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1、试卷期末复习练习(三)短语翻译汉译英1 . 参力口个比赛 join a competition2 .有喝的东西 have something to drink3 . 好朋友的品质 qualities of a good friend4 .使你的朋友特另1Jmake your friend special5 .保守秘密 keep secrets6 .分享我的快乐 share my joy7 . 一个诚实的男孩an honest boy8 .相信某人所说的 believe what sb. says9 .在右边 on the right10 . 读广告 read an advertisement1

2、1 .举行一次写作竞赛hold a writing competition12 .留短发 have short hair13 .乐意助人 be ready / willing to help people14 .周游世界 travel around the world15 .因为太多的电月商工作because of too much computer16 .带眼镜 wear glasses17 . 有幽默感 have a sense of humour18 .感到厌倦feel bored19 .保守秘密 keep a secret20 . 讲某人的坏话 say a bad word about

3、 someone.21 .为人们唱歌 sing for people22 .倾听别人的问题listen to others problems23 .解决问题 solve problems24 .交朋友 make friends25 .周游世界 travel around the world26 .待某人友善 be kind to sb.27 .我最喜欢的歌手my favorite singer28 .谈论朋友 talk about friends29 .在彼得旁边的女孩the girl next to peter30 .长大 grow up31 .尽力 try one s best32 .在将

4、来 in the future33 .住隔壁 live next door34 .使她看上去真的很漂亮 make her look really pretty35 .帮我做家庭作业help me with my homework36 .给我讲笑话 tell me funny jokes37 .感到恐惧 feel frightened38 .和孩子打交道 work with children39 .互相校对写作中的错误 check each other wdting for mistakes40 . 脸上的笑容 a smile on one s face41 .健康的活动 healthy act

5、ivities42 .有一个像爱伦的朋友 have a friend like Alan43 .投票选某人 vote for sb.44 .需要帮助的人 people in need45 . 方脸 a square face46 .擅长干某事 be good at doing sth.47 .适合某人 be suitable for sb.48 . 了解 learn about49 .户外活动 outdoor activities50 . 给我一些告诫 give me some advice51 .愿意干某事 be willing to do sth.52 . 面带笑容 wear a smil

6、e on one s face53 . 一个男女生混合学校 a mixed school54 . 读书周 the reading week55 .煮健康美味的饭菜cook healthy and tasty meals56 .开车送我上学 drive me to school57 .花时间干某事 spend time doing sth.58 . 一周两次 twice a week59 . 一起谈得很开心 have a great time talking together60 .放学后 after school61 .午饭期间 during lunchtime62 .家政学 home eco

7、nomics63 .收集信息 collect information64 .在因特网上 on the internet65 .和不同 be different from66 .和一样 the same as67 .休假几天 have a few days off68 .多远 how far69 .乘校车 take the school bus70 .带一把雨伞 carry an umbrella71 .得到一只宠物猴 get a pet monkey72 . 住院 stay in hospital73 .课外活动 after-school activities74 .有一小时吃午饭 have

8、an hour for lunch75 . 戴领带 wear a tie76 .校服 school uniform77 .网球场 a tennis court78 .去博物馆的旅行 a trip to a museum79 .和一样大小 the same size as80 .属于我的 belong to me81 .搞清楚 work out82 .正确的词类 correct word families83 .登山 climb a hill84 .保持健康keep fit85 .力口油 come on86 .带某人去某地 take sb. to some place87 . 一封邀请信 a l

9、etter of invitation88 .为作计划 make a plan for89 . 组织外出一天 organize a day out90 .经过 go past91 .当心,小心 take care92 .有一个大花园的楼房a building with a big garden93 .在开始时 at the beginning (of )94 . 枯燥的旅途 a boring journey95 . 许多名胜 many places of interest96 .来自世界各地 from all over the world97 . 一个令人感叹的日子an amazing day

10、98 .从一个地方到另一个地方from one place to another99 .快乐的一天 a fun day100 .自学怎样干某事 teach oneself how to do sth.101 .参加做某事 join in doing sth.102 .相信自己的眼睛 believe one s ( own) eyes103 .带琳达出去 take Linda out104 .列个的清单 make a list of105 .欣赏美妙的京剧 enjoy wonderful Beijing opera106 .感受的美 feel the beauty of107 .看上去像真的一样

11、look just like the real ones108 .繁忙的交通 busy traffic109 .故宫博物馆 the palace museum110 .同意干某事 agree to do111 .去南山的旅途 a trip to the south hill112 .自学 teach oneself113 .玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek114 .从岩石往上爬 pull oneself up on the rocks115 .篮球决赛 the basketball final116 .举行 take place117 .为我们队喝采 cheer for our

12、team118 .在你的支持下 with your support119 . 提建议 make suggestions120 .天坛 the Temple of Heaven121 .名胜 places of interest122 . 一座繁忙的城市 a busy city123 .事实和观点 facts and opinions124 . 歌舞表演 a song and dance parade125 .和某人出去 go out with sb.126 .为作计划 make a plan for 127 .外出的一天 a day out128 .计算的费用 work out the cos

