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1、5 种语句会让聪明的你听起来很傻Even if youre clever and educated, you could still be guilty of making these popular but annoying 点击发音 speaking mistakes.即使你很聪明也受过教育, 但是你仍然可能会因为犯一些常见但很烦人的口语错误而充满罪 恶感。Theres a lot you can change about your presentation to make yourself seem smarter(and, hey, if you want to go for subs

2、tance over style, plenty of ways to actually be smarter), but few have a bigger impact than eliminating bad speech habits.关于演讲, 你可以做很多改变来让你自己看起来更聪明(另外,嘿, 如果你主张内容重于风 格,那么有很多方法可以让你实际上听起来更聪明) ,但是没有什么能比改掉演讲中的坏习 惯更有效果。Youre an educated person, however, who knows to stay away from aint, avoids the valley

3、girl staple like, and steers clear of fillers like ummm. Does that mean your speech is as polished as it could be? Chances are that no matter how clever and careful you are, youre still making at least a few inadvertent 点击发音 errors that lower others opinion of your intelligence 点击发 音.你是一个受过教育的人,然而,谁

4、知道要远离aint (不是),避免山里的女娃特爱说的like,以及绕开使用诸如 ummm (嗯) 之类的填充词呢。那是否意味着你的演讲能和预期一样 达到精彩绝伦呢?可能的情况是: 无论你多么聪明和细心, 你仍然会犯一些会降低你在他人 心中的聪明程度的无心的错误。Thats the message of an interesting recent post from Sarah Winfrey on blog WiseBread. Rather than the usual suspects of poor speaking, Winfrey digs up some speech habits

5、 that are less often commented on but no less annoying and that even people who pay attention to their communication style are often guilty of. Here are five of the best:这是 Sarah Winfrey 最近在 WiseBread 博客上写的一篇有意思的文章所表达的观点。不像通 常那种口语差的主题,这篇文章中 Winfrey 发现有些演讲习惯很少被人评论,但是容易让人 厌烦,并且当人们注意到自己的沟通风格中也会不经意用到时会充

6、满罪恶感。下面是用的最多的 5 个:1. I know, right? “我知道,对吧?”Popular among eager-to-please 20-somethings, this phrase sounds innocuous 点击发音 but is actually pretty awkward 点击发音 . It asks a question that the other person may not know whether or not to answer. Since youre asking them to affirm 点击发音 something they just

7、 said, using this can make the other person in the conversation confused, and it can make you look like you dont know what to say, explains Winfrey. Opt 点击发音 for a simple Oh, yeah or just receptive silence instead, she advises.这句话在急于取悦别人的 20 多岁的人中很流行,它听起来无伤大雅但是实际上非常尴尬。Winfrey 解释说“它附带的问题让其他人不知道回答还是不回

8、答。你让他们确认他们刚刚说 的东西, 用这句话会让谈话中的其他人感到困惑, 而且这也会显得你似乎不知道该说什么。 ”2. Youll be fine.“你会没事的”Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine, but chances are he or she will think youre a bonehead 点击发音 . When something bad happens to someone we care about, we want to make them feel better. We want to make

9、the situation better, so we tell them, Youll be fine.Unfortunately, this is dismissive 点击发音 and sends a clear message that you arent interested in listening to them. Even if this isnt at all what you want to say, this is your message when you use these words, argues Winfrey. According to her, saying

10、 nothing is better than using this aggravating phrase. 也许听你讲这句话的人确实会没事,但是可能情况是:他或她会觉得你是个傻瓜。 Winfrey 认为“当有什么不好的事情发生在我们关心的人身上时, 我们想让他们感觉好一点。 我们想 让情况变得好一点,所以我们告诉他们, 你会没事的 。不幸的是,这句话很冷漠,它清晰 的传达出一种信息, 你没兴趣听他们诉说。 即使这不是你想表达的意思, 但是你使用这句话 时,你传达出的就是这种意思” 。她还表示,不说话也比说这个令人恼怒的话要好。3. I think you should. “我认为你应该 .”

11、What could be wrong with a little well-meant advice? Plenty, contends Winfrey. If someone comes to you and asks, What do you think I should do about this? its fine to give them advice. Otherwise, just dont. Offering advice when it wasnt requested makes you sound pompous点击发音 , or at least like you en

12、joy appearing to be clever, she warns, suggesting guilty parties listen harder and ask better questions instead.小小的善意的建议能有什么错呢? Winfrey 认为大错特错。 Winfrey 警告说“如果有人问你, 关于这个你认为我应该做些什么呢? 那么给他们提些建议没有问题。 否则,不要提建议。 别人没有要求你直接提建议会显得你很自大,或者至少显得你喜欢显摆自己很聪明” ,她建 议说错话而有罪恶感的人们努力倾听,用问问题来更好的替代。4. Im not judging you, b

13、ut. “我不是在评论你,但是 .”Sorry, but yes you are. As soon as you say this youre being doubly annoying. Its clear to anyone even half awake that you are, in fact, being judgmental点击发音 and, to add insult 点击发音to injury, youre pretending that youre not. Quit it! 抱歉,但是你就是。只要你说这句话,毋庸置疑,你会让人很厌烦。对于所有人甚至是半清 醒的人都是显而易

14、见的, 实际上,你就是在评论他们,假装你没有更是雪上加霜。 不要用这 个句子了!The very fact that you are thinking in terms of judging means that you are making some sort of judgment about them in your own head. And this isnt good for you or for them, writes Winfrey. If youre guilty of saying this regularly, you might be guilty of being

15、a little too judgmental of others. Try to tame 点击发音 that tendency 点击发音 by thinking up reasons why the other persons actions might make sense, and speak to them from that place of understanding, suggests Winfrey.Winfrey 写道“事实上, judging (评论)的意思是在自己脑海中对他们做出某种判断。这个 对你或他们来说都不好” 。如果你对经常说这句话感到愧疚,那么你也可能对有点太

16、武断的 评断他人感到愧疚。 Winfrey 建议“通过思考为什么其他人的行为有意义,并且从你理解的 地方开始同他们交谈。 ”来改变这种陋习。5. Big words 不常用或不熟悉的词Heres a bonus fifth mistake that doesnt come from WiseBread but definitely bears repeating inthis context. If youre a fan of using big words to demonstrate the breadth of your vocabulary and the brilliance of

17、 your thinking, be warned: Studies show that using fancy words when simple ones will do is a sure-fire way to end up looking dumb. So before you get out the thesaurus点击发音in an attempt to impress, remember that simplicity and clarity are generally a better signal of mastery than flowery language.这附加的第五个错误不是出自于 WiseBread ,但是觉得有必要在这篇文章中重复一下。如果 你喜欢通过说大家都不熟悉或不常用的词来展示你词汇的广度以及你才华横溢,小心了: 研究表明, 当简单的词汇就能表达你的意思时, 使用华丽的辞藻毫无疑问会显得你很愚蠢。 所 以,在你抛开同义词典尝试给别人留下印象前, 记住简洁、 清晰明了的说法比华丽的辞藻更 能表明你精通一门语言。

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