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1、Period川Developing ideas课前自学导引#-konnini inti u Bel ler LifeThi当si Gt is日giliicc for runniTN to賢hiLint their shuries日RM runningSts, ifyou arc a runner with n :story to tcll+ gel in louchwe d. lave to hear from you! Li Yue+16 Ueijing1 was lxrn with円占thrnn nnd never ihuu呂ht 1 d lx? a runner! I only join

2、cdl my krcsbl utlilellkdi vluh iMMiuv my chwrlor luhl inc* t h al in in)prlicuJjir otKiu esc吋詈亡chuldini prove hem nnywibiHk. But before 1 knew i.t+ 1WASliking pArl in localrjLccs. As my fiitn-css And. my runknin improved1 KEarted running m nalLDnal cum pel i lions. Ihis yenr I wun silver in the unde

3、r 18 s 10 + 000 mutrefi-!And who knows, ncxl year 1 could, win gold!文意理解跑步带来美好生活这个全球网站是跑步者分享有关跑步的故事的地方。所以,如果你是一个有故事要讲的跑步者,请联系我们,我们很乐意收到你的来信!李越,16 岁,北京我生来就有哮喘,从没想过我会成为一个跑步者!我加入当地的运动俱乐部仅仅是因为我的医生告诉我,就我这种情况而言,运动可以改善我的肺部功能。不知不觉中,我参加了当地的比赛。随着我的健康水平和跑步水平的提高,我开 始参加全国性的比赛。今年我在 18 岁以下的 10,000 米比赛中得了银牌!而且说不定,明

4、年我就能赢得金牌呢!词茁自刮!)Rsthnui par迅i育矢i耳h|p d吧孔I with thb. 1 go nmning as pftn as 1 poM久ihly can, Whether m mt thegym or nn ih辛road. my nrva . s暮ngrgy pushes mw oh rough mil眾one. liytwoihe tension has nicived from niy rnirul La my Ifgw. Ry lhe end of llie rimA|my ress hns Jis;fippeAred and 1 m ready to fac

5、e iht next day al wnrlk - -J文意理解大卫,52 岁,纽约作为一名计算机工程师,总是有一个新的挑战就在眼前!有时压力可能会很 大,然而这反过来又让我感到焦虑。为了帮助解决这个问题,我尽可能经常跑步 无论我是在健身房还是在路上,我紧张的情绪促使我跑过第一英里。到了第二英 里,紧张感已经从我的头脑转移到了我的腿上。至 V 跑步快结束时,我所有的压力 都消失了,我准备好面对第二天的工作了!rrGf&Kv 25FManchesiter|F、This year T enlered the C/rgfit Ciorillft Run in London, This祜a pntgr

6、amme run by通Korilh. w,丸猩玮J he Gori Ila OrHmizalion hi raii*i? naoncy to即歯ve Ihr wnrld hut reimi nindie oul谄尖,绝迹.rmim Elying冋仁liflch nmner rccivcH- a gorilla uit nnd off they gD? k!sHhil h时sweaty udj.需是汴的-nd sweaty innidlo the fiLiil* and my Irgs achc+ hul its a lol of fun. The funnicjil:透的momcnL was

7、 when sDmcone watching lheTEIC-Eoffert?d.TUE AbananaBreal treal far业廿导续而a running gorillAI 1 hnd a great day out m lAmdoru ms well n覧helping to s-nve耳。“卜文意理解格蕾丝,25 岁,曼彻斯特今年我参加了伦敦的大猩猩跑。这是大猩猩组织运作的一个项目,目的是筹 集资金以拯救世界上最后仅存的大猩猩们免于灭绝。每个跑步者都会收到一套大 猩猩服,然后就开始跑了!衣服里面有点热,被汗水湿透了,我的腿很痛,但是 很有趣。最有趣的时刻是,有人在观看比赛时给了我一

