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1、 单位代码 学 号 38161414 分类号 毕业设计(英文翻译)院系名称飞行学院专业名称飞行技术学生姓名指导教师 2013年12月毕业论文英文翻译 北京航空航天大学译文 机 场机场,亦称飞机场、空港或航空站,是固定翼飞机、直升机、飞艇等中大型飞行器起飞和降落的场地。机场的组成至少需要一个平面,如跑道、直升机停机坪或水面,而且往往包括一些建筑物,如塔台、机库和航站楼及维修厂棚。大型机场可能有机场地勤服务、水上飞机停泊码头和机坪、空中交通管制和旅客设施,如餐厅和酒廊,以及灾难应对服务,世界大多数为民用机场,如仅提供军机起降的机场则称作军用机场,若军方与民间航空器均可起降的机场称作军民共用机场。截

2、至2009年,美国中央情报局指出,全球从空中可辨认出的机场大约有 44,000座,其中美国拥有 15,095座,为世界之最。近年来,廉价航空公司因为能提供低价的机票受到许多游客的欢迎,为了因应热潮,开始有机场税额较低的低成本的航站楼,甚至是低成本的机场。发展美国空军基地最早的飞机起降落地点是草地,一般为圆形草坪,飞机可以在任何角度,顺着有利的风向来进行起降,周围会有一个风向仪以及机库(因为当时的飞机一般是木及帆布制成,不能风吹雨打,日晒雨淋)。之后开始使用土质场地域,避免草坪增加的阻力,然而,土质场地并不适合潮湿的气候,否则会泥泞不堪。随着飞机重量的增加,起降要求亦跟着提高,混凝土跑道开始出现

3、,任种天气、任何时间皆适用。世界上最老的机场目前仍有争议,但成立于1909年、位在美国马里兰州的大学园区机场(College Park Airport)普遍被认为是世界上最老且持续经营的机场,虽然它只是个小型机场。另一个被称为是世界上历史最悠久的机场是位在美国亚利桑纳州的比斯比-道格拉斯国际机场(Bisbee-Douglas International Airport),此机场停放著美国史上第一架飞机。1908 年,道格拉斯航空俱乐部成立,滑翔机也随之成立。那时的滑翔机是由两匹马拉动,飞过道格拉斯青年会大楼后方。1909 年,飞机开始装设马达和螺旋桨,亚利桑那州于是成为首架动力飞行的飞机的区域

4、。该机场为美国第一座国际机场的地位经由罗斯福总统的一封信证实,信里面总统宣布它为“美国的第一座国际机场”。1922年,第一个供民航业使用的永久机场和航站楼出现在德国柯尼斯堡,这个时代的机场开始使用水泥铺设的停机坪,允许夜间飞行和较重的飞机降落。1920 年代后期,出现第一个使用照明设施的机场,1930 年代进场下滑照明设备开始使用,因此飞机起降的方向和角度开始有了固定的规定。国际民间航空组织标准化了照明的颜色和闪光时间间隔。1940 年代,坡度线进场系统开始使用,此系统包括两排灯光,形成了一个漏斗状图案,标示飞机在机场滑翔坡的位置,其他的灯光则表示不正确的进场高度和方向。第二次世界大战期间对机

5、场数目需求大增,盟军利用有孔钢板铺设临时跑道组成一个个战地机场,主要供战斗机或轻型联络机使用。而在太平洋战争期间,有不少战争是与机场争夺有关,最有名的当属亨得森机场(今霍尼亚拉国际机场)。二次世界大战之后,机场的设计越趋复杂,航站楼聚集在一处,而跑道聚集在另一处,这样的安排可方便机场设施的扩展,但也意味着乘客在登机时必须移动较长的距离。之后,机场所铺设的混凝土开始有了导水沟槽,与飞机降落的角度垂直,有助于排水,避免影响飞机起降作业。1960 年代后,机场的建设随着喷气式飞机的增加蓬勃发展,跑道延伸至3,000米长,利用滑模机筑出连续性的强化混凝土跑道。1960年代初,现代化的机场航站楼开始使用

