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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上神奇树屋 恐龙谷历险记 玛丽波奥斯本1进入树林“救命啊!有妖怪!”安妮喊叫着。“是啊,没错。”杰克说,“还真是一个大妖怪,就在宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。”“快跑,杰克!”安妮说着,顺着街道跑起来。噢,我的天哪。这就是杰克同他七岁的妹妹玩耍时常常出现的情景。安妮喜欢玩假装的游戏。而杰克已经八岁半了,他喜欢确实的东西。“当心,杰克!妖怪来了!向你冲过来啦!”“不必了,谢谢你的提醒。”杰克说。安妮自个儿冲进树林里。杰克抬头望了望天空。太阳快要落山了。“快回来,安妮!该回家了!”但是安妮不见了踪影。杰克等啊等。还是没有安妮的影子。“安妮!”他又喊了一遍。“杰克,杰克!快到这儿来!”


3、钻到树屋里看不见了。“安妮!”杰克等了一会儿。当他正要再喊时,安妮把脑袋伸出树屋的窗户。“书!”她喊叫着。“什么?”“树屋里堆满了书!”唉呀!杰克可喜欢书了。他扶了扶自己的眼镜,然后紧紧抓住绳梯的两边往上爬。1Into the Woods“Help!A monster!”said Annie.“Yeah,sure,”said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.”“Run,Jack!”said Annie. She ran up the road.Oh,brother.This is what he got for spendin

4、g time with his seven-year-old sister.Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.“Watch out, Jack! The monsters coming! Race you!”“No,thanks,”said Jack.Annie raced alone into the woods.Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.“Come on,Annie! Its time to go

5、 home!”But Annie had disappeared.Jack waited.No Annie.“Annie!” he shouted again.“Jack!Jack!Come here!”Jack groaned. “This better be good,”he said.Jack left the road and headed into the woods.The trees were lit with agolden late-afternoon light.“Come here!”called Annie.There she was. Standing under a

6、 tall oak tree. “Look,” she said. She was pointing at a rope ladder.The longest rope ladder Jack had ever seen.“Wow,”he whispered.The ladder went all the way up to the top of the tree.Thereat the topwas a tree house. It was tucked between two branches.“That must be the highest tree house in the worl

7、d,”said Annie.“Who built it ?”asked Jack. “Ive never seen it before.”“I dont know. But Im going up,” said Annie.“No. We dont know who it belongs to,” said Jack.“Just for a teeny minute,”said Annie. She started up the ladder. “Annie,come back!”She kept climbing.Jack sighed. “Annie,its almost dark. We

8、 have to go home.”Annie disappeared inside the tree house.“An-nie!”Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window.“Books!” she shouted.“What?”“Its filled with books!”Oh,man!Jack loved books.He pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the side

9、s of the rope ladder,and up he went.2大妖怪杰克从树屋地板上的一个洞里爬了进去。哇噻!树屋里的确堆满了书,到处都是书。有封面上积满厚厚灰尘的很老很老的旧书,也有封面崭新闪着光泽的很新很新的新书。“看!你能看得很远很远。”安妮说着,从树屋的窗口向外望去。杰克同她一起向外望去。俯瞰下去,是其他树木的树梢。在远处,他看见蛙溪镇的图书馆、小学,还有公园。安妮指向另外一边。“那是我们的家。”她说。千真万确。那正是他们的家,就是那个有着绿色走廊的白色木头房子。隔壁是他们邻居家的黑狗亨利。它看上去小得可怜。“喂,亨利!”安妮大声喊道。“嘘!”杰克说,“我们可是这儿的不速之



