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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 美联英语提供:牛津英语初中语法大全11关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里(4)You should make your views known.应当让人了解你的看法。语法分析:有一些复合宾语可油过去分词构成。(5)Dont be formal, please call me Bill.不要拘谨,请叫我 比尔。语法分析:代词+名词构成复合宾语。巩固练习1. Then she will hold you responsibility for it.2. They dubbed he a traitor.3. You know I wish you be

2、 happy, dont you?4. They know the man have been a spy.5. I watched him get into his jacket.6. I watched the sun set behind the trees.7. She felt herself powerfully attract by the idea.8. I could feel the wind blow on my face.答案:1. responsible 2. him 3. to 4. to 5. get 6. setting 7. attracted 8. blow

3、ing92. 宾语从句 例句He gave whoever came over a form.他给走过来的人每人一份表格。 语法分析这个间接宾语从句,只能由名词性关系词来引导。引导直接宾语从句的关系词可以是连词that或者疑问词以及其它的名词性关系词。有大量的动词可以跟由that 引导的宾语从句,有时that可以省略。也有些动词可以跟连接代词或副词引导的从句。 触类旁通(1)Have you got what you wanted?你要的东西得到了吗?语法分析:由关系代词what引导的从句,也常可用作句子的宾语。(2)She was indifferent to what others wer

4、e doing.她对别人在做什么并不关心。语法分析:由关系代词what引导的从句,也常可作介词的宾语,其它的从句这样用很少见的。(3)Buy whichever is cheapest.买最便宜的。语法分析:有一些词例如whichever, whatever 和whomever等也可引导宾语从句。(4)I wonder what you call these trees.我想知道你怎么称呼这些树。语法分析:有很多动词可以跟链接代词或副词引导的从句。(5)He has seen to it that all the children are well taken care of.他设法让所有的孩

5、子都得到很好的照顾。语法分析:用it做先行宾语,把从句放到句子后面去。巩固练习1. Take seat you like.2. Give it to you like.3. They were not affected by he said.4. I asked him I might call and see him.5. Write me you got home.6. Go and ask he was late yesterday.7. We will choose is fit.答案:1. whichever 2. whomever 3. what 4. if 5. how 6. w

6、hy 7.whoever93. 状语表示法 例句The suitcase is too heavy to be carried by a child.橡子太重小孩拿不动。 语法分析不定式或短语做句子的状语,可以用来表示目的、结果、程度、原因等。此外,有很多成分可以充当状语,如副词、介词短语、不定式、分词或分词短语、形容词、词组、符合结构及从句等。用不定式或补丁是段誉修饰整个句子时,可以称之为句子状语。用某些副词来修饰整个句子,则称之为句子副词。 触类旁通(1)The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating.考题都保密,

7、以防止作弊。语法分析:不定式作状语,表示目的。(2)We must go cautiously, to be sure.的确,我们得小心谨慎。语法分析:不定式修饰整个句子,可以称之为句子状语。(3)She behaved extremely badly.她表现很不好。语法分析:副词主要就是作状语,可以修饰动词、形容词或副词等。(4)Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesnt pollute the air.骑自行车是很不错的运动,还不会污染空气。语法分析:许多副词可起到连词的作用,使得句子与上下文联系更紧密,从而使句子更为流畅。(5)I

8、am so sorry for what I said to you.我为我对你说的话而道歉。语法分析:介词短语作状语,可以表示时间、地点、方式、原因以及其他情况。(6)I am used to going about alone.我习惯于独来独往。语法分析:与形容词同形的副词,称为副词小品词,它们多数都可以作状语。 巩固练习1. You are far too clever have done that.2. I can send a car over fetch you.3. She kind waited for me.4. She went to party and did not s

9、tudy her lesson.5. There were no news; she went on hopping.6. my opinion, the scheme is unsound.7. I am going thre plane.8. He had pains his back all the time.答案:1. to 2. to 3. kindly 4. therefore 5. nevertheless 6 In 7. by 8. in94. 介词短语和相关副词作状语 例句:He is now, owing to ill health, not so active in cl

