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1、 中国矿业大学研究生学位论文撰写的规定(2005年12月修订) 学位论文是学位申请者通过理论学习和科研实践,在总结前人科研成果的基础上,将作者获得的材料,经过数据处理、理论分析、逻辑加工,整理成有创造性的研究成果或在研究工作中具有新见解的论文。为了保证学位论文质量,使研究生学位论文的撰写工作规范化、标准化,特制定本规定。一、学位论文撰写的总要求学位申请者要通过论文的撰写,实事求是地反映出作者的学术水平和新见解或创造性的科研成果。要求结构严谨、条理清楚、文字简洁流畅、数据可靠、论理透彻、立论正确、逻辑性强。二、学位论文的印制规格博士学位论文用A4标准大小的白纸双面打印,硕士学位论文用A4标准大小

2、的白纸单面打印;论文在打字或印刷时,要求纸的四周留足空白边缘。每一面的上方(天头)和左侧(切口)应分别留25mm以上,下方(地脚)和右侧(切口)应分别留20mm以上。学位论文封面应印有校标。博士论文封面硬质精装(颜色:深红色),硕士论文封面采用皮纹纸(颜色:工程硕士浅蓝色、MPA银灰色、MBA深黄色、其他硕士深蓝色)。三、学位论文的一般格式和顺序学位论文一般应由前置部分、主体部分、附录部分组成。(一)前置部分1. 封面封面是论文的外表面,提供应有的信息,并起保护作用。2. 扉页扉页的内容主要包括中、外文论文题目、作者及导师的姓名等信息。要求论文题目必须简明、具体,能正确反映论文的主要内容。3.

3、 学位论文原创性声明和使用授权声明研究生必须要对自己的学位论文是否有原创性,是否遵守学术道德规范进行声明。同时,根据有关规定,研究生及导师应对学位论文的使用授权进行声明。4. 审核认定书研究生所在学院和指导教师应对研究生的课程学习、学术成果、学位论文撰写等是否符合学校的有关规定进行审核,审核通过后才能进行学位论文送审。5. 中外文摘要及关键词摘要是学位论文的高度浓缩,应将学位论文中的主要内容、见解、结论作短、精、完整的缩写,要求仅用文字说明。博士、硕士的学位论文都应有中外文摘要。中文摘要:硕士500字左右,博士1000字左右。外文摘要与中文摘要的内容应完全一致,在语法、用词上应准确无误。博士论

4、文还应有外文详细摘要,内容要求30004000个字符。关键词为35个。6. 中外文目录目录用中外文分别撰写,由论文的篇、章、条、款、项、附录、题录等的序号、名称和页码组成。要求采用“阿拉伯数字分级编号法”。 (二)主体部分主体部分由前言、正文、结论、致谢以及参考文献表组成。论文一律采用阿拉伯数字连续编排页码,页码由主体部分首页开始,作为第1页,主体部分必须由右页另页开始,其中每一章必须另起一页。封面、封二、及封底不编入页码,页码位于页面下方居中排列。主体部分各页均应居中加页眉。奇数页眉为一级标题名称,偶数页眉为“博/硕士学位论文”。奇数页在右,偶数页在左。1. 前言前言是文章的开场白,其作用是

5、说明写文章的理由,以引起读者的注意,要求作者简明扼要地概括本研究课题的研究背景、研究目的、研究范围、研究采用的方法、取得成果的意义。 2. 正文正文是学位论文的主体。内容可由研究课题的性质不同而不同,一般包括文献综述、理论基础、计算方法、实验方法,对实验和计算结果的分析讨论,主要见解和结论。要求概念清晰、数据可靠、推理严密、立论正确、逻辑性强、文字流畅。文中引用他人的公式、论点或结论,应在相应部分注明参考文献号码(即本文中参考文献编号)。特别说明:正文中的一二三级标题、图表的说明均应使用中、外文书写。3. 结论结论是理论分析和实验结果的逻辑发展,是整篇论文的精华和归宿。结论不是研究成果的罗列,

