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1、AbstractUncle Toms Cabin is a literary work depicting the life of the American slaves, the sin and darkness of slavery. It is based on the real life of the black slaves in the United states and exposed the cruel nature of slavery. The book and the various scripts adapted had a great influence of the

2、 United States at the time, and its considered to be a major cause of the rise of the abolition movement. Although the author describes the brutal and inhuman slavery and its struggle with some representative figures, there is a thing that always touched the reader behind the cruel slavery, which is

3、 love, all kinds of love. The great love of Eliza to her son little Harry; the strong and deep love of Claire for his daughter Eva; the sweet and innocent love of children, especially Eva for the suffering of the slaves, for Tom and Topsy; the board love of Tom like Jesus to everyone. The author exp

4、ects to use the light of love, the glory of humanity to awaken peoples sympathy. It is these different love that confirms an undeniable fact: no matter how dark the world, love can give freedom and bring warmth. It is the fundamental to human survival and the hope of life.Key Words: parents love; ch

5、ildren love; Christians love摘 要汤姆叔叔的小屋是一部描绘美国黑奴生活,控诉奴隶制罪恶和黑暗的文学作品,它取材于美国黑奴的现实生活,深刻地揭露奴隶制残酷的本质。这本书及之后受其启发而写出的各种剧本在当时的美国影响巨大,被认为是刺激废奴运动兴起的一大原因。作者虽然用一些代表人物表现了奴隶制的惨无人道及对它的抗争。但在残忍的奴隶制背后,有一种东西始终感动着读者,那就是爱,各种各样的爱。伊丽莎对小哈里伟大而感人至深的母爱;克莱亚对伊娃深沉而强烈的父爱;伊娃善良而纯洁的童真的爱;汤姆如耶稣般的博爱以及对主人的赤胆忠心。作者以期用这种爱的光芒,人性的光辉去唤醒人们的恻隐之心,

6、也正是这些不同的爱印证了一个不可否认的事实:无论世界多么黑暗,爱能给予自由能带来温暖,它是人类生存的根本,生活得希望。关键字:父母的爱;童真的爱;耶稣般的爱ContentTOC o 1-3 h z u 1. Introduction 11.1 Introduction of Harriet Beecher Stowe 11.2 Introduction of Uncle Toms Cabin 22. Descriptions of Life of Slaves in Uncle Toms Cabin 32.1 Descriptions of the Separation of Salves 4

7、2.2Descriptions of the Relationship between Slaves and Master 43. Analysis of love in Uncle Toms Cabin 43.1 The Great and Deep Love of Parents 53.1.1The Great Maternal Love of Eliza to Harry 53.1.2 The Deep Paternal Love of Clare to Eva 63.2 The Sweet and Innocent Love of Children 73.2.1 Eva and Unc

8、le Tom 73.2.2 Eva and Topsy 83.2.3 Eva and Slaves 93.3 The Board Love of Christian 103.3.1 The Implication of Love in Christian 103.3.2 The performance of Toms Broad Love 114. Power of Love in Uncle Toms Cabin 124.1 Love Can Get Free 124.2 Love Can Get Warm 135. Conclusion 13Bibliography 151. Introd

9、uctionIn the middle of the nineteenth Century, Shelby, a native of Kentucky, in the north of the United States, had a black slave who was loyal to the owners interests and called him uncle Tom. The owner went bankrupt because of speculation in the stock market failure, and the owner had to sold the

10、ten black slaves including Tom to the slave trader Haley in case the proposal. All of them back to the south by boat. A little girl had an incurable disease in the ship who especially love uncle Tom singing, firmly asked her father Clare bought the uncle Tom. Because St. Clare advocated that freed t

11、he slaves, Legree and other slave owners hate Clare and they killed him secretly. Since then uncle Tom fall into the hands of the slave trader Legree again. Uncle Tom wanted to save for the slave female who acts as a plaything of Legree, and he was hit by a car was fatally injured. At the very last

12、moment of his life, he finally realized the truth that only struggle can be free. He urged the slaves to leave the hell on earth as soon as possible. So slaves were smashed open locks with the help of whites, and the fight against Legree. When Uncle Tom lay in his hut, seeing the Legree failed, thei

13、r black compatriots can win, and there are many white people on their side, he finally leave the world with infinitely gratified.1.1 Introduction of Harriet Beecher StoweHarriet Beecher Stowe is an American writer, the author of famous novel Uncle Toms Cabin .She was born on June 14, 1811 in North A

