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2、验室发展提供理论指导”的共识。在贵处的大力支持下,经济学院已经设立了保险精算和金融工程实验室,取得了良好的教学辅助效果。但是目前已设立的实验室均为教辅型实验室,无法满足研究型实验室的特殊要求,为此,经济学院提出建立经济研究型实验室(定名为“实验与行为经济学实验室”)的设想。一、 设立经济研究型实验室的必要性1实验与行为经济学已经成为西方经济学研究的主流,预示着我国经济学科发展的未来方向。20世纪80年代,实验经济学被列入经济学文献杂志的分类体系之中第215号:实验经济学方法,这标志着实验经济学作为经济学中一个新的分支领域的诞生。2002年诺贝尔经济学奖授予了实验与行为经济学家卡尼曼和史密斯,标

3、志着实验经济学正式步入主流经济学的舞台。2005年诺贝尔经济学奖授予了经济学家奥曼和谢林,以奖励其在合作博弈理论领域所做的贡献,而其研究合作博弈的主要方法就是实验经济学方法。这表明实验与行为经济学预示着整个经济学科的未来发展方向。2 实验经济学是研究如何在可控制的实验环境下对某一经济现象,通过控制实验条件、观察实验者行为和分析实验结果,以检验、比较既有经济理论和发现新的经济规律,以发展、完善经济理论或提供决策依据的一门学科。实验经济学形成了较为完善的研究体系。首先,实验经济学通过科学地设计和运行可控的实验现场,以现实的人作为“市场参与者”,建立了检验不同的经济理论有效性的实验方法。其次, 通过



6、国人民大学、北京大学、清华大学、上海交通大学、同济大学、四川大学、中国对外经贸大学等经济学实验室进行实地考察。结果表明,由于国内对实验经济学了解并不多,甚至将经济学实验等同于“计算机模拟”或“流程模拟系统”,这导致了国内的绝大多数经济实验室并不是做经济学实验, 而只是设一个计算机机房, 在计算机上装有各种实际中使用的系统, 比如“银行模拟系统”、“税收征管系统”等等, 其作用只不过是让学生了解实际中的实务流程,属于教学辅助型的实验室。这从另一方面也表明了国内真正实验经济学研究的空白状态。4本实验室的建立有利于填补国内经济学教育与理论研究空白,贯彻了耿运琪校长提出的“实验室建设要具有国内学科领先


8、经验检验的不可重复性。可以操纵实验变量和控制实验条件,这就排除了非关键因素对实验的影响,从而避免了以往经验检验被动性的缺陷。实验经济学揭示了传统新古典经济学的缺陷,于是也就指出了以后经济学的前进方向。实验方法必将成为我国许多经济学者和其他社会科学工作者的研究对象和分析工具, 也将对我国的经济学教育和理论研究产生不可忽略的促进作用。5.实验经济学自身的完善与发展也需要更多来自中国市场的证据和研究成果。如何基于一个国家特定的历史文化背景和经济制度遗产,进行符合各个国家和各个时期具体情况的经济学实验,如何恢复经济制度研究传统,将所谓的经济分析与制度分析结合起来,无疑是经济学实验的重大课题。实验经济学



11、专业科研型实验室,在场地环境上要求较为严格,一般必须具备三套功能分开的房间,一套称为“Server Room”,主要供实验主持教师进行实验设计、实验进程监控及实验数据分析使用;一套称为“Instruction Room”,主要在实验前对学生进行实验说明使用;一套称为“Computer Room”,主要供学生上机实验使用。因经济学院场地所限,我们将“Instruction Room”和“Computer Room”合而为一,而“Server Room”独立设置,以实现与学生上机实验室功能分开的做法。拨备一间60平米的房间作为学生实验室和机房,一间20平米的房间作为实验室的“Server Room



14、实验室建立了良好的合作关系,实验室建立后,有助于同国际同行建立对话平台,共同促进实验与行为经济学科在中国的建立和发展。三、实验与行为经济学实验室教学计划1课程设置:实验与行为经济学。2先导课程:现代西方经济学(微观、宏观);博弈论。3教材:实验经济学方法(已定稿,待出版),另参考教材见教学大纲附件。4课件: PPT课件。5授课方式:面授与学生自行设计实验及上机实验相结合。6课时设定:本科生选修D类课,36课时/学期。其中24课时面授时间,12课时上机实验时间)7教学大纲第一章 导论(2课时)1教学内容:实验与行为经济学产生的理论背景;研究对象;研究目的;学科体系;发展简史;学科现状及未来发展趋

