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1、高二8篇完形填空1This is the story of two frogs. One frog was fat and the other1. One day, while searchi ng for food,they in adverte ntly jumped into a vat of 2. Theycould nt get out, as the sides were too 3, so theywere just swim ming around.The fat frog said to the th in frog, Brother frog, theres nouse 4

2、 a ny Ion ger. Were just going to drow n, 5 we might aswell give up. The thin frog replied, ”6 n brother, keeppaddling. Somebodywill get us out. And they continued paddling for 7.After a while, the fat frog said, Brother frog, theresno 8. rm becoming very 9 now, rm just going to stoppaddling and dro

3、wn. Its_10and n obodys work ing. Were doomed. Theres no 11 way out of here. But the thin frog said, Keep trying. Keeppaddling.12 will happen, keep paddling. Another couple of hours13.The fat frog said, I cant go 14 a ny Ion ger. Theres no sense in doing it because were goi ng to drow n 15. Whats the

4、 use? A nd the fat frog 16. He gave up. And he _17in the milk. But the thi n frog kept on paddli ng.Ten mi nu tes later, the th in frog 18 somethi ng solid ben eath his feet. He had stirred the milk into butter andhe hopped out of the vat(大桶)Every one will defi nitely 19 obstacles along the way to s

5、uccess. One of the keys to overcoming thoseobstacles is 20 . So, next time you come across difficulties, you need to grit(咬紧)your teeth and stick to yourfaith, and your efforts and persevera nee will pay off.1. A. sadB. shortC. skinnyD.smart2. A. waterB. lakeC. milkD.mud3. A. hillyB. smoothC. lo ngD

6、. tough4. A. paddli ngB. wait ingC. cryingD. worki ng5. A. butB. orC. andD.so6. A. Hold offB. Hold outC. Hold onD.Hold up7. A. mi nu tesB. hoursC. daysD.seconds8. A. questi onB. doubtC. won derD.use9. A. curiousB. tiredC. n ervousD.an gry10. A. Sun dayB. festivalC. workdayD.rai ny11. A. n ecessaryB.

7、 importa ntC. likelyD. possible12. A. Nothi ngB. Everyth ingC. Someth ingD. An ythi ng13. A. crossedB. passedC. con ti nuedD.faded14. A. outB. onC. offD.up15. A. any wayB. somehowC. howeverD.otherwise16. A. stoppedB. turnedC. failedD.acted17. A. enjoyedB. swamC. restedD.drow ned答案详解】1. C根据本句中的fat以及下

8、文出现的thin frog可知空白处的词应该是thin的近义词,fat的反义词,所以选择skinny“瘦的”。2. C根据第四段倒数第二句中的in the milk可知这两只青蛙无意中掉进了一大桶牛奶 (milk)中。3. B根据下文“它们仅仅能够四处游动”推知这个牛奶桶的四周非常光滑(smooth)。4. A根据下文的keep paddling和continued paddling可知答案为A项paddling“划水”。5. D根据上下文的逻辑关系可知选择so,句意:我们要马上淹死了,所以我们还是放弃为好。6. C根据下文的keep paddling可知这个瘦的青蛙告诉那个胖青蛙要坚持, 不

9、要放弃,hold on“坚持”与give up正好形成对比。7. B根据下一段的最后一句another couple of hours可知本空选择hours。8. D根据下一段中的Theres no sense in doing i“t做这件事是没有意义的” 可知本空选择use, 胖青蛙告诉瘦青蛙再怎么划水也是没用的。9. B根据情境可知由于它们一直划水,所以非常疲惫(tired)所以想放弃等待淹死。10. A根据下文的nobodys working没人上班”可推知今天是星期天(Sunday)最为合理。11. D根据上文的Were doomed“.我们注定的” 可知我们注定要死亡, 没有可能的

10、 (possible) 办法会从这里跳出去的。12. C根据下文的keep paddling可知这个瘦青蛙认为一会一定会有一些事情发生的,也就是 说会有办法的,要不停地划水。something will happen“一些事情会发生” 。13 B又有几个小时过去了(passed)。14. B胖青蛙说“我不能再继续了,这样做是没有意义的”,选择on可知go on继续”,和第二段最后一句中的continue近义。15. A不管怎么样我们都会淹死的,anyway不管怎样吗,无论如何”,而somehow不知何缘故” ;however然而” ;otherwise要不然,否则”。16. A根据下文的He