6、空桥系统,乘客不必走出室外登机。由于喷射引擎带来严重的噪音问题,使不少机场需要搬离市中心。基础设施机场可分为“非禁区”和“禁区”(管制区)范围。非禁区范围包括停车场、公共交通车站、储油区和连外道路,而禁区范围包括所有飞机进入的地方,包括跑道、滑行道、停机坪和储油库。大多数的机场都会在非禁区到禁区的中间范围,做严格的控管。搭机乘客进入禁区范围时得必须经过航站楼,在那里可以购买机票、接受安全检查、托运或领取行李,以及透过登机门登机。飞机起降必要设备跑道 规模较小的机场(绝大多数机场都是小型机场)的跑道往往短于 1000 米,跑道种类为硬土、草皮或砂石跑道,而大型的机场的跑道通常铺有沥青或混凝土,长

7、度也比较长,能承受的重量也比较大,是机场最重要的设备。 世界上最长的民用机场跑道是中国的昌都邦达机场,长度为 5,500米,其中的 4,200米满足 4D 标准,同时它也是海拔最高的跑道,其高度为 4,334米。而世界上最宽的跑道在俄罗斯的乌里扬诺夫斯克东方港机场,有 105米宽。 某些机场,特别是军用机场,会有紧急着陆专用的长跑道,另外许多空军基地会铺设液压钢索煞车系统的跑道,提供高速飞机着陆时,利用飞机本身的挂钩钩住钢索,达到煞车的效果,这样的设计常用在航空母舰上。新加坡樟宜机场的停机坪停机坪 停机坪大多指的是飞机停放在航站楼旁的区域,方便乘客登机和运输行李,有时停机坪距离航站楼有一段路程

8、,这时乘客需步行或搭乘登机用的巴士才能登机。塔台机场可以有或没有塔台,取决于空中交通密度和可利用的资金。为了方便交通管制员看清楚机场内飞机的动向,塔台会设在高处。许多国际机场由于载运量高且航班频繁,因此机场内有自己的空中交通管制系统。乘客相关设备及服务航站楼 航站楼,也称作航站楼,供旅客完成从地面到空中或从空中到地面转换交通方式,是机场的主体部分之一。内有办理登机手续的柜台、候机厅、出入境大堂、海关和检疫设施等等,亦有提供前往市区的公共交通交汇站。 国际航班的机场普遍会设有海关和出入境设施,但是有些国家彼此有协议,对乘飞机旅行的乘客不需要接受海关和移民检查,因此这些设施并不是国际机场的必要设施

9、。国际航班往往需要较高硬件设施安全品质,但近年来,许多国家对于国际和国内机场都采用相同的安全水平。 航站楼内普遍会设置免税商店和美食区,服务候机的乘客。机场内的饮食价格普遍地高于机场外的价格,然而有些机场已开始实行饮食价格控管,跟“民间价格”差不多,但是民间价格通常是制造商的建议零售价,没有折扣,所以还是比外界的价格来得高。另外,有些机场会贩卖当地的特色美食,让转机的乘客不需离开机场也能享受当地的食物或文化。3豪华贵宾服务 机场可能也包含贵宾服务,包括快速登机手续、专用登机柜台、专用的起飞或到达贵宾休息室、优先登机、独立登机空桥和行李优先处理等服务。这些服务通常是保留给头等舱和商务舱的乘客、顶

