argument writing 1 introduction

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《argument writing 1 introduction》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《argument writing 1 introduction(36页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、GRE Analytical Writing ArgumentCashion zhangBasic questions How is the test look like? How many words is needed to fulfill the task? What is, generally, GRE argument about?What is analytical writing?What is analytical writing? 300-400Evidence:好看Argument:美女!正面?素颜?Can that prove she is a real?谁是真正的美女?

2、我是真的没整过张凯轩张凯轩CashionCashion开心开心What is argument To find out flaws And then?what can we do We may help the writer by discussing what other evidence he or she may need to further provide in order to prove the argument fully. We may only take advantage of the flaws to prove that the writers argument is

3、 unwarranted. How should we learn How to recognize the flawsthe types of flaws How to attack or help the argument by using the flaws we find out regular practice How to make the paragraphs together a proper opening and usually conjunctions any other requirements shall we fulfill in our essay?Argumen

4、t 评分标准identify aspects of the argumentideas (development, organization and connection)support ideasvocabulary and sentencegrammar, etc. Addition information in the class We may need some more techniques on how to translate and express ourselves in written English. Solution: the difference between sp

5、oken English and written English Which may also help us improve our writing skills in the long run. Tasks on the class1. types of flaws2. Regular practice on how to attack each type of flaws3. Proper opening and usual conjunctions4. Additional techniques on translationBefore that, lets have a genera

6、l view on GRE argument.范文讲解 word1Five steps of reading Step 1: digest the argument Step II: select the points you will make (key question to ask疑点疑点) Step III: Organize you arguments (what the writer assumes but does not give enough evidence or right evidence作者的疑作者的疑点漏洞)点漏洞) Step IV: Compose your es

7、say (include your suggestion提出你的看如何解决疑点提出你的看如何解决疑点by提供必提供必要证据要证据=成文成文) Step V:proofread your work 成文的过程 第一段改写题目,总结作者的观点。指出作者的观点必须建立在几个假设上。 分别指出假设的漏洞,并且提出如何弥补才能成立。例题OG 27The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.Commuters complain that increased rush-hour traffic on Blue H

8、ighway between the suburbs and the city center has doubled their commuting time. The favored proposal of the motorists lobby is to widen the highway, adding an additional lane of traffic. But last years addition of a lane to the nearby Green Highway was followed by a worsening of traffic jams on it.

9、 A better alternative is to add a bicycle lane to Blue Highway. Many area residents are keen bicyclists. A bicycle lane would encourage them to use bicycles to commute, and so would reduce rush-hour traffic rather than fostering an increase.Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidenc

10、e is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.参考分析 Argument 27 The traffic and geographical conditions vary from Blue to Green. That the addition of a lane to Green Highway worsened the traffic is unjustifiable. The bicyclists may only ride

11、 bicycles for fun and exercises, not for work, not to mention riding bicycles on a highway. The number, ages and other factors of the bicyclists need to be clarified.模拟中翻英-首段01 作者的建议去通过增加一条自行车道来扩展blue highway的办法看似合理,因为可以通过鼓励很多附近的居民骑车上下班来减少rush hour的交通量,而且这种办法environment-friendly。 The writer suggesti

12、on to expand the Blue Highway by adding an additional bicycle lane seems to make sense, because the practice can encourage nearby residents to commute by riding bicycles and reduce the amount of traffic during rush hours, which is also environment-friendly. 模拟中翻英-首段02 但是,仔细查看该论点,我们发现这个建议难以有效,因为其正确性与

13、否依赖于几个难以证明的假设和难以回答的问题的答案。 However, a closer examination of the argument finds that the authors suggestion is unlikely to effective, because whether it can work to solve the traffic jams seriously relies on some assumptions that are hard to be supported and difficult questions. 模拟中翻英2段01 首先,作者假设green

14、 highway的周边的地理和demographic环境与blue higher的情况是完全相同的,但是并没有提供相关切实证据。 First, the writer assumes that Green Highway and Blue Highway have identically same geographical and demographic circumstance, but he provides no physical evidence. 模拟中翻英2段02 因此我们无法否认这种可能性:blue highway可能更加适合增加additional lane of highway

15、这个议案,如果增加的traffic的原因是:周边一家新建的工厂的员工每天必须使用这条道路造成的。 Therefore, the possibility cannot be denied that the case of Blue Highway can be solved by adding additional lane of high way, if the reason of increased traffic is that a new established factory has brought a large number of employees who just moved

16、to nearby communities and have to use the highway everyday. 模拟中翻英2段03 进一步来说,作者只有提供进一步的证据,比如有关于周边居民以及企业平均每年的增长数量的具体调查,才能证明有关于green highway的扩展办法的效果可以用来指导blue highway的扩展。 Furthermore, only when the writer can provide more evidence, for example, the comparison of the average annual increase in the numbe

17、r of nearby residents and companies between the two high ways, can he confirm that the experience about the expansion of Green Highway can be used to guide that of Blue Highway. 模拟中翻英3段01 另外,这封信还以为green highway的恶化的traffic jam是由于去年新建的additional lane造成的,因为前者followed后者。 In addition, this letter also as

18、sumes that the worsened traffic jam on Green highway was caused by the additional lane built last year, because the latter happened after the former. 模拟中翻英3段02 但是,很明显这个推论有个漏洞 即:additional lane 是去年建立的,而更加严重的jam可能是今年才发生。 Nevertheless, this assumption clearly suffers from a flaw that the additional lan

19、e was built last year while the worsening of traffic jam may have just happened this year. 模拟中翻英3段03 因此,很有可能traffic jam 是有很多其他原因造成的,比如大量增加的commuters who have to use Green highway. So, the traffic jam possibly have been worsened by some other factors, for example, largely increased numbers of new res

20、idents who have just moved here and need to travel by Green Highway on a daily basis. 模拟中翻英4段01 即使以上两点假设,作者都可以提供深入证据,本信件提出个论点还面临几个关键问题:到底有多少所谓的keen bycyclists 都将会使用建议中提到的bicycle lane 去上下班,以及那些去使用bicycle lane上下班的bicyclists在所有的使用blue highway的daily commuters中能占多大比例。 Even if further evidence can be give

21、n by the writer to confirm the two assumptions, the full conviction of the argument is still being challenged by some crucial questions: how many the so-called keen bicyclists would intend to commute by using the proposed bicycle lane, and what proportion would the biking-commuters account for in al

22、l the daily commuters on Blue Highway. 模拟中翻英4段02 换句话说,作者需要提供更多可靠的调查结果包括,the physical number of biking fans 以及其中有多少人commute by blue highway daily 和他们是否愿意commute by riding bikes,才有可能充分证明他的建议。 Put another way, the author needs to provide more reliable survey results, including the physical number of bi

23、king fans and that of those who need to commute daily as well as that of those who would really commute by biking among them, in order to prove his suggestion right. 模拟中翻英尾段 综上所述,作者的观点在现有的证据下难以成立,而且去收集更多必须的证据是困难和复杂。 To sum up, the reccommendation by the letter is unwarranted based on the evidence provided, and it is hard and complex to collect all the necessary evidence.

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