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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 3a-3c教学设计Teacher: Wang Zhi Jian Class: Class 1 Grade 9 Date: March7th,2018一、Teaching aims(教学目标):1. K no wledge objectives:Master some words and about un expected eve nts, use them to write some senten ces.2. Ability objectives:Lead the stude nts to t

2、alk and write somethi ng about un expected eve nts .3. Functions(功能):能讲述过去发生的事情。1).As I was wait ing in line with the other office workers , I heard a loud sound .2).By the time I got to the airport, my pla ne to New Zeala nd had already take n off.4. Grammar(语法):能正确使用由whenbeforeasby the time引导的时间状语

3、 从句表示过去发生的事情。As I was waiting in line with the other office workers , I heard a loud sound .5. Words:block,worker,above,burn ,alive,airport,till,west.Useful expressions: be about to in line with .二、 学情分析:我校是一所薄弱的农村中学(今年刚配置多媒体录播室),学生的英语基础差、底子薄,家庭环境(学习英语的条件)一般,学生学习英语的氛围不够浓厚。因此,上好一节阅读课型的英语课必须克服各种困难(听、说

4、、读、写、综合运用等等)。三、 教学内容分析:Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 3a-3c是阅读学习板块。3a提供的阅读语篇是一篇两段式按时间顺序叙述的记叙文。语篇讲述了作者从两件意 想不到的突发事件中转危为安的两个小故事。3a要求学生快速阅读,掌握文章大意,回答作者幸免于哪两场灾难,以及如何幸免于灾难的问题。3b要求学生从找出所给词语的反义词并造句,是对词汇的考察。3c要求学生利用所给的重点词汇复述事件内容,该活动既能检测学生对文章大意的掌握,还能训练学生 的语言组织能力和表达能力。四、The important points

5、 and difficult points:How to use some words and senten ces to write a compositi on .五、Teach ing aids: multimedia and the blackboard .六、Teachi ng time:One period .七、Teaching steps(教学环节与活动):Step1:Warm-up and lead -in.Ask some stude nts free talk about the un expected eve nts.e.g. A: The moment I arriv

6、ed at the library, I found my key left home.B: Im sorry to hear that.Step 2: Read ing .1.Show the students a video about 9.11”. “2. Do some Liste ning .3. Reading:3a.Read the passage and answer the questions.教师给学生做阅读指导:要求学生快速阅读全文,注意描述事件的词块(lexical chunks),有助于整篇文章的理解。1. Which two eve nts does the wri

7、ter men ti on?The writer mentions the September 11 attack(“9事件T加New York and theearthquake in New Zeala nd.2. How did the writer end up miss ing both eve nts?The writer went to get a coffee first and was not in the office when the plane hit theWorld Trade Ce nter.He had overslept and missed his flig

8、ht, so he was able to avoid the earthquake.教师先要求学生找出词块(lexical chunks),然后再介绍词块(lexical chunks)1.I was about to go up whe n I decided to get a coffee first.be about to忙于;即将做某事(侧重于表示动作马上就要发生),常与when引导的从句连用,但不与具体的时间状语连用。e.g.我的一个朋友马 上就要生第二个小孩了。One of my friends be about to have her second baby.2.As I wa

9、s wait ing in line with other office workerswaiting in line with与 .排队等候拓展:sta nd in line with站成一排,cut in line插队e.g.你应该与其他女孩站成一排。You should sta nd in line with the other girls .3.We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning buildi ng.stare v.盯着看, 凝视 (表示看得比较仔细, 有时候也带有吃惊的意味去 看, 常与

10、at, into连用。)e.g.别那样盯着我看。Don stare at me like that.in disbelief不相信,疑惑,怀疑e.g.她全然不信地看着他。She looked at him in disbelief .aboveprep.1)(表示位置)在 正上方;高于”(与below相对)。e.g.他将双手举过头顶。He lifted his hands above his head.2) adv.在上面e.g.见上面例子。See the examples give n above .bur nv.着火,燃烧(bur nt, bur nt / bur ned, bur ned

