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1、Money for Nothing by Dire Straits MTV.我觉得城市削弱了人类的能力I think cities have weakened us, as a species.在城市中犯错不用承担后果Mistakes have no consequences there.出门不看路马车会急停避让Step into the road without looking或紧急转向and the carriage merely stops or swerves.你只用担心被司机骂两句The only consequence, an angry driver.但在这里你不能犯错But h

2、ere, there can be no mistakes.因为这片土地根本不在乎你Because here doesnt care.河流不在乎你会不会游泳The river doesnt care if you can swim.毒蛇不在乎你多爱你的孩子The snake doesnt care how much you love your children, 野狼也不在乎你怀揣什么梦想and the wolf has no interest in your dreams.如果你被急流吞噬会被淹死If you fail to beat the current, you w山 drown.惊扰

3、到蛇会被咬伤If you get too close, you will be bitten.斗不过狼你就会被吃掉Ifyou are too weak, you will be eaten.咱们把牛群赶回去吧Lets push em back.我们已经穿过了布拉索河的主干道We crossed the main stem of the Brazos River,就在克里尔叉曰以北just north of the Clear Fork.虽说从地图上看我们还在德州Though maps say we are still in Texas,但主干道和克里尔叉口的交汇处the convergence

4、 of the main stem就是文明的终点and the Clear Fork is where civilization ends.我们已经迈出法外容情的土地The land of no consequence is behind us.Havent fully figured how it translates to people.Mm.你再跟那个牛仔待下去You spend enough time with that cowboy用不r多久就知道是怎么操作的rIm pretty sure youre going to find out quick enough.但我不建议你这么做I

5、 recommend you dont though.我希望你把它留给你爱的那个人I recommend you save it for someone you love.要是我真爱他呢Maybe I love him.他每次看着我我就小鹿乱撞I get butterflies when he looks at me.他不看我我就患得患失I get butterflies when he dont.这不是爱亲这是Thats not love, honey. Thats.见鬼Dammit.看来我们得好好谈谈了对吧I guess were gonna have to have that conve

6、rsation, arent we? 好吧说不定可以一举两得呢Well, I say we kill two birds with one stone.来吧Come on.我很羡慕你I envy you.在这荒郊野岭当女人Becoming a woman out here.无需遵守规矩也没有烦恼No rules or worries也没人指指点点教训你该怎么做or whispers about what you should do.世上根本没有自♥由&hcarts;这回事艾尔莎Theres no such thing as freedom, Elsa.千万别相信别人告诉你的那一套

7、Dont let anyone tell you there is.这世上处处都有法律有规矩Theres laws, theres rules有风俗习惯有责任担当theres customs, responsibilities everywhere.哪里人越多The more people you cram together哪里的规则就越多the more rules therell be.我对俄勒冈的生活一无所知I dont know what life is like in Oregon,但那里肯定也有规矩but therell be rules there too.这段旅途应该会是你人生

8、中最自♥由♥的时光fThis trail is as free as youll ever be.因为你唯一需要遵循的The only rules you need to follow.是你的内心are the ones in your heart.我以为你要跟我谈性事We gonna talk about sex now?我们已经谈过了We just did.Oh.啊对不起我I-I-Im sorry, I was, uh.我们我得我们We, I had to. We, uh.把舌头放嘴里说话Put your tongue in your mouth, son.你会

9、说得更清楚孩子It helps you speak better.是的女士Ye-Yes, maam.就是大家都在驱车赶马了The, uh. The wagons are moving.我们不是明天才走吗I thought we were leaving tomorrow.现在就走女士Leaving now, maam.好的All right.那我们这就穿衣服Well get dressed.遵命女士Yes, maam.等你先走Once you leave.对对女士抱歉我这就走Yes maam. Sorry. Im leaving.我真羡慕你真心羡慕I envy you, honey. I re

10、ally do.走啊牛牛Hup, hup.你要忙我们赶牛吗达顿夫人You helping with the herd, Mrs. Dutton?我得去看看我儿子I should go check on my son.你要是看到托马斯能让他过来吗If you see Thomas, could you send for him?出什么事了吗Everything alright?一切都好女士Everythings fine, maam.如果你老公不忙可以让他也过来吗If you can spare your husband, would you send him as well? 我让他俩都过来I