12、摇直上,冲入云霄。杰克想看清楚这个动物,差点儿从窗户跌了下去。风吹得更紧了,发出呼啸声。树屋开始打转。“怎么回事?”杰克呼叫着。“快下去!”安妮大喊着。她把他从窗口拉了回来。树屋不停地旋转着,转得越来越快。杰克紧紧地闭住双眼,紧紧地抓着安妮。然后一切都平静了。绝对的平静。杰克睁开了双眼。阳光从树屋的窗户斜斜地照射进来。安妮还在,书还在,他的背包还在。树屋仍旧架在橡树上。不过,这不是同一棵橡树。2 The MonsterJack crawled through a hole in the tree house floor.Wow. The tree house was filled with b

13、ooks. Books everywhere. Very old books with dusty covers. New books with shiny, bright covers.“Look. You can see far, far away,” said Annie. She was peering out the tree house window.Jack looked out the window with her. Down below were the tops of the other trees. In the distance he saw the Frog Cre

14、ek library. The element ary school. The park.Annie pointed in the other direction.“Theres our house,”she said.Sure enough. There was their white wooden house with the green porch. Next door was their neighbors black dog,Henry. He looked very tiny.“Hi,Henry!”shouted Annie.“Shush!”said Jack. “Were not

15、 supposed to be up here.”He glanced around the tree house again.“I wonder who owns all these books,”he said. He noticed bookmarks were sticking out of many of them.“I like this one,”said Annie. She held up a book with a castle onthe cover.“Heres a book about Pennsylvania,”said Jack. He turned to the

16、 page with the bookmark.“Hey,theres a picture of Frog Creek in here,” said Jack. “Its a picture of these woods!”“Oh,heres a book for you,”said Annie. She held up a book about dinosaurs. A blue silk bookmark was sticking out of it.“Let me see it.” Jack set down his backpack and grabbed the book from

17、her.“You look at that one,and Ill look at the one about castles,”said Annie.“No,We better not,”said Jack. “We dont know who these books belong to.”But even as he said this,Jack opened the dinosaur book to where the bookmark was. He couldnt help himself.He turned to a picture of an ancient flying rep

18、tile. A Pteranodon.He touched the huge bat-like wings.“Wow,” whispered Jack. “I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real.”Jack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the sky.“Ahhh!”screamed Annie.“What?” said Jack.“A monster!”Annie cried. She pointed to the tree house window.“

19、Stop pretending,Annie”,said Jack.“No,really!”said Annie.Jack looked out the window.A giant creature was gliding above the treetops!He had a long, weirdcrest on the back of his head. A skinny beak. And huge bat-like wings!It was a real live Pteranodon!The creature curved through the sky. He was comin

20、g straight toward thetree house. He looked like a glider plane!The wind began to blow.The leaves trembled.Suddenly the creature soared up. High into the sky. Jack nearly fell out the window trying to see it.The wind picked up. It was whistling now.The tree house started to spin.“Whats happening?” cr

21、ied Jack.“Get down!”shouted Annie.She pulled him back from the window.The tree house was spinning. Faster and faster.Jack squeezed his eyes shut. He held on to Annie.Then everything was still.Absolutely still.Jack opened his eyes. Sunlight slanted through the window.There was Annie.The books. His ba

22、ckpack.The tree house was still high up in an oak tree.But it wasnt the same oak tree. 3这儿是哪儿杰克望着窗户外面。他低头看了看书中的画,又望了一眼窗户外面。外面的世界与画中的世界它们一模一样,完全相同。无齿翼龙翱翔在天空。地面上覆盖着羊齿植物和深深的草丛。有一条小溪,流水潺潺,蜿蜒曲折。有一座陡陡的山坡,还有远处的火山。“哪儿我们在哪儿?”杰克结结巴巴地说。无齿翼龙滑落到他们那棵树底下。它飘然地停在了地上,然后一动也不动地站在那儿。“到底发生了什么事?”安妮说。她看着杰克,杰克看着她。“我不知道。”杰克说