6、而是经过分析推理、判断、归纳过程而形成的总观点,要求完整、准确。4. 致谢致谢是对曾给予作者指导和帮助的有关科学研究和工作者的谢意,是对他人劳动的充分肯定,致谢要求仅限于对本研究课题有过实质贡献者,言辞应该恳切,实事求是,恰如其分。5. 参考文献表必须列出作者查阅的与论文有关的、主要的及公开发表过的文章等材料;参考文献必须引用原始文献,引用人必须阅读过该文,并按正文中引用文献的先后顺序用带方括号的阿拉伯数序号顺序编码。同一参考文献被反复引用者用同一序号标示。硕士生参考文献不少于50篇(其中外文参考文献不得少于10篇);博士生参考文献不少于80篇(其中外文参考文献不得少于20篇)。具体格式见下:

7、期刊编号 作者.文章题目.期刊名(外文可缩写),年,卷,期:起止页码.著作,论文集编号 作者.著作或文集题名.出版地:出版单位,出版年.报纸编号 作者.文献题名报纸题名,出版年月日(版次). 学位论文编号 作者.题名.学位论文(英文Dissertation):保存地,保存单位,年.专利编号 专利申请者.专利题名:专利国别,专利号.公告或公开日期.电子文献编号 作者.题名.出版地:出版者,出版年引用日期.获取或访问途径.6、攻读博士学位期间取得的学术成果列出攻读博士学位期间取得的与学位论文相关的学术成果:学术论文、著作、发明专利、奖励以及参与的与学位论文相关的主要科研项目(包括项目名称,项目来源

8、,研制时间,本人承担的主要工作)等。(三)附录部分包括与论文有关的原始数据明细表、计算程序及说明、重复性数据图表、放正文内过分长的推导公式,与论文有关工程图纸等。附录一般与论文全文装订在一起,如果附录内容很多也可另装成册。附录与正文连续排页码,附录中的图、表、式、参考文献等应另外编号,与正文分开。每一附录的各种序号的编排如下:B. 1.1B. 1.2附录A附录B BB. 1.2.1图B.1 图B.n图B.1 图B.m四、学位论文装订顺序1.论文封面2.论文扉页3.论文原创性声明和使用授权声明4.审核认定书5.论文摘要(中外文)6.论文目录(中外文)7.论文正文8.致谢9.参考文献10.攻读博士

9、学位期间取得的学术成果11. 附录(必要时)五、学位论文的其它要求1. 导师在论文审阅认定书签字后,论文方可定稿。2. 论文一律用计算机打印。3. 研究生学位论文的封面脊背上需印有论文题目、作者姓名、时间等内容,字体大小根据脊背宽度确定。4. 学位论文的保密等级,应由学校保密委员会按国家有关条例予以确定后,在封皮规定的地方加以注明。不符合密级要求的,不得擅自标注。5. 论文中所涉及到的图、表、公式、计量单位、标点符号等须采用1984年2月27日国务院发表的中华人民共和国法定计量单位和中华人民共和国国家标准GB7713-87科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写规格的有关规定书写。(见附件2)6

10、. 按照国家有关文件规定,学位论文必须交有关单位归档。除赠送评阅人、答辩委员以及自用外,研究生应向学校档案馆和图书馆分别提交纸质版和电子版学位论文各1份;另外,博士生还应交校学位办公室1本论文(由中国国家图书馆归档保存)。说明:博士生归档论文应精装。六、从2006年开始,所有申请学位人员都必须按照上述撰写要求完成学位论文。在论文正式送审前,学校将组织有关人员对学位论文进行格式审查,审查不合格的论文一律不予送审。附件1:学位论文撰写格式模版附件2:论文写作中“量和单位”的规范表达中国矿业大学研究生院2005年12月尺寸2.52.5cm居中6cm2cm3cm5cm7cm楷体小2号,居中宋体小3号,

11、居中黑体2号,居中 29.7cm博/硕士学位论文宋体小2号居中浮选柱旋流分选机理研究王为 中国矿业大学2005年6月21cm黑体4号,居中距纸张底边5.5cm黑体4号,两端对齐中文题目:黑体2号;英文题目:Arial 2号 大写;居中,距纸张上顶边9.5cm4cm5.5cm7cm5.5cm宋体4号,两端对齐距纸张上顶边5.5cm工程硕士:写工程领域名称;MBA:工商管理硕士;MPA:公共管理硕士博士或硕士图书分类号: 密 级: 29.7cm浮选柱旋流分选机理研究STUDY ON THE CYCLONIC SEPARATION MECHANISM OF COLUMN FLOTATION作者姓名

