广东省高三英语第一轮总复习 Module3 Unit8 Adventure(1)课件 北师大版 新课标

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《广东省高三英语第一轮总复习 Module3 Unit8 Adventure(1)课件 北师大版 新课标》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省高三英语第一轮总复习 Module3 Unit8 Adventure(1)课件 北师大版 新课标(46页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Part 1 Of 2 请根据以下的情景说明和写作要求,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。【情景说明情景说明】 假设你所在的班将要举行一次以“中学生上网的利弊”为主题的班会,你准备在会上发言,请你根据提示用英语写一篇发言稿。 利:获取信息;了解时事;欣赏音乐、电影。 弊:迷恋网络游戏;诱发青少年犯罪;影响学习。【写作要求写作要求】1必须使用5个句子介绍全部内容;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数。 Dear friends, In my opinion, surfing the Internet can bring us both good effects and bad effec

2、ts._Thank you.Dear friends, In my opinion, surfing the Internet can bring us both good effects and bad effects. As we know, we can get useful information that we need from it to help us study all kinds of subjects, and learn about current affairs both at home and abroad. In our spare time, we can al

3、so relax ourselves by enjoying music and movies. But on the other hand, some students waste too much of their time on the Internet. Some are addicted to playing computer games and some may even commit a crime. Each coin has its two sides, so we must make proper use of the Internet.Thank you. 1.冒的危险

4、vt. _2.远足 n. _3.地平线 n. _4.最大的adj. _5.海拔 n. _6.行李搬运工 n. _7.脚印 n. _8.忧虑的 adj. _riskhikehorizonmaximumaltitudeporterfootprintanxious9. 团体,组织 n. _10.不舒服的 adj. _11.野生的 adj. _12.沙漠 n. _13.奇遇,冒险的经历 n. _14.节目主持人 n. _15.路线,路程 n. _16.额外的 adj. _organisationuncomfortablewilddesertadventurepresenterrouteextra17.

5、极端的 adj. _18.设备 n. _19.行李 n. _20.住处,住所 n. _21.确切地 adv. _22.偏爱 n. _23.旅客 n. _24.皇帝 n. _extremeequipmentluggageaccommodationexactlypreferencetravelleremperor25.法庭 n. _26.使惊奇 vt. _27.相似性,类似性 n. _28.不同的,各种各样的 adj. _29.使困惑 vt. _30.震惊,惊骇 vt. _31.口述,听写 n. _32.燃料 n. _courtamazesimilarityvariousconfuseshockd

6、ictationfuel33.富有的 adj. _34.作者 n. _35.数量 n. _36.教授 n. _37.准备,预备 n. _38.没有希望的 adj. _39.目标 n. _40.抱负,志向n. _wealthyauthorquantityprofessorpreparationhopelessaim / goalambition41.远处的 adj. _42.国籍 n. _43.耐心 n. _44.观察 vt. _45.运输 n. _46.不利条件 n. _47.幸存 n. _48.哲学n. _49.运转,起作用 vt. _50.在里面,在内部 prep. _distantnat

7、ionalitypatienceobservetransportdisadvantagesurvivalphilosophyfunctionwithin1.起飞_2.出现,到场_3.决定不履行(允诺的事) _4.使理解(某事) _5.轮流_6.(坏事)突然发生_7.关进监狱 _take off turn up back out get across in turn break out put into prison8. 坚持(某种)说法 _9. 在途中 _10.损坏,不能运转 _11.用完,耗尽 _12.继续做某事 _13.同一样,也是,还有_14.胜任某事 _stand by on ones

8、 way break down run out of carry on as well as be fit for sth. / to do sth.15.参与,从事 _16.值得做某事 _17.通过 _18.建立,树立 _19.一度,曾经_20.为作准备 _take up be worth doing / sth. go through set up at one time prepare for1. 旅行费用为2,500英镑,其中包括所有机票 和食宿。 The hike costs 2,500, including all flights and accommodation.2. 值得做的

9、事就要做好它。 What is worth doing is worth doing well.3. 他返回之后不久,一场区域性的战争在他家 乡附近爆发了。 Not long after his return, a local war broke out near his town.4. 尽管我的车很旧,跑起来却还很好。 Although / Though my car is very old, it still runs very well.5. 夏天到了,该准备期末考试了。 With summer coming around, its time to get prepared for ou

10、r final exam.1. differ vi. 不同,不一致与from连用,表示“前者不同于后者”。 Modern cars differ from the early ones. 现代汽车不同于早期汽车。与with连用,表示“与持不同意见”。 We differ with him on / over / about that question. 我们在那个问题上跟他意见不合。与in连用,表示“两个以上的人或事在某个方 面(如大小、颜色、价格、兴趣等)有区别”。 She and her sister differ in eye color. 她跟她姐姐的眼睛颜色不同。make some

11、/ no difference 有/没有关系tell the difference betweenand 分辨和的不同之处different adj. be different from 与不同difference n. 用differ的适当形式填空李明在业余爱好方面不同于他的哥哥。1. Li Ming _ _ _ his brother in their interests.2. Li Ming and his brother _ _ their interests.3. Li Ming _ _ his brother _ their interests.4. There is _ _ _

12、Li Ming and his brother in their different fromdiffer indiffers frommuch difference betweenin2. fitadj. 健康的,强健的;可用于be fit (for sth.) / (to do sth.)结构 keep fit 保持健康 He wont be very fit to play in the match on Saturday. 他身体不适,不能在星期六出场比赛。 Hes been ill and isnt fit enough for work yet. 他一直有