24、问。“我不知道。”杰克说。“嗨!”安妮又对着那动物大叫起来。无齿翼龙抬头看着他们。“这儿是哪儿?”安妮朝下面发问。“你这个傻帽!它不会说话。”杰克说,“不过那本书可能会告诉我们什么。”杰克低下头看那本书。他看到那幅画下面的文字:这种会飞的爬行动物生活在白垩纪。它消失于6500万年前。不!不可能!他们不可能来到6500万年前。“杰克。”安妮说,“它多可爱啊!”“可爱?”“是的,我觉得是这样。我们下去跟它说说话吧!”“跟它说说话?”安妮开始爬下绳梯。“嘿!”杰克叫道。但是安妮继续往下爬。“你疯了吗?”杰克喊。安妮下到地面上,大胆地走向这个远古的动物。3Where Is Here?Jack look

25、ed out the window.He looked down at the picture in the book.He looked back out the window.The world outside and the world in the picturethey were exactly the same.The Pteranodon was soaring through the sky. The ground was covered with ferns and tall grass. There was a winding stream. A sloping hill.

26、 And volcanoes in the distance.“Whwhere are we?” stammered Jack.The Pteranodon glided down to the base of their tree. The creature coasted to a stop. And stood very still.“What happened to us?” said Annie. She looked at Jack. He looked at her.“I dont know,”said Jack.“I was looking at the picture in

27、the book”“And you said,Wow, I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real,”said Annie.“Yeah. And the we saw one. In the Frog Creek woods”,said Jack.“Yeah. And then the wind got loud. And the tree house started spinning,”said Annie.“And we landed here,” said Jack.“And we landed here,” said Annie.“So that

28、means.” said Jack.“So that means.what?”said Annie.“Nothing,”said Jack. He shook his head. “None of this can be real.”Annie looked out the window again.“But hes real,”she said. “Hes very real.”Jack looked out the window with her. The Pteranodon was standing at the base of the oaktree.Like a guard. Hi

29、s giant wings were spread out on either side of him.“Hi!”Annie shouted.“Shush!”said Jack.“were not supposed to be here.”“But where is here?”said Annie.“I dont know,”said Jack.“Hi!”Annie called again to the creature.The Pteranodon looked up at them.“Where is here?”Annie called down.“Youre nuts. He ca

30、nt talk,”said Jack. “But maybe the book can tell us.”Jack looked down at the book.He read the words under the picture:This flying reptile lived in the Cretaceous period.It vanished 65 million years ago.No. Impossible. They couldnt have landed in a time 65 million years ago.“Jack,”said Annie.“Hes nic

31、e.”“Nice?”“Yeah,I can tell. Lets go down and talk to him.”“Talk to him?”Annie started down the rope ladder.“Hey!”shouted Jack.But Annie kept going.“Are you crazy?” Jack called.Annie dropped to the ground. She stepped boldly up to the ancient creature.4亨利当安妮伸出手时,杰克倒吸了一口凉气。天哪!安妮总是试图与动物们交朋友。不过这次也太过火了。“



34、个地方是哪儿呢?”杰克说。安妮紧紧地挨着无齿翼龙。“你知道我们在什么地方吗,亨利?”安妮轻言细语地问。这只动物眼睛一眨也不眨地盯着安妮。它的嘴巴忽而张开,忽而闭拢,像一把巨型剪刀。“你想同我说话吧,亨利?”安妮问。“算了吧,安妮。”杰克在笔记本上写着:嘴巴像剪刀?“我们是不是回到了很久很久以前,亨利?”安妮问,“这是很久很久以前的某个地方吗?”突然间她气喘起来。“杰克!”杰克抬头一看。安妮手正指着小山。山顶上站着一只巨大的!4 HenryJack gasped as Annie held out her hand.Oh,brother.She was always trying to make

35、 friends with animals. But this was going too far.“Dont get too close to him,Annie!”Jack shouted.But Annie touched the Pteranodons crest. She stroked his neck. She was talking to him.What in the world was she saying?Jack took a deep breath.Okay.He would go down too. It would be good to examine the c

