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1、中 考 写 作 要 求 辅 导 讲 义主题中考书面表达体裁及套路教学内容知识械理写作要求根据广州市英语课程标准(2011年版)规定:初中毕业时(五级),学生应能根据图示和表格写岀简单的段落或操作说明,使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系、能简单描述人物或事件。作文评价基本要求Elements(要素)Level(档次)Content(内容)(6分)Releva nee to topic(切合题意,体现要点)65.5543210.50Development of topic(题材有所发挥)Accuracy(准确性)(6分)Grammar(语法)65.5543210Vocabulary(词汇)Meeh

2、anics (机械性,指大小写和拼写等格式错误)Fluency(流畅性)(3分)Organization(结构)32.521.510.50Cohesion(连贯性)作文评价的要求与作文评卷的标准一致。英语的作文评卷一般都采用通读一遍,然后根据评分标准及文章的 语言结构进行总体评分。中考英语书面表达题的具体要求是:切题,能正确表达思想;意义连贯,文章基本通 顺;无重大语言错误。总的来说,考生要做到结构完整、意思连贯、表达清晰、语言正确,评分主要按照上图所 示的内容、准确性、流畅性这三方面进行评分。试题所提供的情景一般都会考虑到考生的年龄特点和能力范围。同学们只要根以上要求写出文,便可获得高分。8

3、0词左右的短例如:Write at least 80 words about the topicThings I Hate to Do”. (以我不喜欢.”为题写一篇不少于80个词的短文。)Use the followi ng poi nts as a guide.(短文必须包含下列要点。)-What are the thi ngs that you hate to do?-What do you hate most? Why?(Give at least two reas on s.)I love people and enjoy life. However, there are still

4、 things that I hate to do第一篇I hate to drink wine and waste time. But I hate smoking most!Smoking is not harmful to our health but also harmful to other peopleshealth. There are many people die of smoking every year. If we stop smoking, our health will become better and better. So we must do ourbest

5、to stop smoking. Then our world will become more and beautiful.点评:|该文章基本切题,除了第四句有语法错误以外,全文意义比较连贯,表达也比较清楚。但是,文章句式比较单一,用词不够丰富,缺少变化,理由只举了一个,没有展开。第二篇I hate to keep pets and tell lies. And the thi ng that I hate most is smok ing. As we all know, smok ing is un healthy and can causediseases. It is not onl

6、y bad for smokers but also harmful to others. When ever my father smokes,I feel sick and start coughing. Besides,smoking wastes a lot of money. Most people never plan to spend a lot of money on cigarettes, but once youre addicted to it,stopping is verydifficult. So if you smoke, youre actually setti

7、ng fire to piles of money. Just think of what you could buy with that money at the mall! Whatsmore, people who smoke smell bad. The un pleasa nt smell stays on hair, cloth ing and skin. The n there is the bad breath. Therefore,I hatesmok ing most.点评:该文章紧扣主题,意思表达清晰;文章层次分明、理由充分(harmful to smokersand o

8、thers,waste a lot of money,smell bad)、结构完整;用词规范、准确,富有变化;上下文衔接合理、意义连贯。两篇文章一对比,孰优孰劣十分明显。要想在考试中写岀好文章并得到高分毋庸置疑,主要取决于平时所下的功夫和语言的积累,需要在学习中多读多记,勤练勤写。但是,掌握英语文章的体裁和写作套路也可以起到事半功倍的效果。初中阶段的作文考题,由于受到时间和字数的限制,多为一段成文,当然也可以分为两到三段。这种段落式短文是围绕一个主题思想(通常由主题句来表示)而展开的一系列相关的旬子。由于英语民族的思维是直线型的, 所以英语段落的特征也是按照一条直线展开,即由主题句、发展句和

