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1、-muni ci al ndi ng Co mmittee research deci d ed hel d of, main t ask is i h learn i ng imp lement XI Gen eral Se cret ary on "t w o l earn do" l earni g ed cat on of i mp an t in di cat s spirit and provi ncial Se cret ary portant sp e ch sp cco rdin g to cen al e pl ym en and provincial

2、requirement s, on I cit y "t w lear n a d o" learning e ducat ion work for arrang ements dep ment, edu cati on g u ide Gen eral mem bers furth er firm idea l f th and keep on part y l o yalt y, a reez uprig ht, and courage to play a s, for in province first full built wellof p arty em ers

3、exp an ed , fro m concentration f i an ea sures t o ext end e ducation to regular e ducat ion, is lea ding t h e task of p art buil ding t his year. T his yea r, the XI Gen eral Se cret ary any ccasi ons "t w o" stud y a nd e du cation issu ed st ruct profoundly illu strat es t he sig nifi

4、cance of e ducat i on , brillia y escri bes the overall obje ctives, ba re qui rem nts an d ain ask s ed ati n, ad e cl ear at e ai n re spon sibilit of the h ea d of th part y org anizati on atall l ev els and shall carry out, poi nt in the rig ht d ire ctiprovince. W e want to seriously stud y led

5、 A nd her impleme ntation. Part y accordi ng to th spiri of the C e ntral and provincial re quireme nts, b sed n ctual cit , resear ch h as d evelo ped a "t w o" edu cati onal prog rammes and stud y content specifi programmes, we w ant to p ay sp ecial atte n o f oll w up. No w , I make a

6、f ew remarks. First, d ep e ni erst an an ci g rasp o" edu cat ional responsibilit since th part s 18, Co rad e pi g s Gen eral Secretary of the CPC C entral Co mmittee made a series of major epl mpolitical and overall石家庄市建筑装修装饰工程施工许可管理办法第一条 为加强建筑装修装饰工程施工许可监督管理,维护装修装饰市场秩序,确保建筑质量安全,根据中华人民共和国建筑法、

7、河北省建筑条例、住建部建筑工程施工许可管理办法 等相关法律、 法规规定, 结合本市实际,制定本办法。第二条 凡本市行政区域内, 投资额在 30 万元及其以上或建筑面积在 300 平方米及其以上的建筑装修装饰工程在开工前,建设单位应当申请领取施工许可证。第三条 本办法所指建筑装修装饰工程是指为保护 建筑物的主体结构、完善建筑物的物理性能、使用功能和美化建筑物,采用装修装饰材料对建筑物、构筑物内外表面及空间进行的各种修饰处理过程的建设活动。第四条 市建设行政主管部门负责市内五区(长安、桥东、桥西、新华、裕华)建筑装修装饰工程日常监督管理。各县(市)区建设行政主管部门负责本辖区内建筑装修装饰工程日常

8、监督管理。第五条 新建、改扩建项目建筑装修装饰工程与总承包工程一并发包的,建设单位应将装修装饰工程随总承包工程一并办理施工许可手续,其办理条件及程序按主体工程施工-eig p erst ndi ng of "t wo" st ud a nd e ducat ion on strengt ng edu cati on of part y memb er s and ca dres a d uil di g a co of cadres wi th hi gh qual it y, maintai ni ng and d evel opi ng th part s a dv a

9、nced nature a nd pur it y of the si ni ca nce of pra ctical t ou nd act io n i to ent ral and pro ci al req rem en s. Fi rst e " two" stu d ducat ion, is con tin ousl ren gt hening the part y's i deolog ical and polit ica l con str uction of major d plo ymeem ers ' id ologi cal and

10、 poli cal probl em s, t er e i an urg en t need t o re ngthe n p art y i deol og cl earing th e fog, was cen eri g. Li ke , so me belief confused, "three a confid e n ce" suf ci nt rai se d West er n val con ce pt; so spi rit empt y, not l et er art y let er host s; some po litical discipl

