【大学英语四级考试听力部分长对话大学英语四级考试听力】 大学英语四级考试听力

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《【大学英语四级考试听力部分长对话大学英语四级考试听力】 大学英语四级考试听力》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【大学英语四级考试听力部分长对话大学英语四级考试听力】 大学英语四级考试听力(12页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【大学英语四级考试听力部分长对话大学英语四级考试听力】 大学英语四级考试听力 高校英语四级考试听力外加部分长对话高校英语四级考试听力。下面是我给大家整理的高校英语四级考试听力部分长对话高校英语四级考试听力的相关学问,供大家参阅! 2021年12月英语四级真题听力长对话及部分答案(网络版) 听力长对话部分答案 长对话 Conversation 1 M:Thats Marrias families and we wantto be engaged. W:Itswonderful, Erik! Congratulations! M: I really like h

2、er families, too, verynice. Ms Comona speaks four languages and Mr. Comona a diplomat. Infact, he gives the speech at the Saturdaymorning. W: OH, thats was Ns father? I heardthe speech. M: You did? W: Well, I heard part of it and listenedto it for ten minutes, and then I fell asleep. I saw itwas in

3、class. Anyway, tell meabout your weekend. M:Saturdayevening we saw a play. And Sunday afternoon we saw the soccer game.Then Sunday night we all went out for dinner. Marria, her parents,and me. That was the first chance we had totalk. W: Would you knowthis? M: Thats first I was. We didnt saymuch. Mr.

4、 Comona told some good stories about his experiences as adiplomat and he asked about my hobbies. W: And what did yousay? M: Well, I didnt tell him about myflying lessons. I told him about my chess play and my classicalmusic collection. W: Good idea! Her parents reallyapproval of you. Dont they? M: I

5、 guess so. Marria called thismorning and said, My father told me hell like you sunny rightnow W: That was great. M: Not exactly. I want to get marriedafter I graduated school in about three years. Q9: what does theconversation aboutMarrias father? Q10:What does Marria andErik do last Sunday afternoo

6、n? Q11:What do we learn fromMarrias phone call this morning? Conversation 2 M:Youre going to wear out computerskeyboard. W: Oh, hi! M: Do you have any idea what time itis? W: About ten or tenthirty? M: Its merelymidnight. W: Really? I didnt know it was solate. M: Dont you have an early class toteach

7、 tomorrowmorning? W: Yes, at seven oclock, my computerclass. The students go to work right after theirlesson. M: Then you ought to go to bed. What areyou writing anyway? W: An article, I hope I cansell. M:Oh, another view ofnewspaper pieces. Whats this oneabout? W:Do you remember the trip I took las

8、tmonth? M: The one up to theAmazon? W: Well, thats what Im writing about.The new high-way and the changes is making in the Amazonvalley. W:It shouldbe interesting. W:It is. Iguess thats why I forgot all about thetime. M:How many articles have you solvenow? W:About a dozen sofar. M:What kind of newsp

9、apers bythem? W:The paper is carrying a lot of foreignnews. They usually appear in the big Sunday editions where theyneed a lot background stories to help develop the space between theads. M:Is thereany future in it? W: I hope so. Theres a chance I maysell this article to a news service. M:Then your

10、 papers will be published inseveral papers winter. W: thats the idea. And they might evenbe able to do other stories the on a regularbasis. M:That would be great. Q12: what is the womansoccupation? Q13:what is the womanwriting about? Q14:where did the womansarticles usually appear? Q15:what does the

11、 womanexpect? 高校英语四级考试听力部分长对话高校英语四级考试听力1 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.A In a college bookstore. B In a lecture hall. C In a library. D In a domp3itory. 20.A English. B Biology. C Introduction to English Literature. D A required course. 21. A He lives on th

12、e 10th floor of Butler Hall. B He never wants to listen to students. C He used to teach biology. D He is an excellent professor. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22.A When to move. B Where to live the following year. C How much time to spend at home. D Whose hous