8、根香蕉一一这对一只奔跑 的大猩猩真是一个好事!我在伦敦度过了美好的一天,同时也帮助拯救了大猩猩!课堂合作探究1power n.力量;控制力;动力;权力,影响力(P33)归纳拓展(1)in power 当权,掌权in /within on es power 在某人的控制下,某人有权/能力做beyond ones power 超出某人的能力;某人力所不能及的come to/i nto power 上台,执政,当权have the power to do sth./of doing sth.具有做某事的能力(2)powerful adj.强有力的,有权势的1It seems that everyth

9、i ng is in_our_mo ni tors_power.看起来好像一切都在我们班长的控制之下。2I regret to tell you that your problems are bey on d_my_power.我很抱歉地告诉你,你的问题超出了我的能力范围。3The new preside nt came _into power last mon th.新总统上个月开始执政。4I havethe power to make positive changes in my life.我有能力对我的人生做出积极的改变。即景活用(1) 单句语法填空1Chi na is beco min

10、g more and more_ (power) in the world.2Do not comma nd me to do someth ing_ my power.3Policeme n have the power_ (arrest) people who do not obey the laws.答案:powerful beyond to arrest(2) 单句写作坚持跑步,只是为了看到我的名字在前五名。很快,我发现我并不孤单我在1如果在我能力范围之内,我会尽力去做的。Ill do all if it is_ .2我不能给你退款。这恐怕超出我的能力范围。I cant give yo

11、u a refun d. Im afraid its_.答案: within my power beyond my power2inspire v.鼓舞,激励(P34)归纳拓展(1)i nspire sb. to do sth.激励/鼓励某人做某事in spire sth. i n sb.= in spire sb. with sth.使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的某种感情(2)inspiration n. U灵感;启示C鼓舞人心的人(或事物) in spiri ng adj.鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的1He in spired many young people to take up the s

12、port.他激励了许多年轻人从事体育运动。2The father in spired_c on fide nce_in his son.=The father in spired_his_.s on _with con fide nee.那位父亲激发儿子产生自信。3Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。即景活用(1) 单句语法填空1His n oble example in spired us_ (make) greater efforts.2His speech was_ (in s

13、pire) and touched my heart.3Many poets and artists draw their_ (in spire) from n ature.答案:to make inspiring inspiration(2) 一句多译他的话燃起了我的希望。1His words_ hope.2His words_ me.答案: in spired me with in spired hope in3persuade v.说服,劝服(P35)归纳拓展persuade sb. to do/i nto doing sth.说服某人做某事persuade sb. not to do/

14、out of doing stl 说服某人不做某事persuade sb. of sth./that .使某人相信.1I man aged to persuade my classmates to_accept/in to_accepti ng my idea.我设法说服我的同学接受我的观点。2She persuaded her daughter no t_to_smoke/out_of_smoki ng.她说服女儿不要抽烟。3He persuaded me_of his hon esty.=He persuaded me that he was hon est.他使我相信他的诚实。即景活用(

15、1) 单句语法填空1They could nt persuaded him_ the urge ncy of this matter.2How can we persuade them_ (join) us?答案:ofto join(2) 句型转换We tried to persuade him not to go swim ming, but in vain.f We tried to persuade him_ , but in vain.答案:out of going swimmingdie out 消失,绝迹,火绝(P33)归纳拓展(1)die of/from 死于die away 声

16、、光、风等)渐弱,逐渐消失die down(火、暴风雨、光)渐弱;(声音)平息 die off(家族、种族等)相继死亡(2)be dying to do sth.极想做某事be dying for sth.渴望某物1With the living environment becoming worse and worse, many of the earthsspecies are dying_out.随着生存环境变得越来越糟,地球上的很多物种正在灭绝。2They looked up into the sky until the noise of the rocket died away.他们抬

17、头往天空看,直到火箭发射的声音渐渐远去。3Whe n the applause had died_down,_she bega n her speech.掌声平息后,她开始演讲。4The bamboo forest burst into flowers and then died off.竹林突然开花,然后相继死去。5London was a new world to me and I was_dying_to find out more about it formyself.伦敦对我来说是个新世界,我渴望更多地了解这个城市名师点津 die of 死于(强调内因,如疾病、衰老、悲伤等) die