10、级飞行常客,以及航空公司俱乐部会员,增值服务有时可能开放给其他航空的飞行常客计划的会员。这有时是互惠协议的一部分,当多个航空公司都属于同一个联盟,或是竞争策略的一部分,以吸引顶级客户远离其他竞争的航空公司。此外,如果航空公司发生严重误点或是行李处理失误,有时会提供这些增值服务给非贵宾资格的乘客做为补偿。 航空公司贵宾室普遍会提供免费或低价的食物、酒精和非酒精饮料,并有座位、淋浴间、安静的休息空间、电视机、电脑、无线或有线网络和电源插座,更有一些航空公司聘请咖啡师、调酒师和厨师现场准备饮食。住宿有些机场还设有机场酒店,无论是独立一栋或是附属在航站楼里,近年来相当受到欢迎,因为转机乘客可得到充分的

11、休息且和容易就可到达航站楼。许多机场酒店与航空公司间签有协议,提供乘客隔夜住宿的服务。货运机场除了服务乘客之外,也负责货物 24 小时的运送服务。货运航空公司常常在机场内有自己的货物处理厂房,来配送货物。支援服务地勤营运机构大多提供飞机维修、飞机租赁和机库出租的服务,在主要机场,尤其是枢纽机场,航空公司可能会有自己的配套设施。联外交通许多大型机场是位在铁路干线附近,为了可无缝连接多种交通方式 ,比如上海虹桥机场、法兰克福机场、阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场、伦敦希思罗机场等。利用城市轨道交通系统、轻轨或其他非道路型的公共交通系统来连接机场和城市相当常见,比如肯尼迪国际机场捷运际机场机场快线和兴建中的台湾



14、飞机靠近机场后,塔台会引导飞机进入五边飞行的进场路线,指引飞机如何安全地加入和离开路线。只经过不降落的飞机也必须跟塔台联系,确保不会跟其他飞机相撞。所有的机场都会使用五边飞行的起降模式来确保飞机起降的畅顺。如图所示,这个模式由五个边形成一个矩形,跑道侧有两个边形成一面,其余的三个边形成另外三个面,每一边都有一个名称,地面的航管员会指示飞行员如何进入或离开这个模式。这个起降模式须在特定的飞行高度执行,通常是 800 至 1000 英呎的高度。标准的五边飞行模式都是逆时针方向,然而,因应各种障碍,避开山壁或减少对当地居民噪音,顺时针的模式也存在。这种预定的模式有助于交通畅通,因为所有的飞行员都遵循

15、一样的模式,有助于避免空中相撞。特大型的机场虽然会设定五边飞行模式,但通常不使用。长途的商业客机会在离机场几个小时的路程,甚至是起飞前,就向目的地机场发出进场请求,大型机场会有专属的无线电频道称为“Clearance Delivery”,供离港飞机使用,使飞机能采取最直接的进场路径来降落,无需担心其他飞机的干扰。虽然系统让领空畅空并方便飞行员,它需要有班机的预定行程才能早先一步规划班机的起降计划,因此只有大型商业飞机上才能派上用场。该系统近年来非常先进,航管员已可早一步预测飞机降落是否会延误,甚至在飞机从原机场起飞前,如此一来,飞机可晚点起飞,避免浪费昂贵的燃料在空中盘旋等待降落。机场起降模式

16、所有的机场都会使用五边飞行的起降模式来确保飞机起降的畅顺。如图所示,这个模式由五个边形成一个矩形,跑道侧有两个边形成一面,其余的三个边形成另外三个面,每一边都有一个名称,地面的航管员会指示飞行员如何进入或离开这个模式。这个起降模式须在特定的飞行高度执行,通常是 800 至 1000 英呎的高度。标准的五边飞行模式都是逆时针方向,然而,因应各种障碍,避开山壁或减少对当地居民噪音,顺时针的模式也存在。这种预定的模式有助于交通畅通,因为所有的飞行员都遵循一样的模式,有助于避免空中相撞。特大型的机场虽然会设定五边飞行模式,但通常不使用。长途的商业客机会在离机场几个小时的路程,甚至是起飞前,就向目的地机

