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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2012年河南省 20所重点初中九年级第一学期联考题(1)第一套一、听力理解 (本题共20分,略) 二、单项填空 (本题共20分,每小题1分) 从下列每小题的ABCD选项中选择正确的答案 21. - Whats the _ like today ? - Cloudy. A. sky B. air C. land D. weather 22. I asked her for _ ink, but she didnt have _. A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some 23. The

2、se knives are made _ metal and wood. A. from B. of C. by D. in 24. My clock doesnt _. Can you mend it for me ? A. use B. move C. walk D. work 25. This street is much _ than that one. A. straight B. straighter C. straightest D. more straighter 26. Your room looks dirty. Will you please _ it clean ? A

3、. take B. make C. let D. tidy 27. - Which of her parents is a doctor ? - _ are. A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither 28. The dictionary _ me 20. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost 29. Which do you like _, tea, orange or water ? A. good B. well C. best D. better 30. - _ is the school ? - Only a few kilo

4、metres. A. How far B. How much C. How old D. How many 31. I _ to bed until my granny came back home. A. didnt go B. went C. had gone D. have gone 32. If it _ tomorrow, Ill go by car. A. rain B. will rain C. rains D. would rain 33. We all helped him with his English so he didnt _with his study. A. fa

5、ll off B. fall down C. fall behind D. fall over 34. Her mother told her _ in bed. A. not read B. not to read C. dont read D. to not read 35. Youd better _ the cinema by bus. A. dont go B. to go C. to go to D. go to 36. The medicine _ cool, clean and dry. A. must keep B. must be kept C. must be carri

6、ed D. must be in 37. Mr Green _ in China since five years ago. A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live 38. When class began, we stopped _ to the teacher carefully. A. listening B. listen C. listens D. to listen 39. Theres _ with my bike, I hurt myself. A. wrong something B. something wron

7、g C. anything wrong D. wrong anything 40. Can you see _ ? A. what hes reading B. what is he reading C. what does he read D. he reads what 三、阅读理解 (本题共30分, 每小题2分) 阅读下面的三篇短文,从ABCD选项中选择一个最佳答案 (A) The summer vacation is over. Its true that time always flies fast. During the vacation, the weather was hot

8、and I could not do much work, but I lived happily. As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I used to get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. Those took me three hours or more.

9、 I worked quite hard and made good progress(取得进步). I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was funny. I would not go home until it was about five or six oclock. Sometimes a friend of mine would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music. In this way I spent my vacat

10、ion happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits(精神). 41. What does the text mainly tell us ? A. How the writer spent his summer holidays. B. What the weather was like in that summer. C. When the writer got up in the morning. D. Where

11、the writer took a walk. 42. How long did it take the writer to do his homework ? A. Half an hour. B. Three hours or more. C. Only one hour. D. Two hours and a half. 43. The writer spent most of the afternoon _. A. listening to music B. visiting his friends C. walking in the garden D. swimming 44. Th

12、e writer had very good summer holidays because he _. A. worked very hard and made good progress B. learned to swim and did his work well C. got up early and went home late D. liked swimming better than studying 45. Which of the following is NOT true ? A. The writer made progress in his lessons. B. T

13、he writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast. C. The writer began studying as soon as he got up. D. The writer spent more time swimming than listening to music. (B) Some people remember the things by writing notes to themselves. Then they leave the notes in obvious(明显的) places, such as on

14、 the table or on the floor in the middle of the living room. I dont think I like to write notes to myself. Most of the time I lose them or forget to look at them until its too late. I prefer to use an alarm clock(闹钟) to tell me what I should do. I have ten alarm clocks in my house. They could tell m

15、e about things. For example, if I have to make a telephone call at a certain time, Ill set an alarm clock to go off a few minutes early and put the clock by the telephone. Or if I want to watch a certain television programme, Ill set an alarm clock at the right time and put the clock on top of the T

16、V set. I can remember almost anything if I use my clocks. However, sometimes an alarm clock goes off and I dont know what it means. I always remember setting it, but not why I set it. If the clock is by the telephone, I know I may have set it to tell me to call someone, but I cant be sure. I might h