11、gave up可知本空选择stopped,这个胖青蛙停止划水并放弃了(求生的欲望)。17. D根据上文的He gave up可知这只胖青蛙最终放弃了划水并最后淹死(drown)在牛奶里。18. B根据下文的something solid beneath his feet可知选择felt感觉到”表明10分钟后, 这只瘦青蛙突然感觉到脚底下有一个固体的东西。19. D根据下文的come across偶然遇见”可知答案为encounter和come across近义,指的是在通往成功的道路上我们肯定会偶然遇到一些想不到的障碍(困难)。20. A根据下文的stick to坚持”可知本空选择persev

12、eranee毅力”同时本段最后一句perseveranee will pay off有提示,而diligenee勤奋”;Intelligenee智力”;bravery勇敢” 均与题意不符。【小贴士】inadvertently adv.疏忽地;非故意地stir v.搅拌【障碍句分析】18. A. discovered19. A. setB. feltB. overcome20. A. perseveranceB. diligence【语篇解读】人生的旅途不会是一帆风顺的, 懈的人才能取得最后的成功。C. understoodC. pickC. intelligence遇到困难和挫折时,D. re

13、cognizedD. encounterD. bravery只有不轻言放弃,坚持不So, n ext time you come across difficulties, you n eed to grit(咬紧)your teeth and stick to your faith, and yourefforts and persevera nee will pay off.因此,下一次你遇到困难的时候,你需要咬紧牙关并坚持你的信念,你的努力和毅力会得到回报的。A professor was traveling with a few of his stude nts, theyhappe n

14、ed to pass a lake. Then the professor told one of hisstude nts to get me some 1for him.When the stude nt 2 the lake, he no ticed that some peoplewere washing clothes in the water and,3 at that moment, abullockcart(牛车)started cross ing through the lake. As a result, thewater became very 4. Thestudent

15、 thought,“How can I give this muddy water to my 5 todrink!?”So he came back and told professor,“The water inthere is very muddy. I donthink it is6 to drink.”After about half an hour, again the professor asked the 7stude nt to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The stude nt went bac

16、k to the 8 . This time hefound that the lake had 9 clear water in it. So he _10 some water in a pot and brought it to the professor.The professor looked at the water, and the n he looked up at the stude nt and said, See what you did to makethe water 11. You let it be . and the mud 12 on its ownand y

17、ou gotclear water. Your 13 is also like that. When it is 14, just let it be. Give it a little15_. It will settle down on its own. You dont have to put in any effort to calm it down. It is16_.”What did the professor emphasize here? He said, It is effortless. Having 17 of mind isnot a strenuous(费力的)jo

18、b; it is an effortless 18. When there is peace 19_ you, thatpeace permeates(渗透)to the outside. It 20 around you and in the environment, such that people around startfeeli ng that peace and grace.1. A. foodB. waterC. moneyD. homework2. A. ranB. reachedC. arrivedD. got3. A. rightB. stillC. justD. ever

19、4. A. pois onousB.deepC. pollutedD. muddy5. A. ownerB. fatherC. professorD. God6. A. enoughB. fitC. tastyD. well7. A. differe ntB. otherC. sameD. lazy8. A. homeB. lakeC. schoolD. cart9. A. absolutelyB. hardlyC. no rmallyD. regularly10. A. collectedB. stoleC. offeredD. fou nd本句中的next time引导的是时间状语从句,

20、得到回报”。pay off在本句中意为取得成功,使受益,答案详解】1. B根据下文的to drink以及the water in there都可知本句指的是教授让他的一个学生去为 他获得一些水(water)。2. B到达湖边用reach,如果用arrive要用at,get和run后面要用to。3. A right at the moment“就在这时候” ,选择right意为“正好,恰好” 。4. D根据下文的give this muddy water可推知在一个牛车穿过这个湖的时候,湖水变得非常 脏,选择muddy“泥泞的”符合语境。5. C根据文章第一句话可直接推知这是学生给教授(prof