17、场发出进场请求,大型机场会有专属的无线电频道称为“Clearance Delivery”,供离港飞机使用,使飞机能采取最直接的进场路径来降落,无需担心其他飞机的干扰。虽然系统让领空畅空并方便飞行员,它需要有班机的预定行程才能早先一步规划班机的起降计划,因此只有大型商业飞机上才能派上用场。该系统近年来非常先进,航管员已可早一步预测飞机降落是否会延误,甚至在飞机从原机场起飞前,如此一来,飞机可晚点起飞,避免浪费昂贵的燃料在空中盘旋等待降落。AirportAn airport is a location where aircraft such as fixed-wing aircraft, heli

18、copters, and blimps take off and land. Aircraft may be stored or maintained at an airport. An airport consists of at least one surface such as a runway for a plane to take off and land, a helipad, or water for takeoffs and landings, and often includes buildings such as control towers, hangars and te

19、rminal buildings.Larger airports may have fixed base operator services, seaplane docks and ramps, air traffic control, passenger facilities such as restaurants and lounges, and emergency services. A military airport, in the US, is known as an airbase or air station.By 2009, the us central intelligen

20、ce agency, points out that the global airports are recognized from the air about 44000 seats, including the United States has 15095 seats, for the most of the world.In recent years, because can provide low price budget airline ticket was welcomed by many of the tourists, in order to respond to boom,

21、 began to have lower low-cost terminal, the airport tax even the low cost of the airport.DevelopmentEarliest aircraft landing site is grass, generally for round the lawn, the plane can be in any Angle, along the favorable direction for landing, there will be a wind vane and around the hangar (becaus

22、e the plane is usually made from wood and canvas, not the wind and rain, weathered). After start using soil field area, avoid the lawn increased resistance, however, soil area is not suitable for humid climate, otherwise will be muddy. With the increase of aircraft weight, also follow to improve tak

23、e-off and landing requirements, concrete runway began to appear, as a kind of weather, apply on any time.Worlds oldest airports are still controversial, but was founded in 1909, a Park at the Airport at the university of Maryland (College Park, Airport) is widely considered to be the oldest in the w

24、orld and continuing operations of the Airport, although it is a small Airport.Another is called the worlds oldest Airport is an Arizona in the United States than is - Douglas International Airport (Bisbee - Douglas International Airport), the Airport parking lot with the first plane in American hist

25、ory. Established in 1908, Douglas aviation club, glider has been established. When the glider is composed of two horses, fly through the Douglas ymca behind the building. In 1909, the plane began to furnish motor and propeller, Arizona, they will become the first powered flight plane area. The statu

26、s of the airport for the first international airport by President Roosevelt a letter confirmed that letter inside the President announced that it is Americas first international airport.In 1922, the first permanent for the use of civil aviation airport and terminal ke of konigsberg in Germany, this

27、age of airport began using cement laid the apron, allowing the night flight and heavier aircraft landing. Appeared in the late 1920 s, the first to use lighting facilities of the airport, in the 1930 s began to use in lighting equipment, so the direction of the aircraft and Angle has fixed rules. Th

28、e color of the international civil aviation organization, standardize the lighting and flash time interval. Approach system began to use in the 1940 s, the slope of line, this system consists of two rows of lights, formed a funnel design, marking the location of the plane glide slope at the airport,

29、 the lights of the other is not correct in height and direction.Demand for the airport number during the second world war, allied with perforated plate laid temporary each field of the airport runway, mainly for the use of fighter or light contact machine. And during the Pacific war, there are quite

30、 a few war is related to the airport for the most famous is the heng sen airport (now honiara international airport).After world war ii, the design of the airport is more complicated, the terminal together in one place, and the runway together in another place, this arrangement can be convenient and

31、 the expansion of the airport facilities, but also means the passengers must move a long distance when boarding. Airport by laying concrete after began to have a guide groove, water and vertical landing point of view, contribute to drainage, avoid affecting aircraft operation.After the 1960 s, the c

32、onstruction of the airport with the increase of jet to flourish, extended to 3000 meters long runway, using sliding mode machine built a continuous reinforced concrete runway. In the early 1960 s, modern airport terminal started using air bridge system, boarding passengers dont have to be out of the