11、ll send them both.牛群要紧紧跟在马车后面Were gonna push these cattle right behind the wagons.跟紧一点Keep em close.这里真的是美国吗Is this America?这倒底是哪儿自♥由♥何在Where is this. Where is this freedom?正义何在Where is this justice?你们是一群没有牧人的羊群You are sheep with no shepherd.你们追随了狼群You follow the wolves.你们追随了狼You follo

12、w the wolves!我说到做到Im a man of my word.如果你再看到我的脸If you ever see my face again,那就会成为你的最后一瞥itll be the last thing you see.在不到三周的时间内我们的队伍缩减了一半Elsa: In less than three weeks, we had shrunk by half. 八个男人六个女人还有四名儿童死亡Eight men, six women, and four children had died. 现在我们还要留下这么多人And now we leave at least tha

13、t many behind.如果人数代表力量那么我们就越发虚弱If strength is in numbers, then we are growing weaker. 就在我们最需要力量的时候When we need our strength the most.我发现了六个I make six of them.没有鞋No shoes.我们离保留地很远Were a ways from the reservation.也许只是打猎的Maybe just hunting.他们跑这么远不是为r打猎Naw,they aint travel this far to hunt.他们知道我们逐水扎营The

14、y know were going water to water.今晚把东西都看紧了Keep everything close tonight.他们看起来已经在挨饿rThey look like theyre starving already.这么热的天气走这么艰苦的路In this heat, walking this rough trail,用不了多久就会饿死it dont take long to starve.孩子会最先受影响Itll hit them kids first.我们应该把我们的口粮给他们匀一点We should chip our rations in with their

15、s.已经这么做了Already did.你呢How about you?你当初的条件并不是这样That aint part of our bargain. 你要看他们饿死吗You gonna watch them starve? 那边有五十头牲畜Theres fifty head of cattle right there.没人会饿死Aint nobody got to starve.我们离开堪萨斯When we leave Kansas, 到怀俄明之前就再遇不到驿站了 there aint no trading posts till Wyoming. 那得一个月的时间Thats a mont

16、h.我们得保留下牲畜We need to save the cattle.我不会为了他们拿我的家人冒险I wont risk my family for theirs.你不拿出口粮就自己走You will chip in with us or you will go your own way. 我的口粮不能说给就给队长My wagon wheels dont strip so easy, Captain.你得找个带着自己马车的厨子You need a cook with his own wagon 还要能自己赶车不然的话and the skill to drive it, otherwise.

17、你下周也会陷入同样的处境youre going to end up in the same situation next week. 你想要我的口粮那就是我的条件You want my rations, thats my price.我们到多恩那边我立马就雇Ill hire the first one I see when we get to Doans, 我跟你保证you have my word.我可会盯着你的Im gonna hold you to it怎么了Whats wrong?有人跟踪我们Somebodys following us.盗匪Bandits.可能是Could be.我要

18、你今晚和车队一起睡I want you to sleep with the wagons tonight.在这里他们偷的不光是牲畜和马匹Cattle and horses aint the only thing they steal out here. 你懂吗You understand me?是先生Yessir.直接去营地Go right to camp.吸引力是一样奇怪的东西Elsa: What an odd thing, attraction.它吞噬你It consumes you.比饥饿更加凶猛Stronger than hunger甚于恐惧和我所感受的一切or fear or any

19、thing Ive ever felt.我能在浑身上下感觉到I feel it everywhere.我的手My hands.我的胃我的脚趾my stomach, my toes.-嘿-你Hey. hey.你知道怎么做吗You know what to do?你做过吗You done this before?算是吧Sort of.算是?Sort of?对Yeah.在道奇城Uh. In Dodge City.我花韦矣请了一个女人但是I paid a woman to show me, but.不顶用It didnt work.怎么不管用Didnt work how?我不喜欢她我的身体不肯I di

