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1、新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程 3原文听力原文说明:本原文包含 warning up, listening禾口 homework部分Unit 1 Live and love一、warming upW: Did the doctor call? Did he say rm pregnant?M: Yeah, ljust talked to him.W: What did he say? Are we going to have a baby?M: VouVe really excited about this, arent you?W: Ybu know 1 am! Its my dream

2、to have a baby that I can teach how to be a loving person. I thouaht vou were excited too.M: Sure, 1 am. I am. rm excited for the same reason as you are. I think we can do what you sard we can teach this baby how to grow up and become a Joving person,W: So. is there a baby? What did the doctor say?M

3、: Its exactly what we wanted. Were going to have a b日byl Lets start off by calling our families and telling them the good news. 1 believe our parents are going to be as thrilled as we are.二、short conversations1W: I dont know what to say about your new girlfriend “ she seems so cold, so distant.Deep

4、down, shes a loving person. The problem is that she didnt have a toving family like ours. So she doesnt know how to express love.Q: According to the man, what1s wrong with his new girtfriend?2W: Mdu look at my father anci see a tough man with a gun and blood on his hands. But I see him as a man who

5、atways provides for his family.M: Whoad wait a minute. I didnl say anything of the sort, (admire your father a lot.Q: What does the man think about the womans father?W; bu know. I never understood why my parents kept giving second chances to my brother He never does right by them.M: Then you dont un

6、derstand the nature of love. Love means never quitting on the one you3一. 一Q: What does the woman NOT understand?4W: If only I had more money, I would buy my parents everything they wanted.M: Thafs a very nice thought, but fts really not necessary. Visit them more. That shouSd be enough for them.Q: W

7、hat should the woman do for her parents?W: Excuse mel Have you already started class? Or am I on time?M. Ive already begun the lesson. We re tatking about the meaning of love. Please take your seatQ: What is the topic for the cEass?6W: Some team from their parents, some from their friendsbut if a pe

8、rson has never learned about love, his life is a waste.M:丨 agree whole-heartedly ThankfuEly. Hearned about love from my parents at an early age. Q: What are the speakers talking about?7W: ltrs 10 oclock! YbuYe late again! I just dont know what to sayanymore,M: Sweetheart, love, darting, you should k

9、now that my being late has nothing to do with my love for you Try to understand me.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?8W: Sometimes fm glad our mother isnt alive. I think if she could see the person Fve become, shedd really be disappointed.M: Mom had a lot of teve for you. !f she were here n

10、ow. she woutdnt judge you that way. She just wouldve been happy to see her ktds and help them when she coutd.Q: According to the man. what would their mother NOT have done if she were alive?9M: Pardon me+ Um, why dont you teach us anything about love in class?W: Well, love is important, but its not

11、a good topic for the classroom. Ybu should learn about love from your parents or grandparents.Q; What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?10W: Ive been thinking about how i could teach my children to be more loving.M: Sounds like a job for you and your husbard. How about I give you

12、 some vacation time? You could take a family trip and talk more with your kids.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?三、long conversationM: Sometimes I really dont understand you. You are often rude to our children, you never play with them, and you rarely say you love them. T

13、his isnt how parents are supposed to act. Where did you learn such behavior?: Hey! 1 dont 也ink fve treated them any differently than my parents treated me and my sisters!M: So thats where you learned itfrom your parents?W: My parents were good. They raised three children.M: From what 1 can see. they

14、 didnt leach you how to be a loving person. What is going to happen to our kids? If you keep treating them poorly, theyre going to grow up to be just like you.W: Lis怕n, theres a lot that I can leam about being a good mother, but I still think fm doing a good job. Look at our kids. Theyre already kin

15、d and loving people. And I dont think you have any reason to worry.1. What are the two speakers talking about?2. According to the man, what es wrong with the way the woman treats her children?3. According to the man, what didnt the womans parents teach her?4. What does the woman think?5 Whal is the

16、probable relationship between the two speakers?四、passageAll parents want to raise a happy, successful and loving child, but there is Tittle agreement about how best to reach this goal. Over the years, parents have tried dramaticalty different ways. They have put their baby on a schedule, or they hav