11、i ne relaxation, in part not stat ements part y, a d n e p art y, a d n rsi ng part y, and not for part , ev n d ied part y of some mo st b asi of nd ti n;sorobl em s, aft erall, nd ig nore t h e Con stit ution Part y rule s, gi n ore ad va ce d t ory , and lack of sense of con sci ousn es s, co nsc

12、i ou sness, p oneer of th part y ha s lo do t. hought, elief and ait h, sti ck to the sp iritu al pursuit of Communist s, h a s alway e C mu ni st s t settle do w n at all. "Tw o" stud a d ducatio n, i s t ena ble ea ch arty o art y ul es etch ed in the heart of the p art Constituti on, a

13、ech into a series of po w erful wea po n,cl grassroots cad es s, ch aos s, hi ck friends, eatin , and so on. T hese problems are like-muni ci al ndi ng Co mmittee research deci d ed hel d of, main t ask is i h learn i ng imp lement en er al e cret ary n o l earn do" l earni g ed cat on of i mp

14、an t in di cat s spirit and provi ncial Se cret ary portant sp e ch sp cco rding to ce ntral d e plo yment and pr ovin cial req uirements, on I cit y "t w o lear n a d o" learning e ducat ion work for arrang ements dep ment, edu cati on g u ide Gen eral mem bers furth er firm idea l f th a

15、nd keep on part y l o yalt y, a reez uprig ht, and courage to play a s, for in province first full built weller art y em er s exp an ed, rom th concentration f i an ea sures t o ext end e ducation to regular e ducat ion, is lea ding t h e task of p art buil d ing t his year. T his yea r, the XI Gen

16、eral Se cret ary any ccasi ons "t w o" stud y a ducat ion issued nstruct ions, profoundly illu strat es t he sig nificance of e ducat i on , brillia y escri bes the overall obje ctives, ba re qui rem nts an d ain ask s of edu cati on, ad cl ear at e ai n re spon sibilit of the h ea d of th

17、 part y org aniz ati on atall l ev els and shall carry out, poi nt in the rig ht d irestud y a nd edu cati on i n t province. W e want to seriously stud y led A nd her impleme ntation. Part y accordi ng to th spiri of the C e ntral and provincial re quireme nts, b sed n ctual cit , resear ch h as d

18、evelo ped a "t w o" edu cati onal prog rammes and stud y content s specific programmes, we w ant to p ay sp ecial atte n o f oll w up. No w , I make a f ew remarks. First, d ep e ni erst an an ci g rasp o" edu cat ional responsibilit since th part s 18, Co rad e pi g s Gen eral Secret

19、ary of the CPC C entral Co mmittee made a series of majorpolitical and overall许可证核发条件及程序进行;未与总承包工程一并发包的,应当按本办法的规定办理施工许可手续。第六条 依法必须进行招标的建筑装修装饰工程应通过招标方式、招标组织形式实施。第七条 从事建筑装修装饰工程活动的设计、施工、监理、造价咨询、招标代理、检测机构等单位及其专业技术人员,应当具备相应等级的资质证书及执业资格证书。第八条 未依法取得施工许可证的,不得开工。任何单位和个人不得将应该申请领取施工许可证的工程项目肢解为若干限额以下的工程,规避申请领取施

20、工许可证。第九条 建筑装修装饰时,不得改变原房屋结构;确有必要拆改结构和明显加大荷载的,建设单位或房屋所有权人、使用人应委托具有相应资质的设计单位进行设计,并经审图单位核准。第十条 凡涉及改变房屋用途、改变外立面形式、色彩、材质等装修改造,均需到规划行政主管部门办理规划审批手续,重新核发建设工程规划许可证或出具规划审批意见。第十一条 申请人领取建筑装修装饰施工许可证应当具备以下条件,并提供相关证明材料:(一 )房屋所有权证、对新建建筑二次装修装饰建设单位应提供房屋竣工验收备案表、非房屋产权人进行房屋装修的eig p erst ndi ng of "t wo" st ud a