14、merica, a famous priest family, died in 1896. The civil war, which also named the liberation war, was carried out in 1860s. However, since 1820s, the problem of slavery has become the central issue of the American public opinion. At that time, many famous American writers stood on the side of the ab

15、olition of slavery, for the liberation of black slaves. Stowe is one of the most outstanding writers in this group of abolitionist.She lost her old mother when she was four years old, and she was educated by her biggest sister, She grew up in Hartford, and later moved to Ohio with her father in Cinc

16、innati, a strong abolitionist emotional state. As a teacher, she actively participated in the activities of literature and education. Cincinnati is just a river from the slave state of Kentucky, where they lived for 18 years and often contacted with runaway slaves. She has also been to the south, to

17、 the tragic life of the slaves. She was in Washingtons national newspaper era writing serial novel Uncle Toms Cabin, Lowly Life, exposing the black slaves in the inhuman treatment, which caused much hate by the southern slave owners but much welcome in the North warmly. The cost of printing books, t

18、he first day of the first year sold three thousand, sold 300 thousand copies, translated into more than 40 languages and later adapted into the script staged a field full every, which greatly promoted the northern abolitionist sentiment. In 1853 she published The Key of Uncle Toms Cabin, listing a l

19、arge number of documents and evidence that the description of Uncle Toms Cabin is real. She went on a trip to Europe in the same year and was warmly praised in England. In 1896, she died in Hartford at the age of 85.1.2 Introduction of Uncle Toms CabinUncle Toms Cabin, the author of American writer

20、Harriet Beecher Stowe , is an anti-slavery novel published in 1852. The novel has a profound influence on the views of African Americans and the American slave system, and in some ways intensifies the regional conflicts that led to the civil war. It is believed to be one of the reasons for the rise

21、of slavery in 1850s.Uncle Toms Cabin tells the story tragedy of a slave named Tom. Uncle Tom was a slave named Shelby in Kentucky, and he is the most faithful , most capable, and faithfully follow the master for many years. But Shelby was in debt, so he took Tom and Elizas son Harry sold for debt. E

22、liza heard and escaped with her son, and on the road met her husband son that they fled to Canada. But Tom was sold to New Orleans, and he saved a little girls life on the way to there. The father of the girl bought Tom as servants. After the little girl died, her father decided to free Tom accordin

23、g to the wish of his daughter. But he hasnt had time to do the legal formalities, he was killed in an accident. Tom fell into a vicious slave hands, and unfortunately Tom finally left the world covered all over with cuts and bruises.The book serialized for the first time in 1852 in the national news

24、paper era Journal that is a small circulation national era, but Uncle Toms Cabin has won tens of thousands of enthusiastic readers. Second years, a small publishing house in Boston decided to publish the book. Printed five thousand copies of the first edition, the first day sold three thousand copie

25、s, and second days sold out. Then reprint, within a week of printed ten thousand copies, also sold out. To print, eight publishing houses of the United States worked day and night to rush out three hundred thousand copies within a year still cannot meet the needs of the readers. At that time almost

26、every literate Americans read this heart thrilling novels. The novel is so great that Lincoln met Stowe and said: you who is a world war triggered a small woman. in the early days of the outbreak of the civil war. Later, this sentence for many writers competing cited. Before too long, Uncle Toms Cab

27、in began to rise to fame in foreign countries. At the same time, Uncle Toms Cabin was adapted into a script and moved onto the stage. Numerous theatrical troupes and countless scripts have been staged all over the world. It also contributed to the emergence of a large number of black stereotypes, wh

28、ich are well known today. For example, kindhearted Mammy, black childrens prototype, and obedience, perseverance and loyalty to the white master uncle Tom.2. Descriptions of Life of Slaves in Uncle Toms CabinThe world of 19th century was very different from the modern world in which everybody has th

29、e equal rights. Everyone is allowed to seek for their freedom and rights. Whats more, the system of slavery is no longer in existence. But in the 19th century, slavery was a justified institution, thought it was inhuman and immoral. Slaveholders were cruel to slaves, and they treated them just as on

30、e kind of property.(Jia 3)From Uncle Toms Cabin, we can know it tells us the story of individuals and families of slaves. In the book, Stowe reveals the evil of slavery by depicting the sexual, physical, and emotional abuse endured by enslaved people. Especially Mrs. Stowe focuses on the separation

31、of family members, and besides, the relationship between slaves and slaveholders is an important thing to depend whether slaves have a better life. The positive relationship or negative is the key for slaves.2.1 Descriptions of the Separation of SalvesWe can know some examples about separation of fa

