高中英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam 第2课时 Reading同步课件 外研版必修4

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1、1raise vt.1)抬高;举起He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶。2)提高;增加They raised their offer to 500.他们将出价抬高到500美元。3)饲养;养育;培育They were both raised in the south.他们俩都在南方长大的。知识拓展raise your glass to sb. 举杯祝酒get a rise 得到加薪辨析:raise与rise1)raise 举起;升高;强调把某人或某物举起或抬起到应有的高度。raise还可用于借喻,如提高物价,提高生活水平等。She raised h

2、er eyes and looked at me.她抬眼看了看我。2)rise 上升;上涨;是不及物动词,指事物本身从低处升(涨)到高处。The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水上涨。高考直击(2009江西)What is the price of petrol these days?Oh, it _ sharply since last month.A. is raisedB. has risenC. has arisen D. is increased解析:考查了时态的用法。由句中的时间状语since last month 可知该用现在完成时。而C项中

3、arise用法不准确,当表示价格的上升时用rise。答案:B即学即用T h e y v e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u p t o 2 0 , 0 0 0 y u a n f o r t h e earthquakestricken area.AroseBrisedCraisedDrisen答案:C2display n.1)展示;陈列;表现On New Years Eve the dispaly of fireworks offers many attractions.除夕夜的焰火很吸引人。2)展览品;陈列品All the parents were looking at the dis

4、play of childrens works.所有的父母都在看孩子们的作品展览。vt. 陈列;展示;表现;显露The childrens works were displayed on the wall.孩子们的作品在墙上展出来了。I have hardly seen her display any sign of emotion.我难得见到她流露感情。知识拓展be on display 被展示;被陈列;在展出put sth. on dispaly 展出某物即学即用His works were the first_.Adisplayed BdisplayingCdisplay Dto be

5、displayed答案:D3check vt. 检查;核对知识拓展check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记;报到check out 付账后离开;检验;合格;及格check with 与相符合;与协商辨析:examine、check与test1)examine通常指为了某种目的对某事进行详细的检查、询问、审问。The doctor examined him carefully.医生仔细检查了他的身体。2)check通常用来指“检查;核对(账单、结果、产品质量、包裹)”等。I checked my bag to see if Id left anything.我检查了我的提包,看看是否有东西遗漏了。

6、 3)test表示“测验;测试;检验”。 We test your English before deciding which class to put you in. 等测验过你们的英语水平后我们再决定把你们分在哪一个班。高考直击(2007全国卷)Do you know Annas telephone number?_. As a matter of fact, I dont know any Anna, either.AI think so BIm afraid notCI hope so DId rather not解析:本题考查日常交际用语。由上下文可知A、C与下文相矛盾;而D项意为“

7、我宁可不”;Im afraid not是Im afraid I dont know的省略,合乎句意。答案:B即学即用Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?Oh, really? I havent_my mailbox yet.Aexamined BreviewedCtested Dchecked答案:D4permit1)n. 许可证;通行证;执照You cant hunt in this area without a hunting permit.没有狩猎许可证,你不可在此区域打猎。2)vt. 允许

8、;容许(permitted, permitted, permitting) This problem permits no delay. 这个问题不容拖诞。 The policeman permitted him to park there. 警察允许他在那里停车。 We do not permit smoking in hospitals. 在医院里不准抽烟。 3)vi. (事物)允许;变成可能(通常在条件从句中) I will go to see you if time permits.Time Permitting, I will go to see you. 如果时间允许的话,我会去见

9、你。指点迷津:allow与permitallow所表示的“允许”通常含有“(个人)不加阻止”之意;permit的语气比allow强,含有“(正式地)许可”之意,带有客观意味。 知识拓展 permit名词形式为permission,常见的与之搭配的短语为:with/without ones permission在某人的准许下/没获得的允许;ask for permission请求允许。高考直击(2007江苏)Can I smoke here?Sorry. We dont allow_here.Apeople smoking Bpeople smokeCto smoke Dsmoking解析:al

10、low doing sth.允许做某事;allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,二者均为allow的固定用法。答案:D即学即用(2009湖北八校模拟)The party will be held in the garden, weather_.Apermitted BpermitsCpermit Dpermitting答案:D5provide vt. 供给;提供They provide(us)breakfast at 7 on Sundays.星期天他们7点供应早餐。The trees provide shade for us.这些树为我们提供阴凉。知识拓展1)同根词:pr

11、ovider n. 供应者;提供者2)providing/provided(that)的意思是“在情况下;倘使;倘若”。辨析:provide, offer与supply单词单词用法用法搭配搭配例句例句provide供应;供应;供给供给with sth.provide sb. provide sth. for sb.His company provided him with a car. 他的公司给他配了一辆汽车。他的公司给他配了一辆汽车。Sheep provide wool for us.羊供给我们羊毛。羊供给我们羊毛。offer主动提主动提供供offer sb. sth.offer sth.