13、t of 129 . 一直;一路 all the way130 .人民英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the people Heroes131 .去攀岩 go climbing on rocks132 .把事实和观点分开separate facts from opinions133 .小学 a primary school134 .举例 give examples135 . A 和 B 之间的差异 the difference between A and B136 .确保 make sure137 .看起来好吃 look delicious138 .照顾某人 100k after

14、sb.139 .受到威胁 be in danger140 .写一份的报道 write a report on 141 .进行网上测试 give an online test142 .最喜欢/ 最不喜欢 like best / like least143 .受到威胁的动物 animals in danger144 .野生动物 wild animals145 .看上去像一只小白鼠look like a white mouse146 .首次 for the first time147 .正在开始时 at the very beginning148 .照顾自己 look after oneself14

15、9 .长成 grow into150 .在将来 in the future,151 .独自,独立 on one s own152 .把他们带走 take them away153 .需要帮助 need help154 .采取行动 take actions155 .鼓励某人干某事 encourage sb. to do sth.156 .捉大熊猫 catch a giant panda157 .两整天 two whole days158 .又生了一个孩子 have another baby159 .对开始有兴趣become interested in 160 .下载一些图片 download s

16、ome pictures161 .谈论 talk about162 .走过雨林 walk through a rainforest163 .攻击人类 attack people164 .北极熊 polar bears165 .踩到蛇 step on snakes166 .两只雄狼 two male wolves167 .训I练海月豕 train dolphins168 .表演技巧 perform tricks169 .竹笋 bamboo shoots170 . 一天十四个小时 fourteen hours a day171 .每次 at a time172 .两只小老鼠 two mice173

17、 . 变得越来越少 get fewer and fewer / less and less174 .不断占用土地 keep taking the land175 .采取行动 take actions176 .单独居住 live alone177 .海豚表演 a dolphin show178 .感到害怕 feel frightened179 .去观鸟 go bird watching180 .在市场上 at the market181 .鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.182 .填一份申请表 fill in an application form183 .长着长

18、长的尖翅膀的鸟 birds with long pointed wings184 .长着倒钩嘴的 with hooked beak185 .长脖鹤 long necked cranes186 .金雕 golden eagles187 .宽宽的翅膀 broad wings188 .多彩的羽毛 colorful feathers189 .为某人提供某物 provide sth. for sb.190 .珍稀的丹顶鹤 rare red-crowned cranes191 .为让出空间 make space/ room for192 .濒危鸟种 endangered bird species193 .

19、它们数量上的变化 the changes in their numbers194 .保护野生动植物的重要性 the importance of wildlife conservation / protection195 .在政府的保护下 under state protection196 .无偿地 without pay197 .大量的鸟种 a wide variety of birds198 .做短暂停留 for a short stay199 .覆盖面积 cover an area of200 .保护的栖息地 protect the home of201 .通知我 let me know2

20、02 .用代替 replace with 203 .被歹队名单 be put on the list of204 .需要做某事 need to do sth.205 .防止水灾 prevent flooding206 .例如 for example207 . 成为成员 become a member of208 .对感兴趣 be interested in209 .雨下得很大 rain hard/ heavily210 . 一场大雨 a heavy rain211 .几百本书 hundreds of books212 .两百本书 two hundred books213 .引发一场火灾 sta

21、rt a fire214 .将车撞在墙上 crash the car into a wall.215 .消磨时间kill time216 .着火 catch fire217 .在这儿呆得太久 stay here for too long218 .把地面拖干净 mop up the floor219 .害怕地 in fear220 .感到恐惧 feel frightened221 .往四面八方 in all directions / in every direction222 .拼命地跑 run wildly223 .冷静下来calm down224 .被困在 be trapped in225

22、.喊救命 shout for help226 . 一阵害怕 a moment of fear227 .匆忙地 in a hurry228 .激动的喊声 excited shouts229 . 一盒巧克力 a packet of chocolate230 .像雷一样的巨响 a big noise like thunder231 .雨季 a rainy season232 .多小山的地区 a hilly area233 . 一个暴风雨的夜晚 a stormy night234 .冰冷的水icy water235 .泥泞的路 a muddy road236 .多草的田野 a grassy field

23、237 .霜冻的早晨 a frosty morning238 .血的教训 a bloody lesson239 .雾都 a foggy city240 . 一个阳光明媚的秋日a sunny autumn day241 .给某人打电话 Give sb. a call / ring242 .雪下得很大 snow hard / heavily243 . 一场大雪 a heavy snow244 .听说某人 /某事 hear about / of sb. / sth245 .收到某人的来信hear from sb.246 .马上,同时 at once247 .天气情况 weather conditio

24、ns248 .两个警察 two policemen249 .自然灾难 natural disasters250 .着火 catch fire251 .命令某人干某事 order sb. to do sth.252 .变糟 get worse253 . 猜字谜 do word puzzles254 .为你的题目作笔记 make notes on your topic255 .展出信息 present the information256 .干某事的几种其他方法some other ways to do sth.257 .砍树 cut down trees258 .把幼仔从母亲身边带走take baby animals away from their mother259 . 设计网页 design web pages260 .把分成divide into

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