17、ave set it to tell myself that somebody was to call me at a certain time. 46. Some people like to write notes to themselves so that they can _. A. leave them in obvious places B. remember what to do at a certain time C. watch a certain programme D. make a phone call at a certain time 47. I dont like

18、 to write notes to myself because _. A. they are easy to lose or forget to look at B. I dont know where to put them C. my handwriting is poor D. it gives me too much trouble 48. I often use _ to help me remember things. A. a notebook B. a computer C. telephone calls D. alarm clocks 49. Sometimes an

19、alarm clock cant help me because _. A. I put the clock in a wrong place B. the clock goes wrong C. when the clock goes off, I forget why I set it D. Im not sure whom I should call 50. In this passage, go off means _. A. start off B. get off C. go away D. make a sudden noise ( C ) We have rather a sm

20、all house, with only two bedrooms. You can think our alarm(恐慌), then, when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the weekend. Her family, I should say, has four boys, all under the age of twelve. I sent off a telegram(电报) at once, and explained(解释) in it that our ho

21、use was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. I forgot to explain, she said in her sweetest voice, the boys will be bringing a couple of tents (帐篷). Even so my wife couldnt make free from fear (害怕). It was true that we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养

22、) four growing boys. And what if it rains ? she asked. But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I tried to squeeze (往车里塞) three of the boys, together with the luggage (行李), into the back of the car. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Cla

23、ra and me. I didnt see the tents among your luggage, I turned over and said to David, the eldest boy. The tents! said Aunt Clara.Oh!We left them in the luggage van(行李车厢). 51. From the story, we know that the main problem was _. A. food B. time C. space D. noise 52. Aunt Clara _ after she received th

24、e telegram. A. wrote another letter B. phoned C. sent a telegram D. came round to see them 53. The boys were going to sleep _. A. outside B. with friends C. downstairs D. on the floor 54. The mans wife _. A. was looking forward to the visit B. started cooking C. moved into the garden D. was still wo

25、rried 55. Aunt Clara arrived by _. A. car B. plane C. train D. boat 第II卷 (四大题,共30分) 注意事项: 用钢笔或蓝(黑)圆珠笔将答案直接填写在试卷上。 四、听 写 (本题共10分, 每小题1分) 听录音,根据录音内容填入所缺少的单词,使句子意思完整与正确 56. - Are you _ living here ? - Yes, we are. Very much. 57. This afternoon the _ football match of the year will be on TV. 58. It was

26、very _, and he could see the park from his window. 59. I really cant _ with you. I prefer science. 60. English is widely used as a foreign language in many other _ in the world. 61. We did as he told us and we won the first place in the _ at last. 62. _ Im very careful. I have never lost a book befo

27、re. 63. Mr Green doesnt climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are _. 64. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao _ off to look after the man. 65. They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables. Some of the things were _ of years old. 五、补全对话(本题共5分,每小题1分) 根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处写

28、出一个完整的句子,使对话意思完整 A: _(66) B: Yes. Im going to buy a new dress. I want something smart (漂亮的). I want to wear it in the evening. A: I see. _ (67) B: Size eight or nine. A: _(68) Its very smart. B: Sorry, I dont really like the colour very much. Have you got any other colour ? A: Oh, yes. Weve got blue

29、, white and brown ones. B: Can I have a look at the white one ? That looks great. A: Yes, please. Here you are. B: Thank you. It looks nice. _ (69) A: Certainly. This way, please. ( In the changing room a few minutes later) A: Does it fit (适合) you ? B: Yes, it does. I like it very much. _(70) Heres

30、the money. A: Thank you, good-bye. 七、 综合填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,根据每个空格中所给的词首字母填入适当的 词,使短文意思完整 At different times in a mans life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f (71) is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young mans food is spent on gro

31、wing t (72); we grow upwards only d (73) the first twenty years of our l (74), not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h (75), they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s (76) down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many older p (

32、77) try to work much and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man r 78) sixty years of age. His body and mind b (79) restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f (80). 英语试题参考答案及评分标准 参考答案 21-25 DCBDB 26-30 BCDCA 31-35 ACCBD 36-40 BBDBA 41-45 ABDBC 46