21、essor)取水。6. B根据语境可知这个学生觉得湖水变得非常脏了,不适合给教授喝,be fit for“适合”。7. C根据again可知这位教授又让那个刚才的那个同一位(same)学生回到湖边去取水。8. B根据上文的go back to the lake可直接选择lake。9. A这次这位学生发现湖水绝对清澈了,他才用罐子收集一些水,absolutely“绝对地”符合题意。hardly“几乎不” ;normally“正常地” ;regularly“有规律地”。10. A根据情境应该是他用罐子收集一些水然后带到教授跟前,collect“收集” 。11. A根据上文的clear和当时的语境可

22、知,教授问他的学生“要想使湖水干净(clean)”你只需要的是“顺其自然” 。12. D选择settle down和下文的calm down相呼应,同时本段倒数第三句也出现了settle downon its own,指的是“湖水中的泥会自己逐渐平静下来的” 。13 C根据下一段的第二句可知选择mind,指的是人们大脑思想(mind)的平静。14. D本句是个比喻,把人们大脑思绪混乱和湖水的泥泞形成比喻,disturb“使打扰,使扰乱”,如果我们的大脑被打乱时,我们要顺其自然。15. B let it be“顺其自然”就是说给它一点时间(time),等到它自己平静下来。16. C根据最后一段第

23、二句中的it is effortless,可知答案为C项,可知“你不必费力让它平静下来,这是很容易的(effortless)(是不费力气的)。17. B根据上文的settle down以及下文的peace和grace可知本空指的是大脑的平静(peace)是一个不费力的工作。18. A使大脑的平静下来是一个容易的过程(process),而halfway“半路上”;progress“进步”;wait“等待”均不符合题意。19. B根据下文的outside可知本空选择inside与之相对应, “当你内心平静时,它会渗透到 外面”。20. C根据上文的permeates “渗透”可知本空指的是内心的平

24、静会从内部渗透到外面,同时传遍到(spread)你的周围和身边的环境,结果你身边的人也会感到那种平静的。11. A. clean12. A. broke down13. A. life14. A. gone15. A. devotion16. A. hopeless17. A. pride18. A. process19. A. throughB.specialB. setdownB.studyB.drunkB. timeB.uselessC. hotC. tore downC. mindC. flowedC. helpC. effortlessC. wealthC. progressC. b

25、eyond20. A. shows B. travelsC. spread【语篇解读】遇到困难时请不要焦急,更不要懊恼,只要保持平和的心态, 现转机。D. coolD. settled downD. workD. disturbedD. thoughtD. carelessD. spaceD. waitD. againstD. turns也许事情就会出【小贴士】True good are peacefully desired, sought without eagerness, possessed without elation, and postp onedwithout regret. (

26、Cove ntry Patmore)真正的善行,是心平气和的希冀,从容不迫地去寻找,平静地去拥有,无悔地延迟。(考文垂。帕特摩尔)【障碍句分析】When the stude nt reached the lake, he no ticed that some people were wash ing clothes in the water and, rightat that moment, a bullock cart(牛车)started crossing through the lake.当学生到达湖边时,他注意到有些人在用水洗衣服,就在这时,一辆牛车开始穿过湖。本句中that引导的是宾

27、语从句,a bullock cart (牛车) started crossing through the lake也是做noticed的宾语,start doingsth开始做某事”。The candysmooth wrapper crinkles as I trace itsedges with my fin gertips, imagi ning its contents. Thewrapper 1 like a like a fine structure, reveali ng a cornerof dark chocolate. I break off a piece and take

28、 2 in itscreamy smell. I have always had a sweet tooth, but it isnot just 3s nacks that I am eager to. Being4_by a sin gle pare nt has bee n a bittersweetexperie nee, but one that has give n me bounce and 5.When I was young, my mother 6 tell me that the racks of candy in the storeline7the cashier. S

29、he said this not to con fuse me, avoid spoil ing me, or even to teachme a8about earning rewards, though she in evitably did. She said it because she did nwant me to 9 because she could not 10a 50-ce nt chocolate bar.In stead of focus ing on our econo mic in stability, my mother11 pushed me to strive

30、 forsuccess so that I could lead a more 12 life tha n hers. She worked long hours every ni ght and 13 to pay theminimum due on her bills. 14, she would find time to read andstay with my sister, Emily, and me. Mom taught me the value of 15, educati on, and moralfiber. Although I did not have two pare