36、reature. Take notes. Like a scientist.Jack started down the rope ladder.When he got to the ground, Jack was only a few feet away from the creature.The creature stared at Jack. His eyes were bright and alert.“Hes soft,Jack,”said Annie.“He feels like Henry.”Jack snorted. “Hes no dog,Annie.”“Feel him,J

37、ack,”said Annie.Jack didnt move.“Dont think,Jack. Just do it.”Jack stepped forward. He put out his arm. Very cautiously.He brushed his hand down the creatures neck.Interesting. A thim layer of fuzz covered the Pteranodons skin.“Soft,huh?”said Annie.Jack reached into his backpack and pulled out a pen

38、cil and a notebook.He wrote:fuzzy skin“What are you doing?”asked Annie.“Taking notes,”said Jack.“Were probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Pteranodon.”Jack looked at the Pteranodon again. The creature had a bony crest on top of his head. The crest was longer than Jack

39、s arm.“I wonder how smart he is,”Jack said.“Very smart,”said Annie.“Dont count on it,”said Jack.“His brains probably no bigger than a bean.”“No,hes very smart. I can feel it,”said Annie.“Im goint to call him Henry.”Jack wrote in his notebook:small brain?Jack looked at the creature again. “Maybe hes

40、a mutant,”he said.The creature tilted his head.Annie laughed. “Hes no mutant, Jack.”“Well, whats he doing here then?Where is this place?”said Jack.Annie leaned close to the Pteranodon.“Do you know where we are,Henry?”she asked softly.The creature fixed his eyes on Annie. His long jaws were opening a

41、nd closing.Like a giant pair of scissors.“Are you trying to talk to me, Henry?”asked Annie.“Forget it,Annie.”Jack wrote in his notebook:mouth like scissors?“Did we come to a time long ago, Henry?” asked Annie.“Is this a place from long ago?” Suddenly she gasped. “Jack!”He looked up.Annie was pointin

42、g toward the hill. On top stood a huge dinosaur!5草地上的金牌“快,快!”杰克说。他把笔记本塞进背包,推着安妮向绳梯跑去。“再见,亨利!”她说。“快!”杰克说。他把安妮猛推了一下。“别推!”她说,不过她还是爬上了绳梯。杰克紧跟在她后面爬上去。他们急匆匆地钻进了树屋。他们喘着气望着窗外那只恐龙。它正站在山顶上,把一棵树上的花都给吃光了。“天哪。”杰克小声说,“我们的确是在很久很久以前!”这只看上去像一只巨大的犀牛。只不过它可不只长了一只角而是三只角。两眼之上长有两只长角,鼻子上也长了一只角。脑袋后面还长有一块盾牌状的东西。“三角龙!”杰克说。“它吃

43、人吗?”安妮小声问。“我查查看。”杰克抓起那本恐龙书。他快速地翻着书页。“在这儿!”他指着有一只三角龙的画。他读着上面的说明文字:三角龙生活在白垩纪晚期。这种素食恐龙体重超过12 000磅注。杰克砰地一下合上书。“只吃素,不吃肉。”“那我们去见见它。”安妮说。“你疯了吗?”杰克说。“你不想做些关于它的记录吗?”安妮问,“我们很可能是世界上见过活三角龙的第一人。”杰克叹了一口气。她是对的。“那就去吧。”他说。他把恐龙书塞进背包里,把背包背在肩上,开始下绳梯。绳梯下到一半,杰克停住了。他对上面的安妮喊着,“你要保证不摸它。”“我保证。”“保证不吻它。”“我保证。”“保证不同它谈话。”“我保证。”“



46、可爱“来吧!我们把这周围再多看看吧。”安妮说。杰克正要跟上安妮,可这时他看见深深的草丛中有东西闪闪发光。他伸手把它捡了起来。一块大奖牌。一块金子做的奖牌。牌子上镌刻着一个字母。一个奇妙的M。“啊,好家伙。看来已经有人在我们之前来过了。”杰克轻声说。5 Gold in the Grass“Go!Go!”saidJack. He threw his notebook into his pack. He pushed Annie towardthe rope ladder.“Bye, Henry!” she siad.“Go!”said Jack. He gave Annie a big push.

