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1、Nonverbal Communication(外研版必修4)i. 单词拼写1. This wounded soldier was unconscious (无意识的)from his loss of blood.2. Training astr on auts takes a long time and involves (涉及) various courses.3. The price of this type of computer varies (变化)in differe nt shops.4. They sat on the hillside, staring (凝视)out ac

2、ross the valley.5. It s said that those with the blood of type O are the most aggressive (攻击性的)6. Yesterday there was a live (实况的)football match on CCTV 5.7. In En gla nd, turkey is traditi on ally(传统地) eate n on Christmas Day.8. The A/H1N1 spread (传播)quickly across the country and thousands of peop

3、le got ill.9. You can use body Ian guage to com muni cate (交流) with people from foreig n coun tries.10. The leaders of the two coun tries will be on an in formal (非正式的) visit to our country.n.完成句子1. 她打电话请我帮个忙。She rang up to ask a favour of me.2. 我和你做个交易一一你替我洗车,我让你今天晚上用。I ll make a deal with you you

4、wash the car for me and I ll let you use it tonight.3. 危险正在逼近,我们必须保持警惕。While dan ger threate ns, we must all be on guard .4. 他把一部分收入分给他贫困的朋友。He gave away part of his in come to his n eedy frien ds.5. 我意外地在公共汽车站碰到他。I met him by accide nt at the bus stop.6. 由于眼镜摔坏了,她看不见黑板上的字。Her glasses broken , she c

5、ouldn t see the words on the blackboard.川.语法和词汇知识1. This is my treat and next is yours.How s that?OK.C. No way D. It s a deal【解析】选 D 。句意为:这次我请客,下次你再请,怎么样?好的。就这么定了。It s a deal 言为定,符合句意。It doesn t matter没关系;It depends看情况而定;No way 没门,均不符合语境。2. It is that all the celebrities in the entertainment circle

6、pay their taxes to the government.A. commandedB. requestedC. advisedD. required【解析】选D。句意:按规定,娱乐圈所有的名人都要向政府缴税。四个选项中只有require指根据事业、需要、纪律、法律等而提出的要求,故选 D。3. After the crew took over the ship, Captain Bligh and his men were forced to stay in a smallboat, where they had toenough food and drinking water.A.

7、 eat upB. give awayC. do withoutD. deal with【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:在全体船员接管这只船之后,Bligh船长和他的手下被迫呆在一只小船里, 在小船里他们不得不忍受没有足够的食物和饮用水。 do without 没有也行,将就,符合句意。eat up吃光;give away赠送,泄露;deal with处理,对付。4. I think she hurt my feelings on purpose rather thanas she claimed.A. by designB. by accidentC. by choiceD. by

8、mistake【解析】选B。by accident “无意地;偶然地” 。by design 故意地” ;by choice 出于选择”; by mistake 错误地”。5. difficult the task may be, we must finish it on time, because we can t meet such aprecious opportunity we have expected.A. Whatever; thatB. However; asC. However; thatD. Whatever; which【解析】选B。句意:无论这个工作有多困难,我们必须如

9、期完成,因为我们不可能再遇到 正如我们期望的这样的好机会。 However=No matter how 修饰形容词 difficult ,而在定语从句 中先行词有such修饰,关系词用as,因此答案B是正确的。6. Showing some sense of humor can be a(n)way to deal with some stressful situation.A. favoriteB. favorableC. efficientD. effective【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意为:表现出一定的幽默感是处理某一紧张局面的有效方法。 favorite 最喜爱的; favor

10、able 有利的, 赞成的; efficient 有效率的, 高效能的; effective有效的。7. Many young people left their hometown for big cities better jobs.A. in favour ofB. in search ofC. in charge ofD. in honour of【解析】选 B 。考查介词短语辨析。in favour of 赞成,支持; in search of 寻找; in charge of负责,掌管;in honour of为了纪念。结合语境应选B项。8. The flags of every i

11、ndependent country are just colorful pieces of cloth and threadsewn together. Exactly.Aflag often symbolizes the originbeliefs and culture.A. rather thanB. less thanC. more thanD.other than【解析】选 C。句意为:每个独立国家的旗帜都不仅仅是缝在一起的彩色的布和线。对极了。 一面旗经常代表最初的信仰和文化。 rather than 而不是; less than 少于; other than除了之外;more

12、than不仅仅是。9. If you let challenges stimulateannoy you, much more can be accomplished than youthought possible.A. more thanB. other thanC. less thanD. rather than【解析】选D。句意为:如果你让挑战激励你而不是使你苦恼,那么你的成就将会远远超过你的想像。rather than 而不是;不顾;宁愿(而不)”符合题意;more than 超过,多于,仅仅;other than 不同于,除了 ; less than 少于。10. The news

13、that Yao Ming would come to our school.A. grewB. carriedC. developedD. spread【解析】选 D。考查动词辨析。句意为:有传言说姚明会来我们学校。spread “传播”,符合题意。11. English can help people and make them stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.A. agree withB. communicate withC. communicate toD. write to【解析】选 B 。句意:英语有助于人们之间的交流,