17、e fed on demand; they have Jet their babycry himsetf to sleep, or they have picked him up as soon as he cried; they have given their child whatever he wants, or they have taught him to get everything through his own efforts, These contrasting parenting strategies arise from quite different views of

18、the nature of children and childhood and the roles of parents. Some parents view their child as naturalty social. To them, their job is to allow him the space to succeed. Others think that their child should be taught how to act. There are probably positives and negatives to each method. None of the

19、m guarantees that your child wHI become the foving indivrduai you want him to be. But some things are certain * a child will be more likely to be loving if you show him love, more successful if you give him examples of success, and happier if you are happy.1. What is this passage about?2. What do pa

20、rents NOT agree upon?3. Why do parents have different methods for raising children?4* How will a father raise his child if he believes his child is naturally social?5* What can we be certain of?五、radio programOur rtThis I Believep essay today comes from Corinne Colbert, a listener in Athens, Ohio. C

21、olbert is a mother of two. She writes the newsletter for a business organization, and she is president of a parent-teachers organization. Heres Co仃nne Colbert with her essay for This I BelievedMy husband ts not my best friend. He doesnt complete me. In fact, he can be a selfabsorbed jerk. Were nearl

22、y polar opposites: Hes a lifetime member of the NRA who doesnt care for journalists, and Im a hfelong liberal with a journalism degree. On the other hand, he doesnl beat or emotionaHy abuse me. He doesnt drmk or chase other women. Hes a good provider. So fm sticking with him. Some people would call

23、that settling like ifs a bad thing. But I believe in settling.Atas, to many of us the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. From movies to magazines to commercials were told that we should demand more from lives that are, for many of us, pretty good. We suppose to look better eat better,

24、find better jobs, be betterlovers and parents and workers A stable marriage isnt enough, fts supposed to be a fairy tale. Perfection is the goal.Settling in my sense, is about acceptance. Trn a pretty happy person, in large part because Im honest with mysetf about what I have.Of course, some situati

25、ons are worth improving. If your weight jeopardizes your health, exercise and change your eating habits; if your job makes you truly miserable, find a new one. If your marriage is toxic end it. Chances are, though you probably have what you need. If youre unhappy, ask yourself: Ann I unhappy because

26、 i really dont have what I needt or because I just want more?So, yes Pm settling, fm happy with my husband who, despite his flaws, is a caring father capabte of acts of stunnfng generosity and fiercely protective af his family Thinking about him may not set me on fire as ft used to, but after 17 yea

27、rs and two kids, our love is still warm. And I believe thats good enough.HomeworkTasklM: Hello? Yes, Um, can I get some help over here?W: Sure thing! handsome. Whatll it be?Mi A menu, ptease.W: We dont serve food - just the beers you see on the walkMi All right What about that one? Its German, right

28、?W: Vbahf it is. Is that what youd like?Mi Thatll do. But Fd like a cotd one if you got one.W: Sure thing, sweetie. Thafll be $6.25.M: Say; youre kinda friendly, arent you?Suppose it comes with the job. It pays to be nice to people, dont you think?M: I suppose it does. Thats what my mother said to m

29、e anyway. Oh, wait Wait a second. Oh no. I cant believe this.W: Whafs wrong?M: 1 think 1 left my wallet somewhere.W: Quick, look around. Its gotta be around here. Maybe on the floor.M: Noits not there. I dont know where it cculd be* Any chance you can be nice and give me the beer for free?W: No chan

30、ce of that happening. No, if no ones paying, Tm not nice. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1 What is the man doing in this conversation?Z Where does this conversation take place?3, What does the man want?4. What did the mans mother teach him?15. When is the woman fr

31、iendly?Task2Its difficult to know what is truly happening inside a relationship. Though a woman might appear to be happy she may be a victim of violence. And though a man may appear to be gentle .he might net actually be. Every year estimates range from 3*4 million acts of violence against a wife or

32、 girtfriend to 3.9 million in this small country.This is bad news. Unfortunately there is more. Nearly one-third cf women reported being beaten by a husband or boyfriend at some point in tbeir lives. Some of this violence resulted in injuries that required a doctors care. Thirtyseven percent of wome