33、 outdoor. Due to the noise of jet engines have serious problems, make a lot of the airport need to move out of the town center.InfrastructureThe airport can be divided into the box and restricted (zone). The penalty area including parking lot, public transportation station, oil-rich area and even th

34、e roads, and the box will include all aircraft into place, including runway, taxiway and apron, and oil depots. Most of the airport will be in the penalty area to area in the middle of the range, do strict control. Fly passengers must go through the terminal into the penalty area, where can purchase

35、 tickets, subject to security inspection, check, or the luggage, and through the boarding gate.runwaySmaller or less-developed airports, which represent the vast majority, often have a single runway shorter than 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Larger airports for airline flights generally have paved runways 2,0

36、00 m (6,600 ft) or longer. Many small airports have dirt, grass, or gravel runways, rather than asphalt or concrete.The worlds longest civil airport runway is one of Chinas nagqu dagring airport, length of 5500 meters, 4200 meters of satisfy the standard of 4 d, and at the same time it is also the h

37、ighest runway, its height is 4334 meters. And the worlds most wide runway in Russia g was Oriental Hong Kong airport, 105 meters wide.Some airports, especially the military airport, will have a long runway for an emergency landing, in addition many air base will laid hydraulic rope brake system of t

38、he runway, provide high-speed aircraft landing, using the plane itself hook hook wire, to achieve the effect of brake, so the design of the commonly used on the aircraft carrier.Parking apronThe apron mostly refers to the aircraft parked near the airport terminal area, facilitate the passengers boar

39、ding and transport baggage, sometimes terminal apron distance have a journey, then passengers must walk or boarding with the bus to board a plane.towerThe airport can be with or without tower, depending on the density of air traffic and available funds. In order to facilitate the traffic controllers

40、 in aircraft movements, see the airport control tower will be located in high places. Owing to the high load and many international airport flight frequently, so the airport has its own air traffic control system.Products and servicesTerminalAlso called terminal, terminal, for passengers to complete

41、 from the ground to air or transfer from air to ground transportation, is one of the main part of the airport. There is the check-in counter, lounge, entry and exit hall, customs and quarantine facilities, etc., has also provided to urban public transport interchange station.International flights a

42、common customs and immigration at the airport facilities, but some countries have agreement with each other, to travel by plane passengers do not need to accept the customs and immigration check, so these facilities are not the necessary facilities to international airport. International flights oft

43、en require higher hardware security quality, but in recent years, many countries in the international and domestic airports in the same security level.Across the terminal will be set duty-free shops and dining area, service waiting passengers. Airport food prices generally higher than that of the ou

44、tside the airport, some airports have begun to implement food price controls, however, with the price of folk is similar, but the folk prices is usually the manufacturers suggested retail price, no discount, so the price is still outside. In addition, some airports will be selling local delicacies,

45、does not need to leave the airport also let transit passengers can enjoy the local food and culture.Premium and VIP servicesAirport may also contain a VIP service, including fast check-in, boarding counter, take off or to a VIP lounge, priority boarding, independent priority boarding Bridges and bag

46、gage and other services. These services are usually reserved for first and business class passengers, the top flight, as well as the airline club members, value-added services can open to members of other airline frequent flyer program. This is part of the reciprocal agreement, sometimes when multip

47、le airlines belong to one union, or part of the competition strategy, in order to attract top customers from other airlines competition. In addition, if serious delays or airline baggage handling errors, sometimes to provide the value-added services to the VIP passengers qualification as a compensat

48、ion.Airlines VIP rooms will generally provide free or low-cost food, alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, and have a seat, shower rooms, quiet rest space, TV, computer, wireless or wired network and power sockets, there are some airlines hire more coffee, the bartender and cook to prepare food. Accommo