20、dnt like her, my body, it wouldnt.不管我付她多少钱她都没法给我这种感觉She couldnt make me feel like this no matter what I paid her. 但我知道怎么做But I. I know what to do.如果你想让我做的话If you want me to do it.我想让你做I want you to do it.整个世界消失不见The whole world faded away.没有星星月亮No more stars or moon.没有天空No sky at all.脚下没有土地支撑No eart

21、h between my feet.背后没有石块相抵No rock against my back.只剩下我们两个There was only us.早上好Morning.我说早上好I said good morning.你最好小心点Youd better be careful.小心什么Careful with what?你现在是女人了不是吗Youre a woman now, aint you?女人之间说句交心话你最好小心And woman to woman- youd better be careful.要花上好多年的时间才能有所成就It takes years to make somet

22、hing of your life.但一个决定就会改变你的人生轨迹One decision can change the course of it forever.不到事后我们不知道那个决定And we dont know if that decision会不会毁掉我们is gonna be the one that sinks us until we make it. 你究竟想选择什么最好小心谨慎So youd better be very, very careful what you choose. 选择不好这辈子你就永无自♥由♥ f艾尔莎 Freedom is

23、 anything but, Elsa.每个选择都会有倒刺你明白吗And every choice has fangs. Do you understand me? 是女士Yes, maam.用不着这么叫我Were so past maam.如果你有了孩子你就得养If you have a child youll raise it.我可不会替你养I will not do it for you.养育我自己的孩子就够困难rHaving a hard enough time raising my own,你也看得出来as you can clearly see.如果你决定再干那种事And if y

24、ou decide to do it again.那就到营地里听不到的地方去做Do it outside of earshot of the damn camp.爸爸知道吗Does daddy know?你父亲在放牛Your fathers watching the herd.如果我有了孩子If I have a baby.我会养Ill raise it他会和你一起养吗Will he raise it with you?我去问Ill ask.我建议你去问问I suggest you do that.我不后悔妈妈I dont regret it, mama.昨晚很美好It was beautif

25、ul.我不后悔And I dont regret it.我真想看看你眼中的世界是什么样子Just once Id love to see the world through your eyes.不过总有一天你会从我的视角看世界One day youll see it through mine, though. 这让我心碎And it breaks my heart.自 ♥由 ♥Freedom.自&h earts油♥就是接纳结果Freedom is accepting consequences.拥抱他们Embracing them.将他们像毯子一样裹在身

26、边Wrapping them around you like a blanket. 我选择爱他I choose to love him.我选择让他爱我I choose to let him love me.如果结果是一个孩子我也会爱屋及乌If the consequence is a child, Ill choose to love that too. 如果我有了孩子你够男人去养吗If 1 have a baby are you man enough to help raise it? 怎么说Well?你和我遇到的人都不一样You aint like anyone I ever met.我当

27、然够男人了Hell, yes, I*m man enough.但有没有那么幸运就不知道了I doubt Im that lucky though.-早上好-早上好-Good morning. - Good morning.我去告诉爸爸Im gonna go tell daddy. 告诉他什么Tell daddy what?我们要结婚了That were getting married.你把女人都看透了是不是Think you got women all figured out, dont you?我觉得这个女人我还没看透I dont think theres any figuring that

28、 one out.你只需要快点琢磨透她的父亲What you need to figure out is her father and quick.因为那家伙会来宰了你Cause that son of a bitch is gonna kill you.你觉得他知道了You think he knows?整个营地都知道了The whole in camp knows.爸爸Daddy.那是什么What is that?你觉得那是什么What do you think that is?和你想的一样Same thing you think it is.你打算怎么办What do you want

29、to do?只有一条路Got no choice.你觉得他们有六个人Six of them, you think?反正是六匹马Six horses anyway.我们需要更多枪We need more guns.我宁要四个好手Ill take four good fighters也不要八个破落户over eight poor fighters any day.你那东西是能用的还是装样子的真正踏入了无情之地Wc are in the land of no mercy now.我在西边发现块不错的牧场I saw good pasture to the west.我们得把它们赶北边峡谷中隐蔽一点We

