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1、 Unit 2 A new house 教学设计 镇江市谏壁小学 庄利君教学内容: B Look, read and learnC Ask and answer教材简析: 本单元的会话是以谈论“家庭设施”为话题,主要围绕there be句型,通过Ying Ling介绍新居内的情况,让学生学习有关“家庭设施“的词汇。本课是本单元的第一教时,主要内容为B部分词汇部分和C部分的句型结构部分,在教学中教师要采用多种形式让学生进行操练,使学生熟练掌握词汇和句型。B部分的“家庭设施”方面的词汇,在3B中已经出现过一部分,教师可以通过复习,达到以旧引新的目的。C部分的there be句型在4B和本册的第一单

2、元已经学过,本课可以对该句型做进一步的学习和巩固。同时本课还要重点学习一些介词并学会运用介词,如 on, in, behind, under等。教师应充分利用图片、实物布局及教室的场景,帮助学生更好的学习介词,使学生在描述场景时语言将更丰富。教学目标:1.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a bed, a sofa, a telephone, a lamp, on, in, under,behind2.能正确地听、说、读、写掌握句型Whats in /on /under /behind?及其回答。3.能进一步掌握there be 句型。4.以不同形式鼓励学生大胆使用英语,通过体验、讨论、合作等方式,发

3、展综合语言技能。教学重、难点: 掌握本课四会单词和学会熟练地运用本课的句型Whats in /on /under /behind?及其回答Theres a in /on /under /behind或There are some in /on /under /behind课前准备:1准备好B部分的词汇图片和C部分出现的图片。2在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 2A new house教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1.Greeting.T: Hi,boys and girls. Do you know her?(出示Su Hai的照片) Oh, Shes a new student.(

4、指向课题new强调此单词)Shes from Yu Cai Primary School. You can call her Su Hai. Good morning, everyone!( 出示Su Hai的照片,师代替 Su Hai说话。)Ss:Good morning, Su Hai. (课件:出示学校照片)T:Lets look at a picture. What can you see?S: This is our school. T: Yes. This is our school. Its a new school. We are in the school now. But

5、Su Hai is a new student. Can you tell her something about your school?Ss: OK!T: Are there a lot of teachers in your school?Are there a lot of classrooms in your school?How many classrooms are there?Is there a reading room in your school?Is there a TV in your classroom?How many students are there?S:

6、(Answer the questions.)T: Oh, our school is beautiful. I like it. Do you want to know more about it ? Is/Are there in your school?How many are there?)(师生问答两三组)T: (课件:出示各类教室示意图)There is another picture of my shool. You can make a dialogue like this: A: Is/Are there in your school?B: Yes, there is/are

7、 ./No, there isnt/arent.A: How many are there?B: There is /are .设计意图: 通过师问生答,生问师答,生生互问互答,由浅入深地复习巩固了第一单元的句型,为本课句型的学习埋下伏笔.Step 2PresentationT: Oh, do you like our school? (课件:出示新家图)并带读课题:Unit 2 A new houseT: What can you see in my house? Whats in my house?(显示句子: Whats in the?并带读)You can answer me like

8、 this: There is /are in your house.并显示在屏幕上。生用这样的句子回答.T: This is my daughters bedroom. Oh,my god! Its very untidy. (课件:出示卧室图) Whatson the bed?S: Theres a telephone.T: Youre right.出示图片并教学telephone,bed生拼读.T: 带说There is a telephone on thebed.出示图片并教学on.生跟读.并练说与on相关的词组和句子.T: Look! Whatson the sofa? S: The

9、res a lamp.同法教学sofa, lamp.T: Whats under the bed? S: There is a book and a pencil.同法教学under.T:Whats behind the door?S: Theres an umbrella.同法教学behind.让学生运用铅笔和文具盒的位置巩固说四个介词.Play the game: Whats the missing?听录音,跟读,并将所有的单词进行整体朗读设计意图:由谈论学校过度到谈论我家的新房子,自然地引出课题.再由谈论女儿的房间来引出本课的八个单词,为单词的教学创设了一定的语言情境,使单词的教学不显得

10、枯燥Step 3 Practice.T:My daughters room is untidy. Can you help her put in order? S: Yes. T: Show your paper and finish the exercises, please. Exercise: Read and draw:1. A: Whats on the bed? B: Theres a skirt.2. A: Whats in the box? B: There are two balls in it.3. A: Is there an umbrella behind the do

11、or? B: No, there isnt. Theres an umbrella on the wall.4. A: Is there a lamp on the desk? B: Yes, there is.5. A: Are there any books and pencils under the bed? B: No. There are some books and pencils on the desk.(实物投影仪:显示学生画好的图)T: Oh, its tidy now. Thank you. Now I think you are tired now. prepare an

12、 English song for you. Letssing together, OK?Ss: Sing the song:In the classroom 用Whats in the classroom? There be句型.互问互答有关班级的事物.T:Open the book. Turn to Page 17. Lets do “Ask and answer”S: Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Then write the sentences under the pictures.设计意图:通过读、画、说、写、唱等多种形式训练,充分调动了学生各方面的感

13、官,不仅培养了学生的观察和积极思考的能力,而且帮助了学生灵活记忆单词,更进一步地掌握本课的重点句型,使学生学以致用.Step Homework.1.“神笔马良”:画一画你的房间或书房,用英语标出房间中的家居名称,说给你的同桌听,并在作业本上写下你的陈述.如:In my house,there is a small desk. There are many books on the desk. 2. “快乐口语秀”:你和你的朋友想互相了解自己的房间吗?那就请你们一起来交流吧!如: A:I have a new bedroom.B: Whats in your room?A:Theres a in my room./There are some in my room. Whats in your room?B: Theres a ./There are .设计意图:通过这一任务活动,让学生能自然地把所学的单词和句子与生活实际相结合,让学生在进一步的语境中感知There be的句型及其用法.既巩固了新知,又增添了较强的趣味性.并培养了学生互助合作的精神.

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