12、 to sb.He offered me help when I was in trouble. 我困难时他主动帮了我。我困难时他主动帮了我。offer some coffee to the guests给客人端些咖啡给客人端些咖啡supply供给;供给;提供提供supply sb. with sth.supply sth. to sb.Cows supply us with milk. 牛供给我们牛奶。牛供给我们牛奶。The government supplies free books to students.政府免费给学生供应书籍。政府免费给学生供应书籍。即学即用His son_the o

13、ld man with all the food and the money he needed.Aprovided BfedCoffered Dgave答案:A6avoid vt.1)避免;防止The accident could have been avoided.这个事故本来是可以避免的。2)回避;避开You should avoid mentioning his name.你应避免提及他的名字。注意:该词后接动词时,用ing形式,注意复合结构。They built a wall to avoid soil being washed away.他们建了一堵墙以防水土流失。知识拓展英语中某

14、些及物动词后习惯跟动名词作宾语,这类常用的动词是:避免错过少延期(avoid, miss, put off/postpone)建议完成多练习(suggest, finish, practise)喜欢想象禁不住(enjoy, imagine, cant help)承认否定与嫉妒(admit, deny, envy)逃避冒险莫原谅(escape, risk, excuse)忍受保持别介意(stand, keep, mind)Do you mind opening the window?打开窗子,你介意吗? After supper, Mary suggested taking a walk alo

15、ng the river bank. 晚饭后,玛丽建议沿着河边散散步。即学即用_any mistakes when you fill in the important form.AMake BAvoidCStop DGuard答案:B7fare n.辨析:fee与fare1)fee指付给专业人员的“报酬”,如:专业服务费、咨询费等;也可指“入场费、入会费、学费等”。pay the lawyers fees付律师费;membership fees会费2)fare指“车船费;票价”。train(rail)fares 火车票价Children travel at half fare.儿童交通费减半。

16、知识拓展a bus/taxi fare 公共汽车/出租汽车费a single fare 单程票价roundtrip fare 周游票价;来回票价economy fares 经济舱票价travel at half/full/reduced fare 半价/全价/减价票旅行即学即用His school_has been decreased because of his poverty.Afee BfareCmoney Dpermit答案:A8impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的His performance in the film Hero is most impressive.

17、他在电影英雄中的表演给人留下了深刻的印象。知识拓展1)impress v. 给人留下深刻的印象be impressed with 对有深刻的印象impress sth. on/upon sb.impress sb. with sth. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记be impressed by/at/with 被深深打动/感动impress sth. in/on ones memory 使铭记在心be favourably/unfavourably impressed 得到好/不好的印象Shes always trying to impress people with her new clothe

18、s.她总喜欢穿上新衣服引人注意。 My father impressed on me the value of hard work. 我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。 2)impression n. 印象,感想 ones impression of sb./sth. 某人对的印象 get/obtain a good/bad impression of. 得到对的好/坏的印象 leave/make a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻的印象高考直击(2009安徽)China has got a good_for fighting against the flu with

19、 its careful and smooth organization.Areputation BinfluenceCimpression Dknowledge解析:考查了名词的辨析。句意为“中国因为在与流感斗争中的仔细和顺利的组织而获得好评”。reputation意为“名誉;名望”;impression意为“印象;感想”;influence意为“影响”。答案:A即学即用His parents impressed the importance of study_him.Afor Bwith Cof Don答案:D9view vt. 观看;仔细看;认为;把看作是;n. 意见;看法;视野;景色I

20、n my view it was a waste of time.依我看,这是浪费时间。The sun disappeared from view.太阳从视野中消失了。知识拓展1)viewer n. 电视观众;观看者viewpoint n. 观点;看法;角度(同)outlook 景色;前景sight 景致2)at first view 初看;一见(就)in ones view 依照某人的见解on a long view 从长远看on a short view 从目前看;从短时期看view.as. 把视为in view of sth. 鉴于;考虑 on view 在展出;陈列 come into