30、re gonna hide them in a canyon up north. 隐蔽Hide em?要避开谁呢Hide em from who?盗匪Bandits.什么样的盗匪What kind of bandits?各种盗匪Every kind.这帮混♥蛋♥连你的床单都偷 Sons of bitches out herell steal your bed roll 把你卷起来一起偷with you in it.Hey.别一个人行动好吗Dont go nowhere alone, okay?Hey.我是认真的I mean it.我去找个地势高的地方Im gonna

31、 hunt some high ground.观察一下你们看着牛Have a look around. Hold em here.该死Goddammit.那是他们的食物车The wagon was their food wagon.沉的那辆The one that sunk?我和那个农民尽力挽救过但是Me and the farmer saved what we could, but. 他们断粮了队长They got no food, Captain.需要补给You know how to use those things or are they just for show? 我在野外行走十五

32、年了I been riding this country fifteen years,你觉得呢what do you think?你呢What about you?我没杀过人但是上帝作证我会打枪I-I aint never killed nobody but by God I know how.咱们先回营地安排一下Lets get to camp and figure this out.你哪也别去You aint going nowhere.爸爸Daddy!我爱他I love him.你根本不知道那是什么意思You dont know what that word means.我选的I cho

33、se it.我去找的他I went to him.我知道那个词是什么意思我爱他I know what that word means, and I love him.你要是还有力气就打吧Ill take your licks ifyou got more to give.我是男人我能受下Im a man and Ill take em.她的份我也受下Ill take her, too.是吗Will you?你就是这么求婚的吗Thats how you ask?我什么也没求I aint asking nothing.如果她爱我If she loves me.我就接受Im taking it.如果

34、你不肯把她许配给我If you wont give her to me,我就把她拐走我发誓Ill goddam steal her, I swear it.你全都想清楚了是不是You got it all figured out, dont you?你说你爱她You say you love her.但是你对她的爱永远不会胜过我but you wont ever love her like I do.你要带走的是我的心肝Thats my heart youre running off with. 你最好把她当作掌上明珠Youd better cradle it like an egg. 我会的

35、先生I will, sir.-定I will.提醒你一下A little warning.那姑娘会把你磨垮的That girl is gonna run you ragged.我已经领略到了先生Its already got that look to it, sir.上马同营地Mount up. Lets get back to camp.我爱你I love you.我爱你I love you.要是他们掉头来找我们呢What if they come back around for us instead? 不会的They wont.要是来了呢詹姆斯But what if they do, Ja

36、mes?那就在我回来之前死咬住他彳门Then you fight like a damn panther拼了命打until I get back to you.我们走Lets get her moving.她值点钱Shell be worth something.这小妞身上有点东西Lots of feathers to pluck off that chicken. 我们等天黑We wait for dark?为什么What for?就-辆车Its just one wagon.闻起来不错Smells good.你的马呢Where is your horse?我还指望你知道I was hopi

37、n youd know.破马把我甩F去了Damn bugger bucked me off.你一个人在这You out here alone?和我丈夫一起With my husband.没看见什么丈夫Dont see no husband.打水去了He went for water.那他得有一会儿了Well, hes gonna be gone a while then. 附近没什么水Aint much water around here.你在做什么呢Whatcha cookin?炖菜Stew.是吗That a fact?来Ah, come on.你个贱♥人♥You

38、 ing bitch!跑跑Run! Run!丽萨丽萨Liza! Liza!这是什么地方What is this place?你要带我去哪Where are you taking me?开枪开枪Shoot em! Shoot em!继续打继续打Keep shooting, keep firing!你身上带着手♥枪♥吗You got that pistol with you?在我的马鞍袋里In my saddle bags.拿出来Get it out我爱她I loved her.我不怀疑小子I dont doubt it, son.不不不No! No! No!拜托Ple

39、ase.不不不不No! No, no, no.我打小就已经结识了死亡Id known death since I was a child.它无处不在Its everywhere.但是从未触碰过我But it had never touched me.从未将它腐秽的手指置于我的心脏之上It had never placed its rotten finger on my heart. 直至今日Until today.今天我的眼睛失了神Today, my eyes died.我现在从我母亲的视角看待也界了I see the world through my mothers eyes now. 对自