31、 nts, I was 16_and nu rtured just as much.Today I have 17 her, both academically and pers on ally. I enjoy the fact that I am not a bitter 18 of my en vironmen t; I am not a pers on who lets tryi ng times19 her focus,for I know that they are lear ning experie nces also. Success, like can dy, can be

32、the 20 treatof all.1. A. wearsB. tearsC. bearsD. contains2. A. nutritionB. beautyC. pleasureD. matter3. A. sugaryB. bitterC. freshD. cheap4. A. accompa niedB. discoveredC. en couragedD. raised5. A. barrierB. ambiti onC. disappo in tme ntD. sorrows checkout6. A. wouldB. couldC. shouldD. did7. A. belo

33、nged toB. picked upC. turned toD. adjusted to8. A. knowledgeB. skillC. lessonD. magic9. A. worryB. buyC. cheatD. entertain10. A. payB. spendC. costD. afford11. A. purposelyB. selflesslyC. accidentallyD. unwillingly12. A. commonB. comfortableC. naturalD. practical13. A. meantB. setC. adjustedD. strug

34、gled14. A. OtherwiseB. ThereforeC. StillD. However15. A. perseveranceB. understandingC. loyaltyD. honesty16. A. beatenB. lovedC. scoldedD. spoiled17. A. forgivenB. succeededC. matchedD. annoyed18. A. signB. productC. workD. hope19. A. makeB. pullC. interruptD. catch20. A. dearestB. leastC. smallestD

35、. sweetest【语篇解读】古人有言:功之成,非成于成之日,盖必有所由起。只有勇于面对人生中的苦 难,才能品尝到成功的滋味。【答案详解】1. B根据下文的like a fine structure, revealing a corner of dark chocolate.可知是巧克力的 包装纸撕开之后像是一个很好的结构,呈现出里面的黑色的巧克力一角,所以选择tear“撕开,撕裂”。2. C take pleasure in以为乐,本句指的是作者撕开一个巧克力,并喜欢里面的冰淇淋的 味道。3. A我一直喜欢吃甜食,但是这个巧克力不仅仅是我一直渴望的那种甜食的味道,选择sugary和上文的s

36、weet相呼应。4. D我是由一个单亲妈妈抚养长大的,raise在本句中意为“抚养,养育” 。5. B根据bounee“弹性”和本句中的转折连词but可知选择ambition“野心,抱负”更符合,指的是虽然我有苦乐参半的经历,但是它同时给了我恢复力和抱负。barrier“障碍”;disappointment“失望” ;sorrow“悲伤”均不符合题意。6. A当我小的时候,妈妈常常告诉我在商店收银台前成排的机架上的糖果属于收银员的。Would表示“过去常常” 。7. A belong to“属于” ;pick up“拾起,购买” ;turn to“转向” ;adjust to“适应”,根 据上

37、文的翻译可知选择A项。8. C她这样说是为了不宠坏我, 同时能教会我以后赚钱。teach sb a lesso“n给我一个教训” 。9. A根据上文的a single mother可知我们当时的处境非常艰难, 所以妈妈为了不让我担心 (worry)才这么说的。10. D根据下文的economic instability可知我们当时经济不稳定, 妈妈买不起一个50美分 的巧克力,cantafford sth“买不起某物” 。11. B根据下文的pushed me to strive for success可知本空选择selflessly“无私地”,指的是妈妈在家境非常苦的情况下无私地推动我努力最

38、后成功。purposely“ 有 目 的 地 ”;accidentally“偶然地” ;unwillingly“不情愿地”均不符合题意。12. B母亲不断地无私奉献目的就是让我能过上一个舒适的(comfortable)生活。Common“普通的” ;natural“自然的”practical“切实可行的”均不符合题意。13. D她每天晚上挣扎着工作几个小时来支付账单上最小量的费用,strugglea挣扎,奋斗”来说明母亲工作的辛苦。14. C(即使生活的辛苦),她仍旧找时间来读书来陪伴着我的妹妹艾米丽和我。选择still“仍旧”说明母亲爱读书同时经常和孩子陪伴一起的母爱。15. A perse