9、结尾句组成。段落中的每一个句子按照单一 性(紧紧围绕主题句)和连贯性(句子之间互相衔接、层次分明)的原则,对段落的主题进行解释、说明和论证, 构成一篇完整的段落短文。每一篇文章都有一个写作对象。这个对象可以是人、是物、是景,也可以是一种观点或一种现象。所以,在 拿到写作题时,首先要认真审题,搞清楚文章的主旨,然后再决定文章的体裁,按照考题的要求写出一篇切合题 意的文章。如果不明确写作对象和文章主旨,乱写一气,不论辞藻多么华丽,都是没有意义的。记叙文记叙文是以叙述为主要表达方法,按照一定的时间或者空间顺序记录生活中的经历和事物的发展过程。记叙文通常有两大类:侧重于写人的称为人物记叙文;侧重于叙事


11、的(warm-hearted)、大方的(generous)、耐心的(patient)、热情的(enthusiastic)、淘气的(naughty)、没耐心的(impatient)等;兴趣爱好涉及:足球迷(a football fan)、影迷(a movie fan)、喜欢吃意大利食品(a fanof Italian food)、喜欢跳舞(like dancing)、喜欢打篮球(like playing basketball)等;思想品质涉及:善良的(kind)、诚实的(honest)、忘我的(selfless)、不诚实的(dishonest)、狡猾的(cunning)、自 私的(selfish

12、)等。人物的个性不能一两句话泛泛而谈,必须通过具体的事情反映岀来,这样内容就会充实,才令人信服。常用的方法是通过一件事情反映一个人的特点;也可以列举几个事例反映一个人的一个或者几个特点。通过一件事反映一个人的特点,以作文题Our Monitor为例:(1) Our mon itors n ame is Lin da. (2) She is very kind and helpful. (3)1 Once caught a bad cold and got a high fever. (4) The doctortold me to stay in bed for several days be

13、fore I fully recovered. (5)1 missed the less ons on Chin ese, math and En glish, and l was hav inga lot of trouble. (6) When l was worried about my studies, Linda came to see me and brought her less on no tes to me. (7) She helped me todeal with the missed less on s.(8) With her help,l man aged to c

14、atch up. (9) Linda is really a good mon itor!该短文通过作者由于生病缺课,得到班长帮助一事,反映了班长乐于助人的良好品质。短文由三个部分组成。第一部分(Pi)介绍人物,确定主题;第二部分(Pn)具体描写人物,交代事件的过程;第三部分(P皿)重复第一部分的主题思想,起到强调作用。写作套路1:PlS(1)介绍人物S(2)确定主题,表明作者对人物的看法PnS(3)事件的背景S(4)细节说明1S(5)细节说明2S(6)人物的行为S(7)细节说明1S(8)细节说明2P皿S(9)重复作者对人物的看法列举几个事例反映一个人的特点,以作文题“My Mother”为例

15、:(1) My mother is a teacher at a sec on dary school. (2) She is a kind woma n and busy with her work. (3) As a teacher, she loves herstudents. (4) If they have any difficulty with their studies, she will help them patiently. (5) She is never tired of answering their questions. (6)As a mother, she ta

16、kes good care of me. (7) Every morning she is always the first to get up and prepares breakfast for me. (8) When i am introuble, she tries to cheer me up and says its not the end of the world. (9) My mother seems to be busy all the year round. (10) She goes towork in the morning and comes home late

17、in the after noon. (11) Then she does all the housework and puts everythi ng in order. (12) She ispraised and respected by every one.文章由三部分组成。第一、二句为第一部分,介绍人物并且确定主题思想。第二部分列举了三个事例说明妈妈的特点(She is a kind woman and busy with her work.):作为教师热爱学生,作为母亲关心我,以及一年到头忙忙碌碌。最后部分是作者对妈妈的评价,与主题思想首尾相顾。这种方法也可用来描写一个 人身上的多