21、 view/sight 出现在眼前;可以被看得见辨析:scene,scenery,sight与viewscene, scenery, sight和view都有景象的含义。1)scene指展现出眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。2)scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvello

22、us.坐船浏览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。 3)sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于,当sight指景物时,它多指某地特有的名胜。 We have seen the historical sights of London. 我们游览了伦敦的名胜古迹。 4)view常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。 The mountain hotel offered magnificent views. 从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。高考直击(2007安徽)

23、The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common_in many parts of the city.Alook BsignCsight D. appearance解析:sight意为“风景”;look意为“表情”;sign意为“迹象;现象”;appearance意为“出现;显露”。答案:C即学即用Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful_through the w

24、indow.Ascene Blook Cview Dpicture答案:C10follow vt. & vi.1)跟随The children followed their mother into the room.孩子们跟着母亲进了房间。2)明白;理解I didnt follow his line of reasoning.我不明白他的推理方法。3)听从;服从The soldiers must follow the officers orders.士兵们必须执行军官的命令。知识拓展1)following prep. & adj. & n.(1)作形容词,表示“第二;下一;下述的;下面的”。O

25、n the following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone.第二天,这个病人要了一部床头电话机。(2)作介词,后接短语作状语或宾语。On Monday afternoon following Lauras visit, Martin arranged for us both to meet Howard at his school.在劳拉访问后的星期一下午,马丁为我们两个安排了在学校会见霍华德。 2)as follows 如下 it follows that 由此得出结论;因而断定 It reads as follows. 全文

26、如下。即学即用(2009哈师大附中模拟)The teacher entered the classroom, _. Which of the answer is not right?Aa group of students followed himBa group of students following himCfollowed by a group of studentsDand a group of students followed him答案:A11construction n. 建筑;建筑物;解释The new airport is still under constructio

27、n.新机场仍在修建中。知识拓展under construction (正在)修建中put a construction on sth. 对某事物作某种解释(一般指对言语、行为等)put the best/worst construction on sth.往最好/最坏的方面去解释put a false construction on 故意曲解单词积累construct vt. 建造;构造;创立constructive adj. 建设性的constructional adj. 装配的;构造的;解释上的即学即用Its agreed that his proposal is_.Aconstructi

28、onal BinstructCinstructed Dconstructive答案:D12convenient adj. 合适的;方便的Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?明天开始工作对你方便吗?知识拓展convenient的名词为convenience1)U适合;方便Please come at your convenience.请在你方便的时候前来。2)C便利的事物;便利设施at your convenience 在你方便的时候for conveniences sake 为方便起见convenience food 便利食

29、品注意:1)convenient作表语时,主语不能为人,而是用事物作主语或用it充当形式主语,类似用法的还有important, necessary, possible, probable等。2)只能与“for sb.不定式”连用。3)作表语时接不定式的主动形式。高考直击(2008浙江)There are plenty of jobs_in the western part of the country.Apresent BavailableCprecious Dconvenient解析:考查形容词词义。句意:该国的西部有足够的工作岗位。available“可找到的;可获得的;可购得的”; p

30、resent“出席的;到场的;现在的”; precious“宝贵的;珍爱的;贵重的”; convenient“便利的;方便的”。答案:B即学即用Our new house is very_for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.Areasonable BcomfortableCconvenient Davailable答案:C13advantage n. 优势;长处;利益;便利Mary speaks good English, but she has an advantage because her mother is English

31、.玛丽的英语讲得很好,因为她有优势,她妈妈是英国人。知识拓展be of advantage to 对有利win/have/get/gain an/the advantage over/of 胜过;优于give sb. an advantage 使某人处于更有利的地位have the advantage of 比强;胜过take advantage of 对加以利用;乘机利用to sb.s advantage 对有利You have the advantage of me.你比我强。单词积累disadvantage n. 不利;短处即学即用H a v e n t y o u l e a r n

32、e d o f t h e a d v a n t a g e y o u should_others weak points in order to win the match?Amake on Bmake ofChave to Dtake of答案:D14situation n.1)情况;状况;形势;局面Im now in a difficult situation.我现在处境困难。2)地理位置;环境特点;同义词为position。Here is an ideal situation for a nursery school.这儿是托儿所的理想特点。注意:在定语从句中,若situation

