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1、天津工业大学毕业论文中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析(申请文学学士学位 )院别:外国语学院专业:英语学生:王静楠指导教师:王彤职称:讲师天津工业大学外国语学院2014年6月A contrastive Analysis of Table Manners andCulture between China and WesternCountriesA Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements forthe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsWang JingnanUnder the Supervision

2、 ofWang TongForeign Languages CollegeTianjin Polytechnic UniversityJune 2014天津工业大学学士学位论文ContentsAcknowledgementsAbstracti天津工业大学学士学位论文#天津工业大学学士学位论文IntroductionChapter 1 Comparison of the Different Performance of Table Manners betweenChinese and Western countries1.1 The Different Seating Arrangement1.

3、2 The Different Dinner Atmosphere1.3 The Different Dinner EtiquetteChapter 2 General View of Brand and Brand Names2.1 The Different Drinking Etiquette2.2 The Different Drinking PurposeChapter 3 Comparison of Different Dietary Culture between China and WesternCountiesConclusion10Works CitedAcknowledg

4、ementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me with this thesis. I really appreciate and thank for the help of my supervisor, Ms Wang, without her help and valuable in structi ons I can hardly complete this thesis. She patie ntly read every sentence of my humble article and ga

5、ve in spiri ng advice to me. Not only should I tha nk for her kind assista nee, also and more importa ntly I should lear n her dilige nt and hardwork ing attitude. I also want to give my special tha nks to all the professors in Foreig n Lan guage College, who have taught me precious academic kno wle

6、dge and useful skills, so I can successfully complete this paper. All in all, I would love to say that sky is the limit to all the gratitude I want to show to all the gen erous and kind peoples who have bee n help ing and support ing me without any compla in ts.#天津工业大学学士学位论文AbstractWith the con sta

7、nt developme nt of global economy, the relati on betwee n Chi na and Western coun tries is gett ing more and more closely conn ected regard ing to politics, economy and culture. There is no doubt that etiquette plays an importa nt role. And the dining table is one of the most important places where

8、good manners are displayed. But great differe nee still exists betwee n China and Wester n table mann ers, because of the differe nces in culture, history, customs and n ati onal character. People tend to show their best sides to others and avoid cultural con flicts. More atte nti on should be paid

9、on the differe nee betwee n Chi na Western table mann ers. But also they can com muni cate with other efficie ntly. Not only can people show that they are well-educated with the kno wledge of the customs and dece nt and elega nt behavior in a banq uet, but also can they efficie ntly and smoothly com

10、 muni cate with others. When dining with foreigners, people will avoid conflicts with rich knowledge of the differenee between Chinese and Western table manners. Great differenee exists betwee n Chi na and Western coun tries in table mann ers. The research of the differe nee between Chinese and West

11、ern table manners will help people to learn Ianguage culture and improve the ability of com muni cati on in cross-culture practice.Key words: Table mann ers; table culture; Chi na and the West3天津工业大学学士学位论文随着经济全球化的不断发展,中国和西方国家在政治,经济和文化方面的关系变得 越来越密切。毫无疑问的是礼仪起着非常重要的作用。而餐桌又是展示礼仪最重要 的地方之一。但由于文化,历史,风俗习惯和民

12、族性格的不同,中西方餐桌礼仪有 很多的差异。在沟通的过程中,为了避免冲突,人们将展示他们最好的一面。每一 个人都应该更加重视中西方餐桌礼仪的差异。人们应该了解一些必要的风俗习惯, 注意行为举止要得体而优雅,在展示人们高素质的同时也能够促进人们之间的有效 沟通。了解中西方餐桌礼仪的差异可以使我们在于外宾用餐时避免出现文化冲突。 研究中西方餐桌礼仪差异可以帮助人们在学习语言文化的同时改善跨文化的沟通 能力。关键词:餐桌礼仪;餐桌文化;中西方#天津工业大学学士学位论文IntroductionWith the constant development of global economy, the re

13、lation between China and Western countries is getting more and more closely connected regarding to politics, economy and culture. But great differenee still exists between China and Western table mann ers, because of the differe nces in culture, history, customs and n ati onal character. Table manne

14、rs reflect the differe nces betwee n Chi na and western coun tries whether on seati ng, dining atmosphere, drinking etiquette, drinking purpose or diet culture. As culture differs among different countries, the thinking model is clearly different between China and Wester n coun tries. The Wester n w