33、-50 BADCD 51-55 CBADC 56. enjoying 57. biggest 58. quiet 59. agree 60. countries 61. league 62. Usually 63. asleep 64. hurried 65. hundreds 66. Can I help you? 67. What size do you want(wear), please? (or What size are you?) 68. How about this (green) one? 69. Can I try it on? 70. Ill take it. 71. f

34、ood 72. tall 73. during 74. lives 75. hard 76. sit 77. people 78. reaches 79. become 80. fat 第二套第一卷(70分)一、听对话,根据对话内容,从各题所给的三个选项中选择适当的一项完成句子。每段对话读两遍。(共8分,每小题1分)()1The boy usually goes to school _.A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot()2It is _ now.A. 10:30 B. 10:20C. 10:40()3The woman wants to put her bag

35、_.A. in the box B. on the deskC. in the car()4Tom is waiting for _.A. his friends B. his parentsC. his brothers()5The woman wants to drink _.A. coke B. milkC. tea()6Jane has _.A. a radio B. a TV set C. a computer()7They are going to _ next week.A. a factoryB. a farmC. a park()8The girls watch _.A. i

36、s newB. is lost C. doesnt work二、听短文,根据短文内容,从各题所给的三个选项中选择适当的一项回答问题。短文读两遍。(共12分,每小题2分)请听第一篇短文,完成第9至11小题。()9What are the students doing now?A. They are having an evening party.B. They are having a sports meeting.C. They are having a math class.()10How many girls are there in the class?A. Nine. B. Twent

37、y-one. C. Twenty-four.()11Which subject do the students usually spend much time on?A. Chinese. B. Math. C. English.请听第二篇短文,完成第12至14小题。()12What does Mary Smith tell us?A. A story book. B. A weather report.C. An English lesson.()13What is the weather like this morning?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.()1

38、4What is the high temperature tomorrow?A. Higher than 80.B. Lower than 80.C. Just 80.三、选择填空(共20分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。()15This pen is _ , and _ pen is over there. A. my, hers B your , his C. his , hers D. hers, his()16We usually have a football match _ Sunday morning.A. in B. on C. at D. to()1

39、7There _ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?Just a little, please.A. is B. are C. am D. be()18Of all the students, Linda draws _ carefully .A. very B. much C. more D. most()19What is Mum doing now?She _ some clothes.A. washes B. is washing C. washed D. has washed()20There isnt _ water i

40、n the glass. Lets go and get some.A. many B. lots C. any D. some()21Tomorrows meeting is very important. Please ask them _ there on time.A. go B. going C. to go D. went()22Why are you walking to school?Because my _ is broken.A. radio B. watch C. bike D. bag()23Betty didnt come to school yesterday _

41、she was ill.A. but B. than C. if D. because()24Do you enjoy _ English in our class, Mr. Green?A. teach B. taught C. to teach D. teaching()25Mid-Autumn Day usually _ in September or October every year .A. come B. comes C. is coming D. will come()26Mike looks _ than Paul, but they are of the same age.

42、A. youngest B. the youngest C. younger D. very young()27Where is Mrs. Smith?She isnt here. She _ to England .A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes()28Mrs. Green is out. I have to _ her baby.A. look around B. look upC. look for D. look after()29Dad, must I finish my homework today?No, you _ . You m

43、ay do it tomorrow.A. neednt B. mustnt C. dont D. wont()30Mr. Thin was very poor, _ he was very happy.A. and B. but C. or D. so()31Shall we leave now?Dont hurry. We still have _ time left.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few()32Were in class. Youd better not A. talk B. talking C. talked D. to talk()

44、33Guess _ I did yesterday!I think you went to a party.A. where B. WhenC. WhatD. which()34_ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.A. Pick B. B. ring .C. CarryD. Take四、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “Im going to be a s

45、oldier.” But his eyes were not very 35 , and he did not get in.Then he said, “Im going to 36 a small boat and Im going around the world. ”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough37 .Last summer Mike found a swimming 38 near his house. The lessons did not cost very39 , and Mike beg

46、an going to the school at every end of the week and having 40 . Now he is a good swimmer.Last week a little boy said to him, “Youre a very good swimmer. How do 41 learn to swim so well?”“Im not good at all, ” Mike said and he smiled. “ 42 Im in the water, I say to myself, There are 43 fishes behind