18、种特点,每个事例针对一个特点加以说明,给读者留下一个比较鲜明、有血有肉的形象。写作套路2:PI S(1)介绍人物S(2)确定主题,表明作者对人物的看法Pns(3)事例IS(4)细节说明1S(5)细节说明2S(6)事例nS(7)细节说明丨S(8)细节说明2S(9)事例皿S(10)细节说明1S(11)细节说明2P皿S(12)作者的评价在写人的时候可以采用以上两种套路。它们的最大特点是结构严密、安排合理、层次清楚,内容丰富、语句连贯、容易操作。二、叙事这类作文要求考生叙述生活中有意义的或者印象深刻的一件事情。写作应以空间顺序或者时间顺序为基本线索展开。这些表示空间或者时间的词语都是理顺文章条理的信号

19、词,要特别注意。使用空间顺序法叙事,以作文题A Visit to Na npu Bridge为例;(1) Last week we visited Nanpu Bridge over the Huangpu River. (2) Its a great destination for visitors because of allthe attractions. (3) In the blue sky above the bridgesaw little white clouds and flying birds. (4) They enjoyed freedomhigh up in the

20、sky. (5) On the bridge,I saw a lot of cars and trucks. (6) The traffic was moving steadily and without difficulty. (7) The highlightof the trip came when we walked across the bridge and looked down at the Huangpu River. (8) From there we got a wonderful view ofShanghai along the river. (9) The river

21、 ran through the city and was sparkling in thesun. (10) Many ships were passing under the bridge. (11) This visit was really impressive!这篇文章按照从上到下的空间顺序进行叙述。方位词语above the bridge, on the bridge, across the bridge, un derthe bridge”的运用,使得文章的条理十分清晰。文章从第7句开始叙述游览最精彩的部分,所以相关细节就更加充实。写作套路4:PI S(1)介绍人物、时间和地点S

22、(2)确走主题,表明作者对事件的态度Pns(3)位置IS(4)细节s(5)位置nS(6)细节S(7)位置皿S(8)细节1S(9)细节2S(10)细节3P皿S(ll)作者的评价使用时间顺序法叙事,以作文题“What a Day!”为例:(1) Yesterday we had a math exam and I had the worst sort of luck. (2)I had prepared my less ons well the ni ght beforeand did nt go to bed un til 12 oclock. (3)I did nt forget to set

23、 the alarm clock and hoped it would call me at half past sixmthe morning. (4) But when l woke up the next morning, it was already seven. (5)1 immediately put on my clothes and rushed to the bus stop.(6)Luckily,it did nt take me long to get on the bus. (7)Shortly after l got on the bus,I found I got

24、on the wrong one. (8) So I got off and took ataxi to the school. (9) It never rains but it pours. (10) When I hurried into the classroom, to my surprise,I found I had left my schoolbag on thetaxi. (11) What a day!文章按照时间顺序展开。第一句交代了事件背景和文章主题(I had the worst sort of luck.)。叙述从考试前一天晚上开始,一直到作者冲进教室后发现忘了拿书

25、包时结束,生动 描写了作者运气坏透了的一天。时间词语的运用,使得文章的时间节点非常清晰,叙述非常 流畅。写作套路5:PI S(1)介绍背景和主题PnS(2)时间节点IS(3)细节S(4)时间节点nS(5)细节1S(6)细节2S(7)时间节点皿S(8)细节1S(9)细节2S(10)时间节点wpms(ii)作者的评价说明文说明文是对事物进行解释和介绍的一种文章体裁,目的是使人们对所说明的事物有一个清楚的认识和了解。说明性是说明文的基本特征。说明时要有条理,可以采用时间顺序 法,也可以采用列举法,以列举具体的事例进行说明。科学性和客观性是说明文的另一文体 特征,文章一般不带感情色彩。使用列举法说明,

26、以作文题How to Cross the Road Safely”为例:(1) When we cross the road, we must be very careful and do the following.(2)First, we must stop and find a safe place to cross. (3) We can use a zebra crossing because it gives us the right to cross beforecars, buses and trucks. (4) Once we have found a suitable p

27、lace, we must look both ways. (5) We must look left first, then right, then leftagain. (6) Or we can look at traffic lights. (7)A red light means we must stop while a green light means go. (8) We must not cross the roadwhen the traffic light is red. (9) It is dangerous. (10) When it is safe, we can

