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1、.单词拼写1Never leave b_unattended when you are at the railway station.【答案】baggage2His illness is the c_of overwork.高考资源网【答案】consequence3Will it be c_for you to meet us tomorrow?【答案】convenient4The army o_the whole country and they killed a lot of local residents.【答案】occupied5We have to a_that she is goo

2、d at her job.【答案】admit6It is their _(责任) to ensure that the rules are enforced.【答案】responsibility7She had an a_(争吵) with her husband last weekend.【答案】argument8I am surprised that you have got an unfavorable_(印象) of him.【答案】impression9Maria is very_(敏感) to what people think of her.【答案】sensitive10The

3、seller would_(感激) it if you paid in cash.【答案】appreciate高考¥资%源网.短语运用on average;be addicted to;go up;stress out;take place;so far;pull out;rely on;argue about;begin with11Great changes_in my hometown these years.【答案】have taken place12Luckily,we arrived before the train_of the station.【答案】pulled out13T

4、here are 400 visitors to the park_every day.【答案】on average14Its said that the price of cars_by 3% next week.【答案】will go up15This is the best film I have seen_.【答案】so far16Children are easy to_computer games.【答案】be addicted to17If one always_others,he will never be independent.【答案】relies on18Its real

5、ly a problem worth_.【答案】arguing about19Both your first name and mine_the letter “L”【答案】begin with20Rob looks so_since he started his new job.【答案】stressed out.句子翻译21从现在起你不必在这儿工作了,换句话说,你被解雇了。(word)From now on you neednt work here._ _ _,you are fired.【答案】In other words22那男孩因为他的没有礼貌而受到了他父亲的斥责。(pull)The

6、boy was_ _because of his bad manners.【答案】pulled through23早起锻炼将对你有好处。(benefit)Getting up early and exercising will_ _ _ _you.【答案】be of benefit to24乡村没有公共汽车,结果我们只好步行了。(consequence)There were no buses in the countryside,_ _we had to walk.【答案】in consequence25爸爸对我这次的考试成绩很满意。(content)Dad is_ _my performance this time.【答案】content with

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