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1、元宵节英语作文带翻译60词元宵节英语作文_第1篇:Today is the Lantern Festival, the whole yongkang was shrouded in happiness.Among them, the dragon lantern of attack is the most busy.This evening, so we decided to go to watch dragon lantern, zhiying.Really liked, the dragon was filled with people all around, make the atmos

2、phere of the scene more lively.Wow, that dragon is about thirty meters, the whole street was filled.Dragon of all parts of the body is connected with benches, stool with two red lanterns.Dress up every day two, the dragon wham, more realistic.Began, I saw the dragons was up, the wind swaying lantern

3、s in the fire.Dragon “fly” go forward, to a grocery store, the store immediately put the fireworks, the fireworks in the sky in full bloom, and the moon under the deck of the fireworks, more beautiful.Create a magical atmosphere.Leading point in the doorway at the three head, the shop owner took a b

4、ig red envelope in the dragons mouth.Oh, is to let dragon gives oneself protect peace.Just then, leading a pendulum, the dragons in the back to call.The crowd at a draught panic, I also busy running.Everyone is like a frightened horse, crazy like ran around desperately.Ah, a wise man will feel is ve

5、ry dangerous, but stupid people think is very e_citing.Although I dont want to be a fool but it is very e_citing.Oh, meet dragon lantern really fun! He lets us know that unity is strength, like to meet dragon lantern, if not a heart, will be away.We must use the unity of the power to overe difficult


7、到了后面。人群一下子慌了,我也忙着跑。大家犹如受惊的马,疯狂的像四周拼命地跑去。啊,聪明的人会觉得很危险,而傻的人会觉得很刺激。我虽然不想当傻的人但是还是很刺激。啊,迎龙灯真的很好玩啊!他让我们知道团结才有力量,就像迎龙灯一样,假如一个不用心,就会被拉走的。我们一定要用团结的力量战胜困难。元宵节英语作文_第2篇:The annual Lantern Festival is ing, I have been no serious seen lanterns, this time I must seize this opportunity well look at the lanterns.The

8、 fifteenth day of the first is the Lantern Festival, grandma, brother, father, mother and I.Go down the street to watch lanterns.A: wow! Everywhere was a sea of people, it seems are lanterns, look at the fireworks.The streets were jubilant, let people feel the atmosphere of the Lantern Festival.Vill

9、ager, villager does not know who set up the firecrackers, our ears are sore and suddenly flashed in the sky the beautiful fireworks then “pa” there was a loud bang some falling from the sky like a meteor shower, some are like a group of the peacock tail lights up the sky together in the sky, the sky

10、 of fireworks is both beautiful and dazzling, after some time the Lantern Festival party started, and I together around the TV watching the wonderful evening gala, my mouth to eat the delicious ice-sugar gourd, eyes looking at nice evening gala.“Grandma meal also didnt do?” Brother loud and an_ious

11、voice let me return to absolute being from the wonderful TV program.Grandma replied: “good, fast.” “Finally!” I followed by saying.Vegetables have a “prosperous, powerful,.” This day finally came up, watching the soup yuan_iao like “pearl” delicious and beautiful.A second seconds past, three hours p

12、assed in a twinkling of an eye.But my heart is still in the atmosphere of joy.一年一度的元宵节来了,我一直都没有认真的看过花灯,这次我一定要把握住这次时机好好的看看花灯。正月十五就是元宵节,我和奶奶、弟弟、爸爸、妈妈.一起去到街上去看花灯。哇!到处人山人海,看来都是来看花灯、看烟花的.街上到处都喜洋洋的,让人们都感受到了元宵节的气氛。“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦”不知是谁放起了鞭炮镇的我们耳朵都疼了,突然天上闪起了漂亮烟花紧接着“啪”地响起了一声巨响有的像流星雨从天空中落下,有的又像一群孔雀在天空一起开屏点亮了天空,空中的烟花既漂亮又叫人眼花缭乱,过了一段时间元宵节晚会开场了,我和大家一起围在电视机旁看起了精彩的联欢晚会,我的嘴里吃着好吃的冰糖葫芦,眼里看着好看的联欢晚会。“奶奶大餐还没做好吗?”弟弟响亮而又焦急的声音让我从电视机的精彩节目回过神来。奶奶答复说:“好了,快好了。”“终于好了!”我紧跟着说了一句。菜类有“红红火火、虎虎生威.”元宵终于上来了,看那汤里的元宵就像一个个“珍珠”即好吃又漂亮。时间一秒秒的过去,转眼间三个小时过去了。可是我的心还是在那欢乐的气氛中.第 5 页 共 5 页

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