13、e to visit. 23. A Take some money to the housing office. B Infomp3 the director of student housing in a letter. C Fill out a fomp3 in the library. D Maintain a high grade average. 24. A Both live on campus. B Both live off campus. C The man lives on campus; the woman lives off campus. D The woman li

14、ves on campus; the man lives off campus. 25. A Grades. B Privacy. C Sports. D Money. Conversation One W: Excuse me, are you going to buy that book? M: Well, I need it for a class but its awfully expensive. W: Oh, we must be in the same class. Introduction to British Literature? M: Yes, thats the one

15、. Were you there yesterday for the first class? W: I sure was. Professor Robert really seems to know his subject. M: Yes, I took his Shakespeare course last semester and it was very good. He likes listening to his students. W: Thats a relief. Im a biology major and I was a little uncertain about tak

16、ing an English course. M: Im an English major and this is a required course. But now Im in trouble because Im not sure I can afford this book. W: Hey, Ive got an idea. Why dont we split the cost and share the book? M: Sounds great. Do you live on campus? W: Yeah, I live on the 10th floor of Butler H

17、all. M: Perfect. I live on the 3rd floor of Butler. We should have no trouble sharing the book. I can bring it up to your room right after I wrap up the assignment. W: Its a deal. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. Where is the conversation most probably taking plac

18、e? 【解析】选A。分析选项发觉四个选项均是由表示方位的介宾短语in+名词构成,表明本题考查的是对地点的推断,我们可以依据行为活动和代表性的词语来推断地点。对话一开头女士的buy that book即表明对话发生在书店内。而图书馆一般与借书、还书有关。 20. Which class are the man and the woman taking together? 【解析】选C。四个选项的内容在录音中都有提及,关键是听清题目问的是男士和女士一起争论的是什么课。回忆女士所说的in the same class和Introduction to English Literature以及男士的确定

19、回答Yes可以得出答案。 21. What does the man think about Professor Robert? 【解析】选D。依据B、C、D可以推断He指的是一个老师或者教授。录音中提到了Professor Robert,女士说Professor Robert really seems to know his subject,男士确定了女士的说法,说Professor Robert的课very good并且喜爱listening to his students,由此可以推断Professor Robert是一个优秀的教授。 Conversation Two M: You sh

20、ould have seen the line at the housing office. It took me an hour to make my domp3itory deposit for next year. Have you made yours yet? W: No, Im not sure Im going to. M: Theres not much time left. The deadlines May 1. That is just two weeks from now. Are you short of cash? W: No, Im Okay. M: Youd b

21、etter hurry up if you want a domp3 room next September. There arent enough rooms for every one, and first year students have priority. W: Well, Ive been thinking about living off campus. M: Have you any idea of how much that would cost? There is the rent, utilities, and youd probably need a car. W:

22、I know it would be more expensive. I think I can handle it though. The domp3 is just so noisy that I cant get anything done. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own. M: You should study in the library the way I do. Think of the money youd save. W: Ive got t

23、o think it over some more. Theres still two weeks left in April. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. What are the speakers discussing? 【解析】选B。对话围围着交下一年的宿舍押金绽开,接着女士说她在考虑搬出校内,由此引发了两人的争论,因此整个对话主要是对话双方争论下一年在哪居住的问题,因此答案选B。 23. What must a person do in order to live i

24、n a university house? 【解析】选A。对话中男士说Youd better hurry up if you want a room next September,而从前面的对话内容(make my domp3itory deposit for next year)可知男士说的hurry up指的是抓紧去交domp3itory deposit,由此可知假如要住学校的房子,就要付一些钱给housing office,故选A。 24. Where do the two speakers live now? 【解析】选A。从对话最终两人谈到在宿舍学习时的状况和住宿舍可以省钱可以推断两

25、人现在都住宿舍,只是女士想搬出宿舍住。 25. What does the man seem to be concerned about? 【解析】选D。从男士的话Think of the money youd save可以推断他关怀的是money,因此答案选D。A Grades是女士关怀的问题。B和C两项对话中未谈及。 高校英语四级考试听力部分长对话高校英语四级考试听力2 19. A) She has packed it in one of her bags. B) She has probably left it in a taxi. C) She id going to get it t