33、n who sought emergency room treatment for violence- related injunes in 2005 were injured by their own husbands or boyfriends. Whats more, twenty-stx percent of all female murder victims in 2006 were killed by their partners.What this means is that we as a society must look for the signs of violence,

34、 Do you know someone who often gives poor excuses for being hurt? Maybe you should tatk with her about violence. Often a woman will stay in a violent relationship because she beGoves her husband or boyfriend loves her But she should know that violence does not equal love.Questions 1 to 5 are based o

35、n the passage you have just heard.1. According to the passage, wtiat is difficult?2. How many women are beaten by a husband or boyfriend per year?3. What can we infer from this passage?4. What percentage of female murder victims were killed by a partner in 2006? 15+ Why does a woman often choose to

36、stay in a violent relationship?Task3Who doEsnht love being in love? A true love iis怕ns to you talk about work, lets you have that last stice of pie, and (usually) remembers to take out the trash. He is ready to forget all kinds of misunderstandings. And he always thinks youre beautiful, even without

37、 makeup.Scientists have long been keen to prove that love gives us hearth benefits too. Researchers cant say for sure that a lover is more important than a loving famity or warm friendship when it comes to wellness. But they are learning more about how a romantic partner makes us stronger, with heah

38、h gains that range from faster healing and better control over illnesses to living longer.The benefits of love are explicit and measurabte. A study last year from the University of Pittsburgh found that women in good marriages have a much lower risk of heart disease than those in htgh-stress relatio

39、nshfps. The National Love and Health Study has been tracking more thana million subjects since 1979- The study shows that married people live longer, have fewer heart attacks andl lower cancer rates, and even get pneumonia less frequency than singles. A new study from the University of iowa also fou

40、nd that cancer patients with a strong sense of conn ection to others and in satisfying relationships were better abte to fight off cancer. It seems that love helps people strengthen their immuneUnit2 Step up to better health、warming upW: Thank you for agreeing to take this mterview. 1 know youre qui

41、te a busy man. M: fm atways happy to talk to people and answer questions from the audience.W: Thats very nice to hear. People are calling you the worlds healthiest man. What do you think about that?M: What do 1 think? I think people are being very kind to me by saying so. I dont think Fm the healthi

42、est man in the world, but I do take my health seriously. I exercise every day, running, swimming, and lifting weights.W: You certainly look great!M: Thanks. Better than that though. Heel great. Exercise makes me happy keeps my stress level down, and gives me all sorts of energy for my work and famil

43、y.W: Do you have any special words for the audience?M: Yes. Start exercising today, and start living a better life.二、short conversations1.W: Wow! bu look greatl What have you been doing to look so good?M: Tve been lifting weights. I really feel great. Strange, but it hardly took anytime stall before

44、 1 started seeirig improvements in my body*Q: What has been happening?2.M: Can you help me open this bottle? Someone put the cap on too tightW: Sure thing! Ummthere! Heyd that wasnl tight at 日!I! You really need to work out a little more and build up your strength!Q: According to the woman, what is

45、the man1s problem?3.M: I just dont know what Tm going to do about my en巳gy level! No matter what I do, I always feel tired IW; Heres an idea; Since youve already been exercising a lot with no result, maybe you can change your diet.Q: According to the woman, what should the man do?4.M: rd reahy like

46、to begin an exercise program, but I simply dont know how to begin.W: iRve spoken to a doctor about it 杵I tell you what he told me: Start off with a little bit of running and then do more and more every day.Q; What does the woman recommend?5.M: fve been feeling terribfe lately. Do you think exercise

47、could hetp me?W: I cant say for sure, ft probaby wouldnt hurt but exercise can(t cure a El of your problems Q: What does the woman m巳an?6.W: You always do so well in your classes! How do you make it?M; Running gives me energy to stay up late into the night This allows me to study more Do the same mn

48、d run with me tomorrow!Q: What does the man recommend?7.M: Theres a strange limp in your walk. Did you pdl a muscle or something?W; Nah, (justfeef a bit tired from all of the exercise Fve been doing at the gym. fll return to normal in just a moment.Q: What is wrong with the woman?8.M: Have you seen

