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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上七年级首字母填空原创精华版练习一Carol and Susan are very good friends. They are in the s _1_ class at school and they often visit each others h_2_ at weekends (周末). Now they are b_3_ eight years old. Carols mother has got a new baby. Carol is very g_4_ to have a little sister. So she is always talking

2、about her to Susan. At first she is very i_5_ in the new baby because she doesnt have any brothers or sisters. But after some time she begins toget tired of Carols endless talking (喋喋不休地谈论) about it. She a _6_ feels a little jealous (嫉妒) of her friend. One morning when the two girls m_7_ in the scho

3、ol ground, Carol says to Susan, Do youk_8_, Sue, mybaby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight (体重增加了半磅) this week. That is not very much. answers Susan. I know a baby a_9 _ he puts on ten pounds a day. Oh, that cant be t_10_. answers Carol laughingly. Whose baby is it? An elephants says Su

4、san.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习二Youll see a new d_1_at a hospitai near London if you go there.He is very clever, b_2_he never speaks.He can work 24 hours a day and never gets t_3_.He is one metre tall and has a face l_4_ a TV screen.He is Dr.Robot. Doctors often need to ask their patie

5、nts a lot of questions. Busy doctors can o_5_ spend a few minutes with such patient.But Dr.Robot,a human doctor can have a l _6_of uesful information(信息)when he m_7_ his patient. H _8_can Dr. Robot do this? A computer tell him what to do.Dr.Robot can do a lot of t _9_people can do,though he cant com

6、pletely t_10_the place of human doctors. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习三Cinderella lives with a very mean (吝啬的) family. She has to do all the housework. She makes the beds. She does the dishes. She c_1_the meals. She even takes o_2_ the garbage. One day the family goes to a p_3_ at the pr

7、inces palace(皇宫). But Cinderella has to stay at home to do so much housework. She is s_4_ . She says, “ I want to go and dance, too!”Suddenly a fairy princess comes and says,“I can h_5_ you.” She gives Cinderella a party dress and a pair of glass s_6_. Then she says, “ Come home early. My magic ends

8、 at midnight Im just learning this job.”Cinderella goes to the party and d_7_ with the prince. She forgets about t_8_. Then she sees a clock. It is almost midnight Cinderella g_9_ home, but she loses one of her glass shoes on the way. The prince wants to marry Cinderella, but all he has is the glass

9、 shoe. Many women try on the shoe, but it doesnt fit. The prince t _10_,“Everyone has such big feet!”Then one day,Cinderella tries it on, and it fits!The prince and Cinderella get married,and they live happily for ever.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习四It is a good i 1 to bring a small prese

10、nt when you go to a party in England o 2 the USA. Flowers are a 3 nice,. or you may bring a bottle of wine if you k 4 what the family drinks. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes l 5 . Dont get there early. If you are going to be there more t 6 fifteen minutes late, you should call and t

11、ell the host and hostess(女主人).Try to relax(放松) at the dinner table. If you dont know h 7 to use the fork(叉子), the knife, or the spoon(汤匙), just watch the o 8 and follow them. You can also ask someone next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course, you will thank the host and the hostess f 9 th

12、e meal and their kindness. Its good to s 10 a card or a “thank you” note the next day.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习五Dear friends,Do you k 1 you are lucky when you are sitting in the bright c 2 and having your classes or enjoying your nice food at home? Can you feel many children in Haiti

13、(海地) are very lucky, t 3 ? We know an earthquake(地震) happened in Haiti on January 12th,2010. Many people died(死去). Lots of children dont have enough f 4 to eat, and they c 5 go to school now. They need our h 6 . So wed like to collect stationery and clothes for them. You can d your old pens, rubbers

14、, rulers, pencil-boxes o7 old clothes. And you can also donate(捐赠) some money . We will s 8 them to the children in Haiti.We hope to raise m 9 than 10,000 yuan , then we can help 50 students to go back to school. If you would like to donate things, please c 10 us on . Thank you. Gao Shan and her cla

15、ssmates1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习六Do you like to watch Pleasant sheep and Big Wolf (喜洋洋和灰太狼) ? Do you k_1_ these cute sheep? Pleasant Sheep is very s_2_. He is seven years old. He likes running , studying and p_3_ soccer. His favorite c_4_ is blue. Because he often h _5_other sheep, h

16、e is a little hero of the sheep village. Lazy Sheep is very lazy. His favorite things are eating and sleeping. He is very heavy , so Big Big wolf always wants to e_6_ him first. Force Sheep is eight. He is very healthy and he likes playing sports very much. But he isnt smart, he cant do things w_7_.