28、walk straight across but keep look ing and liste ning. (11) Wemust do this in case a car appearssudde nly.(12) If we keep these points in mind, we can cross the road safely.文章的第一部分明确主题。第二部分逐一介绍安全过马路的四个要点,每一个要点后面都有细节支撑,做进一步的说明。最后部分重复主题思想,起到强调作用。写作套路6:PI S(1)明确主题PllS(2)要点IS(3)细节S(4)要点HS(5)细节S(6)要点mS(7

29、)细节1S(8)细节2S(9)细节3S(10)要点wS(11)细节P皿S(12)重复主题议论文议论文通过摆事实、讲道理来说明自己的观点和见解,目的是影响和说服读者。与说明文不同,议论文有着很强的主观性。在议论文中,作者首先表明自己的观点,即论点;然后提岀可信的依据,即论据来证明自己的观点;最后,作者对所述内容进行归纳,得出结论。写议论文可以使用列举法和比较对照法。使用列举法议论,以作文题Early Rising为例:(1) Early rising is good for us in many ways.(2)First, it helps to keep us fit. (3) The ai

30、r in the morning is fresh and healthy. (4) If we are early risers, we can get rid of stale air andbreathe fresh air.(5) Second, early rising helps us to pla n our work for the day. (6) Every morning we decide what we should do and arra nge everything. (7) We cannot work well without a good pla n.(8)

31、 Third, early rising helps us in our studies. (9) Mornings are the most productive time.(10) In the morning, welearn more quickly and we find it easier to remember what we learn.(11) Fourth, if we rise early, we actually have time for breakfast. (12) We all know that breakfast is one of the most imp

32、ortant meals ofthe day. (13) Without breakfast, were so hungry until lunch time and cannot focus on our studies.(14) In a word, early rising is a healthy lifestyle.本文采用了列举法。第一句表明论点,后面各句通过first, second, third等词语逐一列岀令人信服的论据。每一个层面都是先有一个主题句,然后再添加相关细节。这样,条理比较清晰,内容也比较充分。写作套路7:PI S(1)提岀论点Pll S(2)论据IS(3)细节1

33、S(4)细节2S(5)论据HS(6)细节1S(7)细节2S(8)论据皿S(9)细节1S(10)细节2S(11)论据WS(12)细节丨丨S(13)细节2P皿S(14)结论此类体裁的文章也可以不使用first, seco nd, third等表示列举的词语。只要文章条理清晰、层次分明就可以了。以作文题My Favorite Season为例:(1)1 love summer! (2) Its so much ni cer tha n other seas ons. (3)1 love summer because I can go to the cou ntryside for a holiday

34、 andhave a happy time. (4)1 love the hotair and the feeli ng of the sun on my face, (5)1 enjoy weari ng less, and I love to get a n icetan! (6)1 love the smell of flowers and fresh grass and the songs of birds in the mornin_g.(7)I also love to swim and catch fish in rivers and go into the curious in

35、 sect world.(8)Ilike to catch grasshoppers and run after butterflies flyi ng from flower to floweT.(9)1 finden dless pleasure in this seas on!本文也采用了列举法。文章的第一句表明作者的观点。第二句给予进一步的说明,也可以省略。第三句提岀论据,后面的句子列举与论据有关的细节。最后一句进行归纳,作者对夏天的喜爱溢于言表。写作套路8:PI S(1)提岀论点S(2)进一步说明PllS(3 )提岀论据S(4)细节1S(5)细节2S(6)细节3S(7)细节4S(8)

36、细节5P皿S(9)结论使用比较对照法议论,以作文题Studying Abroad为例:(1) Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. (2) One of the advantages is that we can study and research in goodschools. (3) Second, we can travel widely, and there is no better time to spread our wings and experience a new culture in a new wo

