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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 2014-2015学年度第二学期学校: 班级: 姓名: 六年级英语三月份月考卷(20分钟完卷) 听力测试为5分钟,笔试部分15分钟,同学们抓紧时间答题哦!听力部分(共30分)一、听音选择。听句子录音,根据所听句子,选择正确单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。(10分)( )1.A.taller B. tallest C. older( )2.A.longer B. shorter C. thinner( )3.A. stronger B. bigger C. younger( )4.A. 41kilograms B.14kilograms C. 40kol

2、igrams( )5.A. size37 B. 1.58metres C. 1.52metres二、听音配对。听句子或对话录音,根据所听的内容,选择与人物相对应的信息,并将其标号写到人物头像下面的括号内,每题读两遍。(10分) Mike Wu Yifan Sarah Chenjie Oliver ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. B. C. D. E. 三、听对话录音,根据对话内容选择正确的选项,并将其标号填到题前的括号内。每组对话读两遍。(10分)( )1. Mike is_than John. A.older B.younger C.bigger( )2.Amy is _ A.t

3、hinner B. bigger C. heavier( )3. Wuyifan wear_ A.size 35 B.size 38 C.size 48( )4. Jim is _than Zhangpeng. A.taller B.stronger C.shorter( )5. Oliver is _than before. A.stronger B.thinner C.smaller笔试部分(共70分)四、字母大、小写转换,在四线三格线上根据大写字母写出相对应的小写字母或根据小写字母写出相对应的大写字母。(20分)1. 2. 五、补全单词并与中文意思配对。选用括号中所给的字母或字母组合补全

4、单词,然后把单词前的序号写在相对应的中文意思下面的括号内。(20分)1.( )str_ nger(A. o B. u) 2.( )y_ _nger(A. ou B. oo)3.( )h_ _vier(A.ai B.ea) 4.( )sm_ ller(A. o B. a)5.( )th_nner(A.i B.e) 更小的更年轻的 更强壮的 更瘦的更重的六、选择填空(20分)( )1. -_ - Im 1.57meters. A. How are you? B. How tall are you? C. How old are you?( )2. -How heavy are you? -_ A.

5、 Im 45kilograms. B. Im 13years old. C. I like it.( )3. - What size are your shoes? -_. A. size38 B.Im 1.59 metres C. Im 38( )4. -_ -Im 13 years old.A. How tall is it? B. How old are you? C. How are you?( )5.- Youre_ than me.A. young B. younger C. youngest( )6. -_ - May be 4 metres. A. How tall is it

6、? B. How tall are you? C. How old are you?( )7. - How old are you? -_A.Im 1.59 metres. B. Im 13years old. C. She is 12.( )8.- It is the _ of all .A.tallest B.taller C. tall( )9. -_ - size36.A.What is it? B.What size are your shoes? C. How old are you?( )10. -_ -Im 55kilograms.A . How heavy are you?

7、B. How old are you? C.You are heavier than me.七、阅读理解。(5个选择题,共10分。) Im Lucy. I have two good friends, Jane and May. Im 13 years old. Jane is two years younger than me, but May is one year older than me. Im 1.64metres tall. Im the shortest among us. Jane is 1.65metres, and May is 1.67metres. Shes the

8、tallest. How heavy are we? Im 42kilograms.Jane is thinner than me, but May is heavier than me. This weekend, we are going to buy some new shoes. I wear size 37.Jane wears size 36 and May wears size 38. Do you want to go with us?( )1. How old is Jane?A. 11 B.15 C.12( )2. Is May the tallest girl? A. Y

9、es, she is B. No, she isnt C.Y es, he is. ( )3. How heavy is Lucy?A. 42kilograms B.41kilograms C.43kilograms ( )4. Is May thinner than Lucy? A. No, she isnt B. Yes, she is C.No, he isnt( )5.What size are Janes shoes? A. size 38 B.size37 C.size32014-2015学年度第二学期小学英语六年级月考卷听力材料一、听音选择。听单词或词组录音,选出所听到的字母、单

10、词、词组或图片,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。1.Mike is the tallest student in our class.2.Your pencil is longer than mine.3. Sarah is 12 years old. she is younger than John.4.A:How heavy are you? B:Im 41 kilograms.5.A: How tall are you? B: Im 1.58metres.二、听音配对。听句子录音,根据所听的内容,选择与人物相对应的信息,并将其标号写到人物头像下面的括号内,每题读两遍。1.Mike

11、, your apple is much bigger than my strawberry.2. Im Wuyifan. this is a picture of my mother. she is heavier than before.3. Im Sarah. look, my little brother is younger than my grandfather.4.Im Chenjie, my red skirt is shorter than the blue one.5.Oliver, look! the giraffe is much taller than the ele

12、phant.三、听对话录音,根据对话内容选择正确的选项,并将其标号填到题前的括号内。每组对话读两遍。(10分)1. A: Mike, how old are you? B:I m 12 years old. How old are you,John? A:Im 13.2.A: Amy, how heavy are you? B: Im 54kilograms. A:oh, you are thinner.3.A:What size are you shoes. Wuyifan? B: My shoes are size 38.4.A: Zhangpeng, how tall are you? B: Im 1.65metres. what about you, Jim A: Im 1.60metres. Im shorter.5.A: Hey, Oliver. long time no see.You look stronger than before. B: Yes, and I think I should do more exercise.答案:一.BACAB 二. DEACB 三.AABCA五AABBA 4 2 1 5 3六BAABB ABABA 七A专心-专注-专业

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