15、势。2参考文献:Davis, Douglas and Holt, harles, Experimental Economics. Princeton Univ. Press 1993. Kagel, John H. and Roth, Alvin E., The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton Univ. Press 1995.Daniel Friedman, ShyamSunder, Experimental Methods, Cambridge University Press 1994.第二章 实验经济学的研究方法与分析模式(4

16、课时)1教学内容:实验与行为经济学主要研究方法,实验的设计;实验的实施;实验过程的控制;实验结果的分析;实验课题的选择。2参考文献: Davis, Douglas and Holt, Charles (1993); Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey: Chapter 1. Falk, A. and Fehr, E. (2003); Why labor market experiments?, Labour Economics 10, 399-406 . Friedman, Dani

17、el and Sunder, Shyam, Experimental Methods, Cambridge University Press 1994, Chapters 1 and 2. Roth, Alvin E. (1988); Laboratory Experimentation in Economics: A Methodological Overview, Economic Journal, Vol. 98, 974-1031. Smith, Vernon L. (1989); Theory, Experiment and Economics, Journal of Economi

18、c Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 1, 151-169. Smith, Vernon L. (1994); Economics in the Laboratory, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No. 1, 113-131. Smith, Vernon L. (1976); Experimental Economics: Induced Value Theory, American Economic Review, Vol. 66, 274-279 Kagel, John H. and Roth, Alvin E.,

19、 The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton Univ. Press 1995. Daniel Friedman, ShyamSunder, Experimental Methods, Cambridge University Press 1994.第三章 博弈论基础知识 (4课时)1教学内容:博弈论的产生与发展;非合作博弈论基础;合作博弈论基础;博弈论的最新发展:行为博弈论。2参考文献:姚国庆著:博弈论,南开大学出版社,2003年第一版【美】拉斯缪森著,姚洋等译博弈与信息,北京大学出版社,2003年第一版张维迎著:博弈论与信息经济学,上

20、海人民出版社、上海三联书店,1996年第一版。第四章 双向拍卖实验(2课时)1教学内容:双向拍卖实验的设计;双向拍卖实验的实施过程;双向拍卖实验的计算机化;双向拍卖的组织边界;相关的双向拍卖市场。2参考文献: Davis, Douglas and Holt, Charles (1993); Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey: Chapter 3 (Double Auction Markets) and Chapter 4 (Posted Offer Markets). Smith,

21、 Vernon L. and Williams, Arlington W. (1990); “The Boundaries of Competitive Price Theory: Convergence Expectations and Transaction Costs”, in: L. Green and J. H. Kagel (eds.), Advances in Behavioral Economics, Vol. 2, Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey. Kirchsteiger, G.; Niederle, M.

22、; Potters,J.: Public versus private exchanges“, Working paper 2001.第四章 拍卖实验(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:私人价值拍卖实验;共同价值拍卖实验;创新拍卖制度的设计与实验2参考文献: Davis, Douglas and Holt, Charles (1993); Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey: Chapter 3 (Double Auction Markets) and Chapter 4 (Post

23、ed Offer Markets). Smith, Vernon L. and Williams, Arlington W. (1990); “The Boundaries of Competitive Price Theory: Convergence Expectations and Transaction Costs”, in: L. Green and J. H. Kagel (eds.), Advances in Behavioral Economics, Vol. 2, Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey. Kirch

24、steiger, G.; Niederle, M.; Potters,J.: Public versus private exchanges“, Working paper 2001.第五章 议价行为实验(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:非限制性议价实验;外部性的议价实验;序贯的议价实验;议价失败与截止期效应。2参考文献: Kagel, John H. and Roth, Alvin E. (1995); Handbook of Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey: Chapter

25、 4 (Bargaining Experiments). Binmore, Shaked and Sutton, Testing Non-Cooperative Bargaining Theory: A Preliminary Study. AER, 1985, 1178-80. Camerer, Colin and Richard Thaler, Anomalies: Ultimatums, Dictators and Manners. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9, 1995, 209-219. Cameron, Lisa (1999); Rais

26、ing the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 1, 47-59. Forsythe, Robert, J. Horowitz, N.E. Savin and Martin Sefton, Fairness in Simple Bargaining Experiments. Games and Economic Behavior, 1994, 6, 347-69. Gth, W., Schmittberger, R. and Sc