18、 from 死于.(强调外因,如污染、事故、地震等)6His grandfather died from an earthquake. 他的爷爷死于地震。7To his sorrow, his wife died of heart attack last year.令他悲伤的是他的妻子去年死于心脏病。即景活用单句语法填空1Although the wind has died_, the rain remai ns steady, so you stilln eed a rain coat.2As the sound of the music died_ , the film came to a

19、n end.3This species has n early died_because its habitat is being destroyed.4All the applica nts are dying_ (pass) the in terview.5It is true that more and more people die_ can cer.答案:down away out to pass of随堂演练- SUI TANG -I.单词拼写1._ She was(说服)by a group of friends to get up on stage.答案:persuaded2.

20、_He is kee n topoint out the ben efits that the family _(联络网)canprovide.答案:network3.Can you_ 解释)the meaning of what he remarked at the end of themeeti ng?答案:interpret4._ It took him 10 years tobecome the world_ 冠军)again. 答案:champion5._The study was based on数据)from 2,100teenagers. 答案:data6._ Her nerv

21、ousness quickly消失)once shewas on stage.答案:disappeared7._How can you like catching the bus? Its hot and_流汗的)!答案:sweaty8._ The最终的)decision lies with the parents.答案:ultimate9. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve_紧张)andstress.答案:tension10._ My legs(疼) after Id been walking all day.答案

22、:achedn单句语法填空1. I think China will become more and more_(power) in the future.答案:powerful2. What the teacher said in spired me_ (try) aga in.答案:to try3. I tried to persuade him_(go) there with us, but he refused.答案:to go4. The prince_ (fall) in love with Snow White as soon as he saw her.答案:fell5._ S

23、he(born) with a beautiful singing voice.答案:was born川.选词填空take part in; at first; come across; at times; die out1._ He was very nervous, but soon he calmeddown. 答案:at first2. I_an old friend of mine in the street yesterday.答案:came across3. His toes are hurt and he is unable to_todays basketball game.

24、答案:take part in4._ If these animals and plants, we willnever see them again. 答案:die out5. The climate in our city is warm and wet, but it can be cold_.答案:at timesIV .单句写作1.春节即将来临。The Spring Festival is just_.答案:around the corner2 我不再相信他。I_believe him.答案:no Ion ger3 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。All theories o

25、rigi nate from practice and_ serve practice.答案:in turn4这次活动是为无家可归的人筹款。The activity is to_for the homeless people.答案:raise money5 我们应该尽全力保护这些动物免遭灭绝。We should try our best to protect the ani mals from_ .答案:dying out课后课时作业I完形填空At my heaviest I weighed 370 poun ds. I had a very poor relati on ship with

26、food: I usedit to _1_ bad feeli ngs, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. Worried about myhealth, I tried many differe nt kinds of _2_ but no thi ng worked. I came to believe that Icould do no thi ng about my _3.Whe n I was 50, my weight problem bega n to affect me 4. I did nt want tolive t

27、he rest of my life with this _5_ weight any more.That year, I _6 a sem inar where we were asked to create a project that wouldtouch the world. A seminar leader shared her _7_ story she had not only lost 125 pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless childre n._8 by her story, I created the As We H

28、eal 痊愈),the World Heals _9_. My goalwas to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 _10_ a movement foun ded 30years ago to end hun ger. This comb in ati on of heali ng myself and heali ng the world_11_ me as the perfect soluti on.12_ I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with th

29、e fear that I would_13 the same difficulties that beat me before. While the _14_ hung over my head, therewere also sig ns that I was headed dow n the right _15_. I sent letters to every one I kn ew,telli ng them about my project. It worked perfectly. Don ati ons bega n _16_ in from hundreds of peopl

