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1、2014届高考英语二轮复习完形填空与书面表达培优强化训练、完形填空My dream is to become an orthodontist (正牙医生), fly to new heights,and impact the world.Ever since the day I got braces (矫正器),I thought about how _1_ it would be for me to become an orthodontist and make other _2_ like me have more beautiful smiles.The thought of helpi

2、ng other people overcome the fear of their _3_ or selfesteem (尊重) became so real to me the day that I got my _4_ off two years later.After along thought,I finally came to a(n) _5_ that I wanted to do my senior exit project on orthodontics.I am in the _6_ of doing my project now and I cannot wait to

3、see the wonderful _7_ that Im going to achieve.In the long run,I know it will be a great _8_ to me down the road,opening doors to my _9_ path.Another goal in my life is to fly to new _10_ and go where no one else has _11_ to go before.I am a big leader at my school and I try to do new things that ar

4、e _12_ in order to make things successful.I try to reach to the highest in order to make every event and idea _13_ “with a bang!” I also want to do things to _14_ the world somewhere down the road.After seeing friends go into _15_,I have thought about being a _16_ missionary(传教士) in a thirdworld cou

5、ntry for a couple of summers after I _17_ from the high school.I think it would be _18_ to impact the lives of powerless and torn people who need _19_ that seems unimaginable to them.I think _20_ more people reached out and conquered their dreams to help other people achieve theirs,this world would

6、be a whole lot better of a place.【答案解析】【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。全文记叙了自己少年时的梦想。自己想做一名正牙的医生,让像自己的少年有美丽的微笑。在看到朋友们做礼拜时,自己也想到第三世界国家做一名短期的传教士,帮助人们摆脱无助的困境。1A.tiresome Boccasional Ccool Dfortunate答案C联系空后的to become an orthodontist and make other _2_(teens) like me have more beautiful smiles可知,作者认为帮助别人有美丽的微笑是一件很酷的事情。D

7、有一定干扰性,fortunate意思是“幸运的”,因此可以排除。 2A.teens Badults Cdoctors Dpatients答案A联系下文after I _17_(graduate)from the high school可知,作者还是一个未离开中学的少年。3A.image Boperation Cfigure Dmouth答案A联系上文可知,作者想做一名正牙医生,为的是改变那些少年的面部形象,因此用image。C有一定干扰性,figure侧重于“形体”。 4A.caps Btools Cbooks Dbraces答案D联系上文Ever since the day I got br

8、aces可知,这里是表达“取下矫正器”。5A.stop Bdecision Cconclusion Dend答案B空后的I wanted to do my senior exit project on Orthodontics是自己在长时间思考后做出的决定。 6A.end Bprocess Cbeginning Dtrouble答案B联系空后的I cannot wait to see the wonderful _7_(goals)that Im going to achieve可知,自己正在做这项工程的过程中。7A.scene Boccupation Cstart Dgoals答案D因为自己

9、正在这项工程的进行中,因此迫不及待地想看看自己所要达到的目标。联系下文的Another goal in my life可以得此答案。8A.advantage Bhonour Cchance Dpity答案A联系空前的In the long run和空后的down the road可知,从长远看,沿着这条路走是有好处的。9A.graduation Bbusiness Ccareer Dlife答案C联系上文可知,作者想成为一名正牙医生,因此说这是一项事业。10A.locations Bheights Cinterests Devents答案B从下文的I try to reach to the h

10、ighest可知,自己要飞到新的高度。11A.hoped Bexpected Cneeded Ddared答案D联系上文的new heights和下文的I try to reach to the highest可知,作者要达到别人不敢达到的高度。12A.cared for Bunheard ofCput forward Dthought of答案B联系上文作者要到达别人不敢到达的地方,因此我们断定他要做别人还没有听说的事情。13A.turn out Bmove off Cgo out Ddie out答案A联系空后的with a bang,可知,作者想让事情在惊天动地中发生。其他选项中,mov

11、e off搬走,go out 出去,die out消失,灭绝。14A.change Bdevelop Cimpact Ddestroy答案C联系文章第一句and impact the world可以得出答案。impact the world在这里的意思是“影响整个世界”。15A.missions Bdifficulties Ctraps Dfilms答案A联系上文可知,当看到如自己一样的少年牙齿不正时,自己想成为一名正牙医生,现在看到人们进行传道活动时想成为一名传教士。16A.longterm Bprofessional Cshortterm Dparttime答案C联系空后的for a co

12、uple of summers可知,作者并非想长期做传教士,只是想做两个夏天的短期的传教士。17A.attend Bgraduate Cdislike Dabandon答案B联系上文可知,作者现在是十几岁的少年,正在上中学,要到第三世界做两个夏天的传教士,因此应该是在他从中学毕业后,而不是上了中学。18A.tiresome Bharmful Castonishing Dremarkable答案D联系空后的to impact the lives of powerless and torn people who need _19_(assistance)that seems unimaginabl

13、e to them可知,一想到会影响到那些无助的贫困潦倒的人们,使他们得到似乎不能想象的帮助,作者感觉这是很美妙的。19A.assistance Bfaith Cmoney Dlaws答案A从空前的powerless and torn可知,这些人是需要帮助的。20A.since Bunless Calthough Dif答案D联系本空所在的整个句子可知,第一个分句是表达条件。i. 、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共70分)假设你堂兄建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的意见。请根据下列提示回信: 1建议他回国; 2你的理由是:学有所用,就业容易;照顾父

14、母。 注意;1词数100左右。 2行文应连贯,内容应完整。Dear Jianhua, Yours,Li Hua【答案解析】假设你是李华,常和英国笔友Harry通信。自从去年市委下发了“减免增效”的文件(不能早8点以前上课;不得加课,补课;每天1小时体育活动;)之后,你们的生活发生了很大变化。请按下图顺序描述你们生活的变化。注意:1. 信的开头已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。Dear Harry,How are things going with you? Today Im writing to you about the changes that have taken place in o

15、ur life since the policy “reduce unnecessary burden for more effective learning” was carried out._Oh, its time for bed, so I have to stop here. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Hua【答案解析】【参考范文】Dear Harry,How are things going with you? Today Im writing to you about the changes that have t

16、aken place in our life since the policy “reduce unnecessary burden for more effective learning” was carried out.Classes used to begin very early in the morning so we had to go to school without breakfast, which more or less affected our health and studies in class. But now we get up at half past 6 a

17、nd have enough time to have breakfast. Now we have tan hour for sports each day. We can take whatever exercise or sport we like. After that we feel released and very energetic in class. Apart from that, we also had a variety of out-of class activities such as going mountain climbing, or holding an a

18、rt festival in which gifted students sing and dance or play a drama. Furthermore, as unnecessary burden is reduced, we have less homework to do in the evening; so as a result, we have time to do whatever we are interested in, such as surfing the Internet for useful information, playing some computer games for relaxation. No longer do we have to stay up late, and we can go to bed at 11.Oh, its time for bed, so I have to stop here. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Hua内容总结(1)2. 词数不少于60

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