【聚焦中考】中考英语总复习 第44讲 补全对话课件 人教新目标版

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1、人教版英语 补全对话 第四十四讲根据对话内容,从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,使对话完整、通顺。(2014,菏泽)Yu Bing:Hi,Mark!Have you watched the TV news this morning?Mark:No.1._Yu Bing:Flight (航班) MH370 from Malaysia (马来西亚) to China disappeared last night.Mark:2._ How many passengers are there?Yu Bing:3._ Many countries are now searching for MH370

2、,and yet we have no idea what happened to it.Mark:4._Yu Bing:We are looking forward to finding the missing flight earlier.Mark:5._ AEFCDAWhats going on?BDont worry.CIts hard to believe!DI hope so.EIm sorry to hear that.FThere are 239 people on board.GIt doesnt matter. 补全对话是近年来中考考查的热点,该试题通过设置语言环境,把语言

3、知识升华到语言技能,旨在通过书面形式来考查学生熟练、灵活运用英语口语的能力,具有较强的综合性,是中考试题中的难点。测试题型常见的形式有:选句子补全对话;写单词、短语或句子补全对话。 1中考要求掌握打电话的交际用语。特别是拨电话和接电话与平时交谈用语的区别。掌握购物的交际用语。能运用购物的交际用语进行模拟购物活动。能熟练运用看病的交际用语。掌握问路和应答用语。要特别注意礼貌用语的运用。掌握就餐用语。能运用相应的交际用语进行模拟就餐活动。能熟练运用交际用语进行借东西和归还东西。能运用交际用语对某一活动计划进行讨论。会用交际用语谈论天气。注意天气预报的播报用语。掌握其他交际用语。如:问候及其应答语;

4、道歉及其应答语;感谢及其应答语;请求及其应答语;帮助及其应答语;邀请及其应答语;祝贺及其应答语;建议及其应答语等。 2解题技巧确定对话的情景类型:带着空格快速默读对话,并根据对话所给的信息确定对话的情景类型。理顺关系,各个突破:了解对话发生的情景之后,要在头脑中迅速回忆起相关的习惯表达法, 然后再开始答题。答题时应注意理顺上下文之间的关系,并利用已知信息推断出正确答案。考生可以先把有把握的空格填好,没把握的可暂时放下不管。然后回过头来解决那些暂时确定不了答案的空格。正确书写,从容答题:答题时应注意单词的正确拼写,时态的正确运用,还要注意句子的习惯表达方式等。书写应工整、规范。通读全文,核对答案

5、:不管做哪种类型的“补全对话”题,这环节都是必不可少的。因为同学们在做题的过程中难免会出现一些失误。如果最后再仔细检查一遍,就能及时纠正错误,确保答案的准确性。 【例1】阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2013,重庆)A:Hello,this is Lucy speaking.Is that Li Wei?B:Hi,Lucy!1._ We are expecting your coming.A:Thank you!My plane leaves Beijing this afternoon.B:2._A:Its CA1409.B:OK,CA1409.3._A:A

6、t 3:30 in the afternoon.B:Leaves at 3:30,and arrives.A:It arrives at 6:10,and Ill have to wait some time for my luggage (行李) B:All right.4._A:Thanks a lot.5._B:Ive ordered a room for you in the center of the city near my home.A:Wonderful!See you then!B:See you!AWhen does it take off?BHow about my ho

7、tel?CWhen does it arrive?DWhats your flight number?ELi Wei speaking.FWho will meet you?GIll wait for you at the gate at 6:30. 解析:1.和英美人打电话,我们常说:May I speak to.?或Is that.?对方可以回答“This is.speaking”或“.speaking.”。故选E。2由答语“Its CA1409.”可知询问航班号,因此D项Whats your flight number?(你的航班号是多少?)符合题意。3由答语“At 3:30 in th

8、e afternoon.”和下句“Leaves at 3:30.”可知询问飞机在什么时候起飞。 4由上句It arrives at 6:10,and Ill have to wait some time for my luggage.(飞机在6:10到达,我必须等些时间取我的行李。)可知,G项Ill wait for you at the gate at 6:30.(我6:30在门口等你。)符合题意。5由答语Ive ordered a room for you in the center of the city near my home.(我已经在市中心我家附近为你订了一个房间。)可知,B项H

9、ow about my hotel?(我的旅馆怎么样?)符合题意。答案:1._E_2._D_3._A_4._G_ 5_B_【例2】用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。(2013,福州)W:Excuse me,is there a bookstore around here?M:Yes.There is 1._ on Zhongshan Road.Its between the parking lot and the supermarket.W:How 2._ is it from here?M:About thirty minutes walk.You can 3._ the No.14 b