11、)burning adj.着火的;燃烧的e.g.他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。He was trapped in a burni ng house.阅读技巧小结:巧记词块:借助句子(例子)记词块!Step3:practice:中考链接(2017年汕头市)Step 4:Ask the students finish 3b.e.g :west-east(adv.向西,朝西adj.向西的,西部的n.西,西方)lost- found; below-above; dead- alive; empty-fullStep5 Retell:3c.Retell one of the events to your p

12、artner.Use these words and phrases to help you.stare, in disbelief, take off, unexpected, burn, above, alive, till / until, arrive at, be aboutto, eve n thoughStep 6:Summary.1、Words: block,worker,above,burn ,alive,airport,till,west2、Useful expressions: be about to, in line with3、Sentences:1).As I wa

13、s wait ing in line with the other office workers , I heard a loud sound .2).By the time I got to the airport, my pla ne to New Zeala nd had already take n off.Step7:Homework.1、Recall the unexpectedin your daily life and try to tell them to your friends in En glish.e.g. Once I wasyears old2、完成同步导学与优化

14、训练P119-P120八、教学资源:(节选2017年汕头市中考卷)A. a book reviewB. a scie nee bookC. A school report D. a computer阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子 的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。BPeople often think of the North Pole and the South Pole as similar frozen (冰凉)wastelands.They are both places with very cold temperatures and

15、 few people live there.However,the North and South Poles are not much alike as people may imag ine. TheNorth Pole has no land,only thick ice. Temperatures seldom go above 32 F, at whichwater turns in to ice. Most of the time, it stays below zero. In win ter temperatures areusually as low as -30 F.Al

16、though conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reach the NorthPole. About 100 years ago, two men, Robert Peary and Mathew Henson, were able toget to this environment full of troubles and difficulties. They reached the North Pole onMarch 8th,1909.lt was really a hard trip for th

17、em.There are few things more dangerous than crossing the Arctic(北极圈)on foot. Peoplewho stayed there may face many problems:very cold temperatures,sudde n storms, andeve n hun ger. Most of the area is_ unin habited. Few people can live in such a difficultplace.People might think that with such low te

18、mperatures for most of the year, the ice would bethick and hard. However, this is not true in the Arctic. The movement of the ocea n waterun der the ice may ofte n cause many differe nt cha ngeso n the surface. Sometimes theice breaks into two opening lanes of water called“leadsAnyone who falls into

19、 a lead canbe frozen to death in a few minutes.61._ This passages is probably from.magaz ine62. Accord ing to the passage, what happe ned about 100 years ago ?A. Two men succeeded in getting to the North PoleB. Temperatures in the North Pole went above 32 FC. The en vir onment in the North Pole sudd

20、e nly became worseD. The North Pole changed into thick ice because of the temperatures.九、教学评价:两镇中学课程改革实验课堂教学评价表教师王志坚科目英语年级初三级时间2018.3.7课题Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 3a-3c评价 类别评价项目评价内容(每项 10 分)定量评价教 师 行 为(一)教材处理1、目标设置符合课程标准要求,符合教材和学生实际,贯穿教学全程。102、创造性地使用教材,突岀重点,突破难点,抓住关键。10(二)3、面

21、向全体学生,体现差异,因材施教。10组织教学4、学法指导有效,情境创设合理,组织有序,引导得法。105、教学民主、尊重、理解、激励学生,师生互动,反馈与调控及时。106、教学基本功扎实。9学 生 行 为(三)学习状态7、专注、投入、参与面广,主体地位充分体现。93、思维活跃,能质疑问难,有自主学习、主动探究和合作交流的过程现。10(四)学习效果9、达到预期学习目标,有成功体验。910、学生会学,学习主动,思维活动有深度,情感交流充分。9教学特色教学有特色,体现创新意识。加分(1 5 分)2定量评价总分98评课 意 见该师教学基本功扎实,教学目标符合教材和学生实际,贯穿教学全程;抓住关键,突出 重点和难点,有创造性地使用教材;课堂教学中,该师能面向全体学生,因材施教,合理地创 设情境,组织有序,引导得法,反馈与调控及时,师生互动氛围好,尊重、理解并激励学生, 学生的主体地位得到充分体现,参与面广,学生能自主学习、主动探究和合作交流的学习过程; 学生主动学习,情感交流充分,达到预期目标,收到良好的教学效果;分组教学有特色,具有 借鉴和推广意义。两镇中学英语教研组2018.3.7

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