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1、企业理念标语英文导读: 本文是关于企业理念标语英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎 点评和分享!1、今日的质量,明日的市场。The quality of today, the market for tomorrow.2、立优质精神,构世界蓝图。Set high quality spirit, make world blueprint.3、改善提高,永无止境。Improve, improve, never end.4、质量做得好,错漏自然少。Good quality is better than wrong.5、用心才能创新竞争才能发展。Only by heart can competition be d

2、eveloped.6、铸造辉煌,唯有质量。Casting brilliance, only quality.7、勇于承认错误,敢于承担责任。Dare to admit mistakes and dare to accept them.8、保证质量,是对社会的承诺。Quality assurance is a commitment to society.9、顾客信誉是企业发展的源泉。Customer reputation is the source of enterprise development.10、要求要明确,执行要坚决。The requirements must beclear and

3、 the execution mustbe firm.11、优质灌溉,缔造将来。Quality irrigation creates the future.12 、效率是生命,质量是根本。Efficiency is life, quality is the root.13、筑质量大堤,迎世纪挑战。Build quality levee and greet the century challenge.14、放我的真心在您的手心。Put my heart in your hand.15、品管提高信誉,信誉扩大销售。Quality control, improve credibility, cred

4、ibility, expand sales.16、质量出效益,点滴成江河。Quality benefits, little rivers.17、你只管用剩下的我们来解决。You only work with the rest of us.18、百尺竽头,更进一步。Bai Chi Yu head, further.19、您使用放心,我们努力用心。You use ease, we work hard.20、适应公司的日常变化,不抱怨。withoutAdapt to the companys daily changes complaining.21、立优质精神,构世纪蓝图。Set high qual

5、ity spirit and make blueprint for the century. 22 、贯标出质量,认证树形象。Mark up the quality, certification tree image.23、优质精神,上下一心。Good working spirit.24、从严治党,执政为民。Strictly govern the party and govern the people.25、精益求精,铸造品质典范。Excellence, casting quality model.26、讲理想讲道德讲纪律讲奉献。Talk about ideals, morality, dis

6、cipline, devotion.27、改善既改革,改革先革心。Improve reform, reform and reform the mind first.28、生产再忙,莫忘质量。No matter how busy the production is, forget the quality. 29 、质量做的好,错漏自然少。The quality is good, the mistake is short.30、飞奔的骏马,腾飞的电信。The galloping steed, the soaring telecommunication.31 、全民讲质量,质量利全民。The who

7、le nation stresses quality, quality and benefit the whole people.32、创优质品牌,铸一流企业形象。Create high-quality brand, cast first-class corporate image. 33 、质量安全,企业生命之源。Quality, safety, the source of enterprise life. 34、环境优雅,造福大家。Elegant environment for the benefit of everyone. 35、树正气讲,团结求发展。The tree stresses

8、 righteousness and strives for unity and development.36 、立足新起点,开创新局面。Based on a new starting point, create a new situation.37、你使用放心我们努力用心。You can rest assured that we will try our best.38、质量是企业永恒的主题。Quality is the eternal theme of enterprise.39、品质的优劣比成本更重要。Quality is more important than cost.40 、品质是

9、生命,服务是宗旨。Quality is life, service is the aim.41 、得客户者,得天下。Whoever wins the customer deserves the world.42 、以精立业,以质取胜。To build a good job, win quality.43 、商场如战场,品质打先锋。Shopping malls, such as battlefield, quality pioneer.44、为您,我们会做得更好。For you, we will do better.45、加强廉政建设,塑造 * 形象。andStrengthening the b

10、uilding of a clean government shaping the image of the government.46、今天的付出,明天的回报。Todays pay, tomorrows return.47 、质量是提高企业效益的保证。Quality is the guarantee of improving enterprise benefit.48、卖真品、标真价、送真情。Selling the real thing, the real price, send the truth.49、用户满意是企业永恒的追求。Customer satisfaction is the e

11、ternal pursuit of enterprises.50 、产品与产品的差异在于细节。The difference between the product and the product lies in the details.51、优秀的团队专业的服务。Excellent team and professional service.52、敬廉崇俭,反腐治奢。againstRespect Kong, uphold frugality and fight corruption and extravagance.53、精益求精,铸造产品质量。Refine on the quality of

12、 casting products.54、未来的成功属于质量领先者。Future success belongs to quality leaders.55、人类生活在质量的呵护之下。Human beings live under the care of quality.56、百尽竿头,更进一步。Hundred pole head, further.57、公开公平公正效益诚信。Openness, fairness, justice, benefit, honesty.58 、世纪一质量领先者的世纪。A century of quality leaders. 59、品质有缺陷,寸步难行。Qual

13、ity defects, cant do anything.60 、效益来源于服务社会的回报。Benefits derive from the return of service to society. 61、您的需要就是我们的任务。Your need is our task.62 、深化质量管理,提高产品质量。Deepen quality management and improve product quality.63 、质量是企业的形象和声誉。Quality is the image and reputation of an enterprise. 64、为了您的使用,我们不懈努力。Fo

14、r your use, we make unremitting efforts.65 、企业精神,品质第一。Enterprise spirit, quality first. 66、筑质量长城,兴中华经济。Build quality the Great Wall and promote the Chinese economy.67 、迎接变化,勇于创新。Welcome change and innovation. 68、采购企业效益最直接的源泉。The most direct source of benefit in purchasing enterprises.69 、你的满意,我的追求。Y

15、our satisfaction, my pursuit.70 、同心协力,提高品质。Work together to improve quality.71 、塑企业形象,创优质名牌。Shaping enterprise image and creating high famous brand.72 、质量是第一竞争力。Quality is the first competitiveness. 73、追求卓越服务尽善尽美。The pursuit of excellence, service perfect. 74、以科技为动力,以质量求生存。Science and technology as

16、the driving force, the quality of survival.75 、立安思危,创优求存。Lian Cheng, quality for survival.76 、时时讲质量,树立生命观。Always talk about quality and set up a view of life. 77、要想行的通,练好质量功。If you want to do it well, practice good quality work.78 、贯彻 iso 标准,树企业新形象。Implementing ISO standard and new image enterprise.79、优患图自强,荣誉思奋进。qualityof treeExcellent map, self-improvement, honor, thinking, endeavour.

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