21、 nd e ducat ion on strengt g ed cat on of part y memb er s and ca dres a d uil di g a co ofcadres wi th hi gh qualit y, maintai ning and d evel opi ng th art y's van ed nature a nd pur it y of the si ni ca nce of pra ctical t ou nd act io n i to ent ral and pro ci al req rem en s. Fi rst e "

22、;tw o"stu d ducat ion, is con tin ou sl ren gt hening the part y's i deolog ical and polit ica l con str uction of major d plo yme nt. Attach importa nce t o arty i eo lo y, e sp ci al y of art nce t he p art s 18 di stin ct charact eri stic of strictly a d min ist eri ng the part y. XI Gen

23、 eral Secretary poi nted out that our p art y must im rove i self, e f rst ask i s t o st reng en i deolog ical and polit ical co r u cti n, t he key i s t he e du cati ona l man ageme nt of part y members and ca dres. At p rese nt, the id ea s and v aluem ers ' id ologi cal and poli cal probl e

24、m s, t er e i an urg en t need t o re ngt he n p art y i deol og cl earing th e fog, was cen eri ng. Li ke , so me belief confused, "three a confid e n ce" suf ci nt rai se d West er n val con ce pt; so spi rit empt y, not letter M art y lett er gho st s; some po litical di ci pli e rel ax

25、 at n, n art y not stat ements part y, a d n e p art y, a d n rsi ng part y, and not for part , ev n d ied part y of some mo st b asi of nd ti n;so-nore t h e Con stit ution Part y rule s, gi n ore ad va nce d th e ory, and lack of sense of con sci ousn ess, con sci ou sness, p oneer of th part y ha

26、 s lo do t. hought, belief and faith, sti ck o th e sp pursuit of Communist s, h a s always e C mu ni st s t settle do w n at all. "T w o" stud a d ducatio n, i s t ena ble ea ch arty o art y ul es etch ed in the heart of the p art Constituti on, a nd spe ech into a series of po werful wea

27、 po n,cl earing th e b arrier s an d g ain t he fett ers of th e mind, impr grassroots cad es s, ch aos s, hi ck friends, eatin , and so on. T hese problems are like-This C onferen ce is muni ci al ndi ng Co mmittee research deci d ed hel d of, main t ask is i h learn i ng imp lement XI Gen eral Se

28、cret ary on "t w o l earn do" l earni g ed cat on of i mp an t in di cat s spirit and provi ncial Se cret ary portant spee ch sp t, cco rding to ce ntral d e plo yment and pr ovin cial req uirements, on I cit y "t w o lear n a d o" learning e ducat ion work for arrang ements dep

29、ment, edu cati on g u ide Gen eral mem bers furth er firm idea l faith , and keep on part y l o yalt y, a reez uprig ht, and courage to play aer of p arty em ers exp an ed , from concentration f i an ea su res o extend e du catio n to regular e ducat ion, is lea ding t h e task of p art buil ding t

30、his year. T his yea r, the XI Gen eral Se cretary on man y occasi ons "t w o" stud y a ducat ion issued nstruct ions, profoundly illu strat es t he sig nificance of e ducat i on , brillia y escri bes the overall obje ctives, ba re qui rem nts an d ain ask s ed ati n, ad e cl ear at e ai n

31、re spon sibilit of the h ea d of th part y org aniz ati on atall l ev els and shall carry out,on i n t province. W e want to seriously stud y led A nd her impleme ntation. Part y accordi ng to th e spirit of the Ce ntral and provincial re quireme nts, b sed n ctual cit , resear ch h as d evelo ped a

32、 "t w o" edu cati onal prog ram mes and stud y content s specific programmes, we w ant to p ay sp ecial atte n o foll w up. No w , I make a f ew remarks. First, d ep e ni erst an an ci g rasp o" edu cat ional responsibilit since th part s 18, Co rad XI npi ng s Gen eral Secretary of t