32、mily members from the book. For example, Tom is sold to the South and separated from his wife and son and Cassy from her daughter. And the separation causes great pains to the slaves.There are some reasons for separation of family in Uncle Toms Cabin. Firstly, the master who is in debt like Mr. Shel

33、by. He is a kind master and dont mistreat his slaves. But when he is in debt, he sells his most honest slave Tom and the son of Eliza. Tom and his family are separated. Whats worse, he is finally beaten by his barbaric master and he and his family being separated forever. Secondly, the death of mast

34、er. After the death of Mr. Clare, his cruel wife sells all the slaves. We all know that St. Clare promised to Tom to set him free. But his wife doesnt keep his promise. And Cassys separation with her daughter is another tragic case. Cassy is separated from her daughter by slavery; she become pregnan

35、t again but kills the child becauseshe can not stand to have another child taken from her.(Zhao 363)2.2Descriptions of the Relationship between Slaves and MasterFrom Toms experience, we can understand that there are two relationships between Slaves and Master. The first one is positive. For example,

36、 Toms relationship with Mr. Shelby and Mr. Clare seems to be good. Mr. Shelby and Mr. Clare trust Tom because Tom is honesty and pious and he respects his masters and does everything for them. They dont abuse Tom and they feel hostility against the blacks. And they also dont want to hurt their slave

37、s so that their slaves love them, too.The second one, however, is negative. In Legrees plantation, the evil of slavery appears in its cruelest form: harsh and barbaric settings, slaves suffer beatings, sexual abuse and even murder. Honest Uncle Tom died under Legree harsh treatment and brutal heat.

38、It can be positively only after the slaves gain their freedom.3. Analysis of love in Uncle Toms CabinUncle Toms Cabin was full of the dark side of society at that time, but through the darkness, I saw the glory of human nature, the light of love. In the face of cruel and dark slavery, humanity has n

39、ot disappeared, and there is always a kind of thing touched and warmed me -love, all kinds of love so that peoples hearts tremble. The great love of Eliza to her son little Harry; the strong and deep love of Claire for his daughter Eva; the sweet and innocent love of children, especially Eva for the

40、 suffering of the slaves, for Tom and Topsy; the board love of Tom like Jesus to everyone. It is these different kinds of lovethat confirm the fact that no matter how dark the world is, love is the foundation of human existence and the hope of life. The novel focuses on the characterization of the t

41、hree main characters: Eliza, Tom, Eva. Among them, Eliza is representative of Stowes character, she represents the spirit of resistance to slavery. In the female body reflects Stowes freedom of belief, namely through the brave struggle to attain their own freedom. But in the process of struggling, s

42、he showed her selfless, great motherly love her child. And Eva who is innocent, pure, and kind, she usually used some words of love and forgiveness to persuade and influence the slaves around so that they believe in the power of love. In the text of the hero Tom, his perseverance, sincerity, kindnes

43、s and self sacrifice. Not only did he endure the pain of slavery, but he always used his love and faith to influence everyone, and finally his cruel master had to respect him.3.1 The Great and Deep Love of ParentsIf we say: love like water, then the father is a mountain. If say: love is a little str

44、eam, then the father is billowing clouds. Parents love is the greatest love in the world. Since we were born, parents began to love us and keep forever. Parental love is a natural love for children, regardless of race, country or skin. It likes the rain. It is the greatest, the oldest, the most prim

45、itive, the greatest, the most wonderful power of our parents. The descriptions of Eliza and Clare in the novel, which is the real interpretation of the great and deep love of parents.3.1.1The Great Maternal Love of Eliza to HarryEliza is representative of Stowes character, and she represents the spi

46、rit of resistance to slavery. She reflects Stowes freedom of belief, namely through the brave struggle to attain her own freedom. But in the process of struggling with slavery, she refused to be surrendered, which also presents her selfless and great maternal love for her child.The kind of holy and

47、great maternal love that Eliza had for all Harry moved me. On the Ohio River, she risked her life with Harry over dangerous ice one by one. She is brave and strong, regardless of personal danger to protect her own little Harry. This kind of courage may be a kind of instinct and impulse. Motherly lov

48、e is great, she is great enough and the sun and moon. There are many descriptions of the tragic scenes, the separation of mother and son in the novel. Slavery let countless families fall apart, which is a system of the most cool-blooded, outrageous in human history. The slave society, between people

49、, especially between the slaves have no love, which the most basic humanity was almost completely buried by the evil of slavery, and its replaced to by cold, cruel and petrified. Even so, the maternal love never faded. No matter how cruel slavery society is, she has been deeply penetrated in the hea