39、veranee毅力” ;understanding“理解” ;loyalty“忠实” ;honesty“诚实” 根据下文的education,and moral fiber.以及下文的learning experiences可知选择A项,说明是 妈妈教我们毅力、教育和道德品质的重要性。16. B虽然我没有两个妈妈,但是我被深爱着以及同时被关照着的程度和两个妈妈一样 多。17. B succeed“继承”,本句指的是“今天无论从学业上还是个人品质上都继承了她”。18. B我喜欢这个事实,那就是我不是环境苦难的产物,product“产品,产物”。19. C我不是一个让尝试的时间打断(interru

40、pt)她的重心的人,因为我知道他们也是学 习的经历。20. D成功就有如糖果一样是所有食物中最甜美的享受。作者把success和candy比较,当然选择sweetest最甜的”符合题意。【小贴士】crinkle vt.& vi.(使)起皱reveal vt.显露;揭露inevitably adv.不可避免地nurture vt.养育【障碍句分析】In stead of focus ing on our econo mic in stability, my mother selflessly pushed me to strive for success so that Icould lead

41、a more comfortable life tha n hers.没有把目光专注于我们的经济不稳定,妈妈无私地把我推动我去获得成功,以便我就可以过比她更舒适的生活。本句中的in stead of翻译成“而不是,代替” ,so that引导的目的状语从句。【方法】4通顺逻辑,寻求搭配固定搭配包括动词与介、副词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等。女口动词:break、bring、come、go、get、give、keep、make、put、run、set、take、turn等与介、副词in、up、down、out、about、on、to等的搭配。首先能够清楚地分辨不同固定 搭配的

42、意义,同时要根据文章内容选择正确的短语。本文中的第8空teach sb a lesson和下文第10空canafford sth“买不起某物”都是固定搭配,同时第7题考查的是动词短语 辨析,首先弄清楚所给四个选项的含义,然后根据上下文语境可知妈妈告诉我“糖果属 于(belong to)收银员。”最符合语境。Atthe beg inning of my 8:00 a.m. class one Mon day atUni versity of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), I cheerfullyasked my 1 how their weekend had been. O

43、ne youngman said that his weeke nd had not bee n very 2.Hedhad his wisdom teeth 3. The young manthe n proceeded to ask me why I always seemed tobe so 4. His question reminded me of5_rd read somewhere before: Every morni ngwhen you get up, you have a 6 about how you want toapproach life that day, I s

44、aid to the young man. I choose to be cheer6ful. Let me give you an 7 , Icontinu ed.The other 60 stude nts in the class 8 their chatter and bega n to liste n to our con versati on. As soon asI got there, I called AAA and asked them to send a 9. The secretary in theProvosts office asked me what had ha

45、ppe ned. This is my 10 day, I replied, smili ng. Your car 11 andtoday is your lucky day? She was 12. What do you mea n?I live 17 miles from here, I replied. My car could have broke n dow n any where along the freeway. Itdid nt. In stead, it broke dow n in the 13 place: off the freeway, with in walk

46、ing dista nee of here. Im 14able to teach my class, andve bee n able to arrange for the tow truck to 15 me after class. Thesecretarys eyes opened wide, and then she 16. Ismiled back and headed for class.I 17 the 60 faces in the lecture hall. 18 the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep. Somehow, my

47、story had 19 them. Or maybe it was nt the story at all.20, ithad all started with a stude nts observati on that I was cheerful. A wise man once said: Who you arespeaks louder to me tha n anything you can say. I suppose it must be so.1. A. kidsB. friendsC. colleaguesD. stude nts2. A. meanin gfulB. ba

48、dC.goodD. clear3. A. removedB. grow nC. changedD. marked4. A. boredB. cheerfulC. busyD. sad5. A. someth ingB. no thi ngC. anythingD. others6. A. cha neeB. wayC. choiceD. magic7. A. opport un ityB. exampleC. approachD. in structi on8. A. playedB. startedC. preve ntedD. stopped9. A. truckB. policema n

49、C. secretaryD. car10. A. pleasa ntB. luckyC. stra ngeD. terrible11. A. speeds upB. pulls upC. tears dow nD. breaks down12. A. puzzledB. disappearedC. angryD. frighte ned13. A. smoothB. wrongC. perfectD. n earest14. A. n everB. stillC. hardlyD. even15. A. greetB. pickC. meetD. exchange16. A. turnedB.