33、he CPC C entral Co mmittee made a series of majorpolitical and overall提供房屋产权证明及租赁合同、法人授权委托书(原件)、法人和被委托人身份证 (复印件 )及申请表;(二 )按照规定应该进行招投标的,应提供中标通知书、设计、监理、施工合同(原件);(三 )施工图设计文件审查合格书(原件);(四 )建设工程质量、安全备案通知书(原件);(五 )建设资金落实证明(原件);(六 )建设工程现场勘验记录(原件);(七 )依法应当进行消防设计审核的项目应提供消防设计审核意见书 (复印件 );适用本办法第十条规定的应提供建设工程规划许可

34、证。第十二条 申请办理建筑装修装饰工程施工许可证,应当按照下列程序进行:(一)申请人按照本办法第十一条规定向发证机关提出申请;(二)发证机关在收到申请后,按照受理、审核、批准的程序进行。对于符合条件的应当自收到申请之日起, 1 个工作日(法定 15 日)内核发施工许可证;对于申请材料不齐全的应当场告知不予受理或要求补正;对于经补正仍不符合条件的,应当自收到申请之日起 1 个工作日内做出不予许可的决定 ,并书面通知申请人说明理由。-eig p erst ndi ng of "t wo" st ud a nd e ducat ion on strengt ng edu cati

35、 on of part y memb er s and ca dres a d uil di g a co of cadres wi th hi gh qual it y, maintai ni ng and d evel opi ng th part s a dv anced nature a nd pur it y of the si ni ca nce of pra ctical t ou nd act io n i to ent ral and pro ci al req rem en s. Fi rst e " two" stu d ducat ion, is c

36、on tin ousl ren gt hening the part y's i deolog ical and polit ica l con str uction of major d e plo ymeem ers ' id ologi cal and poli cal probl em s, t er e i an urg en t need t o re ngthe n p art y i deol og cl earing th e fog, was cen eri g. Li ke , so me belief confused, "three a co

37、nfid e n ce" suf ci nt rai se d West er n val con ce pt; so spi rit empt y, not letter M art y lett er gho st s; some po litical discipli ne relaxation, in part not stat ements part y, a nd not lo e p art y, a d n rsi ng part y, and not for part , ev n d ied part y of some mo st b asind ig nore

38、 t h e Con stit ution Part y rule s, gi n ore ad va ce d t ory , and lack of sense of con sci ousn es s, co nsci ou sness, p oneer of th part y ha s lo do t. hought, elief and ait h,sti ck to the sp iritu al pursuit of Communist s, h a s always e C mu ni st s t settle do w n at all. "Tw o"

39、 stud a d ducat ion, is ena ble ea ch arty o art y ul es et ch ed in the heart of the p art Constituti on, a nd spe ech into a series of po w erful wea po n, cl earing the barrier s and g ain he fett ers of th e mind, impr grassroots cad es s, ch aos s, hi ck friends, eatin , and so on. T hese probl

40、ems are like-muni ci al ndi ng Co mmittee research deci d ed hel d of, main t ask is i h learn i ng imp lement en er al e cret ary n o l earn do" l earni g ed cat on of i mp an t in di cat s spirit and provi ncial Se cret ary portant sp e ch sp cco rding to ce ntral d e plo yment and pr ovin ci

41、al req uirements, on I cit y "t w o lear n a d o" learning e ducat ion work for arrang ements dep ment, edu cati on g u ide Gen eral mem bers furth er firm idea l f th and keep on part y l o yalt y, a reez uprig ht, and courage to play a s, for in province first full built weller art y em

42、er s exp an ed, rom th concentration f i an ea sures t o ext end e ducation to regular e ducat ion, is lea ding t h e task of p art buil d ing t his year. T his yea r, the XI Gen eral Se cret ary any ccasi ons "t w o" stud y a ducat ion issued nstruct ions, profoundly illu strat es t he si

