牛津版英语九年级上册 unit5 Filmswords revision(ppt)

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1、Unit 5 词汇复习课件词汇复习课件一、根据汉语意思填空:1.She wanted to remind us that we should protect the _(环境)by showing us the beauty of nature.2. The _(吸引力)power comes from daily practice.3. Funny Face was Audrey Heyburns _Hollywood film.4. _(浪漫的)film can usually become very popular among young people.5. Truth is more

2、powerful than_(虚构的故事).6. Smiths heavy _(呼吸)disturbed his wifes sleep.7. There is a _(洗手间)on your right, there you can smoke.8. Many children like eating_(爆米花).environmentattractivelastRomanticfictionbreathwashroompopcorn9. The effect of his opposing his bosss plan was _(可怕的).10._(无论如何), you ought to

3、 finish it this week.11. This is a new _ (电影)called Harry Potter IV.12. The simple elegance of the meal _(使喜悦)the guests.13. Bright lights _(吸引)moths.14. Good novels are usually made into_(剧本).15.Some of the _(著名的)films that Audrey acted in include Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffanys and My Fair Lady.

4、16. Great _(污染)affair occurs in Haerbin. I think that is terrible.horribleAnywayfilmcharmedattractplayswell-knownpollutionInstead of beer, I like drinking soft_(饮料).Read the film _(评论), then decide whether to see it._(那一边)is a lake, why not go swimming in it?In 1992, the President of the United Stat

5、es _(颁发)her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work._(出席)at the meeting were the leading members of the departments concerned.There is a _(癌症)in his brain. Poor man!Colette insisted that Audrey was the _(完美的)girl to play the lead role in the play.He _(坚持)on his ideas. And at last, he suc

6、ceed.drinkdrinkBeyondpresentedPresentcancerperfectinsistedI am a teacher in a high school. Teaching is my _(事业).Today, I have a _(白日梦). In it, I picked up a wallet on my way to school.Would you like to be an _(女演员)?When Audrey died in 1993, the world _(哀悼)the loss of a great beauty, a great actress

7、and a great humanitarian.His wife is a _(芭蕾)dancer. And she is very thin.She began taking ballet lessons at a very young_(年龄).She had put all her _(努力)into ballet training before she entered the film industry.The patient entered a hospital with the help of some _(志愿者).careerdaydreamactressmournedbal

8、letageeffortvolunteersAmerican has powerful film _(工业), especially in Hollywood.Some bad films have bad _(影响)on people, especially teenagers.He is _(有经验的)in dealing this kind of affair.You are not a child but an adult. You should be more _(现实的).二、根据句子的 意思和首字母填空.What do you think of the a_ like Zhang

9、 Ziyi?His e_ ended in failure.Audrey s beauty and charm a_ the writer attention. industryeffectsexperiencedrealisticcressffortsttractedColette i_ that Audrey was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play.The path l_ them to a cemetery.In 1898, Audrey made her f_ appearance in films.T_ her a

10、cting years, she acted in only one TV series, Gardens of the World with Audrey.Audreys a_ went beyond the film industry.To d_ your time to reading is a good way of relaxation.She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF to help n_ children in different parts of the world.S_ a

11、fter, Audrey was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman holiday.Ten days later, at the age of 63, Audrey passed away, p_, in her sleep.nsistededinalhroughoutchievementsevoteeedyhortlyeacefullyEach of the famous actors usually has an attractive q_Story about c_ i

12、n America are very popular.Daniel arrived out of b_.I saw an action film s_ Michelle Yahoo during the holiday.There are many s_ in a story.It is an interesting film, which brings the r_ alive on screen.The film was a big success and Audrey became famous i_.Im your friend as long as I am a_.ualityowb

13、oysreathtartorylinesolenstantlyliveTerrible a_ covered the city some fifty years ago. Many people got lung caner.A_, the story itself is interesting.The young fellow is a man of great t_. He wrote a novel at the age of 9.She won the Best Supporting A_ at New York Film Critics Circle.Where did the wr

14、iter l_ at last?He is a r_ person. He comes from France.In this science f_ film, you can see many dinosaurs.Mr Bush likes to act as a c_.tmospherenywayalentctressiveomanticictionowboyYou ought to go to the w_ before the film begins.You had better buy some p_ or s_ drinks before the film begins. It w

15、ill last at least 4 hours.The best drink is not soft drink but boiled w_.We always have a general r_ to each student at the end of a term.The old man tells the children a t_ every day.Million of years ago, the d_ lived on the earth.The steel i_ has got much progress in recent years in China.The nove

16、l was later made into a p_.ashroomopcornoftatereviewaleinosaursndustrylayKittys f_ film star is Audrey Heyburn.Youth usually like popular n_.In 2004, he wrote the best p_ of the year called Hero.That event marked the beginning of Audrey s successful c_.Hell arrive s_ after dinner.During her lifetime

17、, Audrey e_ four more Oscar nominations.In my fathers l_ there have been many changes in the village.During her lifetime, Audrey earned four more Oscar n_.avouriteovelslayareerhortlyarnedifetimeominations三、翻译下列句子1、9年级的所有同学都早为期末做准备。All the students of Grade 9 are preparing for the finals.2、她美的想天使。She

18、 is as beautiful as an angel.3、Audrey的成绩远不止在电影工业(方面)Audreys achievements went beyond the film industry.4、人们并不仅仅因为她是伟大的女演员而且还因为她是一个伟大的人道注意者而记住她。因为她花费大量的时间致力于慈善事业。People remember her not just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian because she devoted much of her time to charity.5、他此刻不在台北

19、。他已经去中国大陆了。He is not in Taipei at present. He has gone to mainland of China.6、1991年,Audrey发现她得了癌症。In 1991, Audrey discovered that she had cancer.7、为什么不停止白日梦呢?Why dont you stop daydreaming?8、他今天穿着黑色的衣服因为他要去哀悼死去的朋友。He is wearing in black because he is going to mourn over the death of his friend.9、当199

20、3年Audrey去世的时候,全世界都为失去一位大美人,一位伟大的演员,一位伟大的人道主义者而哀悼。When Audrey died in 1993, the world mourned the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.10、Audrey在很小的时候就开始了芭蕾课的(学习)Audrey began taking ballet lessons at a very young age.11、他很年轻但是他取得了很大成功。He is young but he achieved great success.12、在她进入电影界前,她把自己的所有努力都投入到芭蕾训练上了。She had put all her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry Good-bye

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