10、ass.由于身体不好,他在课堂上不很活跃。 语法分析:介词短语在句中作状语,表示愿意。此外,介词短语作状语还可以表示时间、地点、方式及其他情况。有许多形容词可以跟介词短语作状语,还有些与介词同形的副词,多数都可以用作状语。 触类旁通:(1)She swims every day during the summer.她夏天每天都去游泳。语法分析:介词短语作状语可表示时间。(2)He sat down on the grass.他在草地上坐了下来。语法分析:介词短语作状语表示地点。(3)She looked at me without expression.她面无表情地看着我。语法分析:介词短语作

11、状语表示方式。(4)Shes angry on the account.为此她很生气。语法分析:介词短语作状语表示原因。(5)She was annoyed with me.她生我的气。语法分析:形容词+介词短语作状语。(6)The streets were empty of traffic at night.晚上街上没有车辆。语法分析:有时句子的主语可以是一样东西或事物。 巩固练习1. He was born 1976.2. English is being spoken over the world.3. She stared at me astonishment.4. His fathe

12、r had died cancer.5. He was pleased the result.6. She was good looking after people.7. He was excited it.8. Her eyes were full tears.答案:1. in 2. all 3. in 4. of 5. with 6. at 7. about 8 of95. 形容词及分词(短语)作状语例句She flushed crimson with indignation.她起得满脸通红。 语法分析形容词有时可用作状语,和动词一起连用,中间可以不加逗号,但有时句子的谓语要用逗号隔开。

13、也有些兄容此和宾语有比较密切的关系,这些形容词介乎状语和宾语补语之间。现在分词(短语)和过去分词(短语)都能作状语,可以表示伴随情况、原因以及时间等。 触类旁通(1)She rushed over, anxious to help.她跑过来,想帮忙。语法分析:形容词可作状语,常和句子的谓语用逗号隔开。(2)All men are born equal.人人生而平等。语法分析:形容词用作状语,有时和动词一起连用,中间不用逗号。(3)She shook her head, smiling.她笑着摇了摇头。语法分析:现在分词或短语作状语,可以表示伴随情况。(4)Seeing this, he bec

14、ame rather worried.看到这些情况,他很有些发愁。语法分析:现在分词或短语作状语,表示时间。(5)Not knowing heis address, we couldnt get in touch with him.因为不知道他的地址,我们无法和他联系。语法根系:现在分词或短语作状语,表示原因。(6)The day being fine, we decied to have a picnic by the lake.天气不错,我们打算到湖边野餐。语法分析:现在分词有时可有自己的逻辑主语。(7)I stand prepared to dispute it.我准备对此提出异议。语法

15、分析:有些动词跟过去分词作状语,中间不加都好。 巩固练习1. She stood help, not knowing what to do.2. He went out of the room. take the flowers with him.3. open the drawer, she took out a key.4. tear that the police would recognize him, he never went out in daylight.5. She sat at her desk work.6. arouse by the crash, she leapt

16、to her feet.7. look at politically, it is an important question.8. A coman came in, follow by her son.答案:1. helpless 2. taking 3. Opening 4.Fearing 5.working 6. Aroused 7. Looked 8. followed96. 状语从句 例句Once youve finished, go to bed.一干完,你就睡觉去吧。 语法分析英语中有大量的时间状语从句,多由连词引导,也有一些时间状语从句不由连词引导。从句可以位于句首、句中或句末

17、。状语从句按意义可以分为时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、目的状语从句、条件状语从句、结果状语从句、方式状语从句以及比较状语从句等。 触类旁通(1)On and on he went, till he reached the outskirts of the wood.他走了又走,直到走到林子边。语法分析:大量的时间状语从句,多由连词引导。(2)If I were you, Id go to school tomorrow.我要是你,明天就去上学。语法分析:条件状语从句多由if 或unless 引导,if有时可以省略,而把从句的语序倒装。(3)So many people

18、 came to the concert that some couldnt get in.那么多人来听音乐会,以至有些人无法进来。语法分析:结果状语从句多由so that, so.that, such.that以及that等引导。(4)Where others are weak, he is strong.别人的弱点正是他的优势。语法分析:where 引导的从句,除了表示地方外,还可以表示处境等,可有多种含义。(5)Some prased him, whereas others condemned him.有些人赞扬他,而另一些人却谴责他。语法分析:although, though, whi