10、us there.W:Thank you.By the way,4._ the bus stop?M:Its at the end of this street.You cant 5._ it.W:Thanks for your help.M:Youre welcome. 解析:1.one用来代替上文中出现过的单数名词bookstore。2由答语About thirty minutes walk.(步行大约30分钟。)可知,该问句提问距离,因此用how far 提问。3情态动词can后面接动词原形,表示乘坐几路公交车,要用动词“take”,take the No.14 bus意为“乘坐14路公

11、交车”。4由答语句意“它在这条街道的尽头”可知询问位置。因此用疑问词where提问。5You cant miss it.(你不会错过它的。),是一个指路时常用的交际用语。答案:1.one2.far3.take4.where5.miss【例3】根据下面对话中情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。(2013,陕西)A:Nick,are you busy now?B:No,1._?A:I need your help.Im planning for tomorrows Chinese class.Can we talk about it?B:You mean the activity

12、 of “Spring in my eyes”?A:Yes.What are you going to do?B:Er.2._.A:Sing a song?Whats the name of the song?B:In Spring. 3._?A:I dont know.4._?B:Let me see.You like drawing.I think you can draw a picture about spring.A:5._.Ill do that tomorrow. 解析:1.由上文“Nick,are you busy now?”和下文“I need your help.”可知,是

13、询问对方有什么事。2由上句“What are you going to do?”和答语“Sing a song?”可知,我打算/能/想唱一首歌。3由答语“I dont know.”可知询问对方打算做什么。4由答语句意“让我想想。你喜欢绘画,我认为你可以画一幅有关春天的画”可知,此句是向对方寻求建议。5由句后“ Ill do that tomorrow.”可知,此句表示赞同对方的建议。 答案:1.Whats_the_matter/Whats_up/Why/Why_are_you_asking2Im_going_to_sing_a_song/I_can_sing_a_song/I_want_to_


15、_great_(good/like_a_good_idea) (一)(2013,南昌)Kate:Good morning,Jack.1._Jack:Oh no!Kate:What do you mean,“Oh no”?Jack:I think I left it.on the kitchen table!I was hurrying because I was late.Kate:2._Jack:Im very sorry!Kate:Well,it doesnt matter.3._ But can you bring it tomorrow?Jack:Yes,OK.Im sorry!Kat

16、e:Its all right.See you tomorrow.Oh,Jack,Whats the matter?4._Jack:Well,I remember your book isnt at home.I think I left it on the bus!Kate:Oh,my god!5._ EGCBAAYou lost it!BYou look strange.CI can share with Judy in class.DBiology is my favorite subject.EHave you got my biology book?FDo you think it

17、is in your schoolbag?GBut I have got a biology lesson this afternoon! (二)(2014,陕西)A:Where did you go last weekend?B:6._A:But you told me you wouldnt go there.You said it was dirty.7._B:Er,you know,I didnt want to go there first.But most of my friends went,so I went with them.A:I see.8._B:I told the

18、old people something interesting around us.A:9._B:I had fun and felt happy.A:10._ Next time,Ill go with you. FGDBAAThats great.BHow did you feel?CWho did you go with?DWhat did you do there?EThank you.FI went to the old peoples home.GWhy did you go there then? (三)(2014,宜宾)A:Hello!B:11._A:Well,would y

19、ou please give me some advice on how to remember English words?B:12._ In fact,I learn English words by heart.A:13._B:First of all,it is necessary for you to have a good habit of remembering them.A:14._B:No,you dont need to.Try to learn by heart a few new words each day,follow the rules of pronunciat

20、ion and you will finish remembering all of them in one week.B:15._ Ill try my best.Bye!A:OK,byebye. BACFDASure,Id love to.BHi,John.Its Marry.So,whats up?CHow can you do that?DThank you for your good advice.EOf course,you are right.FDo I need to remember the words in each unit all at once?GOh,that wa

21、s a good idea. (四)(2013,沈阳)A:Hey,Martin.Do you want to go to a concert with me next week?B:Oh,well,maybe.Whos playing?A:Its a local band (乐队)Burnt Fingers.16._B:No.What kind of music is it?A:17._ Its just that I got some free tickets.My friend Anna is going,too.Were going to meet after work.B:Annas

22、going to go?Great!18._A:Its on Monday at seven.B:Monday?Oh,no.I have a meeting on Monday with my boss.We probably wont finish until seven.A:19._ I know Anna would like to see you,too.B:Well,wait.Maybe Ill call my boss and ask her if we can change the day.A:OK,yeah.20._ EGBDAAFind out and let me know