12、王为 学位类别 博士 学科专业 矿物加工工程 研究方向 洁净能源 导师姓名 柳港 职 称 教授 入学时间 2002年9月 论文完成日期 2005年4月 论文答辩日期 2005年6月 授予学位日期2005年7月 中国矿业大学21cm中国矿业大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文 ,是本人在导师指导下,在中国矿业大学攻读学位期间进行的研究工作所取得的成果。据我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:此页请下载年月日

13、签名须手写学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解中国矿业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意本人所撰写的学位论文的使用授权按照学校的管理规定处理:签名须手写作为申请学位的条件之一,学位论文著作权拥有者须授权所在学校拥有学位论文的部分使用权,即:学校档案馆和图书馆有权保留学位论文的纸质版和电子版,可以使用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编学位论文;为教学和科研目的,学校档案馆和图书馆可以将公开的学位论文作为资料在档案馆、图书馆等场所或在校园网上供校内师生阅读、浏览。另外,根据有关法规,同意中国国家图书馆保存研究生学位论文。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)。作者签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日

14、年 月 日论文审阅认定书研究生 在规定的学习年限内,按照研究生培养方案的要求,完成了研究生课程的学习,成绩合格;在我的指导下完成本学位论文,经审阅,论文中的观点、数据、表述和结构为我所认同,论文撰写格式符合学校的相关规定,同意将本论文作为学位申请论文送专家评审。签名须手写 此页请下载 导师签字: 年 月 日标题:黑体小2加粗居中,单倍行距,段前24磅,段后18磅;正文:宋体小4,行距固定值20磅;“关键词”三字加粗。摘 要旋流静态微泡浮选柱是一种具有我国自主知识产权的新型柱式分选方法与设备。特有的旋流场结构以及在煤炭分选方面的成功应用,为浮选柱技术在我国矿物分选方面的拓展奠定了良好的基础。本论

15、文分析了旋流静态微泡浮选柱的旋流场结构及特有的流场特征:较高的背压环境、开放的溢流口和三产品底部排放通道。在此基础上,研究了柱体背压、循环矿浆压力、循环矿浆量对旋流场的影响。研究表明,随着柱体背压的增加,浮选柱充气量将明显降低。随着循环矿浆量的增加,循环矿浆压力升高,旋流力场强度增强。适宜的柱体高度与循环矿浆量是旋流分选的重要保障。采用ANSYS/ FLOTRAN计算流体动力学软件对旋流静态微泡浮选柱旋流场进行了模拟。研究了浮选柱内部单相流条件下的速度及流场分布,并通过流场分布进一步推测了浮选柱内的分选状况。研究表明,循环矿浆量的大小应满足旋流强度、循环分选次数以及吸气量的要求,一般为给料量的


17、对柿竹园低品位萤石矿和汤丹高氧化率难选铜矿分别进行了实验室和半工业分选试验。研究表明,在原矿品位为18.34%的情况下,经过浮选柱一粗三精四段作业下,萤石精矿品位达99.01%,回收率40.11%;对氧化率高达61.39%,品位为1.279%的汤丹铜矿,采用两段粗选,一段扫选,一段精选流程,获得精矿品位20.06%,回收率81.97%的分选指标。关键词:浮选柱 旋流 分选机理 浮选动力学 矿物分选标题:Arial 小2号字加粗居中,单倍行距,段前24磅,段后18磅;内容:Times New Roman 小4号字,行距固定值20磅; “ Keywords”加粗。AbstractCyclonic

18、static micro-bubble column flotation is a new column separation method and device with China self-owned intellectual property. The successful application of this equipment in coal preparation along with its special cyclonic field structure has laid a solid base for the further application of column

19、flotation in mineral processing.The structure of cyclonic field of the cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation and its unique characterizations including high back pressure, open overflow lip and three-product discharge were analyzed in this dissertation. The results indicated that the amount

20、of gas adsorption decreases significantly with increasing back pressure, and the intensity of cyclonic field as well as the pressure of circulating pulp increase with increasing amount of circulating pulp. Suitable column height and amount of circulating pulp are key factors to form cyclonic separat

