高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第14讲 “信”来“信”往 包罗万象如何写书信类作文课件 外研版

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高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第14讲 “信”来“信”往 包罗万象如何写书信类作文课件 外研版_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第14讲 “信”来“信”往 包罗万象如何写书信类作文课件 外研版_第2页
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高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第14讲 “信”来“信”往 包罗万象如何写书信类作文课件 外研版_第3页
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《高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第14讲 “信”来“信”往 包罗万象如何写书信类作文课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第14讲 “信”来“信”往 包罗万象如何写书信类作文课件 外研版(15页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、第14讲“信”来“信”往,包罗万象如何写书信类作文一、魔法导航一、魔法导航高考书信写作的关键在于对书信主体的处理。1.称呼语称呼语(salutation)收信人称呼语从信左边开始写,一般以 “Dear.”或 “My dear.”开头,后面常用逗号。2.正文正文(body)正文是书信的主体,它的质量的高低将直接决定作文得分的高低,因此在书信的训练和写作中对其要精雕细琢,力求做到层次清晰、要点齐全、过渡自然、行文流畅和文笔优美。若是回信则应根据实际需要告诉对方自己何时收到信件、自己的感受或自己的近况,而后切入正文。正文结束时,常会另起一行,写上一些表示祝福或期待的话语,如:Best wishes!

2、Looking forward to your early reply.Good luck!等。3.结尾敬语结尾敬语(complimentary close)表示写信人对收信人的谦称,常用表达有Yours,Yours sincerely,Yours truly或Yours faithfully。电子邮件的写作与书信基本相同,在此处不再赘述。二、常用句式二、常用句式第一,常用开头一句通。1.邀请信邀请信:It is a pleasure for me to invite you on behalf of.to./We would like to in-vite.to./We are more t

3、han glad to invite you to.2.申请信申请信:My name is.I would like to work as./apply for.3.祝贺信祝贺信:We are very happy to know that you have successfully.Allow me/us to give my/our most sincere congratulations on./I was delighted to hear/re-ceive the news that6.建议信建议信:Im glad to receive your letter asking for

4、advice on how to.Here are some tips for you.7.询问信询问信:Im writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.8.欢迎信欢迎信:Glad to hear from you and youre welcome to.4.投诉或抱怨信投诉或抱怨信:Im writing to tell you something about.,which I think is not satisfying.5.慰问信慰问信:We are very sorry to learn of/learn that./I

5、 am very sorry to hear of your present situation that.9.回信回信:Thank you for your letter of./Thanks so much for your letter,which arrived./I am writing to you to tell you about./Im glad to receive your letter.Its a pleasure for me to tell you my plan for.10.其他其他:Now I am so excited that I cant wait to

6、 share with you./I would also like to know if you can./Im very excited to learn that./It is indeed a wonderful idea to.第二,常用结尾典例秀。1.鼓励型鼓励型:How delighted I am now! Actually,whatever happens,we must stay calm first and then find a wise solution.2.祝愿型祝愿型:I hope whats mentioned above might be helpful an

7、d wish you a good journey.3.请求询问型请求询问型:By the way,could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.4.展望型展望型:I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment.In this way,we can make our country an even cleaner place.5.目的型目

8、的型:I am writing the letter in the hope that you can consider these problems and make more improvements.6.期待型期待型:If you happen to know the news,please inform your classmates of it.I hope all of you can learn a lot in this activity.三、典题示例三、典题示例真题在线真题在线(2016课标全国)假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外资公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。

9、给外教Ms Jenkins写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。文章体裁书信类应用文中心人称第一人称第二人称主体时态一般现在时要点布局书信开头:称呼语书信主体:写作要点书信结尾:敬语1.2.3.:()4.自我简介表明写作目的具体说明需要的帮助 申请信的文字和格式可考虑在此部分重点打造高分靓句表示感谢审题谋篇审题谋篇考场作文:Dear Ms Jenkins,I am Li Hua from your English writing class last term.I am writing to ask for you

10、r help.I am applying a part-time job in a foreign company during the summer vacation,and I have just completed my application and resume.However,I am not quite sure of the language and the format what I have used.I know you have a very busy schedule,but I will be very grateful if you take some time

11、to go through them and make necessary changes.Please find my application or resume in the attachment.Thank you for your kindness!Yours,Li Hua 文章提升:1.修改错误:1)“申请”是固定搭配,故应在applying后加介词for。2)引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语指物时应使用关系代词that或which,故应将what改为that/which。3)表并列应使用连词and,故应将or改为and。2.提升建议:将画线部分改为虚拟语气:I would be ver

12、y grateful if you could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes.阅卷现场阅卷现场参考范文:Dear Ms Jenkins,Im one of your students, Li Hua from Class Two. Im writing to ask for your help.This summer I intend to take up a part-time job in a foreign company, through which I would like to broade

13、n my horizons, gain some working experience and meet new friends. My application and resume have been prepared and I sincerely hope you can help me polish them. Firstly, Im wondering if you can help add some contents. Besides, if there are some mistakes in them, I hope you can help correct them. Las

14、tly, I attach some materials whose format had better be changed and hope you can help.I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to do so much for me.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours truly,Li Hua四、高分秀场四、高分秀场(2018江西上高二中高三月考)假定你是李华,最近你的美国笔友Jack发来邮件说他的第一部小说出版了,并给你寄来了样书(sample copy)。请用

15、英语给他回一封邮件,主要内容如下:1.表示祝贺;2.感谢赠书;3.希望Jack给你提出写作建议。注意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Jack, Yours,Li Hua答案答案 One possible version:Dear Jack,Im very excited and inspired by the news that your first novel has been published. First, Id like to offer my congratulations to you on your gre

16、at success. In fact, I have witnessed your progress in admiration all these years, and I can imagine how much effort you have put into your writing. Second, Id like to thank you for mailing a sample copy of your novel to me. I cant wait to read it. By the way, I am anxious to know how to choose a good topic for a novel and develop it. Will you give me some advice?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua

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