19、le, whereas等多引导让步状语从句(6)Since I havent got her address, I cant write to her.因为我没有她的地址,所以我无法给她去信。语法分析:原因状语从句多由because, as, since, in case等引导。1. I had been less cautions, I might have been more wise.2. I show everything on my face, Im angry or pleased.3. My father has bought me a bicycle that I can ge

20、t to school.4. The situation is such agreement is unlikely.5. Drink this, you will be sick.6. see he refused to help us, theres no reason why we should now help him.7. as I would like to come. I cannot.8. I live there were plenty of sheep.9. She is as tall her father.参考答案:1. If 2. whether 3. so 4. t

21、hat 5. else 6. Seeing 7.Much 8. Where 9.as97.倒装句 例句Here are my replies to your questions.这是我对你的问题的回答。 语法分析由位于句首的there, here, now 以及then等副词引导的句子,句子的顺序要倒装。英语大多数的句子都是自然语序的,即主语在谓语前面,这和汉语一样。如果谓语提到主语前面,则为倒装语序。整个谓语提前,是全部倒装,只有部分谓语提前,杂事部分倒装。一般情况下,有一些引导词引导的句子是要倒装的,如there, so, neither, nor等。某些有否定意思的副词放在句首,也常用倒

22、装句。 触类旁通(1)A veey reliable person he is, to be sure.他是个非常可靠的人,没有问题的。语法分析:如果为了修辞的需要,句子的宾语可以提前,构成倒装句。(2)Im aware if it, repalied the Englishman.“这我知道,”那个英国人答道。语法分析:在简介引语后的插入语中,主语有时可放在谓语后面。(3)Watching the performances were mostly foeigh tourists.观看演出的大多数是一些国外游客。语法分析:进行时态中的分词有时可以移到句首,从而来对动作加以强调。(4)Seate

23、d on the ground are a group of young people.坐在地上的是一伙年轻人。语法分析:以过去分词作表语的句子,分词有时可以提前,句子的主语放到后面。(5)In the distance could be seen the purple mountains.远处可以望见紫色的群山。语法分析:有些句子没有宾语,而主语又比较长,有时可以把状语提前,而把主语放到谓语后面。(6)Not until yesterday did I learn anything about it.直到昨天我才对这件事有所了解。语法分析:有些短语,尤其是介词短语移到句首时也可以使用倒装语序

24、。 巩固练习1. hangfrom the rafters were strings of onions.2. scatter like stars in the deep mountains are numerous reservoirs and ponds.3. went the arrow into the air.4. From the distance come occasional shots.5. On no account we give up this attempt.6. I like singing and does Mary.答案:1. Hanging 2. scatt

25、ered 3. up 4. came 5. must 6.so98. 词性转化 Let me have a try.我来试一下。英语里有很多不同的词性可以相互转化,有大量的动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没有太大的变化。而有的动词转化为名词时,意思有些变化。可转化为名词的动词很多,如appeal, beat, bite, wash, walk等。许多表示物件的名词可以转化为动词,意思也随着有些改变,表示身体某部分的名词和表示一类人的名词也可以用作动词。有一些其它实物名词和某些抽象名词也可以用作动词。有的形容词可以转化为动词、名词和副词等。(1) Can I have a read of your

26、paper?我可以看看你的论文吗?语法分析:动词转化为名词,意思变化不大(2) He passed his test at the first go.他一下就通过了考试。语法分析:有些动词转化为名词时,意思有些变化(3) He had booked three seats on the plane.他在飞机上订了三个座位。语法分析:许多表示物件的名词可以转化为动词,意思也随着有些改变(4) I cannot stomach such behavior.我不能容忍这种行为。语法分析:表示身体某部分的名词可以用作动词(5) The old man fathered many inventions.