50、rts of her child. She is the childs shelter, the patron saint of solid. Eliza is such a great mother, when the child is at risk of fate were sold, she decided to hold Harry even ifthe risk fell to drown the glacier or caught and killed by the slave trader. She is so determined to protect Harry that

51、she not to let her son fall into the jaws of death.(Zhao 47) The love of sacrificing herself is so deeply moving that it likes a huge flame to light up the childs direction, and warmed his cold heart.3.1.2 The Deep Paternal Love of Clare to EvaFather, is the worlds most sincere and deep emotion. Pat

52、ernal love is a fire, in a world of ice and snow give us warm; paternal love is a tree, with the body to keep out wind and rain for us; paternal love is a lamp, in the growth of the road for our direction.Augustin St. Clare is Toms second owner. He is a good natured and self indulgent man, but most

53、of all, he has a heart that loves his daughter. First, he respects Eva. In a drowning accident, Tom saved Evas life, and then Eva asked her father to buy Tom . Originally, Clare can refuse, but Evas word I want to make him happy.(Zhao 147) that the new reason make Clare buy Tom.In fact, this is a re

54、sult to the satisfaction of all. Besides, he understood Eva. Eva is good and pure. She is a strange child in her mothers eyes, but she is a little angel in the eyes of Clare. He understood her thoughtfulness with slaves; he understood her persistence in Topsy; he understood her belief that she insis

55、ted on making Tom free before dying. We usually say: paternal love is not so considerate and everywhere,but he is buried in the bottom of my heart. Clare is so, with respect and understanding to deeply love the little angel Eva.3.2 The Sweet and Innocent Love of ChildrenThe book also describes a typ

56、ical example of the existence of an angel Eva. Eva is poured into humanity and religious feelings by Stowe sincerely. Her name is Evangeline St. Clare , which contains the “evangel meaning. As his father St. Clare said: Evangeline, you are really worthy of the name! Arent you the gospel of God?(Zhao

57、 179) However, he was only right a small part. For Eva was not only his gospel, but also the gospel of Uncle Tom, and the slaves who met her. Eva transfers compassion and love to every slave including uncle Tom and Topsy, and make them happiness and hope ; she likes to bring the gospel to the people

58、 of the messenger, with her own simple, pious and fraternity so that it across ethnic boundaries to comfort those who have no guide, and redemption according to the heart.3.2.1 Eva and Uncle TomBecause Eva and Tom are being pure and innocent, little Eva and uncle Tom met and slowly attracted to each

59、 other in that boat. When Eva knew uncle Toms situation, she begged his father to buy him, not as a bell, a Trojan horse, or something else, but want to make him happy.(Zhao 147)In the St. Clares old mansion, despite Tom missed his wife and children, yearned for freedom, but because of his good natu

60、re and longing for simplicity and innocence, which made Tom suit beautiful fantasy for Eva, satisfied her pure desire and always let himself forget the sorrow.The little Eva, who brought Tom the gospel, made him see hope so that he could spend a quiet and happy time here. When he misses his family a

61、nd suffer from not write a letter, Eva like a bird flies to his side. Eva put her little blonde head leaned Tom black head, two people with serious and eager to discuss it. Two people are serious, do not know much, but they want to write the letter. They repeatedly consider every word, and gradually

62、 feel a bit like a letter. (Zhao 182)Both of them have common beliefs so that their relationship closer. Uncle Tom is also sing hymns beautiful than Eva sing operas, and tell wonderful stories; Eva always read the Bible for uncle Tom. In uncle Toms heart, Evas read is the most beautiful in the world

63、 because she has a good sense of music, keen imagination and the sacred things the natural resonance and their souls. Their souls give each other endless power and influence. When Uncle Tom abused in Legrees manor, he was so painful that he cant help doubting God and he seemed to be at a loss what t

64、o do when he heard Eva again for reading the Scriptures and saw Evas deep eyes looked at him that the eyes warm and his light in his mind. Eva is a messenger, who had brought the gospel to Tom before his death, became the gospel of his heart so that he could calmly face the torture and death in his

65、life.3.2.2 Eva and TopsyBy Evas words and deeds, Stowe to prove to people: God with the same flesh and blood makes the black and white, they have the same feelings, have the same reason, also has the same immortal soul.A bad habit for naughty, black girl Topsy, no one can discipline and everyone hate her. When men regarded her as a bad girl so that they have lost confidence in her and no longer have any hope for her education, Eva did not abandon her because she was full of love and tolerance. Eva fondly said to her: Topsy, poor child, I love you!(Zhao 279) At

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