40、♥由♥有倒刺Yes, freedom has fangs.扎在了我心上And it sunk them in me.我选择爱他I chose to love him.他选择爱我He chose to love me back.选择了保护我Then chose to protect me.然后一个我们素昧平生的人选择杀死他Then a man weve never met chose to kill him. 让目之所及失去了神采 and made me color blind.也许杀掉这个人能唤回我的视力Maybe killing this man will get

41、 my eyes back. 也许不会Maybe it wont.但是我选择-试But I chose to find out.Need to resupply.我们会路过多恩过河点到那里再补充补给Well cross at Doans. Resupply there.那得一个星期以后了Doans is a weeks ride.对Yep.晚安农场离得不远Goodnights ranch aint crazy far.伯克伯内特的农场也在附近Neither is Burke Burnetts.那片地路太难走了That countrys too rough.跟我们不在一个方向And the wr

42、ong direction.你今早一定很想她们吧Missing em bad this morning, huh?我每天早上都很想她们汤姆I miss em bad every morning, Tom.但我今天不是为这事难过That aint whats eating at me today.那你在难过什么Whats eating you, then?我们让太多女人死了丈夫Were making too many widows.太多小孩死了父母Too many orphans.他们的死不是我们造成的We aint making nuthin.这不是我们的错Their deaths aint

43、our fault.但照顾好他们是我们的责任所以就是我们的错Theyre our responsibility. That makes em our fault 这跟你之前指挥战士翻山越岭是一样的Hows this different than sending soldiers over a hill? 你知道会有伤亡You knew they was gonna die.町你从没为他们流过一滴泪You never shed a tear for them.你怎么知道我没有The hell I didnt.第一季第S集早餐做好了Breakfast is ready.我还在穿衣服Im getti

44、ng dressed.快点穿啊Well, get dressed faster.我自己穿得还不熟练呢I aint got much practice of doing this by myself. 那是什么What the hell are those?这玩意儿长在仙人掌kThey grow on the cactus.你怎么知道有毒没毒How do you know theyre not poisonous?因为我昨天吃了一个Cause I ate one yesterday.你尝尝Try it.我觉得可以做成果酱Im gonna make a jelly out of it.Mm.我今天

45、自己穿的衣服妈妈I got dressed all by myself, mama. 看出来了I can see that.给你儿子Here you go, son.宝贝女儿今天跟我们一起吃早餐吗Our daughter gonna join us for breakfast today? 她在放牛呢Shes with the herd.她放牛都快放了一个星期了Shes been with the herd for almost a week. 这样才能成为一名合格的牛仔啊Its making a good cowboy out of her.我怎么不知道你要把她培养成牛仔I didnt kn

46、ow that was the goal.你要去哪儿Where are you going?我们的结婚誓言里可没说过I dont recall the part of our vows that said 我去哪里还要征求你的同意I need to ask your permission to go somewhere. 我们今天就走We leaving today?越拖越麻烦Its only gonna get hotter.如果继续坐这儿无所事事If we sit around here like its Sunday,那群人只会把所剩不多的食物those folks are gonna

47、just cook up消耗殆尽whatever food they got left.得让他们动起来We got to keep em moving.我要跟你谈谈We must speak.行谈吧All right. Speak.我们跋涉很久去过一条根本过不去的河We ride to one river and we dont cross 然后再跋涉一周去过一条更凶残的河 then we ride a week to a worse river. 我们的人被迫放弃一切Wc are forced to leave everything behind 却一个接一个的死掉and still wer

48、e dying.你怎么当领袖的You are the leader.那是因为你们自相残杀You fight amongst yourselves.互相偷东西Steal from each other.不按我们的要求做You dont do what we say事事跟我们的劝诫背道相驰and you do what we tell you dont do.至于过河的事As far as river crossings go,道理很简单thats as easy as its gonna get.我都说了你们中途不能停When I say dont stop in the middle 你们绝对