21、ion. A computational fluid dynamics software, ANSYS/ FLOTRAN, was introduced to simulate the cyclonic fluid field of the column flotation. The distribution patterns for velocity field and fluid field were investigated under single phase condition. Moreover, the separation behavior of the column was

22、explained by the simulation. It has been found that the amount of circulating pulp should meet the requirements from cyclonic field intensity, circulating separation cycles and the amount of gas adsorption as well. The amount of circulating pulp should usually be 23 times of the feeding pulp. The fl

23、uid field showed similar distribution patterns with increasing feeding amount, however, the axial velocity increases in the meantime.Kinetics equations for particles of both non-target minerals and mineralized bubbles were derived through the study of their cyclonic kinetics behavior. Particle radia

24、l terminal velocity and particle retention time in cyclonic zone were calculated. Moreover, the cyclonic separation performance was systematically evaluated. It has been shown that cyclonic separation consists of two processes which are cyclonic flotation and cyclonic separation. The high mineraliza

25、tion rate and mineralization quality of the column can be attributed to the cyclonic force field. Due to the involvement of cyclonic force filed, column flotation exhibits higher flotation rate and lower bottom separation size limit. It also has been found that the presence of cyclonic force field r

26、esults in enhanced separation of fine particles and reduction of unselective entrainment.Collection zone of the column is considered to consist of two parts, column separation zone and cyclonic zone. The flotation rate constant and particle retention time equation were developed for each zone. Parti

27、cle retention time model was evaluated by mineral flotation tests. And an expression for calculating total recovery of the column was derived by considering the recovery of both collection zone and froth zone.Separation experiments on samples from Shizhuyuan low-grade tungsten tailings and Tangdan h

28、ighly oxided copper ore were performed by using both experimental and pilot-scale cyclonic static micro-bubble flotation columns. The results showed that when the grade of feeding fluorite ore was 18.34% and four stage column flotation (one rougher and three cleaners) was employed, the concentrate g

29、rade was 99.01% with a recovery of 40.11%. For the Tangdan copper oxide ore with high oxidation degree (61.39%) and grade (1.279%), after being processed by two roughers, one scavenger and one cleaner, the concentrate grade was 20.06% with a recovery of 81.97%. Column flotation has exhibited high en

30、richment ratio, efficient recovery and simple circuit when used in mineral separation. Keywords: column flotation; cyclonic separation; separation mechanism; flotation kinetics; mineral separationAbstract (detailed)Column flotation is being accepted by the mineral processing industry due to its simp

31、licity of structure, high efficiency and good separation performance. Especially in the coal separation industry, column flotation has obtained wide applications. However, there exists a problem that ideal separation performances can not be reached in some aspects (concentrate grade, recovery, proce

32、ssing capacity, etc.) by this equipment due to some scale-up and design principles were not well followed However, there exists a problem that ideal separation performances can not be reached in some aspects (concentrate grade, recovery, processing capacity, etc.) by this equipment due to some scale

33、-up and design principles were not well followed.The state-of-the-art status of column flotation studies, especially simulation, scale-up and numerical analysis technologies, were systematically investigated in this dissertation. The merits and disadvantages of popular columns were summarized and ma

34、thematical models for cyclonic-static micro-bubble column flotation were developed. Fluid states inside the column were addressed as well in this research. Cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation has proven to be an efficient separation facility for fine particles treatment. The fundamental se

35、paration principles of cyclonic-static micro-bubble column flotation were explored in this dissertation and the effects on the cyclonic separation from back pressure, fluid pressure and amount of circulation were investigated. It has found that the back pressure increases with increasing circulation

36、 pump pressure and amount of circulation, however, in the meantime, the amount of gas adsorption drops dramatically. The amount of gas adsorption as well as the pressure of circulation pump increases significantly with increasing amount of circulation. Suitable column height and amount of circulatin

37、g pulp are key factors to form cyclonic separation. A computational fluid dynamics software, ANSYS/ FLOTRAN, was introduced to simulate the cyclonic fluid field of the column flotation. The distribution patterns for velocity field and fluid field were investigated under single phase condition. Moreo

38、ver, the separation behavior of the column was explained by the simulation. It has been found that the amount of circulating pulp should meet the requirements from cyclonic field intensity, circulating separation cycles and the amount of gas adsorption as well. The amount of circulating pulp should