17、 The sheep with nice clothes is Pretty Sheep . Pink is her favorite color. She is v_8_ beautiful, so many sheep like her. Warm Sheep is the monitor(班长) of the sheep school. She is veryh _9_ And she s f_10_ to others. She even makes friends with a little wolf.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习

18、七Basketball is a very popular g 1 in America. People and children all 1 2 it. Most people can p 3 it. A basketball is a r 4 and big ball. Its bigger and heavier than a f5_. Its the biggest of all the balls. There are f 6 players in each team. Basketball is quite popular in China, t7 . Children often

19、 t8 a basketball to school and play it a 9 school. In China, some girls can play basketball b10 than boys.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._练习八Once upon a time the animals of the forest came together to see 1 was the most beautiful. All the animals were happy. But the snake was very sad 2 she k

20、new she was not beautiful. The cock was very kind 3 her.He lent the snake his crown (冠状头饰). The snake put the beautiful crown on her h 4 and glided along proudly. She wanted to show off her beautiful crown. . The animals said she was the m 5 beautiful .When she came happily to a large pool of water,

21、 the snake didnt see the pool. She fell i 6 the pool and dropped the crown. She tried h 7 to look for it, but she couldnt find it. She was afraid to t 8 the cock. The next morning the cock got up very early and waited for the snake, but the snake s 9 didnt come . To this day, the cock still gets up

22、early each morning and crows “Cock-a doodle-doo!” He is s 10 , “Where are you?”练习九 The Fox and the Grapes One hot summers day a certain Fox saw a juicy(晶莹剔透的) bunch of Grapes hanging from a vine.It certainly was very hot, and the Fox was thirsty for s_1_ to drink. “These Grapes are just what I n_2_

23、to quench(遏制 解渴 终止) my thirst! ” said the Fox.But the vine on which the Grapes hung was t_3_ high for him to reach even with his longest stretch(伸长). S_4_ he decided to jump.Drawing back a f_5_ paces, he ran towards the vine and took a great big leap(跳跃 跃过 ), b_6_ missed the Grapes.Turing around, he

24、 jumped again. This time too, with n_7_ success.The Fox t_8_ried to jump for the Grapes again and again and yet again and again, in vain(徒劳).Since he could not reach the delicious-looking Grapes, the Fox finally concluded(总结 结论), “These Grapes m_9_ be sour! ”and walked away with his nose in the air(

25、趾高气昂), through hotter and e_10_ thirstier than before!练习十The Two PotsThere were once two pots floating down the river. One shined(闪闪发光) happily in the sun while the o_1_ looked dull(沉闷) and unpleasant from being wet in the water.That because one pot was made of brass(黄铜) a_2_ the other was made of c

26、lay(陶土). “Please do not come n_3_ me!” said the clay pot to the brass one.“Why not? We could be friends,” said the brass pot.“No,” replied the clay pot, “I am to fragile(脆 易碎的). I_3_ you touch me even once I will break into p_4_. I must stay far f_5_ you and cannot think of being your friend. Please

27、 go away, you will find someone downstream just l_6_ you to play with!”The brass pot, disappointed and s_7_, then floated away as the river took him across to another corner of the river b_8_, while the clay pot wet and c_9_ in the wind, seemed to suddenly grow a shade gloomier(灰暗).The story tells u

28、s that :If you rufuse a true friend,you are destinated (注定)to stay a_10_ till forever.练习答案练习一1.same 2.home 3.both 4. glad 5.interested 6.also 7.meet 8.know 9.and 10.true.练习二答案1.doctor 2.but 3.tired 4.like 5.only 6.lot 7.meets 8.3How 9.things 10.take练习三1.cooks 2.out3.party4.sad 5.help6.shoes7.dances

29、8.time 9.gets 10. thinks练习四1.idea 2.or 3.always 4.know 5.late 6.than 7.how 8.others 9.for 10.send.练习五1.know 2.classroom 3.too 4.food 5.cant 6.help 7.or 8.send 9.more 10.call练习六答案1.know 2.smart 3.playing 4.color 5.helps 6.eat 7.well 8.very 9.happy 10.friendly练习七1.game 2.like 3.play 4.round 5.football 6.five 7.too 8.take 9.after 10.better练习八. 1.who 2.because 3.to 4.head 5.most 6.into 7.hard 8.tell 9.still 10.saying.练习九1. something 2.need 3.too 4. so 5.few 6.but 7.no 8.tried 9.must 10. even练习十1.other 2. and 3.near 4.pieces 5.from 6.like 7. sad 8.bank 9.cold 10.alone专心-专注-专业

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