50、 smiledC. sighedD. left【语篇解读】本文通过一个教师在上班的路上车抛锚了,但她用很乐观的心态去面对它。 告诉我们健康的心态催发愉悦的花朵。 真正的快乐应该是人的心里和谐, 内心平和。 只要快 乐在心间,那么就不会有痛苦和烦恼的影子缠绕,日子也会变得阳光灿烂。【答案详解】1. D根据下文第二段第一句话中的The other 60 students in the class可知作者是一名教师, 那么我是在高兴地问我的学生们(stude nts)周末过得怎样。2. C根据下文谈到这位学生的智齿被拔掉了,他过的很不好(good)。3. A拔牙用remove去掉,除掉”。4. B根

51、据上文的I cheerfully asked和下文的I choose to be cheer6ful可知这位年轻人问我 问为什么一直是快乐的(cheerful)。5. A remind sb of something“使我想起一些事情” 。6. C根据下文的I choose to be cheer6ful中的choose可知空白处选择choice选择”,句意:每天早晨起来时,你都要对你那天要过什么样的生活做出一个选择(choice)。7. B根据下文谈到作者的亲身经历可知是作者给出一个自己选择生活中快乐的例子(example) 。8. D根据下文的began to listen to our

52、conversation可知是其他的60个学生们都停下来(stopped)听我们的谈话9. A根据下文的Ive been able to arrange for the tow truck可知是作者的车在半路坏了之 后,给AAA打电话,然后他们派托运车(truck)来把汽车拖走。10. B根据下文的today is your lucky day?可知答案为B项。11. D根据下一段第一句话My car could have broken down anywhere可知答案为D项,指的是我的汽车在半路上坏了,break down汽车抛锚(坏了)。”12. A根据下文的询问What do you

53、mean?可知办公室秘书对我的车坏掉还仍旧认为是我 幸运的一天,感到困惑不解,所以用puzzled困惑的”。13. C根据上文的My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didnt.和下文的off the freeway, within walking distance of here.可知作者认为自己的车本可能在任何地方 都可能坏掉,但它在远离高速公路离学校很近的地方坏掉,说明它是在最完美的(pe rfe ct)坏掉的,说明作者的乐观的生活态度。14. B选择still“仍旧”可知作者认为虽然自己的车坏掉,但仍旧

54、能及时的教课,能安排 托运车去托运自己的汽车,这就是一种幸运。15. C选择meet“接见,会见”本句指的是作者给托运车打电话让他们在下课后去接他。16. B根据下文的I smiled back可知选择smiled,“她向我微笑,然后我也和她微笑着,接着去上课了。 ”17. D我向下扫描了一下报告厅的60张脸,scan“浏览,扫描”。18. C尽管是早晨很早的时候,但是没人视乎是打盹的,despite“尽管”后面接名词或名词短语。19. A不知怎么的,我的故事使他们感动了,或许它根本不是个故事。touch“使感动”。17. A. glanced18. A. WhileB. lookedB. O

55、nceC. focusedD. scanned19. A. touchedB. surprisedC. DespiteC. excitedD. AlthoughD. fooled20. A. On the contraryB. In generalC. InturnD. In fact20. D 20. A. On the contrary“正相反” ;In general 般地” ;In turn“反过来说” ;In fact“事实上”。根据上文的Or maybe it was nt the story at all.可知空白处选择in fact,句意:事实上,这个故事是以学生们观察到我是快

56、乐的开始的。【小贴士】wisdom n.智慧,明智proceed vi.进行;前进freeway n.高速公路observati on n.观察【障碍句分析】In fact , it had all started with a stude nts observati on that I was cheerful.事实上,它完全是从学生观察我是快乐的开始的。本句中的start with意为以.开始”,that引导的是同位语从句,修饰先行词observation。5In a small village there lived a lazyBrahmin Ramdas. He would do 1

57、 butdaydream whole day.One sunny after noon, Ramdas was very2. He said,“What abeautiful day. How I wish I could go backto 3. But then, I will haveto go out and get my food. After bath ing,Ramdas took out a bowl and out to 4 .By begging the whole day heman aged to get a pot full of 5.“Itis this pot o