37、rld. (4)Third, we can use English in our daily life and improve our Ianguage skills. (5) But study ing abroad does have some disadva ntages. (6)One problem is that we will have difficulty in adapt ing to a new culture.(7) Another problem is the loneliness and homesickness because we will miss our pa

38、rents and friends.(8) Furthermore,the cost of study ing abroad is much higher tha n that in the home cou ntry. (9) To sum up, give n an opportu nity to study abroad, we mustlook at it from both sides before making the decisi on这篇文章以比较对照法展开。第一句表明主题。第二句至第四句讲的是出国的好处,第五句至第八句讲的则 是岀国的坏处。最后一句明确表达作者本人的观点。写作

39、套路9:PIS(1)提岀论点PnS(2)好处(论据)1S(3)好处(论据)2S(4)好处(论据)3S(5)转折过渡S(6)坏处(论据)1S(7)坏处(论据)2S(8)坏处(论据)3P皿S(9)结论应用文应用文是人们在日常生活、学习和工作中常用的一种文体,有较为固定的模式。初中所学的应用文主要有书信(电子邮件)、日记、便条和通知等四种。写作时可以采用记叙文、说明文或议论文的套 路。一、书信(电子邮件)英文书信一般由四个部分组成。1信头信头指发信人的地址和发信日期,一般写在信纸的右上角。先写发信地址,顺序是由小到大。发信日期接在她址的下一行写,为单独一行。日期普遍的写法是:月、日、年(日和年之间要

40、有逗号隔开),例如July 8,2011。如果信是写给熟悉的人,往往只写日期。2.称呼左起顶格写,独立成行,末尾用逗号。英文称呼的写法根据写信人和收信人之间的关系而定。最常见的是Dear+头衔+姓”或者Dear+名”,例如Dear Professor Smith,DearMr. Wei,Dear David等。如果是家庭成员或者是好朋友,一般用“My Dear+名”或者直呼其名,例如My Dear Helen,Russ等。如果不清楚收信人的性别,可以称Dear Sir or Madam。3.正文正文从称呼的下一行开始写,每一段的第一行往右缩进五个字母。正文可以先用一两句话说明写信的目的,然后再

41、谈具体事情。如果正文的内容不多,也可以一段写完。4结束语结束语要自成一段,表达写信人对收信人的良好祝愿或期盼。结束语的内容要和正文的内容相呼应。常用的结束语如下:Best wishes.With best regards.Thank you.Please take care.Please remember me to Tom.Write soon.I hope to hear from you soon.Im looking forward to meeting you.5结尾谦称和署名结尾谦称指结尾的客套话,单独成行,从与正文有两三行距离的中间偏右的地方开始。第一个单词的首字母要大写,末尾用

42、逗号。结束语一般用“Yours+副词”构成。注意,不要把Yours写成Your。结束语可根据写信人和收信人之间的关系有所不同。下面是一些常用的写法:1)写给亲属或密友:Yours,Always yours,Yours ever.Love,With love,Your lovingdaughter2)写给上级或长者:Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully.3)写给关系一般的人:Yours truly,Yours sincerely.署名低于结尾谦称一行,从缩后于结尾谦称一半的地方写起。出于礼貌和负责的原因,即使信件是打印稿,写信人都要亲笔署名。书信范例:假如你是D

43、avid,想加入一个俱乐部使你周日的闲暇时间过得愉快。写一封信给俱乐部 负责人,介绍你的爱好和兴趣并希望了解有关规定。86 Zaoyang RoadShanghai,200062P.R.ChinaJuly 18,2011Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to ask to join your club. My name js David. I have many hobbies and interests.1 like music and photography. I likecollecting stamps, planting flowers and climb

44、ing mountains. Painting is also something that I really enjoy doin g. Im busy with my work, butI can keep my Sun days free.1 want to be a member of your club and enjoy my free time. Would you please let me know your requirements?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,David写作套路10:86 Zaoyang