33、作先行词,从句中缺少状语时,关系词用where,类似的词还有stage, point, case等。辨析:condition, situation, state三个词都有“情况;形势”的意思,作为名词condition多用复数形式,当我们要求具体的工作,生活、学习的环境和条件时,需用conditions;而situation常用单数,侧重“形势;情景;处境;局面等”,state为常用词,指“人或物存在或所处的状态”,但不着重表示“这种状态与具体原因或条件的关系。”What are conditions like in your school?你们学校条件如何?He is in a good s

34、tate.他身体健康。高考直击(1)(2008江西)Shall we go out for a walk?Sorry. This is not the right_to invite me. I am too tired to walk.Amoment BsituationCplace Dchance解析:答语意为“现在邀我散步不合时宜,(因为)我累得走不了路。”moment“时机;时刻”;situation“形势;情况”;place“地方”;chance“机会”,本题侧重时间,因此A正确。答案:A(2)(2009福建)Its helpful to put children in a situ

35、ation_they can see themselves differently.AthatBwhenCwhichDwhere解析:考查定语从句。先行词是situation,指物,亦可指地点,关系词在从句中做地点状语,用关系副词where,选D。答案:D即学即用School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous_.Astates BconditonCsituations Dposition答案:C1get around 四处走动;旅行;避开;逃避I dont want to stay at home. Id like to ge

36、t around.我不想待在家里,我想要旅游。Dont try to get around the question by changing the subject.不要企图通过改变话题来回避问题。知识拓展get across 被理解;使人了解get away with 逃避惩罚get down to 开始;着手get off sb. (尤用于告诉别人)别碰;走远点get on 相处融洽(get along);出人头地get out of (使)逃避;避免;摆脱get over 做完;结束;熬过get through 接通(电话);让人了解get together 相聚;聚会get up (使

37、)起床;起身;筹办;准备;演出get to 到达注意:get around(美语)get round高考直击(1)(2010福建卷,30)Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets _it.Akeep up with Bdo away withCget down to Dlook forward to解析:句意:我们刚刚搬进这大些的房子,还有许多工作要做,让我们干起来吧。考查动词短语的辨析。A项“跟上,赶上”;B项“使终止,废除”;C项“开始工作,开始认真干”;D项“盼望着”。答案:C(2)(2010浙江卷,

38、12)After that, he knew he could_any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on withCget through Dget across解析:句意:那件事情以后他知道了只要尽他所能,他就能渡过任何危机情况。get away with“侥幸逃脱”;get on with“与相处”;get through“完成;渡过;熬过”;get across“解释清楚,使人了解”。答案:C(3)(2010四川卷,8)Jenny was looking f

39、or a seat when, luckily, a man _ and left.Atook up Bgot upCshut up Dset up解析:句意:Jenny正在找座位;这时,很幸运的是,有一个人站起来走了。take up“占据,开始从事”;get up“起床,起身”;shut up“闭嘴”;set up“建立,创立”。答案:B即学即用When I was young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon_it.Agot off Bgot acrossCgot around Dgot over答案:D2in no time

40、 立即;马上The kids will be leaving home in no time.孩子们很快就要离开家了。注意:同义词汇和短语:soon, immediately, in a minute, at once, right now, right away, straight away知识拓展at a time 一次;每一次(表示动作的频度,多用于一般现在时)at one time 曾经;一度(说明过去的某一情况现在已不存在,多用于过去时态)at times/from time to time 有时;偶尔every time 每一次(说明动作的频度,多用于现在时)for the fir

41、st/last time 第一次/最后一次(在句中作状语)all the time 总是;一直once upon a time 曾经take ones time 别着急;慢慢来 ahead of time 提前 behind time 晚;迟 for the time being 暂时 in time 及时;迟早 on time 准时链接:由time构成的常用句型。Its time for sb. to do sth. 该某人做某事了。Its the first/second.time(that)主语谓语(现在完成时态)其他这是某人第一/二次。It was the first/second.t

42、ime(that)主语谓语(过去完成时态)其他这是某人第一/二次。该某人做某事了Its first time that he had seen a film.这是他第一次看电影。 Its high time we went to school. 我们该去学校了。高考直击(2008重庆)Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon?Sorry, lets make it_time.Aothers Bthe otherCanother Dother解析:本题主要考查不定代词的用法。another time意为“另外(一个)时间”。句意为:“我