49、how much weight Angela put on? Why do youthink she stopped exercising and started eating such unhealthy foods?W: ltrs a sad story. Her parents got divorced, and now shes totally ignored her health. Q: What is the converaation about?9.W; Hello? Are you the person I talked to on the phone about checki

50、ng in for an appointment? M: Yes. Just sign your name an this piece of paper and the doctor will see you as soon as he is free.Q: Where does the conversabcn possibly take piace?io.W: Ive been so very worried, and 1 dont have a clue as to why Ive been so sick.M; Try not to worry too much. Do some run

51、ning, see me in a week, and let me know if things change. Ill run some tests on you if youre still not feeling wellQ: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?三、long conversationM: Hey! Hold up! Can you spare a minute?W: Ughd do you think you can make it quick?M: ill only need a mi

52、nute, and then you can return to your run.W: Fine, whafs up?M: Ma and Pa asked me to talk to you about all the exercising youve been doing. They told me I could find you here at the school track.W: So what of it?M; They think youve been doing a bit too much.W: bu know what the doctor said - if dont

53、get active. I could die of a heart attack.M: Yeah, but 1 dont think he meant for you to do so much. You should take it slowEy. Maybe you could buitd an exercise program that becomes more and more difficult as time goes by-W: Is that what your doctor said?M: No. tts just common sense. Everyone knows

54、you shouldnl overwork yourself when you start exercising.W; Thanks for the concern. But tell Ma and Pa that DI be fine with what rm doing.1. What are the speakers talking about?2. What is the woman doing when the man calls out to her?3. What are the womans parents concerned about?4. How can the man

55、be so sure of his opinion about exercise?5, What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?四、passageit is very Important to exercise. Many studies have shown that regular activity and exercise can improve overall health substantially Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 35

56、%1 stroke by about 28%, certain cancers by 20% and more, and high blood pressure by an amazing 52%, Exercise can also betp you to build heafthy bones and musctes. Athletes must do physical training on a regutar basfs to increase their levet of performance. Exercising includes walking, running, bikin

57、g, and plenty of other activities as well My advice would be to pick something you enjoy dotng and wouldnt mind pursuing on a regular basis. Then* you must stick to a schedule. You can even pick a few different activities to mix things up and keep it interesting. Also, always stretch before physical

58、 activity! This is very important as you do not want to pull muscles. Most importantly, to keep a healthy body you must stay ACTIVE!1 What is this passage about?2. What effect does exercise have on prevents ng heart disease?3* Why must athletes exercise?4, What does the speaker recommend?5. Why is s

59、tretching necessary before you start 巳rcising?五、radio programHere at this Chicago High School and others, there has been so much emphasis on the quality of school men us, but this new study says that none of that really matters when fast food is just a short walk away.How c日n a cafeteria ever hope t

60、o compete with this? A new Harvard study says more and more schools now have to. Eighty percent of schools in Chicago with a fast food restaurant less than half a mile away, raising concerns about how easy it is for kids to eat poorly and whether fast food companies are moving into the neighborhood

61、on purpose.They take into account the d&mographfcs of neighborhoods, the roadways in neighborhoods, and where the access is to the con sum er base?Doctor Bryn Austin is the studys lead author and says on a typical day, nearly a third of American kids eat fast food. When they do. they consume more fa

62、t and calories, fewer vegetables and fruits than on days when they dont.Overall, nearly nine million children in the US are overweight or obese, more than one in every seven kids, a number (hat has tripled since 1980. McDonalds criticized the Chicago study saying most restaurants are in heavily traf

63、ficked areas. Schools said their spokesmen have no thing to do with it But child health advocates Itke Doctor Matte Longjohn say the study shows how recent attempts to improve school menus, even remove soda vending machin巳s, may not be enough to improve children eating habits.HomeworkTasklM: I thoug

64、ht Susan would hve forever.W: No one lives forever.M: Yeah, I know. What I meant was that 1 didnt think shehd die so soon. W: What happened?M: Sad, really. You know how she was always exercising, right?W: Sure. I saw her running every day in front of my house and around the block several times while I was eating breakfast and getting ready for work in the morning,M: That was Susan. Always active. She ate well!, and ran, ran ran+W; So how did she die?M: Well she did more than just running. She also liked to climb mountains. She said that the fresh air and the exerc

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