13、病,还不能上班。adj. 适合的,恰当的;多作表语,可跟for引导 的短语 She is fit for the job. 她能胜任那项工作。 The fruit is fit to eat in three days. 这种水果适宜3天内吃。vt. (形状和尺寸)适合,合身 This dress doesnt fit me. 这件衣服我穿不合身。 Does the key fit the lock? 这把钥匙能开这把锁吗?1. 这件衣服你穿大小合适,但我穿不合身。 _ _2. 我们每天做运动以保持健康。 _This dress fits you very well but it is not

14、 fit for me.We do sports every day to keep fit.3. on the fire与on fireon the / a fire 在火上 Im hungry. Lets cook something to eat on a / the fire. 我饿了。咱们在火上烤点东西吃吧。on fire 着火 Look, the house is on fire. Lets call the police. 瞧,房子着火了。咱们报警吧。play with fire 玩火catch fire着火make a fire生火fire alarm 火警警报器fire br

15、igade 消防队fire fighter 消防队员set sth. on fire=set fire to sth. 放火,纵火4. adventure与riskadventure n. 强调“历险”,指冒险经历,奇遇 We had quite an adventure when we were on holiday in Europe. We got lost in the Alps. 我们在欧洲度假时遭遇了一次历险。我们在 阿尔卑斯山上迷路了。 Tom had a lot of adventures in the desert. 汤姆在沙漠中有许多冒险经历。risk n. 危险,风险,会

16、带来风险的人或事物; vt. 使冒风险,冒的风险 If you go out in this weather, there is a risk of catching cold. 在这种天气外出你有可能会感冒。 He risked his life to save her. 他冒着生命危险去救她。 Weve been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions. 我们受到忠告,在这些情况下不要冒险出行。at ones own risk 自担风险at the risk of (doing sth.) 冒可能(做某事)的危险risk one

17、s health / fortune / life冒丧失健康/财富/生命之险risk doing sth. 冒险做某事You shouldnt risk driving at night.你不应该在晚上冒险开车。用risk, adventure的适当形式填空1. If you skate on thin ice there is a _ of your falling through.2. When youre a child, life is one big _.3. Youre crazy to _ your money on an investment like that!riskadv

18、enturerisk5. prepare for 为作准备 The students are busy preparing for the final exams. 学生们正忙于为期末考试作准备。prepare sth. 把某事准备好prepare sb. for 为而辅导或训练某人prepare to do sth. 准备做某事be prepared to do sth. / be prepared for sth. 准备好做某事Id better go upstairs and prepare her room.我最好上楼去把她的房间整理好。如果表示准备三餐,一般不加介词for,直接用pr

19、epare breakfast / lunch / supper。My mother is always busy preparing the dinner.妈妈总是忙于准备晚餐。There was no news and we were prepared for the worst.由于没有任何消息,我们做好了最坏的打算。The teacher is preparing the students for an examination.那个老师正指导这些学生准备考试。I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it bac

20、k.我愿意把钱借给你,你得答应还给我。1. 他正在准备明天集会的演说。 _ _2. 你得准备好承担做这种工作的风险。 _ _He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of job.6. prove vt. 证明,证实 He decided to do something to prove his courage before everybody. 他决定做些事情在众人面前证明自己的勇气。 It is now proved that

21、he is innocent. 现在证明他是清白的。prove也可以用作连系动词,意为“证明是”。My opinion proved (to be) wrong.结果证明我的意见是错的。The old methods proved best after all.采用老方法结果反而是最好。1. 这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。 _ _2. 无法证明上帝存在。 _The task proved(to be) more difficult than wed thought.It is impossible to prove that God exists.7. aimn. C 目标,目的;U 瞄准,

22、射击目标 His aim was to swim across the strait. 他的目标是游过海峡。 The hunter took aim at the tiger. 猎人瞄准了老虎。vi. 目的是,打算;vt. & vi. 瞄准 be aimed at 目标是,目的是;针对 We aim at exploring/to explore new models of machines. 我们打算开发新式的机器。 He aimed (the gun) at the officer. 他瞄准了军官。8. get across 使理解(某事),讲清楚 The young scientists

23、 tried to get his new theory across. 这位年轻的科学家设法让人们理解他的新理论。 Your meaning didnt really get across. 你的意思并未真正为别人所理解。get about / around / round (消息)传播,走动get along 进展,与相处get down to 开始认真(干某事)get rid of 摆脱,除掉get through 做完,通过(考试),拨通(电话),到达get used to 适应,习惯于9. in turn(=by turns) 依次,轮流 I told the secret to m

24、y younger sister who, in turn, told it to mum later. 我把秘密告诉了妹妹,她随后又告诉了妈妈。 All of us will speak at the meeting in turn/by turns. 我们所有的人都将在会上轮流发言。take turns (at sth. / to do sth.) 轮流(做某事)Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事You cant both use the bike at once youll haveto take turns.你们不能两人同时用这辆自行车得轮流使用。I washed the dishes yesterday its your turn today.昨天是我洗的碟子今天该轮到你了。1. 学生们逐一报出自己的名字。 The students called out their names _.2. 萨姆先骑自行车,然后轮到我骑。 Sam had a ride on the bike and then turn / by turnsit was my turn

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