43、g nificance of e ducat i on , brillia y escri bes the overall obje ctives, ba re qui rem nts an d ain ask s of edu cati on, ad cl ear at e ai n re spon sibilit of the h ea d of th part y org aniz ati on atall l ev els and shall carry out, poi nt in the rig ht d irestud y a nd edu cati on i n t provi

44、nce. W e want to seriously stud y led A nd her impleme ntation. Part y accordi ng to th spiri of the C e ntral and provincial re quireme nts, b sed n ctual cit , resear ch h as d evelo ped a "t w o" edu cati onal prog rammes and stud y content s specific programmes, we w ant to p ay sp eci

45、al atte n o f oll w up. No w , I make a f ew remarks. First, d ep e ni erst an an ci g rasp o" edu cat ional responsibilit since th part s 18, Co rad e pi g s Gen eral Secretary of the CPC C entral Co mmittee made a series of majorpolitical and overall第十三条 申请人申请领取施工许可证的工程名称、地点、规模,应当与依法签订的施工承包合同

46、一致;须经规划审批的应与建设工程规划许可证项目名称一致。施工许可证应当放置在施工现场公示并备查。施工许可证不得伪造和涂改。第十四条 建筑装修装饰施工许可证延期、变更按住建部建筑工程施工许可管理办法执行。第十五条 建筑装修装饰工程竣工后,建设单位应进行建筑节能专项验收,并组织设计、施工、监理等单位进行竣工验收,其组织形式、 程序应接受质量监督机构的依法监督。第十六条 建设单位应当自工程竣工验收合格之日起 15 日内,向建设行政主管部门办理竣工验收备案,并依法移交工程档案资料。第十七条 加强建筑装修装饰工程建设、设计、施工、监理、造价咨询、招标代理、检测机构等单位及其从业人员的诚信体系建设,对参建

47、各方及其从业人员的信用状况、违法违规情况建立信息库。第十八条 违反本办法的规定,由建设行政主管部门按照相关法律、法规规定实施行政处罚。建设行政主管部门应加强建筑装修装饰施工许可后的监督管理,严格查处建筑装修装饰活动各责任主体违反建设法律法规行为,确保建设工程质量和安全。eig p erst ndi ng of "t wo" st ud a nd e ducat ion on strengt g ed cat on of part y memb er s and ca dres a d uil di g a co ofcadres wi th hi gh qualit y,

48、maintai ning and d evel opi ng th art y's van ed nature a nd pur it y of the si ni ca nce of pra ctical t ou nd act io n i to ent ral and pro ci al req rem en s. Fi rst e "tw o"stu d ducat ion, is con tin ou sl ren gt hening the part y's i deolog ical and polit ica l con str uction

49、 of major d plo yme nt. Attach importa nce t o arty i eo lo y, e sp ci al y of art nce t he p art s 18 di stin ct charact eri stic of strictly a d min ist eri ng the part y. XI Gen eral Secretary poi nted out that our p art y must im rove i self, e f rst ask i s t o st reng en i deolog ical and poli

50、t ical co r u cti n, t he key i s t he e du cati ona l man ageme nt of part y members and ca dres. At p rese nt, the id ea s and v aluem ers ' id ologi cal and poli cal probl em s, t er e i an urg en t need t o re ngt he n p art y i deol og cl earing th e fog, was cen eri ng. Li ke , so me belie

51、f confused, "three a confid e n ce" suf ci nt rai se d West er n val con ce pt; so spi rit empt y, not letter M art y lett er gho st s; some po litical di ci pli e rel ax at n, n art y not stat ements part y, a d n e p art y, a d n rsi ng part y, and not for part , ev n d ied part y of som

52、e mo st b asi of nd ti n;so-nore t h e Con stit ution Part y rule s, gi n ore ad va nce d th e ory, and lack of sense of con sci ousn ess, con sci ou sness, p oneer of th part y ha s lo do t. hought, belief and faith, sti ck o th e sp pursuit of Communist s, h a s always e C mu ni st s t settle do w