14、并且使得国外的生活变得容易、舒服。com muni cate with 与交流,故选 B。12. He ignored the neighbor s request that less noise at night.A. he would makeB. he could makeC. he makeD. he made【解析】选Co request后接同位语从句用虚拟语气,should+动词原形,其中should可省略。13. Several people in the GM-Chrysler merger discussions say the companies have talkedto

15、 federal officials about their proposed transaction.A. involvingB. involvedC. to involveD. involve【解析】选B。句意为:几个参加通用克莱斯勒合并讨论会的人说公司已就他们所提出的交 易与联邦官员进行了磋商。be involved in与 有关,被卷入,此处是过去分词作定语。14. What was the reporter saying?She said that the snowstorm in the north of China held many main roads.A. upB. dow

16、nC. offD. on【解析】选 A 。表示“大雪封路”应用 hold up “阻碍”,故选 A。15. A modern city has been set up inwas a wasteland ten years ago.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where【解析】选A。句意为:一座现代化城市已在十年前曾是荒地的地方建立起来。此处空格内 所填词引导介词in的宾语从句且在从句中作主语,故选what。要特别注意,虽然指地点,但不能用 where,因为where不能作主语。IV.完形填空With the annoying worldwide economy cris

17、is going worse day by day, the tough realities of a challenging job market are becoming clearer to far too many American college graduates. But one recent college graduate didn rejection gteletthim 1 . Instead, he is using it as a(n) 2.After receiving a(n) 3 response from 40 job interviews 4 , Danie

18、l Seddiqui realized he didn ktnow 5 he wanted to do with his life. As a result, he 6 a unique plan: to travel to all 50 states and find 50 different jobs-all within 50 weeks.The journey provides 7 opportunities for personal growth, Seddiqui explains. Not only does he get to 8 a number of careers, bu

19、t he can expand his 9 by seeing firsthand how 10 the life of a stockbroker in New York is from 11 of a ranche(r 农场主) in Nebraska. A(n) 12 element to Seddiqui s mission1is3 to these experiences with others. He documents his travels,along with 14 into each career, on his blog.15 only a few months of h

20、is journey left to go, Seddiqui said that not only have 16 been willing to hire him, but he has found 17 in every state who invite him into their homes to share in their lives.“I am 18 by the people that I meet along the way, ”he makes a remark. “The hospitality( 热情好客 ) of the American people is 19

21、and I will encourage me to repay the society in my future life. Its too meaningful and 20 !”1. A. up B. away C. down D. out【解析】选C。考查动词短语搭配。虽然众多美国大学毕业生求职时遇到挑战,但是有一位毕业生并没有让求职时遇到的拒绝搞得灰心丧气。“get. . . down ”表示“让丧气、沮丧”。其他短语意义不合语境要求。2. A. opportunityB. meansC. changeD. promotion【解析】选 A 。考查名词用法。本题空格信息和第三段首句信

22、息一致。说明这位大学毕业生 非但没有感到沮丧,反而将此作为拓展自己视野的良好机遇,促进个性成长。3. A. positiveB. negativeC. optimisticD. pessimistic【解析】选B。考查形容词用法。本句空格信息表示经历了40次求职遭拒后,他开始意识到什么。这和上文第一段倒数第二句中的“rejection ”意义一致。4. A. in a rowB. in a wayC. in a senseD. in a rush【解析】选A。考查介词短语用法。上文已经提到求职遭拒,所以应该为连续40次失败。5. A. whichB. whenC. whereD. what解析

23、】选 D 。考查连词用法。由于句子中有“ do with ”, 所以连词应该使用 what。6. A. hatched B. missedC. correctedD. caught【解析】选 A。考查动词用法。由于万般无奈和无措,所以他萌生了在50 周内去全国 50个州周游寻求 50 个不同工作岗位的奇特打算。“hatch ”表示“秘密策划,谋划”,符合语义要求。7. A. uselessB. ampleC.littleD. different【解析】选B。考查形容词用法。从后面信息“not only.but.”以及他在博客中所记述的内容,我们可以看到,这次经历可谓非常丰富。8. A. try

24、 outB. pick outC. miss outD. put out【解析】选 A。考查动词短语用法。“ try out”表示 “尝试”。这次游历经历不仅让其尝试了各种不同的工作岗位,而且还拓展了视野。 这和下文中的“记录对每一个职业的看法”信息一致。9. A. thoughtsB. experiencesC. horizonsD. memories【解析】选C。考查名词用法。亲眼看到不同职业的不同情况对比,真是大开眼界。“ horizon ”表示“视野,眼界” ,符合语境以及语义要求。10. A. greatB. differentC. valuableD. important【解析】选

25、B。考查形容词用法。亲眼看到了股票经纪人和大农场主的不同生活情况。11. A. itB. thisC. thoseD. that【解析】选D。考查替代词的用法。此处that代替上文中的the life.12. A. additionalB. famousC. incredibleD. enormous【解析】选A。考查形容词用法。此处是对前面信息的补充和添加。所以是“还有一点,另 外一点”。13. A. edit B. keepC. enlargeD. share【解析】选D。考查动词的用法。这次旅行还有一点就是他能够与他人分享看法。这和下文14. A. dreamB. suggestionC