27、hwarze, B. (1982); An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatium Bargaining, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 3, 367-88. Ochs, Jack and Alvin E. Roth, An Experimental Study of Sequential Bargaining. AER, 1989, 355-84. Roth, Alvin E., Vesna Prasnikar, Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, and Smuel Zamir, B

28、argaining and Market Behavior in Jerusalem, Ljubljana, Pittsburgh, and Tokyo: An Experimental Study. AER, 81, 1991, 1068-95. Slonim, Robert, Alvin E. Roth, 1998. 2Learning in High Stakes Ultimatum Games: An Experiment in the Slovak Republic2, Econometrica, Vol. 66 (3) pp. 569-596.第六章 明码标价市场(2课时面授1课时

29、实验)1教学内容:明码标价实验及其特征;特殊供求条件下明码标价市场的表现;形成超竞争价格的因素;市场势力对明码标价市场的影响;垄断势力的管制与约束。2参考文献: Alger,Dan(1987)“Laboratory Tests of Equilibrium Predictions with Disequilibrum Data , ” Review of Economic studies, 54, 105145. Baumol,William J.,John C.Panzar,and Robert D.Willig(1982)Contestable Markets and the Theory

30、 of Industry Structure. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Baumol,William J., and Robert D.Willig(1986) “Contestability:Developments Since the Book,”Oxford Economic Papers,38,936. Benson,Bruce L., (1991) “The Impact of Experience on Prices and Profits in Experimental Duopoly Markets,”Journal of Eco

31、nomic Behavior and Organization,9,345365. Brown-Kruse, Jamie L. (1991) “Contestability in the Presence of an Alternate Market: an Experimental Examination,” Rand Journal of Economics, 22,136147. Cason, Timothy N., and Arlington W. Williams (1990) “Competitive Equilibrium Convergence in a Posted-Offe

32、r Market with Extreme Earnings Inequities,”Journal of Economic Behavior and Origanization,14,331352. Chamberlin, Edward H. (1948) “An Experimental Imperfect Market,” Journal of Political Economy, 56, 95108. Clark, John Bates (1887) “The Limits of Competition,” Political Science Quarterly, 2, 4561.第七

33、章 公共选择理论的实验经济学分析(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:公共品博弈实验;实验中的搭便车现象;实验中的“公共地悲剧”现象;寻租行为的实验研究。2参考文献: Kagel, John H. and Roth, Alvin E. (1995); Handbook of Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey: Chapter 2 (Public Goods: A Survey of Experimental Research). Andreoni, James (1988); Why

34、 Free Ride?: Strategies and Learning in Public Goods Experiments, Journal of Public Economics, 37, 1988, 291-304 Falk, A. and Fischbacher, U. (2002); Crime in the Lab - Detecting Social Interaction, European Economic Review 46, 859-869. A. Falk, U. Fischbacher and S. Gchter (2003); Living in two Nei

35、ghborhoods - Social Interactions in the Lab, IZA DP 1381. Falk, A. and Ichino, A. (2003): Clean evidence on peer pressure, IZA DP 732. Fehr, Ernst and Gchter, Simon (2000); Cooperation and Punishment in Public Goods Experiments, American Economic Review 90(4), September 2000, 980-994. Fischbacher, U

36、rs, Simon Gchter and Ernst Fehr (2001); Are People Conditionally Cooperative? Evidence from a Public Goods Experiment, Economics Letters 71 (2001) 397-404. Gchter, Simon and Fehr, Ernst (1997); Social Norms as a Social Exchange, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 133, No. 2, 275-292. Is

37、aac, R. M., J. Walker and S. Thomas (1984): Divergent evidence on free riding: An experimental examination of possible explanations, Public Choice 43(1): 113-149. Isaac, R. Mark, James M. Walker, and Arlington W. Williams; Group Size and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods: Experimental Evidence

38、 Utilizing Very Large Groups, Journal of Public Economics, 54, May 1994, 1-36. Keser, Claudia (1996); Voluntary Contributions to a Public Good when Partial Contribution is a Dominant Strategy, Economics Letters 50, 359-366. Keser, C. and Van Winden, F. (2000): Conditional Cooperation and Voluntary C

39、ontributions to Public Goods, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 102, 23-39. Palfrey, T. and Prisbrey, J. (1997); Anomalous behavior in public goods experiments: How much and why?, American Economic Review 87, 829-846.第八章 个体选择行为的实验研究(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:阿莱悖论引发的期望效用理论危机;参与人偏好逆转行为分析;参与人非贝叶斯规则信息处理行为分析;扩展效用