49、不应该停下by God, youd better not stop.我们是你们的带路人保护人Were here to show you the way, to protect you.但不是你们的领导We aint your peoples leader.那是你的职责可你没做到Thats your job, you just aint doing it.但你最好负起责任来因为你们大部分补给But you better start because most of your food 都沉在河底了is in the bottom of that river因为你把所有食物都放在一辆马车上becau

50、se you decided to put it all in one in wagon. 我们别无选择We had no choice.我们We.我英语太烂了Mein English.我们并非朋友也不是家人We are not all friends. We are not all family.我们只是坐同一趟船来美国的We came on the same ship and that is all.有些人就是喜欢偷别人的东西Some take from others whatever they want.巧取豪夺Whatever they need.我们把食物合在一起是为了保护它We.

51、we put the food together. To protect it. 偷东西的是谁Whos stealing?你们就43个人你不知道吗Theres only 43 of you and you dont know?我知道I know.告诉我Show me.放那儿吧孩子Set it right there, son. 我们得动身rWe should get moving.我们要先摆平一件事We need to take care of something first. 一起去吧Come with us.约翰上车去待在车上John, you get in the wagon and y

52、ou stay there. 别出来听到了吗Dont come out. You hear me?你必须交出来You must give it back.交出来什么Give what back?我们的食物都掉进河里去了We lost our food in the river.你必须把拿走的东西交出来You must give back what you took.你们没了食物就让我把我的食物交出来吗Because you lose your food I must give you mine? 你的食物是从我们这儿拿的Your food was our food before you too

53、k it.你说我拿了谁的From who did I take? Huh?我拿了谁的说啊From who did I take?我的From me.我们是公平交易We traded.我帮你推车你给我食物I push your wagon, and you give food. 我没让你帮忙你自己拿走的食物You offered to help then you took the food. 你在干嘛What are you doing?让他们自己解决Let them work it out together.谁也不能动我的马车You dont go in mein wagon.都是你害得我们一

54、无所有Wc have nothing because of you.这么多你都要一个人吃吗Gonna eat all that yourself, big boy?Heh?还有吗There any more?还有那个人That one.我什么都没做I did nothing.咱们去你马车证明一下Take me to your wagon and prove it.这是什么What is this?你的退款A refund.自己想办法去俄勒冈吧Find your own way to Oregon.要敢跟着我们我就杀了你You follow us and 1*11 kill you.你也一样Sa

55、me goes for you.你们大家只有合作互相依靠The only way you survive this is working together. 才能活下来Leaning on each other.最艰难的部分还没来呢但马上要来了This trip aint even got hard yet, but hards coming.正因为你们内江过河时才出现惨剧The river is what happens when you dont work together. 这个人是你们的领袖That is your leader.他是你们选的You chose him.就追随到底Now

56、 follow him.否则就选个你愿意追随的人Or choose someone you will follow.收拾帐篷准备马车Break your camps and hitch your teams.我们一小时后出发Were leaving in an hour. 我是认真的I mean it.跟着我们我保你没命To follow us will be the death of you.你闻着比山羊还臭You smell like a goat.我本来要去河里洗澡的I was gonna bathe in the river但埃尼斯说这里盗匪经常出没but Ennis said thi

57、s is bandit country 不想让我单独行动and not to go anywhere alone.看来埃尼斯是在喑示要跟你一起洗澡Sounds like Ennis is hinting at a bath with you. 他没说要一起洗澡He didnt suggest a bath.那是他没闻见你身上的味道If hed gotten this close to you he wouldve.我俩接吻了妈妈I kissed him, mama.你生气了吗You mad?我应该生气I suppose I should be.但我像你这么大时也亲过凡个男孩But I kissed a few boys when I was your age too, 并不是世界末日啦and the world didnt end.别做超越接吻的事就行Just dont let it go beyond kissing.怎么了除了接吻还能做什么Why, whats beyond kissing?农场里的动物你见多了Youve seen enough farm animals应该知道孩子是从怎么来的艾尔莎 to know how babies are made, Elsa. 我知道孩子是怎么来的I know how theyre made.但不知道具体到人身上是怎么操作的

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