30、e.Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted with a physician(内科医生) ,I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and 17_ meals. My fun d-raising focus also gave me new motivati on to exercise _18_.A year later, I19_ my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000 I f

31、eel thatIve been given a second life to devote to something that is _20_ and enormous.篇章导读: 本文是一篇记叙文。肥胖一直困扰着作者,在尝试了多种方法之 后仍未解决这个问题。后来在一次培训会上, 50 岁的作者受到了一位女士减肥经 历的启发,最终成功瘦了下来, 同时还为一个致力于终结饥饿的活动募集了资金。1 A.addBmixCkillDshare答案: C 根据下文中的 “to make myself feel better ”可知,此处应填 kill ,表 示用这种方式来消除 (kill) 负面情绪。2

32、 A.dietsBdrinksCfruitsDdishes答案:A 根据上文提到的 Weighed 370 poundS以及food” health”可知,此处是说“我”尝试了很多不同的节食(diets)方法。3A.heightBabilityCwisdomDweight答案: D 上文提到尝试了很多不同的节食方法,下文接着提到“weightproblem”,所以此处表示“我”对自己的体重(weight)束手无策。4A.temporarilyBrecentlyCseriouslyDsecretly答案: C 根据后句 “Ididnt want to live the rest of my li

33、fe .”可知,体重问题 开始严重地(seriously)影响“我”。5 A.idealBextraCnormalDlow答案:B 根据语境可知,“我”的体重严重超标,“我”不想带着这些额 外的(extra)重量度过余生。6 A.attendedBCrecommendedD答案: A 根据下文可知,此处应是 “ 我”7A.folkBCadventureD答案:B 根据下文中的 she had notorganizedmentioned参加(atte nded)了一个培训会。success scienceonly lost 125 pounds, but alsoraised$25,OO0 可知

34、,这位领导分享的应是她成功(success 的故事。8A.SurprisedBAmusedCInfluencedDDisturbed答案: C 根据上下文可知,作者深受一位培训会领导者成功故事的影响(in flue need),自己创办了一个项目。9A.projectBbusinessCsystemDcustom答案:A 根据上文中的 we were asked to create a project”可知,此处应填 project。1OA.in search ofBin need ofCin place ofDin support of答案: D 根据下一句中的 “This combinat

35、ion of healing myself and healing theworld”可知,募集 5 万美元是为了支持(in support of)一个 30 年前成立的旨在消除 饥饿的活动。11A.scaredBconsideredCconfusedDstruck答案: D “我”突然意识到, 治愈自己与治愈世界的结合就是一个 (减肥的)完美的解决办法。strike sb. as sth. “给某人以某种印象;让某人觉得”。12A.AsBUntilCIfDUnless答案:A 当“我” 开始执行自己的个人减肥计划时,“我”充满了恐惧。as “当的时候”。13A.get overBrun in

36、toClook forDput aside答案:B 此处表示“我”害怕遇到(run in to)之前击垮过“我”的同样的困 难。14A.excitementBjoyCangerDfear答案:D 根据上文中的“was filled with the fear”可知,此处应填 fear。15A.rowB hallCpathDstreet答案:C 根据下文中的 ft worked perfectly.”可知,当恐惧盘旋在“我”脑海时,也有一丝迹象表明“我”朝着正确的轨道(path)前进。16A.breakingBfloodingCjumpingDstepping答案:B 此处指人们的捐款如潮水般涌

37、来。break in “破门而入” ; flood in “涌入” ;jump in “突然插话 ”;step in “插手 ”。17A.heavyBfullCexpensiveDhealthy答案: D “我”也开始采取一些切实可行的措施来减肥。 “我”咨询内科 医生,雇用健身教练,开始吃量少且有益健康的(healthy)食物。18A.regularlyBlimitlesslyCsuddenlyDrandomly答案:A “我”对筹款的关注也给了 “我”新的动力去经常(regularly)锻炼。19A.setBreachedCmissedDdropped答案:B 联系上文第四段中的 “My