43、们今天下午三点见面吧?”“对不起,我们另外定个时间吧!”答案:C即学即用Well succeed_because you are always working hard.Aon time Bin timeCat times Dat the time答案:B3under construction 在建设中The bridge under construction is 300 meters long.正在修建的那座桥有300米长。知识拓展under此时的含义是“(工作)在中;正被中”。类似的词组还有:under repair 在修理中under contract 受合同约束under inves

44、tigation 在调查中out from under 免于忧虑under discussion 在讨论中under sail 扬帆行驶即学即用Youll have to use the stairs. Im sure that lift is out of order.Is it under_?Yes.Arepair BconstructionCcontrol Dreview答案:A4be worth 值得知识拓展The film is worth seeing.这部电影值得看。He said life wouldnt be worth living without friendship.他

45、说人生若没有友情就不值得活下去了。提示:1)be worth后跟v.ing形式。2)如果说“很值得”,应说be well worth,而不能用very, very much或quite等修饰。注意:英语中接doing,且主动形式表被动的词还有need, want和require。链接:worthy的用法The teacher is worthy of respect.这位老师值得尊敬。These old churches are worthy of being visited(worthy to be visited)这些古老的教堂值得参观。 一言辨异The article is worth

46、reading; that is to say, it is worthy of being read.这篇文章值得一读,也就是说,读这篇文章是值得的。即学即用Would you please make up a topic worth_in tomorrows conference?Adiscussing Bto be discussedCto discussed Dbeing discussed答案:A5have.in common知识拓展1)have something in common(与)有共同处,(和)一样have much/a lot in common 有许多相同之处have

47、 nothing/little in common 没有共同之处They have the same tutor, so they have many things/much in common.他们同出一师,所以有许多共同之处。 2)in common with. 和一样 In common with her mother, she is good at singing and dancing. 和她妈妈一样,她擅长唱歌和跳舞。 3)in common 公有;共用 Mr. and Mrs. Smith own the store in common. 史密斯夫妇共有这家商店。高考直击(浙江高

48、考)Letterboxes are much more_in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.Acommon BnormalCordinary Dusual解析:考查形容词近义词辨析。common是(几乎)所有人或事物为共同的,常见的,普通的;ordinary表示与一般事物的标准、品质、习俗相同,平凡而不特殊的;usual与过去的经验或习惯有关;normal正常的。答案:A即学即用_many other boys, he liked baseball.AIn common BIn common wi

49、thCIn relation to DWith relation to答案:B6prefer.to.prefer不可用more, most修饰。Which of these hats do you prefer the most?(误)Which of these hats do you like most?(正)I prefer this more than that.(误)I prefer this to that.或I like this more than that.(正) While he was in the office, he preferred doing something

50、 to chatting. 他在办公室时,喜欢做一些事情而不喜欢聊天。 I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我宁愿读书而不愿意闲坐在那里。 Do you want me to come tomorrow, or would you prefer that I come the day after tomorrow? 你要我明天来还是后天来?即学即用(2009海淀模拟)Rather than_on a crowded bus, he always prefers_a bicycle.Aride, ride Briding; rideCride; to r

51、ide Dto ride; riding答案:C1Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.只要挥一下手,出租车就会立刻来到。这是一个“祈使句and简单句”的句型,simply是副词作状语,修饰raise your hand。and作为连词,连接前后两个句子构成并列句。该句型可以转化为:If you raise your hand simply, a taxi will appear in no time.知识拓展or(else)/otherwise也可以用于此句型中,引出一句子,表示相反的情况。Work harder, or/

52、otherwise youll fail in the examIf you dont work hard, youll fail in the exam.再努力些,否则你在考试中会失败的。有时为了使表达简洁,祈使句部分常用名词短语来表达。One more word, and Ill get angry with you.再说,我就要生气了。 Another week, and the railway station will be completed. 再有一个星期,火车站就要完工了。高考直击(2008湖南)_the website of the Fire Department in you

53、r city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting.AHaving searched BTo searchCSearching DSearch解析:考查祈使句。“祈使句and/or句子”为一固定结构。答案:D即学即用(四川高考)Start out right away, _youll miss the first train.Aand Bbut Cor Dwhile答案:C2There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded.北京大