40、理论综述;展望效用理论综述;展望效用理论的实验检验。2参考文献: Ait-Sahalia, Y., and A. W. Lo. 2000. “Nonparametric Risk Management and Implied Risk Aversion,” Journal of Econometrics 94, 9-51. Altman, Edward I. 1989. “Measuring Corporate Bond Mortality and Performance,” The Journal of Finance 44:4 (September), 909-922. Anderson,

41、 G. and R. I. Brown. 1984. “Real and Laboratory Gambling, Sensation-Seeking and Arousal,” The British Journal of Psychology 75:3 (August), 401-410. Arrow, Kenneth J. 1971. Essays in the Theory of Risk Bearing. Amsterdam: North Holland. Bank of International Settlements. 1999. Principles of the Manag

42、ement of Credit Risk. Basel Committee Publications No. 54. http:/www.bis.org/publ/bcbs54.htm. Barsky, Robert B., F. Thomas Juster, Miles S. Kimball, and Matthew D. Shapiro, “Preference Parameters and Behavioral Heterogeneity: An Experimental Approach in the Health and Retirement Study,” Quarterly Jo

43、urnal of Economics, CXII (1997), 537-580. Becker, Gary, Kevin Murphy, and Ivn Werning, “Status, Lotteries and Inequality,” University of Chicago mimeo (2000). Bernoulli, Daniel. 1768. “Specimen Theoriae Novae de Mensura Sortis,” Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae Tomus V Pap

44、ers of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg Vol. V, pp. 175-192; English translation by Louise Sommer published as “Exposition of a New Theory of Measurement of Risk,” Econometrica 22:1 (January 1954), 23-36. Black, Fischer. “Beta and Return,” Journal of Portfolio Management 20:8-18 (F

45、all 1993). Borch, K. 1962. “Equilibrium in a Reinsurance Market,” Econometrica pp. 424-444. Brav, Alon, George Constantinides, and Christopher C. Geczy. 2002. “Asset Prices with Heterogenous Consumers and Limited Participation: Empirical Evidence,” Journal of Political Economy ?. Brunnermeier, Marku

46、s, “On Bounded Rationality and Risk Aversion,” LSE Financial Markets Group Discussion Paper 255 (1997). Binswanger, Hans P. 1978. “Attitudes toward Risk: Implications for Econimic and Psychological Theories of Behavior under Risk of an Experiment in Rural India,” New Haven, CT: Yale Economic Growth

47、Center Disc. Paper 286. Binswanger, Hans P. 1980. “Attitudes toward Risk: Experimental Measurement in Rural India,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (August), 395-407. Binswanger, Hans, P. 1981. “Attitudes Toward Risk: Theoretical Implications of an Experiment in Rural India,” The Economic

48、 Journal 91:364 (December), 867-890. Carney, R.E. 1971. Risk-Taking Behavior: Concepts, Methods and Applications to Smoking and Drug Abuse. Springfield, IL: Charles T. Thomas. Chan, Louis K., and Josef Lokanishok, “Are Reports of Betas Death Premature?” Journal of Portfolio Management, (Summer 1993)

49、, pp. 51-61. Chipman, John S., Leonid Hurwicz, Marcel K. Richter, and Hugo F. Sonnenschein, eds. 1971. Preferences, Utility, and Demand. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanocich. Cox, James C., Vernon L. Smith, and James M. Walker. 1988. “Theory and Individual Behavior of First Price Auctions.” Journal o

50、f Risk and Uncertainty, 1, 61- 99. Chetty, Raj. “Consumption Commitments, Unemployment Durations, and Local Risk Aversion,” Harvard University Mimeograph (2002). (http:/elsa.berkeley.edu/chetty/papers/commitments.pdf) 第九章 信息不对称市场的实验分析(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:不对称信息与市场失灵;不对称信息市场的实验分析;解决不对称信息问题的办法;劳动市场中的不对称信息

51、实验检验。2参考文献: Abbink, Klaus, Bernd Irlenbusch, and Elke Renner (2000) “The Moonlighting Game - An Experimental Study of Reciprocity and Retibution,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming. Anderhub, Vital, Simon Gchter, and Manfred Knigstein (1998) “Efficient Contracting and Fair P

52、lay in a Simple Principal-Agent Experiment,” Humboldt University, Discussion Paper, presented at the Summer 1998 ESA Meeting. Anderson, Chris, Colin Camerer, and Tech H. Ho (1998) “Learning and Logic-Based Refinements in Signaling Games,” University of Pennsylvania, Discussion Paper, presented at th