38、goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise$50,000 .”和本段中的 “I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,00”0 可知, “我” 实 现了 (reached) “我”的目标。20A.stressfulBpainfulCmeaningfulDpeaceful答案: C 通读整篇文章可知,作者本人通过减肥这件事,身心发生了很大 的变化,所以此处是作者的感悟:“我”感觉自己被给予了第二次生命,致力于 做有意义(meaningful)而伟大的事情。n七选五Live longerEvery one wan ts

39、 to live Ion ger. We try to exercise, eat right and get eno ugh sleep._1_ Here are a few tips for you to live a Ion ger, happier and healthier life.Use your mindActively use your mind, and youll cut your risk of develop ing deme ntia(痴呆) in half._2_ Memorize pho ne nu mbers in your cellpho ne. As yo

40、u put groceries into your basket,add them up in your mind.Chew (咀嚼)your foodWhen you eat, chew your food slowly and fully. That makes it easier for your body touse the food nu trie nts. Also, it takes 20 minu tes for your stomach to tell your brain its full._3_Make time for yourselfWe all have plent

41、y of stress in our daily lives. Be sure to find some ways to make thatstress less. Taking some kind of activities will do you good. _4_ Have dinner out withfriends. Start a new hobby. Do something you enjoy, just for you.Its not about me_5 Studies show that volun teeri ng in creases your lifespa n (

42、寿命).It also buildsyour social n etwork. And hav ing lots of frie nds around, especially in old age, helps you liveIon ger.A. Take an exercise class.B.But other thingscan also help.C. Do things slowly, one at a time.D. Living Ion ger is notan easy thi ng.E.If you want to live Ion ger, help others.F.T

43、hink of fun games to play by yourself.G. If you eat more slowly, youll likely eat less.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了让人们生活得幸福、健康、长久的几条建议1. B 根据上一句 “ We try to exercise, eat right and get eno ugh sleep 人们通过锻炼、饮食合理和睡眠充足等让自己活得长久)”及下文提出让人们生活得幸福、 健康、长久的几条建议,可知此处表示活得长久还有其他方法。故选B 项。2.F 根据主题 Use your mind 可知,本段建议要多用大脑

44、。F 项(想出一些 趣味游戏来玩)是用脑的一个例子,符合语境。3. G 根据主题 Chew (咀嚼)your food 及上文 That makes it easier for yourbody to use the food nu trie nts. Also, it takes 20 minu tes for your stomach to tell your brainits full. ”可知,咀嚼会使营养容易被身体吸收,此外要过 20 分钟才能知道自己饱了没有,由此可见应该细嚼慢咽,故选G 项。4.A 根据上一句 “Taking some kind of activities wil

45、l do you good.(做一些对自己有益的活动)”及下文与朋友出去吃饭、开始新的爱好、做自己喜欢做的事, 可知此处也应列举可以减轻压力的活动,故选A 项。5.E 根据下文“ Studies show that volun teeri ng in creases your lifespa n (寿命).”可知帮助别人能增加寿命,由此可见如果想寿命长,就要帮助别人。故选E 项。川语法填空Findings suggest that play ing with smartph ones before sleep _1_ (be) positivelyassociated with insomni

46、a (失眠症).Recent _2_ (study) show that nearly 24 percent ofChinese people suffer from insomnia and _3_ number of young people affected is rising.And more tha n 60 perce nt of people born after 1990, the group that are most likely _4_(use) their smartphones just before sleep, do not sleep well.Bedtime

47、mobile phone use is an un healthy sleep habit because _5_ can delayfalling asleep and reduce sleep quality. According to the research, nearly three- quarters ofthe young people fall asleep each night with their phones _6_ reach. About 60 perce nt ofthem use their smartpho nes for up to 80 minu tes b

48、efore sleep. And 54.7 perce nt of thepeople aged betwee n 18 and 25 go to bed _7_ (late) tha n 12 am.Good sleep is helpful in protect ing the brains neurons 神经元)and lack of sleep forlong periods can _8_ (danger) health. Therefore, all people, including the young, _9_(advise) to avoid using electroni