47、“Quit it!”she said. But she started up the ladder. Jack scrambled after her.They tumbled into the tree house.They were panting as they looked out the window at the dinosaur. He was standing on the hilltop. Eating flowers off a tree.“Oh,man,”whispered Jack.“We are in a time long ago!”The dinosaur loo

48、ked like a huge rhinoceros. Only he had three horns instead of one. Two long ones above his eyes and one on his nose.He had a big shield-like thing behind his head.“Triceratops!”said Jack.“Does he eat people?”whispered Annie.“Ill look it up.”Jack grabbed the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pag

49、es.“There!”he said. He pointed to a picture of a Triceratops. He readte caption:The Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous period. This plant-eating dinosaur weighed over 12,000 pounds.Jack slammed the book shut.“Just plants. No meat.”“Lets go see him,”said Annie.“Are you nuts?” said Jack.“Dont yo

50、u want to take notes about him?”asked Annie.“Were probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Triceratops.”Jack sighed. She was right.“Lets go,”he said.He shoved the dinosaur book into his pack. He slung it over his shoulder and started down the ladder.On the way down,Jack s

51、topped.He called up to Annie,“Just promise you wont pet him.”“I promise.”“Promise you wont kiss him.”“I promise.”“Promise you wont talk to him.”“I promise.”“Promise you wont”“Go!Go!”she siad.Jack went.Annie followed.When they stepped off the ladder, the Pteranodon gave them a kind look.Annie blew a

52、kiss at him. “Be back soon, Henry,”she said cheerfully.“Shush!”said Jack. And he led the way through the ferns. Slowly and carefully.When he reached the bottom of the hill, he kneeled behind a fat bush.Annie knelt beside him and started to speak.“Shush!”Jack put his finger to his lips.Annie made a f

53、ace.Jack peeked out at the Triceratops.The dinosaur was incredibly big. Bigger than a truck. He was eating the flowers off a magnolia tree.Jack slipped his notebook out of his pack. He wrote:eats flowersAnnie nudged him.Jack ignored her. He studied the Triceratops again. He wrote:eats slowlyAnnie nu

54、dged him hard.Jack looked at her.Annie pointed to herself. She walked her fingers through the air. She pointed to the dinosaur. She smiled.Was she teasing?She waved at Jack.Jack started to grab her.She laughed and jumped away. She fell into the grass. In full view of the Triceratops!“Get back!”whisp

55、ered Jack.Too late. The big dinosaur had spotted Annie. He gazed down at her from the hilltop. Half of a magnolia flower was sticking out of his mouth.“Oops,”said Annie.“Get back!”Jack shouted at her.“He looks nice,Jack.”“Nice?Watch out for his horns,Annie!”“No. Hes nice,Jack.”Nice?But the Tricerato

56、ps just gazed calmly down at Annie. Then he turned and loped away. Down the side of the hill.“Bye!”said Annie. She turned back to Jack. “See?”Jack grunted. But he wrote in his notebook.nice“Come on.Lets look around some more,”said Annie.As Jack started after Annie, he saw something glittering in the

57、 tall grass. He reached out and picked it up.A medallion. A gold medallion.A letter was engraved on the medallion.A fancy M.“Oh,man. Someone came here before us,”Jack said softly.6恐龙谷“安妮,看看这个!”杰克大喊着,“看看我找到了什么!”安妮已经上了山顶。她正在忙着从木兰树上摘一朵花。“安妮,看!一块大奖牌!”但是安妮没有留心杰克。她正盯着山的另一侧的什么东西在看呢。“啊,哇噻!”她叫着。“安妮!”她手里捏着木兰花



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