53、e Fall 1998 ESA Meeting. Berninghaus, Siegfried, Karl-Martin Ehrhart, and Claudia Keser (1999) “The Invisible Hand: Experiments on Strategy Selection in Population Games,” Karlsruhe University, Discussion Paper. Bennett, J. W. (1987) “Strategic Behavior: Some Experimental Evidence,” Journal of Publi

54、c Economics, 32:3 (April), 355-368. Bolle, Friedel, and P. Ockenfels (1990) “Prisoners Dilemma as a Game with Incomplete Information,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 11:1 (March), 69-84. Blume, Andreas, and Andreas Ortmann (1999) “The Effects of Costless Pre-play Communication: Experimental Evidenc

55、e from a Game with Pareto-ranked Equilibria,” University of Iowa, Discussion Paper, presented at the Summer 1999 ESA Meetings.第十章 公平公正与经济效率的实验分析(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:公平公正与经济效率的理论综述;公平公正的的实验分析综述;基于实验数据的解决公平公正与经济效率问题的方式。 2参考文献: Bolton, Gary and Axel Ockenfels (1999); A Theory of Equity, Reciprocity, and C

56、ompetition, American Economic Review 100, 166-193. Dufwenberg, Martin and Georg Kirchsteiger (1998); A Theory of Sequential Reciprocity, Discussion Paper, CentER, Tilburg University. Charness, Gary, and Rabin, Matthew (2002); Understanding Social Preferences with Simple Tests, The Quarterly Journal

57、of Economics 117 (3), 817 - 869 Falk, Armin and Urs Fischbacher (1999); A Theory of Reciprocity, Working paper No. 6, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zrich Fehr, Ernst and Klaus Schmidt (1999); A Theory of Fairness, Competition and Cooperation, Quarterly Journal of Econo

58、mics, Vol. 114, No. 3, 817-868. Levine, David (1998); Modeling Altruism and Spitefulness in Experiments Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 1, No. 4, 593-622. Engelmann, Dirk and Martin Strobel (2000); An Experimental Comparison of the Fairness Models by Bolton and Ockenfels and By Fehr and Schmidt, M

59、imeo, Humboldt Universitt zu Berlin. Falk, Armin, Fehr, Ernst, and Fischbacher, Urs, 2000a. Informal Sanctions, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich, Working Paper No. 59. Falk, Armin, Fehr, Ernst, and Fischbacher, Urs, 2000b. Testing Theories of Fairness - Intentions

60、Matter, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich, Working Paper No. 63. Falk, Armin, Fehr, Ernst, and Fischbacher, Urs (2003); On the Nature of Fair Behavior, Economic Inquiry 41(1) (2003), 20-26. 第十一章 资本市场的实验研究(2课时面授1课时实验)1教学内容:资本市场的不对称信息与市场失灵;资本市场的信息有效性实验分析;资本市场中的泡沫及羊群效应

61、实验检验。2参考文献: Ackley, G. (1983): “Commodities and Capital: Prices and Quantities,” American Economic Review, 73, 1-16. Allen, F., S. and G. Gorton (1993): “Churning Bubbles,” Review of Economic Studies, 60, 813-836. Allen, F., S. Morris, and H. S. Shin (2002): “Beauty Contests, Bubbles and Iterated Ex

62、pectations in Asset Markets,” Working Paper, Yale University. Allen, F., S. Morris, and A. Postlewaite (1993): “Finite Bubbles with Short Sale Constraints and Asymmetric Information,” Journal of Economic Theory, 61, 206-229. Blanchard, O., and M. W. Watson (1982): “Bubbles, Rational Expectations and

63、 Financial Markets,” in Crises in the Economic and Financial System, ed. by P. Wechtel. Lexington: LexingtonBooks. Biais, B., and P. Bossaerts (1998): “Asset Prices and Trading Volume in a Beauty Contest,” Review of Economic Studies, 65, 307-340. DeLong, J. B., A. Shleifer, L. Summers, and R. Waldma

64、nn (1990a): “Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets,” Journal of Political Economy, 98, 703-738. DeLong, J. B., A. Shleifer, L. Summers, and R. Waldmann (1990b): “Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation,” Journal of Finance, 45, 375-395. Dow, J. and G. Gorton (1994): “Arbitrage Chains,” Journal of Finance, 49, 819-849. Fama, E. F. (1991), Efficient Capital Markets: II, J

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