45、 RoadShanghai, 200062P. R. Chi naJuly 18, 2011 (信头)Dear .,(称呼)I am glad to . . /I am writ ing to . /Tha nk you very much for . . /How are things goin g?/ How are you gett ing on?/l have nt heard fromSincerelyyou for a long time._Yours sincerely,(结尾谦称)David(署名)二、通知通知分为口头通知和布告通知两种。口头通知的措辞比较通俗,具有感情色彩。布

46、告通知的措辞可以正式一些。其正文上方的中间位置写上“Notice”作为标志,右下角写明通知发放单位的名称,下一行写明通知发放的日期。不管是哪一类通知,正文部分都要写清楚时间、地点、内容、对象和要求。概括性的内容可以用一句话放在 前面,然后再提供细节。通知的时态多使用一般现在时和一般将来时。口头通知范例:May I have your atte nti on, please?l have an announ ceme nt to make.Professor Li from Shan ghai Un iversity will give us a lecture on en viro nmen

47、tal protecti on. All thestude nts of JuniorGrade 3 are asked to atte nd it.The lecture will be held in our new lecture theater at 2:30 On Friday after noon. We should listen carefully andtake notes. After the lecture, we will have a discussion and write a report on the subject.Please get there on ti

48、me. Thats all. Thank you!写作套路13:May I have your atte nti on, please?I have an announ ceme nt to make.Please get there on time. Thats all. Thank you!布告通知范例:NoticeThere is an interesting film on at our school cinema. The title of the film is Harry Porter. It starts at seven oclockthis evening and last

49、s about two hours. This film is about a clever and brave boy who dares to fight against powerful en emies. His Z-shapedscar and magic stick will bri ng you into a won derful world. All stude nts of the school are welcome.The Students UnionMay 24, 2011写作套路14:NoticeThere is an in teresti ng film on at

50、 our school cinema._The StudentsUnionMay 24, 2011三、发言稿发言稿是参加会议者为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己的意见、看法或汇报思想、工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。它可以用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等。发言稿可以分为演讲稿、倡议书、欢迎辞、欢送辞等形式,考试中常见的为演讲稿和倡议书。发言稿具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在感情上产生共 鸣.。发言稿范例:Boys and girls,Good mornin g. I am Li Lei

51、. Thank you for giv ing me the opportu nity to make a speech here. The topic of my speech is“How to keep healthy”.In my opinion, as middle school stude nts, keep ing healthy is importa nt. First, we should do moreexercise such as playing ball games, running, swimming and jumping rope. Then, wed bett

52、er pay attention to our diet.Dont eat too much meat and sugar but more vegetables and fruit. And keep enough sleep is also important. Whats more, we shouldkeep ourselves happy. As people often say,“Smiling makes people younger.”I hope I have made myself un derstood. Thank you for your liste ning.写作套

53、路15:Boys and girls/Ladies and gen tleme n,Good morning/afternoon/evening.I am _ (自我介绍)It is a great honor for me to make a speech on_.(演讲题目)/ Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a speech here. The topic of my speech is_ .(演讲题目)In my opinion, as_,_ is important. First, we should_ .(做法一 Th

54、en,we d better_.(做法 二 Whats more,_.(做法三.I hope I have made myself un derstood. Thank you for your liste ning.倡议书范例:Dear schoolmates,It is known to us all that the world is having problemswith money. Its not easy for our parents to make money.Let,s do something to help them.As students, we should try

55、 our best to save money. First, we had better ride a bike to school rather than take a taxi.Second, we should bring lunch to school in stead of buy ing food. Third, we hope that every one wears clea n school uniformrather tha n expe nsive clothes. Fourth, we should drink water as much as possible in

56、 stead of soft dri nks.In sum, we should save more money for our pare nts.Stude ntsUn io n写作套路16:Dear schoolmates,It is known to us all that_ . Let s do something to_ .(倡议内容)As students, we should_. First, we had better_.(做法一)Second, we should _.(做法二)Third,we hope that_ (做法三 Fourth, we should_ .做法四I