54、约有两万多辆公交车和电车,但是,它们有时会很拥挤。1)本句中使用了“get过去分词”结构。该结构可以表示被动,也可视为系表结构,用于被动结构时,它强调动作的发生;用于系表结构时,它强调状态的变化过程。get lost 迷路got drunk 喝醉了酒get started 行动起来get engaged 订婚get divorced 离婚get undressed 脱下衣服get changed 换衣服get shaved 刮脸;刮胡子注意:“become过去分词”有时也有被动的含义,强调动作的结果。The Canadian climbers became trapped on the mou

55、ntain last Tuesday.上周二加拿大登山队员被困在山上了。高考直击(2007福建)Jenny hopes Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English_in a short period.Aimproved BimprovingCto improve Dimprove解析:have在此处为使役动词,“使;让”,后接do/doing/done作宾补,improve与her written English之间为动宾关系,应用过去分词。答案:A即学即用Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid yo

56、u wont have time to_before the party.Aget changed Bget changeCget changing Dget to change答案:A 2)can (1)本句中的can表示一时的情况,意为“有时会”,是理论上的推测,表此意时,用在肯定句中。 This job is quite exciting, but it can be dangerous at times. 这种工作非常刺激,但有时也会很危险。 (2)can表推测,还可用在疑问句及否定句中。 Theres the doorbell. 有人按门铃。 Who can it be at thi

57、s time of day? 这个时候会是谁呢?提示:1)may/might也可表示推测,用于肯定句中,意为“可能”,但它表示实际上的可能性;如表示理论上的可能性,则用can。Whose pen is it?这是谁的钢笔?It may be his.可能是他的吧。2)疑问句表示推测时,不可使用May.那会是真的吗?()May that be true?()Can that be true?高考直击(1)(2007福建)My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where_I have put it?AcanBmustCshouldDwould解析:本题考查情态动词。由句意“我

58、的MP4 不在我包里。我可能把它放哪儿了?”可知应选A。can have done表示“过去可能做过”,用在疑问句或否定句中。而must have done“过去肯定做过”,只能用于肯定陈述句;should have done“本应该做(而事实上没做)”;would have done只能用于虚拟语气。答案:A(2)(2009北京)One of the few things you_say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.Aneed BmustCshould Dcan解析

59、:本题题意:英国人对于天气谈论很多,这是你可以很确定的少数事情之一。can表示“(有能力或能够发生)能;会”。例如:If theres one thing you can say about the French, its that they know how to put on a good lunch. 如果法国有什么特别值得一提之处的话,那就是法国人最懂得如何安排一顿像样的午餐。答案:D即学即用(2006湖南)Some aspects of a pilots job_be boring, and pilots often_work at inconvenient hours.Acan;

60、have to Bmay; canChave to; may Dought to; must答案:A3Its a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour(630am800 am and 500 pm630pm)最明智的做法是避免在高峰期(上午630800,下午500630)乘坐公交车和电车。本句中使用了it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。除了不定式以外,还可以使用从句和名词结构。下面句型习惯上使用it作形式主语:1)It is a pity/a fact/a shame/an hour.等名词that从句It is a

61、pity that you didnt attend the meeting.真遗憾你没有参加会议。2)It is natural/obvious/possible/unlikely/strange.等形容词that从句It is strange that he didnt come to school.真奇怪他没有来上学。注意:有时在“It is necessary/important/suggestedthat从句”结构中,that从句中常用“should动词原形”形式来表示虚拟语气,其中should常可省去。 3)It is known.; It is said.; It is hope

62、d.; It is believed.等句型 It is said that our school football team has won. 据说我们学校足球队赢了比赛。 4)主语从句也可以用it作形式主语,wh连接的句子作真实主语,放到句子后面。如: It is still a question when we shall have our sports meet. 我们什么时候举行运动会仍然是个问题。高考直击(1)(2010陕西卷,18)It never occurred to me_you could succeed in persuading him to change his m

63、ind.Awhich B.whatCthat Dif解析:句意:我从未想到你能成功说服他改变主意。It (never) occurred to me that .是固定句型,其中it 是形式主语,that 是真正主语从句的引导词。答案:C(2)(2010全国卷,14)The doctor thought_would be good for you to have a holiday.Athis Bthat Cone Dit解析:句意:医生认为对你来说度假是有好处的。考查It作形式宾语,动词不定式作真正宾语。答案:D即学即用_is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.AAs BThat CThis DIt答案:D

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