39、usually be 23 times of the feeding pulp. In this research, kinetics equations for particles of both non-target minerals and mineralized bubbles were derived. Particle radial terminal velocity and particle retention time in cyclonic zone were calculated. Analysis of the cyclonic separation performanc

40、e indicated that the high mineralization rate and mineralization quality of the column can be attributed to the cyclonic force field. Due to the involvement of cyclonic force filed, column flotation has higher flotation rate and lower separation size limit. It also has been found that the presence o

41、f cyclonic force field results in enhanced separation of fine particles and reduction of unselective entrainment. The collection zone of cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation is considered to consist of two parts, column separation zone and cyclonic zone. The flotation rate constant and part

42、icle retention time equation were developed for each zone. Particle retention time model was evaluated by mineral flotation tests. And an expression for calculating total recovery of the column was derived by considering the recovery of both collection zone and froth zone.Laboratory and pilot-scale

43、separation tests were performed on Shizhuyuan fluorite and Tangdan copper oxide by using cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation. The results are summarized briefly as below:Flotation of Shizhuyuan fluorite: Fluorite in the tailing of tungsten rough separation can be recovered by using column

44、flotation arranged as one rougher plus three stages of cleaners. The requirements of concentrate quality as well as its grade can be met by this flowsheet. When magnetic and flotation circuit (with the middling retreated by flotation columns) is used, under the condition of one column as rougher and

45、 three as cleaners, the concentrate grade and recovery of this circuit are 99.01% and 40.11%, respectively which are much higher than those of the circuit of magnetic separation and flotation without middling re-treatment. And if the content of SiO2 is less than 1% (0.97%), the actual recovery of fl

46、uorite can reach 33.61%. Several merits hold true for this equipment including simple circuit, low energy consumption, higher concentrate grade and recovery than the circuit by using conventional flotation cells. Flotation of Tangdan copper oxides: In this pilot-scale experiment, it has been showed

47、that the cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation circuit (two stages of rough separation, one scavenger and one cleaner) presented very good separation performance with the tailing grade of 0.22%, final product grade of 20.06% and recovery of 81.97%. The concentrate recovery can be further imp

48、roved if pilot-scale or industrial columns are involved due to the fact that wall-effects can be further inhibited if larger diameter of the column. Column flotation has exhibited high enrichment ratio, efficient recovery and simple circuit when used in mineral separation. The successful application

49、 of cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation in the separation of fluorite and copper oxides has built a stronger base for the industrialization of this promising equipment. Keywords: column flotation; cyclonic separation; separation mechanism; flotation kinetics; mineral separation目 录标题:黑体小2号加

50、粗居中,单倍行距,段前24磅,段后18磅。1 前 言11.1 概述11.1.1研究目标11.1.2研究方法22 浮选柱实验研究4一级标题:宋体小4号加粗,段前0.5行,段后0.5行,单倍行距;二级标题:宋体小4,行距固定值20磅;三级标题:宋体5号,行距固定值20磅。2.1 浮选柱研究现状43 浮选柱的旋流场结构203.1 浮选柱分选机理203.2 浮选柱选流场216 浮选动力学 716.1 柱体背压的影响716.2 循环矿浆压力的影响726.3 循环矿浆量的影响768 结 论107致 谢110参考文献111学术成果120标题:Arial 小2号字加粗居中,单倍行距,段前24磅,段后18磅。T

51、able of Contents1 Preface 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Research Objectives 11.1.2 Research Approach 22 Experiment Research of Column Flotation3一级标题:Times New Roman 小4号字加粗,段前0.5行,段后0.5行,单倍行距;二级标题:Times New Roman 小4号字,行距固定值20磅;三级标题:Times New Roman 5号字,行距固定值20磅。2.1 Research of Column Flotation43 Structure

52、of Cyclonic Field of Column Flotation 203.1 Separation Mechanism of Column Flotation 203.2 Cyclonic Field of Column Flotation 216 Flotation Kinetics of Column Flotation 716.1 Influence of Back Pressure 716.2 Influence of Pressure Circulating 726.3 Influence of Intensity of Cyclonic Field 768 Conclus

