlier C. then D. moment5. A. Without B. After C. By D. For6. A. happy B. sad C. angry

30、D. sorry7. A. wore B. owned C. had D. made8. A. place B. subject C. question D. face9. A. remembered B. thought C. heard D. forgot10. A. got B. arrived C. changed D. turned11. A. paying B. having C. carrying D. borrowing12. A. afraid B. hungry C. cold D. sleepy13. A. restaurant B. shop C. hotel D. s

31、tation14. A. reached B. forced C. got D. put15. A. important B. very C. long D. short16. A. knives B. photos C. handkerchiefs D. bills17. A. frightened B. puzzled C. worried D. curious18. A. giving B. offering C. handing D. returning19. A. driver B. friend C. passenger D. thief20. A. door B. gas C.

32、window D. motor难句注释 .and now he was having trouble staying awake. 现在他很难保持清醒。 It was then that he noticed the hitchhiker by the road.就在那时他注意到马路边有个搭便车者。此句是 It is/was.that.的强调句型。 John watched until his passenger had disappeared from sight, then stepped on the gas and drove out of town.约翰一直注视着他的乘客直到他消失在

33、视线之外,然后踩足油门驶出了小镇。 Passage A本文介绍了为庆祝冬季奥运会的召开,各国常发行一些纪念邮票。1. C. 根据文章的第三句可知。2. A. 中国在 1980年第一次参加冬奥会。3. D. 其他三项原文都有提到。Passage B本文介绍了滑旱冰这一体育运动的由来。1. C. 本文的话题是旱冰运动的起源。2. D. 一个充满梦想的人。3. A. 目的是为了引人注目。4. C. 根据 “Nobody forgot Merlin s grand entrance for a long time!” 可知 Merlin 取得了超出他预想的成功。Passage C本文介绍了一位精明的外

34、交家心不在焉的两个轶事,从侧面反映其不拘小节。1. D. 根据本文所举的几个例子可以看出本文主要讲 Morrow 的absent mindedness。2. A. 从 “I need to know where I m going!” 可得出正确答案。3. C. 本文最后一句话表明了这一点。 be supposed to.应该 Passage D本文记叙了 John 在旅行回家途中让一个人搭便车,却误认为他会抢劫而在半路让其下 车的事。1. D. stay awake 指 “ 保持清醒的状态 ” ,下文有暗示。2. C. 开大音量以驱去睡意。注意收音机已开。3. B. 收音机播放有关抢劫的新闻

35、。4. C. 强调时间 “then” ,意为 “ 就在那时候 ” 。5. A. without thinking 意为 “ 不假思索 ” 。外国人有让人搭便车的习惯。6. D. 他立刻觉得后悔了。7. C. had此处意为 “ 长着 ” 。8. B. subject 意为 “ 谈话的主题 ” 。改变话题。9. A. 记起了刚才的新闻。10. D. 思想转向身上的钱。11. C. carry意为 “ 携带的 ” 。12. D. 根据第一小节中 “he was having trouble staying awake” 得出 sleepy (瞌睡 的 。13. C. 根据后文的 “spend th

36、e night” 来推测应是找 “ 旅馆 ” 。14. A. reach into his pocket意为 “ 把手伸进口袋 ” 。15. B. very在此处用来加强语气,意为 “ 正是;就是 ” 。16. D. bill意为 “ 纸币 ” ,英国人常用 note 。17. B. looked puzzled意为 “ 看上去迷惑不解 ” 。他不明白为什么司机不要他的钱。18. A. giving意为 “ 给 ” ; offering 意为 “ 主动提供 ” ,往往是出于帮助而行善。19. C. 此空格根据 his 应选 passenger 意为 “ 他的乘客 ” 。20. B. step

37、on the gas意为 “ 踩油门 ”1. When the Winter Olympics came, the host countries as well as the non host countries published stamps to mark those games. 当冬季奥运会来临 时,主办国以及非主办国都要发行邮票来纪念冬奥会。 (Line 17, Passage A英语中可用 as well as来表示 “ 也;和 ” 的概念。如:The meeting is important for you as well as for me.这个会议对我重要对你也重要。Sma

38、ll towns as well as big cities are developing quickly.小镇和城市一样都在迅速地发展。A as well as B 重点在 A ,因此该结构作主语时,谓语动词要随 A 的人称、数而变化。 如:His children as well as his wife were invited to the party.不但他太太,连他的孩子们都被邀参加了那次聚会。词组 as well作 “ 也 ” 讲时,通常只出现在句尾。如:He sent me a letter and some money as well.他寄给我一封信,外加一些钱。2. Down

39、 fell the mirror, breaking into pieces. 镜子掉了下来, 跌成碎片。 (Line 17, Passage B以 out, in, up, down, off, away等副词开头,谓语是 go, come, leave, fall等表示 “ 移动 ” 的动词时,常用倒装结构。Away went the crowd one by one. 人们一个一个地离去。In came a stranger in black. 进来了一位穿黑衣的陌生人。Down went the small boat. 小船沉下去了。但主语如果是人称代词,则用正常语序。如:Out she went. 她走了。 专心-专注-专业

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