15、ould be in cli ned to logic and an alyze, but the East is emphasize one' intuition. The different table manner between China and Western is an importa nt part of the differe nces betwee n China and Wester n in culture. Ani mal husba ndry culture and sea culture is the wester n traditi onal cultu

16、re, but Chin ese traditi onal culture is farmi ng culture. Two differe nt cultures reflect differe nt life-styles. Knowing the differe nces people can easily un dersta nd the culture of each other. Confron ti ng the differe nces, people shall fully un dersta nd and respect their habits and culture,

17、and should remember that every culture is equal and there is no one prior to the other. Thus we can dece ntly com muni cate with each other. Only recognizing cultural differences between China and western coun tries and maki ng a reas on able and effective in tegrati on, can we establish a social cu

18、ltural etiquette system of con temporary Chi na and reach the ideal harm onious society.1A contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western CountriesChapter 1 Comparison of the Different Performance of TableManners between Chinese and Western countriesHuman diet is closely

19、 related to the living environment. What to eat?” is connected to the living environment, but the matter of “ Howto eat?” such as cooking, tableware and a series of table manners can reflect the different social life styles. In modern society, etiquette is everywhere. In additi on to the professi on

20、al etiquette in daily life, most people often ignore the dinner etiquette. Actually having dinner satisfies people's physiological n eeds, as well as en riches their social experie nee. Table manners are very importa nt for us which occupy a very importa nt positi on in Chin ese life style. Un d

21、ersta nding the differe nt requireme nts in etiquette can not on ly help them avoid being rude to others, but also make them behave elega ntly at the table.1.1 The Different Seating ArrangementAccord ing to Chin ese table mann ers, the arra ngeme nt of seats embodies honor. The seats are arran ged a

22、ccord ing to his/her age or social sta nding. There is a an cie nt Chin ese custom of “Takingthe right for upper ” which means that the right seat is just for the most respectful people for the distinguished guest or for the eldest member of a family. Nowadays, people are in flue need by this tradit

23、i on whe n they choose seats in a meet ing or other social activitiestake the right for uppers. In the Chin ese banq uets, people prefer to choose round table. The aged, who are considered to be distinguished guests, sits in the upper seat while the host will sit n ext to them. The aged guests will

24、sit in seque nee. But if there are two or more tha n two tables in a restaura nt or in a hall, the main table will be take n both by the host and hostess. The social status of these people decides how far they sit from the main tables. More importa nt people sit n earer to the main table, which is s

25、ta ndardized. The status of those people who seat at the right table is higher tha n those who seat at the left. Sometimes the main table is in the cen ter of the hall.For example, if there is one table in a restaura nt or in a hall, people usually sit accordi ng to this picture. And the nu mber mea

26、ns the status of the seat.1#天津工业大学学士学位论文2378910654DoorAccord ing to the western table mann ers, the hostess will make a speech of welcome whe n the table is set and food is prepared, the host will guide the gusts to their seats in tur n. On some occasi ons, the cards with the last n ames of the gues

27、ts will be put on the table except whe n there are more tha n on guests with the same sur name. Un der the situati on“ MWhite ” and “ Mr. Jimmy White ” will be print on the camdko the distinction. If there are no seating cards, the hostesswill show the guests the correct seats. “Irthe western coun t

28、ries, people will choose a long table in a banq uet. Mean while right is supposed to be honor and left to be low status. The host and hostess sit together in the middle of the guests with the gen tleme n sit n ear the host and the ladies n ear the hostess, others will follow the seque nee. In casual

29、 parties, ladies always go first. Men should always sit on the left with wome n on the right away from the passageway whe n dining together. And the man shall let the woma n sit in side. Two couples eati ng together, ladies shall sit aga inst the wall in front of their husba nds. Two men and a woma

30、n eat together, the men shall ask the woma n to sit in the middle. Two people dine together, the older sits in side of the table well as men should help the ladies move the chairs and sit after the ladies.”1.2 The Different Dinner AtmosphereThe biggest differe nee of dining atmosphere betwee n Chin

31、ese and wester n coun tries is that Chin ese sound more no isy but wester ners tend to be quieter. Whe n sitti ng at a table, most Chin ese are voluble, cari ng and atte ntive, they like pick ing food mutually, advis ing dishesfor each other, toasting and enjoying delicious food. Only lively atmosph

32、ere can reflect master ' s enthusiasm and sincerity.In china, sitting at a table together means reunion, they will talk together, and if you don' yobarkiwiighbors will be considered impolite.Although it is not a good way from the perspective of health, it con forms to Chin ese people ' s