53、ions107Acknowledgments 110References111Academic Achievements 120一级标题:黑体小2加粗居中,单倍行距,段前0.5行,段后0行;英文标题:Arial小2加粗居中,单倍行距,段前0行,段后0.5行。第1章 前言 Chapter 1 Preface随着地球矿物资源日趋贫、细、杂,微细粒难选矿石的分选、提纯成为当今矿物加工界迫切需要解决的难题之一。高效细粒分选方法与设备的开发显得尤为重要。浮选柱的研制和开发应用就是在这一背景下的产物。二级标题:黑体小3,行距固定值20磅,段前0.5行,段后0.5行;英文标题:Arial小3。1.1 概述(

54、Introduction)1.1.1 研究目标(Research Objectives)三级标题:黑体4号,行距固定值20磅,段前0.5行,段后0.5行;英文标题:Arial 4号。描述旋流静态微泡浮选柱的旋流场结构,分析旋流场特征及其影响;借助流体力学软件对柱体的内部流场进行模拟并分析其流场速度分布规律,研究循环矿浆量及给矿量等因素对流场的影响;通过对旋流场内的颗粒受力分析,建立基于旋流的颗粒动力学方程;系统揭示旋流分选作用,并进行相关动力学分析1.1.2研究方法(Research Approach)流场模拟及分选机理研究。建立实验室浮选柱观测试验系统,并通过流场数值模拟软件,对旋流静态微泡

55、浮选柱所特有的旋流场进行系统研究。实验室浮选柱观测试验系统用于分析浮选柱的旋流场结构及操作参数对分选效果的影响。流体数值模拟软件ANSYS /FLOTRAN用于模拟浮选柱旋流场内部流动,获得浮选柱内的旋流场的速度分布规律。并通过对旋流场内颗粒的受力分析,分别建立非目的矿物颗粒和矿化气泡的旋流动力学方程,在此基础上进行浮选柱的浮选动力学分析。正文内容:宋体小4号,行距固定值20磅;英文用Times New Roman,小4号。第3章 浮选柱的旋流场结构表标题中文:居中,宋体5号字,单倍行距;英文:Times New Roman,5号字。Chapter 3 Structure of Cycloni

56、c Field of Column Flotation3.1 浮选柱分选机理(Separation Mechanism of Column Flotation) 表3-1 筛分粒度组成Table 3-1 Particle Size Distribution Results粒级,mm产率,灰分,累计产率,累计灰分,0.53.807.383.807.380.50.254.554.568.355.840.250.1253.325.4711.675.740.1250.0744.743.6316.415.130.0740.04510.723.1127.134.330.04572.874.64100.00

57、4.56合计100.004.56 图标题置于图的下方,居中;宋体5号字,单倍行距;英文:Times New Roman,5号字。图3-1 循环矿浆压力与柱体背压的关系Figure 3-1 Relationship Between the Pressure of Circulating Pulp and the Back Pressure致谢Acknowledgments本论文是在_教授的悉心指导下完成的,没有_的指导、鼓励及资金上的大力支持,论文是不可能得以顺利完成的。师从五载,收获颇丰,感触亦深。刘老师优秀的做人品质,严谨的治学态度,开拓创新的精神,高屋建瓴把握全局的能力,忘我的工作精神给学

58、生树立起潜移默化的典范作用,这也是导师传授给学生最宝贵的财富。在此,谨向我的导师致以深深的敬意。感谢感谢标题:黑体小2加粗居中,单倍行距,段前0.5行,段后0行;英文标题:Arial小2加粗居中,单倍行距,段前0行,段后0.5行;内容:楷体小4,行距固定值20磅。参考文献References1 朱友益.新结构LHJ浮选柱的分选机理及数学模型研究.北京科技大学博士学位论文,北京科技大学图书馆,1997.2 Durney, T.E. Fine coal flotation using the flotaire column flotation cell, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, 1990 (4), 55-59.3 彭寿清.浮选柱的发展和应用.湖南有色金属.1998(2)14,14-19 .4 Yianatos J.B. Bergh L.G., RTD Studies in an industrial flotation column, Use of the radioactive tracer technique, International Journal of Mineral Pressing, 1992(36),81-91.5 冯绍灌. 选煤数学模型

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