58、f milk that is going to make me 6,he thought.“will use it to makebutter. From the butter, I will be 7. to make ghee(酥油). I really am clever!”I will the n go to the 8a nd sell the ghee”his dre9m .“With the money I get, Iwill buy a pair of goats. They will have 10 after six mon ths. Soon I would have

59、an en tire herd of goats.”“How 11 I am,he thought.“Theday I become a rich bus in essma n I will build a big house_ 12 in the middle of the village. There will be a splendid garden and a swimmingpool in front of the house. Early morning I will _ 13 in the blue waters of the pool.Deep in his_ 14_, he

60、struck out with his foot, breaking the _15_ , and drenched(使湿透)himself with the milk. He saw the broken pot and 16. He lost whatever he had becauseof his _17_and day dreaming.Laz in ess is the biggest _ 18_of our life. If you are lazy the n you will not acquire anysig ni fica nt _ 19_ in your life a

61、nd will always have nothing. Laz in ess is a 20_ whoslowly steals everything from us. If you want to become successful in your life and career, pleaseovercome the devil laz in ess.1.A. someth ingB. no thingC. anythingD. everything2. A. hungryB. angryC. sickD. curious3. A. eatB. workC. playD. sleep4.

62、 A. sell5. A. moneyB. beatB.soupC. begC. waterD. en terta inD. milk6. A. richB. happyC. famousD. stra nge7. A. luckyB. ableC. i nterestedD. particular8. A. roadB. hotelC. marketD.shop9. A. cha ngedB. con ti nuedC. pausedD. stopped10. A. kidsB. hutsC. argume ntsD. wounds11. A. gen erousB. han dsomeC.

63、 braveD. smart12. A. justB. stillC. rightD. even13. A. batheB. exerciseC. sweepD. surf14. A. ideasB. opinionsC. thoughtsD. expressions15. A. heartB. potC. toeD. goal16. A. fellB. shoutedC. criedD. laughed17. A. sad nessB. laz in essC. careless nessD. an xiety18. A. successB. aimC. part nerD. en emy1

64、9. A. con diti onB. caseC. positi onD. poi nt20. A. robberB. thiefC. murdererD. visitor【语篇解读】懒惰是成功的天敌,有它在身边,成功总是绕道而走。只有克服懒惰,你才能 离成功更近一步。【答案详解】1.B他除了整天做白日梦其他什么也不做,donothing but除了.也不做”。2. A根据下文的I will have to go out and get my food.可知他非常饥饿 (hungry),所以才会出 现下文的寻找食物。7. B be able to do sth能够做某事”,他认为用这个黄油他

65、能够做酥油。8. C根据下文的sell the ghee可知应该去市场(market)卖酥油最符合语境。9. B下文一直在继续(continued)他做的美梦。10. A根据下文的Soon I would have an entire herd of goats.可知六个月后这对羊就生下了许 多的羊崽儿,用kids来形容。11. D根据上文的I really am clever!可知Brahmin Ramdas一直认为自己很聪明,smart和clever近义词。12. C就在村子的中央我将建立一个大房子,right意为“恰恰,就在”。13 A根据上文的swimming pool应该是他想象着在

66、游泳池的蓝色水里游泳,3. D4. C5. D6. A根 据 上 文 的根 据 下 文 的根 据 下 文 的根据下文的daydream whole day可知他整天就知道睡觉,所以本空选择Bybegging the whole day可明显知道他拿出碗去乞讨(It is this pot ofmilk可明显知道他通过乞讨获得一罐牛奶(I become a rich bus inessman可知他认为这罐牛奶会使他变富(sleep。beg)。milk)。rich)。bathe“游泳”。14. C Deep in his thoughts陷入沉思”。15. B根据上文的get a pot full of _可知本空指的是他正想着,脚往前一迈出,把罐子(pot)弄碎了。16. C根据情境可知他的一罐子牛奶都洒了, 也就是说明刚才他做的美梦都破碎了, 所以他 看着破碎的罐子哭了 (cried) 。17. B因为他的懒惰和整日做白日梦使他失去了所有的东西,选择laziness和下一段第一句话呼应。18. D懒惰是我们生活中最大的敌人(enemy)这是本文的中心句,下文也是对这一句的进一步解释。1

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