47、me! Then Im very afraid, and I 44 quickly.”35A. big B beautiful C. good D strong36A. buy B make C borrow D. draw37A. food B. work C time D. money38A. park B. school C. farm D. factory39A. much B. little C. many D any40A. meals B. lessons C. talks D. games41A. I B they C. we D you42A. If B When C. Th

48、ough D Where43A. interesting B. nice C. dangerous D different44A. run B. jump C. swim D fly五、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)阅读下面短文,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。(A)One day, Bruce played in front of a house. A woman came up and asked Bruce, “Little boy, is your mother at home?”“Yes, she is, ” answered the boy.Then the wo

49、man went over to ring the bell. The bell rang and rang, but no one came to open the door. The woman got angry and called out to him, “You told me your mother was at home, didnt you?”“Yes,” the boy answered. “My mother is at home, but this isnt my home.”()45One day, Bruce played _.A. in a park B. in

50、the streetC. in front of a shop D. in front of a house()46The woman wanted to see _.A. Bruces mother B. Bruces fatherC. Bruce himself D. nobody()47The woman went over to _ after she talked with Bruce.A. knock at the door of the house B. ring the bell of the houseC. give a call to his mother D. ask h

51、is mother some questions()48The woman got _ because no. one came to open the door.A. pleased B. surprised C. angry D. afraid()49In the story the woman didnt find Bruces mother because _.A. she went to the wrong house B. she didnt know Bruces motherC. Bruce was not at home D. Bruce didnt have a mothe

52、r(B)The word “day” has two meanings. When we talk about the number of days in a year, we are using “day” to mean 24 hours. But when we talk about day and night, we are using“day” to mean the time between sunrise and sunset. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a

53、 time. Always one half of the earth is having day and the other half night. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the spinning(旋转)of the earth. At the equator(赤道)day and night are sometimes the same length(长度). They are each twelve hours long. The sun rises at

54、 6 oclock in the morning and sets at 6 oclock in the evening. For six months the North Pole is tilted(倾斜)toward the sun. In those months the Northern Hemisphere(半球)gets more hours of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. Days are longer than nights. South of the equator nights are longer than days.

55、 For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight. Days are longer than nights. North of the equator nights are longer than days. Winter is the season of long nights. Summer is the season of long days.()50When the Western Hemisphere

56、 is having day, the Eastern Hemisphere is having _.A. both day and night B. dayC. neither day nor night D. night()51A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by _ of the earth.A. the pushing B. the pulling C. the spinning D. the passing()52At the equator day is as lo

57、ng as night _.A. sometimes B. never C. usually D. always()53When the North Pole is tilted toward the sun, the Northern Hemisphere gets _ sunlight.A. less B. more C. all D. no()54When it is winter in China, _.A. the USA is tilted toward the sunB. the South Pole is tilted away from the sunC. the North

58、 Pole is tilted toward the sunD. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun第二卷(30分)一、补全对话(共10分,每小题1分)从方框中选择适当的句子完成下列对话,将其字母标号写在答题纸上相应的题号后面。A. May I try it on?B. OK. Ill take it.C. How much is it?D. Yes, Id like to have a hat.E. Size L.(A)A: What can I do for you? B: 2A: Here you are.B: Oh, a red one

59、. I dont like red. Have you got any blue ones?A: Im sorry we havent got any at the moment. What about a white one?B: Thats all right. 3A: Certainly.B: 4A: 200 yuan, please.B: 5(B)A. Ah.Is there anything serious?B. Thank you, doctor.C. Ive got a bad headache.D. My temperature seems all right.E. About

60、 two days. A: Whats your trouble?B: 6A: How long have you been like this?B: 7 A: Have you taken your temperature?B: 8 A: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say“Ah”.B: 9 A: Youve just got a cold. Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day and drink more hot water.B: 10二、完成句子(共20分,每个空白1分)根据所给中文意思,在空白处填入适当词语完成句子。每空一词,请直接在答题纸上完成,不要在此页上作答。11该吃晚饭了。Its time to _ _.12你想来点儿面包吗?Would you _ some _ ?13安娜太小,还不能上学。Ann is _ young _ go to school.

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