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1、A Film Review of flippedHave watched the film called flipped , I am deeply moved by the story happe ned betwee n Juli and Bryce, two small childre n pure and know little about what is love .To be honest, I fall in love with young Juli when first saw her, just as the excellent article showed on class

2、 by teacher says, Juli has extremely bright eyes, which can catch your heart. You have to admit that Juli is a girl who is brave and caring. Met Bryce at the first time, she loses her heart and expect to get Bryce . s kiss In order to finish this purpose ,she did many things .However Bryce is a shy

3、boy who is different from Juli ,avoiding to met Juli though they are in the same class. As far as I am concern ed, as a boy should be outgo ing, just like Juli ,dare to love and hate, have ideas on what to do and not to .More or less, a family plays a great role in children s persduaiitylucky to hav

4、e a good family to give her right va lue .Juli s father is a dreawto does not care about material life and shows his full love to his family including to his retarded brother. Faced with the rich neighbor1 s laugh ifagher does not have any sense of inferiority, but holds his belief firmly and gives

5、his daughter an eternal parasol tree after the world took away Juli s big treAs to Bryces father, rich but losing, elegant but impolite. Effected by his father, Bryce starts to looki ng dow n upon Juli and her family, thin king her family is poor and her yard is dirty, which leads to his refusing to

6、 the eggs Juli offers. Even more, his father show little respect to his sister and grandfather, which makes me disgust. Overall, though two families have their shortcoming, we should do what is beneficial to childrens growth rather than make them cultivate a bad pers on ality which will make others

7、keep dista nee to the n.Whe n first saw Juli climb up the tree, Bryce think it *s stupid, refus ing to Julis invitation to climb up the tree with her. I do not understand why Juli so insistent to offer her invitation at the beginning, seeing light suddenly after Juli climbs to the top of the tree, w

8、here she can see the most beautiful seenery in the whole world and the fasc in ati ng sun rise and sun set. Perhaps she want to share cherish thing with whom she loved, so she is unwilling to come down when people plan to cut the tree which attribute to her appearing in newspaper. Ifs her father cpa

9、inting about that tree that makes her find her happ in ess and ends up those cfsyabse ntmin ded ness and sad ness.Whe n grow ing, we all n eed somebodys guide. Bryce is lucky eno ugh to have a so great gran dfather to tell him who he is and he should be a kind and hon est pers on. Just as what Bryce

10、s grandfather s said when they were walking together, some of us get dipped in flat, some in sat in, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find some one whos iridesce nt, and whe n you do, nothing will ever compare” ,which gives me a big shock. The growth of love, we often use the way to says

11、top , in fact, we n eed a wise ma ns lead in g, lear n to how to love. Thafs where our missi ng in educatio n. I really love the old man who help ing Bryce discover the bright ness of Juli, helping Juli repair the yard and build the fences without explaining or saying volun tarily, stepp ing forward

12、 whe n Bryces father laughed at her retarded un cle.When you like me, I don tlike you; when you fall in love with me , I like you; when you leave me, I fall in love with you; is that you go to fast, or I can follow your footsteps. When Juli loved him, he was in flue need by his father, eve n lay to

13、her ;whe n the girl didn love him, he had a subtle feeling, opened his heart with his fath6s help, bega n to un dersta nd her. I n the end, he found his girl, he will not tur n a bli nd eye, not to pass, not tur n around immediately, in stead of grasp ing firmly. If there was a girl loves me, I will

14、 n ot determ ine by other* ideas and comme nts, I will follow my heart. Love is your own bus in ess,so you should make your own choice when you are in trouble.Bei ng selected as a basketboy, Bryce was school beauty scramble for, and had bee n bidi ng by the girl the most closely watched at school. H

15、e did not have a sense of happ in ess he was look ing forward to duri ng the launch time, what he expected is to be bid ing by Juli, the girl is hav ing launch with a boy n obody care happily. But could he know Juli suffering and contradictory heart? Could he know that they never have a better un de

16、rsta nding of each other? Eve n more, Bryce came to her and wan ted to give her a kiss, which is what she wan ted whe n she was seve n years old. However, sane Juli run away sadly, not becausethe kiss is to latter, it * becauseshe had been disgusted with the boy once flipped.Un til Juli saw Bryce pl

17、a nting trees in her yard Saw Bryce love and sin cerity, she walked to Bryce, plan ting the tree together in the sun, with their hand in hand, smili ng to each other. This s the first time they really had known each other after many years.I don tknow how much they understand the love because they we

18、re to young. But I hold the belief firmly, that the emotion of adolescence is beautiful, also be bitter. Bryce had met a girl just likes rain bow, giving him a better un dersta nding of love. Juli ,the girl who is in adolescence,experieneed a process seeking herself, which made her grow not only bea

