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1、五分钟英语演讲稿五分钟英语演讲稿范文一Life is nt lng, but many times chse, yu have many chices cme thrugh tday. Wait mre than 60 days, yu in turn t make a chice, but the chice is yur life is very imprtant, very crucial chice. The chice t a large etent directly related t yur future directin in life, whether related t t

2、he future glry f life, and even the success f the big prblems f life.The last chice, because yur yung, largely by yur parents r relatives t help yu t make chices. Then the chice f their ability t help s yu can create cnditins t help yu (fr eample, taking yur difference, they can give yu the mney yu

3、read Chsing Health). Entrance ptins, but this largely depends n yurself decide the. Because: First, the difficulty f the selectin bigger, sme parents and relatives als lack guidance capability; secnd is the chice f plicy, a mre equitable, they may have mney, but yu als can ntney t help yu. S many ch

4、ices in this and future autnmy f the majr is in yur wn hands.Select certain subjective and bjective cnditins. The university entrance eam already created the bjective cnditins f chice. Fr eample, the University has lng been the face f the dr here pen fr each student, yu can enter with their cnditins

5、. Anther eample is that the states admissin plicy is nt directed against an individual, but against all the candidates this year, has been frmed, yu can nly prepare the cnditins required by plicy t chse. Anther eample: yu face the teachers and the teaching envirnment f bjective factrs in the last mr

6、e than 60 days arnstant. Yu can nly adjust themselves t the further adaptatin. Therefre, the bjective cnditins f yur current studies, as if we can nly face each generatin has been frmed as the prductivity f cnditins, can nly be subjective n this basis up effrts t prmte the develpment f the eisting p

7、rductive frces, nt t cmplain abut nw have lw prductivity. This years cllege entranceeaminatin, yu can nly have been frmed by the face f these subjective and bjective cnditins t effrts t imprve their academic perfrmance. Nt t cmplain abut the bjective cnditins than me.In additin t ther life chices, a

8、nd many give up. But a lt f life t give up in rder t better chices. Yu this time, the face f the university are beckning t yu, yu can chse nt t give up. Can als say: Yu give up a lt in the past, that is, t this chice. Eample, Why did nt yu wrk utside the hme? Why nt stay at hme farming? Why seeing y

9、ur parents mrning t evening, busy ding farming wrk, and even sick eertin in the field, and yu share thse cncerns did nt g hme fr their prblem-slving, can yu give up s they are nt all fr this time f chice?Bth gave up s much, they chse tday, why nt try t chse tmrrw? Beckn yu d nt chse t have this as a

10、nther f the universities? There is the further purificatin f yur sul, raise yur quality, and increase yur survivability, and imprve yur quality f life in the future t achieve greater value f life yur furnace.五分钟英语演讲稿范文二Gd mrning, everybdy!In this wrld, there is ne thing that is very fair t everybdy,

11、 whether yu are a male r female, yung r ld, rich r pr. Des anybdy knw what it is called?Right. It is time. The tpic I am ging t present t yu tday is called “ Treasure Every Minute”.The clck is running. Make the mst f tday.T realize the value f NE YEAR, ask a student wh failed a grade.T realize the v

12、alue f NE MNTH, ask a mther wh gave birth t a premature baby.T realize the value f NE WEEK, ask the editr f a weekly newspaper.T realize the value f NE HUR, ask the lvers wh are waiting t meet.T realize the value f NE MINUTE, ask a persn wh missed the train.T realize the value f NE SECND, ask a pers

13、n wh just avided an accident.T realize the value f NE MILLISECND, ask the persn wh wn a silver medal in the lympics.Treasure every mment that yu have! And treasure it mre because yu shared it with smene special, special enugh t spend yur time with.And remember that time waits fr n ne. Yesterday is histry. Tmrrw is a mystery. Tday is a gift. Thats why its called the present! The clck is running. Make the mst f tday.Gd luck, everybdy!

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