33、 gen eral state of m-hdppy. It is a better way for com muni cati on. But be careful to speak or behave with propriety and etiquette and avoid men ti oning things about other privacy or someth ing shallow, vulgar or some topics that other guests are not in terested in.Of course, wester ners also talk

34、 with others at the table, and they should con trol the voice so as not to affect other people. But they don' t talk to much personal problems, becausethey think that it is impolite. Westernersalways concentrate on cutting the food on the plate at table quietly. Every one ' food is in front

35、of them, they can help themselves.Every one hav ing his own food is regarded as in differe nt by Chin ese but wester ners think it is healthful and civilized1.3 The Different Dinner EtiquetteBoth Chin ese and wester ners pay more atte nti on to table mann ers. In Chi na, the guests begin their meal

36、after the hosts toast. When you are talking with others, put down chopsticks otherwise it will be regarded as impolite. And don' t put the chopsticks uprightin the rice, because it is only used in shri ne of the dead time. At Chin ese dinner table, the chopsticks should put orderly at the right

37、side of the bowl, and leave after the host sig nals to leave. Hosts should sig nal after all the guests put dow n their chopsticks.In the Wester n coun tries, the guests would put all the plates up together so that others know don' t take any leftover uni ess you are in public restaura nts, eve

38、n the host shall not keepthey have fini shed the dinner. Here are some tips for you: donw lused plates orasking the guests to take home; don' t put your napkin casually on the table near your plates uni ess you fini shed your meal, otherwise, put the n apk in on your chair in stead; rise fromthe

39、 table after the host and hostess to show respect to them; don' t stay too long aftfini shed the desert or other after-d inner food. The party who first wished to end the eve nt should rise and say somethi ng like,eThisihuhsdo nice eve ning. We hope we can ”see you aga in soon.Chapter 2 General

40、View of Brand and Brand NamesWine is regarded as the precious gift God gives huma n beings and it plays an importa nt role in people ' daily life. With different lifestyle, drinking history, wine traditions and some specific social criteria, and the wine culture hold different meaning in differe

41、nt coun tries. There are many similarities and differe nee in wine culture betwee n the Easter n and the Western, understanding them not only can help people succeed in intercultural com muni catio n but also can improve the un dersta nding of the history and culture.2.1 The Different Drinking Etiqu

42、etteThe drinking etiquette is absolutely different between China and Western countries. Perhapsthe greatest differenee lays to strongly demanding others to drink in a banquet.The Chin ese are so good at urging others to drink that it would be much more alive for a group of Chin ese to get together.

43、Though trying their best to ask others to drink not seems good, it actually stands for Chinese people' s hospitality. China has this tradition of urgingothers to drink long time ago. A Chinese would say he/she can' t drink before dinner wthe host would in sist on ask ing them to drink to sho

44、w their hospitality. Moreover, Chin ese would pay special atte nti on to propose a toast which has a special traditi on too and canbroke n. The host starts the first toast to welcome the guests, the n the guests retur n the toast in excha nge to tha nk the host, at last the gusts can propose toast t

45、o each other. The order to propose a toast also depe nds on their age and social status. Gen erally speak ing, the toasts have to be proposed among almost every one in the banq uet and followi ng strict custom rules. Because the in flue nee of Chin ese traditi onal culture, every one would make thei

46、r cups to be lower tha n others to show their humility. And in some regi ons of China, people also make their cups knocking table gen tle to show their respect to others at the table.In the Western coun tries, people are very particular about being democratic and feeli ng free, so they will not urge

47、 or persuade others to do things at a banquet. They will serve themselves to drink whe n they want to and they always eat freely and in depe nden tly. They wouldn ' t make themselves uncomfortable. At a banquet, the host will not push the guest to drink uni ess he/she wan ts to. Whe n Westerners

48、take a party to drink together, the host would propose a toast to welcome the guests and hope they will enjoy the party. Special atte nti on is paid on wi ne tast ing for the Westerners. They usually pour not much wine to the cup so they can enjoy the fragra nee and great color of the wine.2.2 The D

49、ifferent Drinking PurposeBoth Chin ese and wester ners love drinking wi ne, but the differe nt cultures cause differe nt drinking purpose. In gen eral, Chin ese drink wine with strong utilitaria n, ofte n drinking for a special purpose. As the contrast, westerners tend to enjoy the tasty when they a