49、c devices one hour before sleep and go to bed at fixedtimes. But it is _10_ (benefit) to sleep if people listen to soft music and read books beforegoing to bed.1 _2._ 3._ 4._5 _6._ 7._ 8._9 _10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了造成失眠的一些原因以及拥有好的睡 眠的益处。1is 考查主谓一致。句意:研究结果表明,睡前玩智能手机与失眠症呈正相关。本空主语为动名词短语 playing with smar

50、tphones before sleep,故本空谓语 动词应用单数 is。2.studies 考查名词。根据空格后的 show 可知,本空应用名词复数形式,故填 studies。3. the 考查冠词。the number of .意为“.的数量”,故填定冠词 the。4. to use 考查非谓语动词。 be likely to do 意为“可能做某事 ”,故填 to use。5.it 考查代词。指代前面的 Bedtime mobile phone use 故应用代词 it。6. within 考查介词。句意:根据研究,几乎 3/4 的年轻人,睡着时手机都 在可以够得着的范围内。 withi

51、n reach 意为“伸手可及的 ”,故填介词 within。7.later考查副词的比较级。 根据空格后的than可知本空应用比较级修饰, 故填 later。8.endanger 考查词性转换。情态动词后应用动词原形,故填endange。9. are advised 考查动词的语态。all people 与 advise 之间是被动关系,故应 用被动语态 are advised。10. beneficial 考查词性转换。be 动词后面应用形容词作表语,故填形容词beneficial。IV概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。The familiar yellow

52、school bus is the largest system of mass transportation in the USand every school day transports roughly 25 million young people to school and home againafter the school day ends. Meanwhile, they are the safest method for getting kids to andfrom school, according to the National Highway Traffic Safe

53、ty Administration (NHTSA).Children are 70 times more likely to arrive at school safely on the school bus than if theyhad traveled to school driving themselves or riding with frien ds.These school buses meet more of the n ati ons motor vehicle safety sta ndards tha nany other vehicles on the road. Al

54、so, several new tech no logies available today are makingschool buses eve n safer, such as video cameras on the in side and outside, stop armcameras, GPS track ing and collisio n lesse ning systems. Ano ther safety tool on schoolbuses is high seat backs, closelyspaced seats and energy absorbing seat

55、ing.But eve n the safe ness of school buses would not completely sum up why childre nare safer when riding the big, yellow bus. The bus is only as safe as the professional menand women who drive them. All drivers must obtain a Class B or C Commercial DriversLicense(CDL). They are randomly tested for

56、 alcohol and drugs, usually have their drivingrecord checked, and are given the same review for criminal history as teachers and otheremployees who have con tact with stude nts.ln order to serve as a school bus driver, mostapplicants are required to successfully complete a training course, along wit

57、h instruction inthe classroom and behind the wheel.School buses are safe for the en vir onment, not only because each bus replaces 36passengercars that would, but for the buses, be on the road taking and picking up schoolchildre n. Additi on ally, school buses use alter native gree n fuels like n at

58、ural gas, andelectric power.Todd Mon teferrario, Preside nt of the Natio nal School Tran sportati on Associati on,said pare nts should remember that the safest and smartest choice is to put their childre non the big yellow bus whe n they can.写前导读:本文是一篇议论文,主要论述在美国为什么学生上下学乘坐校车是安全而明智的选择。精彩范文The school

59、bus is the safest and wisest choice to school in the US for the followingreasons. (要点 1) Firstly, school buses not only meet high vehicle safety sta ndards but alsoare tech no logically equipped.(要点 2) Besides, the bus drivers have to pass strictqualification tests and safety driving trainings.(要点 3) Finally, school buses, powered bygreen fuels, are environmentally safe by reducing the number of private cars hitting theroads.要 点 4) Therefore, children are encouraged to go to school by school bus.要点 5)

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