19、utiful and full of charm.怦然心动观后感看完怦然心动这部电影,我已经被发生在Juli和Bryce这两个单纯和对爱情懵懂的孩子之间的故事深深地打动了。说实话,当我第一次看到小Juli出现的时候,我也喜欢上了她,就像老师在课上展示的那篇 范文说的一样,Juli有一双能抓住你心的眼睛。不得不承认Juli是一个勇敢和有爱心的女孩。当 她第一次见到Bryce的时候,她已被他迷住,希望得到他的吻。为了达到这个目的,她做了好多事情。但是,Bryce却不同于Juli,他是一个害羞的男孩,尽管和Juli在同一班级仍然躲着她。依我看,作为一个男孩 就应该活泼点,就行Juli 样,敢爱敢恨,

20、知道自己做什么和不做什么。一个家庭对孩子性格或多或少都有点影响。Juli很幸运有一个好的家庭能给他正确的价值 观。Juli的父亲是一个梦想家,他不在乎物质生活,但是他对他的家人和他智障弟弟确实满满的 爱。面对富裕邻居的嘲笑,她的父亲没有任何自卑鳳,仍然坚持自己信念,在Juli的那棵大树被 砍掉了之后,他给了他女儿一棵永恒的树。而Bryce的父亲,富有但失败,文雅但无礼。受他父 亲的影响Bryce开始看不起Juli和她的家庭,认为她家穷,她家的院子很脏,最后他拒绝了 Juli送来的鸡蛋。更过分的是,他父亲还不尊重他姐姐和他外公,这让我很反感o整体来看,尽 管两个家庭都有缺点,但是我们应该做一些对

21、孩子成长有好处的事情而不是让他们让成一个让别 人都疏远的性格。第一次看到Juli爬树的时候,Bryce认为这是一个很愚蠢的行为,拒绝了 Juli的邀请。我不 理解为什么Juli这么坚持地邀请,当我看到Juli爬到了树 顶,在那里他看到全世界最美丽的风 景和迷人的日出和日落。或许她希望能和她最爱的人分享最美好的东西,所以当人们来砍树的时 候他不愿意下来,最后 出现了在报纸上。他父亲画了一幅树的画这让她重新高兴起来,结束了这 几天的心不在焉和伤心。在成长的道路上,我们需要别人的指引。Bryce很幸运能有一个这么好的外公来告诉他他是谁他应该做一个善良诚实的人。就想他们一块散步时Bryce外公所说的那

22、样,我们中有的人暗淡无光,有的色泽艳丽,有的则光彩照人,但是偶尔你也会遇到色 彩斑斓的人。当你真遇到时,其他一切都不重要了,这句话给了我很大的震撼。在爱的成长道路 上,我们总是说不行,实际上我们需要一个智者的指引,学会怎么去爱。这就是我们教育所缺失 的东西。我真的很喜欢这个老人,他帮助Bryce发现了 Juli的光芒,并且默默地帮助Juli修复 院子建造篱笆,即使Bryce的父亲嘲笑她的智障叔叔,他仍然坚持。当你喜欢我的时候,我不喜欢你;当你爱上我的时候,我喜欢上你;当你离开我的时候,我却爱 上你;是你走得太快,还是我跟不上你的脚步。当Juli喜欢他的时候,他却受父亲的影响甚至对她说谎,当她不

23、喜欢他的时候,他有一种微妙的感觉,在他 外公帮助下打开心扉,开始理解。最后,他找到了他的女孩,他不在视而不理,不再错过,不再 立即转身离开,而是紧紧抓住。如果有一个女孩喜欢我,我不会让别人的想法和评论来左右我的 决定。我会跟着自己心走。爱情是自己的事情,应该自己做决定当有疑惑的时候。Bryce被选为“篮子男孩”后,成为了校花争夺的对象并被全校最受尖注的女生拍下。在和 校花吃饭的时候他并没有期望的幸福感,他所期望的是被Juli拍下,而Juli却和那个没人在乎的 男孩津津有味地吃饭。但是他又怎么懂得Juli煎熬和矛盾的心呢?他们俩个又怎么能相互理解彼 此呢?Bryce走向Juli,想给她一个吻,但是Juli却伤心的跑走了。不是因为这吻来地太迟,只是这个曾经让她 心动的男孩已经让她反感了。直到最后,她看到Bryce在她家院子里种树。看到有爱心、真诚的Bryce,她走向他。和他一起在阳光下种树,他们手牵着手,对视而笑。这是他们相识多年后第一次真正 相互理解对方。我不知道对于这么小的孩子对于爱懂得多少。但是我坚信,青春期的感情是美好的,也是苦 涩的。Bryce遇见了一个彩虹般的女孩,教会他懂得了爱。Juli这一个在青春期的小女孩,经历 了发现自己的过程,这让她不仅更漂亮而且充满魅力。

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