26、he airport. D) She is afraid that she has lost it. 20) A) It ends in winter. B) It will cost her a lot. C) It will last one week. D) It depends on the weather. 21. A) The plane is taking off soon. B) There might be a traffic jam. C) The taxi is waiting for them. D) There is a lot of stuff to pack. 2

27、2. A) At home. B) In the mans car. C) At the airport. D) By the side of a taxi. M: Mary, I hope youre packed and ready to leave. W: Yes, Im packed, but not quite ready. I cant find my passport. M: Your passport? Thats the one thing you mustnt leave behind. W: I know. I havent lost it. Ive packed it,

28、 but I cant remember which bag its in. M: Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on, the taxi is waiting. W: Did you say taxi? I thought we were going in your car. M: Yes, well, I have planned to, but Ill explain later. Youve got to be there in an hour. W: The plane doesnt leave for two hour

29、s. Anyway, Im ready to go now. M: Now, youre taking just one case, is that right? W: No, there is one in the hall as well. M: Gosh, what a lot of stuff! Youre taking enough for a month instead of a week. W: Well, you cant depend on the weather. It might be cold. M: Its never cold in Rome. Certainly

30、not in May. Come on, we really must go. W: Right, were ready. Weve got the bags, Im sure theres no need to rush. M: There is. I asked the taxi driver to wait two minutes, not twenty. W: Look, Im supposed to be going away to relax. Youre making me nervous. M: Well, I want you to relax on holiday, but

31、 you cant relax yet. W: OK, I promise not to relax, at least not until we get to the airport and I find my passport. Questions 19-22 are based on the conversatoin you have just heard. Q19: What does the woman say about her passport? Q20: What do we know about the womans trip? Q21: Why does the man u

32、rge the woman to hurry? Q22: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 答案:19. A)She has packed it in one of her bags. 20. C) It will last one week. 23. A) She is thirsty for promotion. B) She wants a much higher salary. C) She is tired of her present work. D) She wants to save travel exp

33、enses. 24. A) Translator. B) Travel agent. C) Language instructor. D) Environment engineer. 25. A) Lively personality and inquiring mind. B) Communication skills and team spirit. C) Devotion and work efficiency. D) Education and experience. W: Oh, Im fed up with my job. M: Hey, theres a perfect job

34、for you in the paper today. You might be interested. W: Oh, what is it? What do they want? M: Wait a minute. Uh, here it is. The European Space Agency is recruiting translators. W: The European Space Agency? M: Well, thats what it says. They need an English translator to work from French or German.

35、W: So they need a degree in French or German, I suppose. Well, Ive got that. Whats more, I have plenty of experience. What else are they asking for? M: Just that. A university degree and three or four years of experience as a translator in a professional environment. They also say the person should

36、have a lively and inquiring mind, effective communication skills and the ability to work individually or as a part of the team. W: Well, if I stay at my present job much longer, I wont have any mind or skills left. By the way, what about salary? I just hope it isnt lower than what I get now. M: Its

37、said to be negotiable. It depends on the applicants education and experience. In addition to basic salary, theres a list of extra benefits. Have a look yourself. W: Hm, travel and social security plus relocation expenses are paid. Hey, this isnt bad. I really want the job. Questions 23-25 are based

38、on the conversatoin you have just heard. Q23: Why is the woman trying to find a new job? Q24: What position is being advertised in the paper? Q25: What are the key factors that determine the salary of the new position? 答案:23. C) She is tired of her present work. 24. A) Translator. 25. D) Education and experience. 21. B) The taxi is waiting for them. 22. A) At home. 看过高校英语四级考试听力部分长对话高校英语四级考试听力的相关学问的人还看了: 1.高校生英语四级考试听力 2.高校英语四级考试听力真题原文 3.2021高校英语4级听力材料 4.高校生英语四级考试听力(3) 5.高校英语4级听力训练 6.高校英语4级听力材料 第 12 页 共 12 页

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