26、. insightD. choice【解析】选C。考查名词的用法。和前面的信息照应,既然是开阔了视野,自然应该对每一 种工作都形成自己独有的看法和观点。“ in sight ”表示“观点、看法”,符合语义要求。15. A. AsB. With C. ToD. Until【解析】选B。考查with复合结构用法。由于本结构中没有谓语动词成分,所以不能选连 词as。该短语结构意义为“尽管这次游历还剩下短短几个月”。16. A. employeesB.directorsC. servantsD. employers【解析】选D。考查名词用法。根据常识,我们应该知道,只有老板雇用员工。17. A. co

27、lleaguesB. strangersC. enemiesD. roommates【解析】 选B。考查名词用法。这和下文中的美国人的热情好客信息一致。将陌生人请到家中做客,显示了美国人的好客与热情。18. A. discouragedB. annoyedC. frustratedD. inspired【解析】选D。考查动词的用法。从下文的“要回报社会”信息可以看出,他是受到了激励的。19. A. valuelessB. hopelessC. pricelessD. careless【解析】选C。考查形容词用法。从下文的 “激励我回报社会, 这次游历有意义” 可以看出,Seddiqui 感受到

28、美国人的热情好客是无价的。20. A. favorableB. forgettableC. memorableD. comfortable【解析】选C。考查形容词用法。和“meaningful ”意义一致,应该是表示“值得纪念的;难以忘怀的”之类的形容词。V .阅读理解If you want to avoid making impulse( 冲动 )and unnecessary purchases, then just keep your hands away from tempting products. According to new research, individuals who

29、 touch possible items in stores are more likely to have an increased desire to purchase them than those who keep their hands off the products.Suzanne Shu and Joann Peck, marketing professors at the University of Wisconsin s business school conducted studies on the connection between touch and feelin

30、gs of ownership and the effect of perceived ownership on the value placed on an object. For one of the experiments , the experts placed two products ,a Slinky toy and a coffee mug in front of the volunteers who were undergraduate students. About half of the participants were allowed to touch the pro

31、ducts ,while the other half were asked not to touch them. The volunteers then were asked to express their sense of ownership of the products and to report how much money they were willing to pay for each. The results showed that those students who were allowed to touch the objects , reported signifi

32、cant increased levels of perceived ownership. They also expressed a desire to pay more money to obtain the products.The investigators also discovered that a sense of very pleasant feelings when touching products , determined how much money consumers were willing to pay. However ,if the object did no

33、t feel pleasant to the touch, it significantly decreased the amount the buyers were willing to pay.Researchers said that many stores have already followed the right path. But what can be done while shopping online ,when touching of an item is not possible? In this case ,the experts say,just picturin

34、g in mind that they are touching it and then owning it ,will cause greater feelings of ownership , and thus the consumers will be more likely to make a purchase.When you touch an object ,you immediately feel some kind of a connection to it ,according to the researchers. That connection stirs up an e

35、motional reaction. And that emotion can make people buy something they would never even consider buying if they had not touched it.1. The author develops the text mainly by.A. providing typical examplesB. comparing opinions from different fieldsC. drawing a conclusion through researchD. presenting a

36、 cause and analyzing its effects 【解析】选 C 。细节理解题。从第一段第二句中According to new research 可知。2. Which of the following was found in the research?A. Shoppers cannot resist the temptation when they meet things they like.B. If a man doesn t intend to spend money , it s less possible for him to touch the produc

37、t.C. Touching a product affects the customer s feelings of desire for the product.D. The longer you touch the goods , the more desire you have to own them.【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第二段研究的结果“The results showed that those students whowere allowed to touch the objects , reported significant increased levels of per

38、ceived ownership. They also expressed a desire to pay more money to obtain the products. ”可知。3. When people do online shopping , .A. they will particularly want to touch the products advertised on the InternetB. they just imagine its ownership and simply evaluate the objects in their mindsC. their i

39、magination of the ownership resulted in significantly higher valuations of the productsD. they desire to possess it and do not care how much money they would pay【解析】选C。细节理解题。从倒数第二段最后一句可知。4. It can be inferred from the text that.A. there were noticeable differences between the students who touched th

40、e products and those who did notB. stores have used the method of allowing customers to touch productsC. buyers won t buy the items if they dont like them even though they have touched themD. a Slinky toy and a coffee mug were u sed to attract the participants attention【解析】选 B 。推理判断题。从第四段第一句 Researc

41、hers said that many stores have already followed the right path. 可知。5. What led the researchers to conduct this study?A. To satisfy customers social needs when shopping.B. To share their good ideas about avoiding impulsive consumption.C. To develop marketing strategies for trade companies.D. To illustrate the connection between touch and feelings of ownership.【解析】选 D 。细节理解题。从第二段第一句“ . . . conducted studies on the connection between touch and feelings of ownership and the effect of perceived ownership on the value placed on an object. ”可知。

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