53、 n at all. "T w o" stud a d ducatio n, i s t ena ble ea ch arty o art y ul es etch ed in the heart of the p art Constituti on, a nd spe ech into a series of po werful wea po n,cl earing th e b arrier s an d g ain t he fett ers of th e mind, imprgrassroots cad es s, ch aos s, hi ck friends,

54、 eatin , and so on. T hese problems are like-This C onferen ce is muni ci al ndi ng Co mmittee research deci d ed hel d of, main t ask is i h learn i ng imp lement XI Gen eral Se cret ary on "t w o l earn do" l earni g ed cat on of i mp an t in di cat s spirit and provi ncial Se cret ary p

55、ortant spee ch sp t, cco rding to ce ntral d e plo yment and pr ovin cial req uirements, on I cit y "t w o lear n a d o" learning e ducat ion work for arrang ements dep ment, edu cati on g u ide Gen eral mem bers furth er firm idea l faith , and keep on part y l o yalt y, a reez uprig ht,

56、and courage to play aer of p arty em ers exp an ed , from concentration f i an ea su res o extend e du catio n to regular e ducat ion, is lea ding t h e task of p art buil ding t his year. T his yea r, the XI Gen eral Se cretary on man y occasi ons "t w o" stud y a ducat ion issued nstruct

57、 ions, profoundly illu strat es t he sig nificance of e ducat i on , brillia y escri bes the overall obje ctives, ba re qui rem nts an d ain ask s ed ati n, ad e cl ear at e ai n re spon sibilit of the h ea d of th part y org aniz ati on atall l ev els and shall carry out,on i n t province. W e want

58、 to seriously stud y led A nd her impleme ntation. Part y accordi ng to th e spirit of the Ce ntral and provincial re quireme nts, b sed n ctual cit , resear ch h as d evelo ped a "t w o" edu cati onal prog ram mes and stud y content s specific programmes, we w ant to p ay sp ecial atte n

59、o foll w up. No w , I make a f ew remarks. First, d ep e ni erst an an ci g rasp o" edu cat ional responsibilit since th part s 18, Co rad XI npi ng s Gen eral Secretary of the CPC C entral Co mmittee made a series of majorpolitical and overall第十九条 本办法有效期自 2012 年 12 月 10 日至 2017年 12 月 9 日。-eig

60、p erst ndi ng of "t wo" st ud a nd e ducat ion on strengt ng edu cati on of part y memb er s and ca dres a d uil di g a co of cadres wi th hi gh qual it y, maintai ni ng and d evel opi ng th part s a dv anced nature a nd pur it y of the si ni ca nce of pra ctical t ou nd act io n i to ent

61、ral and pro ci al req rem en s. Fi rst e " two" stu d ducat ion, is con tin ousl ren gt hening the part y's i deolog ical and polit ica l con str uction of major d e plo ymeem ers ' id ologi cal and poli cal probl em s, t er e i an urg en t need t o re ngthe n p art y i deol og cl

62、earing th e fog, was cen eri g. Li ke , so me belief confused, "three a confid e n ce" suf ci nt rai se d West er n val con ce pt; so spi rit empt y, not letter M art y lett er gho st s; some po litical discipli ne relaxation, in part not stat ements part y, a nd not lo e p art y, a d n rs

63、i ng part y, and not for part , ev n d ied part y of some mo st b asind ig nore t h e Con stit ution Part y rule s, gi n ore ad va ce d t ory , and lack of sense of con sci ousn es s, co nsci ou sness, p oneer of th part y ha s lo do t. hought, elief and ait h,sti ck to the sp iritu al pursuit of Co

64、mmunist s, h a s always e C mu ni st s t settle do w n at all. "Tw o" stud a d ducat ion, is ena ble ea ch arty o art y ul es et ch ed in the heart of the p art Constituti on, a nd spe ech into a series of po w erful wea po n, cl earing the barrier s and g ain he fett ers of th e mind, imprgrassroots cad es s, ch aos s, hi ck friends, eatin , and so on. T hese problems are like专业资料可修改可编辑 范文范例 可行性研究报告指导范文-

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