27、这个老人发明和很多东西。语法分析:表示一类人的名词也可以用作动词(6) Dont monkey with the machinery.不要瞎摆弄机器。语法分析:一些其他实物名词也可以用作动词(7) The students numbered more than one hundred.学生有一百多人。语法分析:某些抽象名词也可以用作动词(8) She slowed down at the crossroads.她在十字路口慢了下来。语法分析:形容词可以转化为动词(9) She failed her finals.她决赛输了。语法分析:形容词可以转化为名词(10) Are you saying

28、long?你会持久吗?语法分析:形容词可以转化为副词(1) He had a cry about the sad news.(2) She gave a long sigh.(3) The game ended in a draw.(4) He shoulder the basket of fruits.(5) Stop fool about and do something useful.(6) She mother 3 children.(7) I summer by lake Geneva.(8) The classroom quiet down again.(1) cry (2) si

29、gh (3) draw (4) shouldered (5) fooling (6) mothered (7) summered (8)quieted99. 间接引语 例句She said that she could wait another day.她说她可以再等一天。 语法分析间接引语是用自己的话来引述别人的话,被引用的部分长城是引用动词的宾语。除了say, reply等词外,还有很多动词可以引导间接引语。在多数情况下,引语都由连词that来引导,有时可以省略。把直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意人称和时态的变化。 触类旁通(1)They replied that they were goi

30、ng by plane.他们答复说他们将乘飞机去。语法分析:被引用的部分常常是引用动词的宾语。(2)I protected that I had no view of that sort.我分辨说我没有那种看法。语法分析:有很多动词,如feel, guess, object, explain等都可以引导间接引语。(3)Tell him I am out.告诉他我出去了。语法分析:在多数情况下,that可以省略。(4)She asked where he was going.她问他要去哪里。语法分析:间接问句前不用连词,句子要用自然语序。(5)The old man warned us not

31、swim in the river.这个老人告诫我们不要在河里游泳。语法分析:在引用祈使句时,多用不定式,谓语根据语气来决定。 巩固练习1. I object that she be too young for the position.2. She told me that I speak English better that her.3. He said that his team win the match.4. She said that she be born in 1994.5. Tom said yesterday he leave today.6. He said that

32、if he had the instruction manual he know what to do.7. She said that when she saw them they play tennis. 参考答案1. was 2. spoke 3. had won 4. was 5. was leaving 6. would know 7. were playing100. 反意疑问句 例句He wants to go, doesnt he?他想去,不是吗? 语法分析这是个异向反意疑问句,即陈述部分是肯定的,则疑问部分用否定,反之亦然。反意疑问句有陈述和疑问两个组成部分,包括异向反意疑问

33、句和同向反意疑问句两种。如果句子中带有否定意义的前缀或后缀的词,则整个句子仍被认为是肯定句。陈述部分和疑问部分都是肯定形式或否定形式,这种结构的反意疑问句为同向反意疑问句,一般不需要回答。 触类旁通(1) You were tired after running, werent you?跑步后你会感觉到疲劳,是吗?语法分析:陈述句式的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,则疑问部分用否定。(2)Youre hopeless, arent you?你感到无望,是吗?语法分析:句子中带有否定意义的前缀或后缀的词,整个句子仍被认为是肯定句。(3)There were only five people pre

34、sent, were(nt) there?在场的只有五个人,是吗?语法分析:陈述部分含有副词only时,疑问部分肯定否定皆可。(4)Lets go fishing, shall we?我们去钓鱼,好吗?语法分析:以let开头的祈使句,其疑问部分一般用shall(5)He said he had come back, didnt he?他说他回来了,是吗?语法分析:主从复句式反意疑问句的疑问部分的构成,一般以主句的判断为依据。(6)We havent a chance in a million, havent we?怎么,我们没有这样的机会?语法分析:同向反意疑问句,可以表示兴趣、关心、惊奇和愤

35、怒等感情。 巩固练习题1. You are trying to fool me, you?2. The waiter went home late yesterday, he?3. Its unfair, it?4. His performance was unusual, it?5. They were quite discouraged by her talk, they?6. None of the students are afraid of difficulty, they?7. Nothing could make her angry, it?8. There is little

36、ink in the pen, there?9. She knew English, she?10. Have a cup of tea, you?11. Stop that noise, you?12. Lets meet at the main building, we?13. Lets begin to do it, you?14. Let me have a try, you?15 I hear that you have been there, you?16. We dont imagin that youll pay off the debt, you?17. We must start at once or we cannot get there on time, we?18. I wish to go home now, I?1. arent 2. didnt 3. isnt 4. wasnt 5. werent 6. are 7. could 8. is9. did 10 wont 11. will 12. shall 13. will 14. will 15. havent 16. will17. can 18. didnt 19. may关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里19 / 19

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