50、re drinking.In china, drinking is ofte n used as a tool of develop ing pers onal relati on ship. Whe n people want to do someth ing together with others, drinking is the most useful tool to help him to un dersta nd others. Chin ese believe that duri ng drinking, especially whe n drinking white spiri

51、t, people express their feelings more easily. Ou Yangxiu(Beisong Dynasty) has a famous say ing in his essay“ Man is not in terested in drinking wine but in appreciati ng thebeautiful sce nery betwee n the hills and water.” Whe n people deal with bus in ess or politicn egotiati ons or other importa n

52、t issues, drinking can ease the tense atmospherea nd give people more time to thi nk coun termeasuresi n the fast cha nging situati ons. People thi nk that all the feeli ngs can be expressed through drinking no matter happy or not, successful or un successful, collective or separate. Chin ese always

53、 prefer to express and release their feeli ngs through drinking and also get resp onse in this way.For wester ners, drinking is only for relax and seek ing pursu ing pers onal pleasure and they scarcely drink for express ing feeli ngs no matter happy or not. The drinking purpose of the wester ners i

54、s very simple enjoys the wi ne and drinking. Certa in ly, wester ners will also drink together to have in terpers onal com muni cati on, but people care more about enjoying the taste of wi ne.5天津工业大学学士学位论文Chapter 3 Comparison of Different Dietary Culture between China and Western CountiesThe culture

55、 differe nee betwee n Chi na and the West leads to the differe nee of Chin ese and Western table manners. And the differences are caused by different think models between China and western countries. Chinese pay attention to “ onenesof man and nature ” , but westerners focus on peoplented.In chi na,

56、 as the say ing goes“ Food is the basic of the people; security is the basic offood. ”So Chinese attach great importanee to the diet. For Chinese, cooking is art, they attracted by cooking ' s recreatiand fun. Chinese food is complicated, many dishes are time-c onsumin g, it is the waste of raw

57、materials and the effect is not really good. Chin ese cook ing is all a matter of experie nee and feeli ngs. For example,“ Yuxia ng shreddeddiffere nt restaura nts have differe nt taste, and maybe the same dish is differe nt because of differe nt seas on s,differe nt occasi ons and differe nt ide nt

58、ity of customers. It reflects the fuzz in ess thinking mode of Chin ese. The product ion process of the Wester n diet emphasizes sta ndardized and scie ntific, in strict accorda nee with the requireme nts of the scie ntific norm in the whole process of cook ing, the requireme nts of in gredie nts, s

59、eas oning and cook ing time is very accurate. So there is a bala nee, liquid measuri ng cup, timer, and scale pan in the kitche n, eon dime nt shelves are lined with doze ns of seas oning bottle n eat and un iform size, like a chemical laboratory. When people want to taste the local food in differen

60、t places, certainly no one would choose like KFC and McDonald' food, so the taste of KFC is same over the world. But it reflects the Westerners focus on empirical and the characteristics of the way of thi nki ng in Western.Both China and western eountries have the order of serving which cannot b

61、e disrupted. In Chi na, the first dishes are cold dishes, beverage and wi ne, the n the hot dishes, n ext staple food, sweets and fruit at last. And Western serv ing steps are usually like this: bread and butter, cold dishes, soup, sea food, main course, dessert, coffee and fruit. They eat the cold

62、dishes, soup and bread at the same time. Cold dishes also known as appetizer dish, served as the first course usually with an aperitif. And soup in eludes sta ins soup and cream soup. The main course has fish, pork, beef and chicke n and so on. Dissert usually has ice-cream, pudd ing etc.In China, h

63、osts would prepare a lot of food for guests before dining, and people can eat up all the food, but guests think this is a way to show their en thusiasm. But the guests always say “therds little to eat, please make it for eating. 6r “thisfood is not very delicious, enjoy yourself. A'd when guests

64、 having food, hosts always use their own chopsticks to pick up food for guests, they think it is one way to make guests feel the warm from them .In western coun tries, the hosts n ever prepare too much food, and they n ever serve more tha n 6 dishes before the dining. The hosts hope their guests can

65、 eat up their food, because they thi nk it means they like their food. Of course, it will make the hosts very happy.In gen eral, Chin ese have little con cept of time, they ofte n be late for dinner more tha n 30min tues, but the hosts think it is very com mon and do not care too much. But for wester ners, they thi nk time is precious. In western coun tries, formal parties request arrive on time, and can' be late more than 10 minutes, otherwise, it will be considered not respect the host and other guests.7天津工业大学学士学位论文ConclusionAs there are diff

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