49、dationSome airports have an airport hotel, whether independent in a building or a subsidiary in the terminal, is quite popular in recent years, because of the transit passengers can get sufficient rest and and easy to reach the terminal. Many airports have agreement is signed between the hotel and a

50、irline, offering services to passengers overnight accommodation.Cargo and freight servicesIn addition to serve passengers, airport is also responsible for transporting the goods 24 hours service. Cargo airlines often with their cargo handling facility at the airport, to deliver goods.Support service

51、sMost ground operations to provide aircraft maintenance, aircraft leasing and hangar rental service, at major airports, especially hub airports, airlines may have its own supporting facilities.Airport accessArea is too large, if the airport distance to move is relatively long, so quite a few provide

52、 electric trails and airport bus, even is the terminal between the orbits of the system, such as Atlanta international airport in the trolley system and changi airport elevated in the Singapore changi airport passenger car, the carrying passengers through different terminal and baggage claim area.Ai

53、rport operationsAir traffic controlThe majority of the worlds airports are non-towered, with no air traffic control presence. However, at particularly busy airports, or airports with other special requirements, there is an air traffic control (ATC) system whereby controllers (usually ground-based) d

54、irect aircraft movements via radio or other communications links. This coordinated oversight facilitates safety and speed in complex operations where traffic moves in all three dimensions. Air traffic control responsibilities at airports are usually divided into at least two main areas: ground and t

55、ower, though a single controller may work both stations. The busiest airports also have clearance delivery, apron control, and other specialized ATC stations.Ground Control is responsible for directing all ground traffic in designated movement areas, except the traffic on runways. This includes plan

56、es, baggage trains, snowplows, grass cutters, fuel trucks, stair trucks, airline food trucks, conveyor belt vehicles and other vehicles. Ground Control will instruct these vehicles on which taxiways to use, which runway they will use (in the case of planes), where they will park, and when it is safe

57、 to cross runways. When a plane is ready to takeoff it will stop short of the runway, at which point it will be turned over to Tower Control. After a plane has landed, it will depart the runway and be returned to Ground Control.Tower Control controls aircraft on the runway and in the controlled airs

58、pace immediately surrounding the airport. Tower controllers may use radar to locate an aircrafts position in three-dimensional space, or they may rely on pilot position reports and visual observation. They coordinate the sequencing of aircraft in the traffic pattern and direct aircraft on how to saf

59、ely join and leave the circuit. Aircraft which are only passing through the airspace must also contact Tower Control in order to be sure that they remain clear of other traffic.Traffic patternAll airports use a traffic pattern (often called a traffic circuit outside the U.S.) to assure smooth traffi

60、c flow between departing and arriving aircraft. Generally, this pattern is a circuit consisting of five legs that form a rectangle (two legs and the runway form one side, with the remaining legs forming three more sides). Each leg is named (see diagram), and ATC directs pilots on how to join and lea

61、ve the circuit. Traffic patterns are flown at one specific altitude, usually 800 or 1,000 ft (244 or 305 m) above ground level (AGL). Standard traffic patterns are left-handed, meaning all turns are made to the left. Right-handed patterns do exist, usually because of obstacles such as a mountain, or

62、 to reduce noise for local residents. The predetermined circuit helps traffic flow smoothly because all pilots know what to expect, and helps reduce the chance of a mid-air collision.At extremely large airports, a circuit is in place but not usually used. Rather, aircraft (usually only commercial wi

63、th long routes) request approach clearance while they are still hours away from the airport, often before they even takeoff from their departure point. Large airports have a frequency called Clearance Delivery which is used by departing aircraft specifically for this purpose. This then allows aircra

64、ft to take the most direct approach path to the runway and land without worrying about interference from other aircraft. While this system keeps the airspace free and is simpler for pilots, it requires detailed knowledge of how aircraft are planning to use the airport ahead of time and is therefore only possible with large commercial airliners on pre-scheduled flights. The system has recently become so advanced that controllers can predict whether an aircraft will be delayed on landing before it even take

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