57、n sum, we should do much more thin gs, so that_ .(结果)_ (落款)六、调查报告调查报告是针对某一现象、某一事件或某一问题进行深入细致的调查,对获得的材料进行认真分析研究,发现本质特征和基本规律之后写成的书面报告。调查报告是写给别人看的,所以在写时应该写明调查的原因、调查过程、调查结果以及所得岀的结论。一般写调查报告可以遵循以下步骤:第一步:根据题目中所给的现象和问题做客观的介绍;第二步:分析数据或事实所反映的问题;第三步:阐述作者个人的看法和建议。调查报告范例:The health of the students is getting wor

58、se and worse. Here are the results of a survey from a middle school in 2010and 2014.In 2010, 46% of the students were short-sighted, but in 2014,the percentage is 74%. In 2010,nearly 36% of thestudents stayed up late, but in 2014,the number rises to 67%. This is because they are in Junior Three, so

59、they have lots of homework todo.I think stude nts should get less homework and do more exercise. Only in this way can stude nts get ple nty of sleep and becomehealthier.写作套路17:The_(主题)of the stude nts is gett ing_ . Here are the results of a survey from a middle school in 2010and 2014.In 2010, _ (比例

60、)of the students were_,but in 2014,the percentage is_ (比例).In 2010,nearly_ (比例)of the students, but in 2014, the number rises to_ (比例).This is because they_(原因),so they_ (结果.I think students should_ .(建议)Only in this way can students_ .(目的)(112 words)写人型(河南)以“A person I will never forget为题,写一篇英语短文 要

61、求:1.短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处等2.短文中不得岀现真实的校名和人名;3.词数80左右。范文:A pers on 1 will n ever forgetIn my life the pers on 1 will n ever forget is my father.When 1 was a child, my family was poor,and we lived hard. At that time myfarther was you ng. He was tall an d thi n. He was usually kind. He loved playin

62、gChinese chess whe n he was free. He worked hard every day to make money tokeep our family. He was in school for only two years because his family was poor.But he knew going to schoolwasimporta nt. So he asked me to work hard at school. Once I did n twa nt to go toschool, and my father was angry wit

63、h me and made me go to school .Now I understand my fathers love to me. I will never forget my father.love doing sth.意为喜欢做某事”,用动 词的现在分词形式表 示一直以来喜欢,是 一种习惯。going to schoo为动 名词短语作宾语从句 的主语,属于高级表 达。be angry with sb.意 为生某人的气,此匕处makesb. do sth.有强迫某人做某事的意味。记事型(湖北十堰)亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在此离别之际,恰逢中学生英语征稿,请你以“A(n)(L

64、ucky/Unusual/Exciting/Proud/Regretful(遗憾的)/.) Thing”为题,简要 描述一件你亲身经历的、印象深刻的事情并谈谈你从这件事 中所获得的启示。要求:1.写短文前,请用一个恰当的形容词补全下面的标题,所用形容词可以从上面括号中选取,也可以另外选择;2.语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯;3.文中不得岀现真实的校名和姓名;4.词数:80100词。短文的开头已给岀,不计入总词数。A(n) _ThingIn the past three years, the life of middle school has impressed me deeply. Many s

65、tories happe ned. The follow ing isone of them.范文:A Regretful ThingIn the past three years, the life of middle school has impressed me deeply.本句是个含有时 间状语从句和宾语 从句的复杂句型; 过 去完成进行时态hadbeen going over.Many stories happe ned. The follow ing is one of them.One day, I went into a net bar after school. I pla

66、yed an interestinggame un til 7:00 p.m. After I came back home, I told my mother that I hadbeen going over my lessons at school. Mother believed me! After a while, shecooked two eggs and said happily to me,Son, eat them andtake care of yoursel f because you study too hard.Hearin”my motherwords,my face tur ned red. After that, I decided to study hard.From it, I understand we should not cheat anyone, especially our用,表示过去一直在 做某事,表达准确。hearing my motherwords为动名词短语5作伴随状语,体现了作者深厚的写作功 底。pare nts. Hon es

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