23、.BSo when is it?CDo you need it?DOh,thats too bad.EHave you heard of them?FIm afraid it is not a good idea.GWell,Im not really sure. (五)(2014,黔东南)A:Hello.Kaili Railway Station.21._B:Yes,Id like to book a ticket to Beijing.22._A:T108.It leaves at 2:37 am.and arrives at 8:42 am.at Beijing West Railway

24、 Station.B:Sounds great!23._A:We have tickets at ¥93 for the hard seat and ¥154 for the hard sleeper.24._B:Id like to book a ticket for the hard sleeper.A:All right.A hard sleeper ticket to Beijing.Please pay for the ticket before 2:20 pm.25._B:Sure.Im Huang Li and my phone number is 13184089663.Tha

25、nk you.A:Youre welcome.Bye! EDGACAWhich kind do you want?BHow many tickets do you want?CMay I have your name and telephone number,please?DWhich train should I take?ECan I help you?FWhen do you want them?GWhat about the price then? (六)(2014,吉林)Emma:What are you doing,Li Lin?Li Lin:26._Emma:I have rea

26、d it before.What do you think of the story?Li Lin:27._ Yu Gong found a good way to deal with his problem.Emma:Really?28._ It seems impossible to move a mountain.Li Lin:But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard!Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up.Emma:29._ I thin

27、k we should try to find other ways to deal with a problem.Li Lin:But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?Emma:He could build a road.30._Li Lin:We have different opinions about the story.Therere many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.Emma:Yes,thats true. BDAFCADont you

28、 think its a little silly?BIm reading a book called Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.CThats better and faster than moving a mountain!DIn my opinion,its really interesting to me.EDo you prefer to read stories?FI still dont agree with you. (七)(2014,泸州)A:Hello,are you Lin Ming?B:Yes,I am.A:You look the _as you

29、r twin brother,Lin Dong.B:As you can see,in some ways,we look the same,_we also have some differences.A:Whatre they?B:Though we _have yellow hair,my hair is shorter than his.Im good at playing football and he does well in drawing.A:And?B:Im _outgoing but hes quieter.He likes to stay at home.A:_is ta

30、ller,you or Lin Dong?B:Im much taller than him because I do more exercise. 31.same32.but33.both34.more35.Who(八)(2014,黄冈)(A)A:Hey,Bill,_?B:Oh,Im thinking about life in the countryside.A:_?B:Yeah,I like it very much.In the countryside,the air is fresh,the sky is bluer,and there are also green trees an

31、d clearer rivers.A:Its quieter,too.People can enjoy the beauties of nature there. 36.What_are_you_thinking_about/of37.Do_you_like_the_countryside/Do_you_like_it(B)A:_!B:So it is.The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand.I couldnt see anything,and my face hurt while I was walking down the street

32、 just now.A:Im sorry to hear that.But_B:People have cut down too many trees.As a result,lots of rich land has changed into desert.A:Thats too bad,but_?B:Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.And a lot of water can be saved by forests.They can also prevent the water from washing the ear

33、th away. 38.What_bad_weather/How_bad_the_weather_is/What_a_terrible_sandstorm39.What_has_caused/made_it_(the_bad_weather/the_sandstorm)?40.How_do_trees_influence/affect_the_weather(九)(2014,河南)A:Its a nice day.B:Yes,its a beautiful day.A:Are there so many people here all the time?B_This is my first t

34、ime here.A:Me too.I think this is a great place.B:Yeah,I think so too.A:_?B:Im visiting from London.How about you?A:_B:Thats cool.Are you having a good time? 41.Im_sorry,but_Ive_no_idea/(Sorry,)I_dont_know/(Sorry,)I_am_not_sure42.Where_are_you_(visiting)_from/Where_do_you_come_from43.Im_(visiting)_f

35、rom./I_come_from.A:Yes.There are many things to see and Im taking a lot of pictures.B_?A:For two weeks,I went to San Francisco and Los Angeles.I want to see Yellow Stone National Park before I leave.B_A:Oh,my friends are waiting for me.I hope you enjoy your stay here.B:Thank you.It was nice meeting

36、you. 44.How_long_are_you_visiting_for/How_long_have_you_been_here/How_long_will_you_stay_here/How_long_are_you_staying_here45.Thats_great/cool/wonderful/It_seems_that_youre_having_a_good_time/You_must_have_had_a_good_time/Have_a_good/pleasant_trip_(there)/I_hope_you_can_have_a_good_(pleasant/wonderful.)_trip_(there)

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