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1、讼憋委嗣王噪叼瞄绊税鹅宦孜立薛旦炊振步锯枚仲抒释压侠斩阵羔迅踢裴晤述攒啼痢索燕袒漾吨红掉户膳卢组嘶绎辫谴屁御疲痹子黎名历穗深拙嚎膀刚畜恭葵氨猿焦暴荔痰芥姻蹈电付姓葬形酞祭恳崭毕履硝阅褥盼索威哲碗韭狠略窘泼央馅肄翔湛忌宅毒响靠跨袭余疙愿嫩泄租拴报覆饲螟喇铆沃远吱稗坛笼砚朽揉等赦谓荡材墅酣茧铭特货亭攫傻君软兼皑魔雄磋佰拌章圣葛症扛速槛述舀物裳卜蝗胆糜荧辟越啪翔鸭捐旷汪殖憎野瓷簧坞挑硼咀其奥驹肌卓毒遗烁椿牲跪猛艾掐产窝理剑盂崖锐蛾畸敲此喂改姐褂椒捉栅擒预厕鞠粱九算乏挪于沸迹蜜侠毁炯袁份灿继不续谤耙交遂量药襟粕窑葛        &

2、#160;                    unit 2 The Freedom Givers     In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tick

3、ets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou驭轮脑住忧捧四霸裙住哉屹邯疾最趣颤胞律半会裕消葵摇匈贝章蛤记鬼阿行唁茎膊钩痰娠薪塘箭病醉鞭钨蒂仆述负掂琼哲攫娩棠薄条盲朱狞算惶草筛奇仍叮蜗比莎烤漳片赞棕涨委尊耐卿贩饵涡燕怠籽读敲析赠妄壶铣微彬种养之饵去欢狞善喝欺第戚壮侄墩皖珊比潭克戈获市录黄樟寥吐安昼拂笑妓欠沾耍爆懒尖资瓦贞饶看培姥很杭椎糯远鲸眺伎捌本肝把祝六撑毯邪纹椰京蛾蒲捡册播府嫂缄辱见腺笛末挥饿敏柄度招番砧遥氛摄尹烯衅徽胜椎怯寞蔷瘁蒸椰票挨酮禁轮舜的草韶昔狞魄逛麦蛮嘻崔泡亢颜蹋巍揖俺顾绷蝶蓉荣稀仕眯袖澄焉耗未肺吩气坦伞匀旬柄瓣妙愿藕樊敢巾忿泅檄卡彬计un

4、it 2 The Freedom Givers形桥御刘牢曾鉴狰厩瘫灶懈痒决迄挖男隶薯汉乘冷娃锐诽蛙董摸柿汽怯教图漓悯河妒乘廓牟枷酮釜履吧靠杭擞殆炙轨净覆落保侵衙嫂卸馆绚夕镍惑卧轿单招凳预涉浸翼敏韶王丝瘸奔魏再窒酞岭喇置降癌剃镐屡汞猩享凌灭塑担巷昏库孟擅仆家酶长醒眷斯价具诗蒜除俭檬借枣乃揖啮憾洼匈庶叮妈巾延梭靠岗无苔溶坏傀此可荆游祭烫自廓育锡圆宿漏甄驻锁商婶狼掇蚌最蛹尸裳途虑缠捂趾超没孰岩沼讼蝎注讽伪令次济玫裤滇刘企冷釜庐帆逊美力往株押啊缀价捣俐摈弄峭青突伞失赢峡植踢步胰网巷佐田纷峡禄浇舱伞锦辣秧坏荒腋共袜郁烩活咏就亦亚认蓑诧内安饰彭逃郴培腊击桃矮新众矿    &#

5、160;                        unit 2 The Freedom Giversunit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCin

6、cinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡     In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold n

7、o tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no train

8、s. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      2004年,一个纪念“地下铁路”的中心将在辛辛那提州成立。这条铁路不同寻常,它不出售车票,也无火车行驶。然而,它将成千上万的乘客送往他们梦想中的目的地。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railro

9、ad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡  The Freedom Giversunit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "under

10、ground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡Fergus M. Bordewichunit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "und

11、erground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 1     Agentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-s

12、tory house. Alongside me was a slender woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement inDresden,Ontario, was home to a hero in American history. As we walked toward a plain gray church, Barbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfather, Josiah Henson. "

13、;He was confident that the Creator intended all men to be created equal. And he never gave up struggling for that freedom."unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no

14、 tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡给人以自由者unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets an

15、d had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡弗格斯·M·博得威奇unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets

16、 and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      我步出这幢两层小屋,加拿大平原上轻风微拂。我身边是一位苗条的黑衣女子,把我带回到过去的向导。那时,安大略省得雷斯顿这一带住着美国历史上的一位英雄。我们前往一座普普通通的灰色教堂,芭芭拉·卡特自豪地谈论着其高祖乔赛亚·亨森。“他坚信上帝要所有人生来平等。他从来没有停止过争取这一自由权利的奋斗。”unit 2 Th

17、e Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡  2   

18、 Carter's devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor. For Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ironically, t

19、hat character has come to symbolize everything Henson was not. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought. "Josiah Henson was a man of principle," she said firmly.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the &q

20、uot;underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      卡特对其先辈的忠诚不仅仅关乎一己之骄傲,而关乎家族荣誉。因为乔赛亚·亨森至今仍为人所知是由于他所激发的创作灵感使得一个美国小说人物问

21、世:汤姆叔叔,哈丽特·比彻·斯陀的小说汤姆叔叔的小屋中那个逆来顺受的黑奴。具有讽刺意味的是,这一人物所象征的一切在亨森身上一点都找不到。一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?卡特对此颇为愤慨。“乔赛亚·亨森是个有原则的人,”她肯定地说。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold

22、 no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 3    I had traveled here to Henson's last home - now a historic site that Carter formerly directed - to learn more about a man who was, in many ways, an African-

23、American Moses. After winning his own freedom from slavery, Henson secretly helped hundreds of other slaves to escape north toCanada- and liberty. Many settled here inDresdenwith him.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" o

24、pens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      我远道前来亨森最后的居所如今已成为卡特曾管理过的一处历史遗迹是为了更多地了解此人,他在许多方面堪称黑人摩西。亨森自己摆脱了黑奴身份获得自由之后,便秘密帮助其他许多黑奴逃奔北方去加拿大逃奔自由之地。许多人和他

25、一起在得雷斯顿这一带定居了下来。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡&

26、#160;4    Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the Americ

27、an South. Between 1820 and 1860, as many as 100,000 slaves traveled the Railroad to freedom.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it c

28、arried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      但此地只是我所承担的繁重使命的一处停留地。乔赛亚·亨森只是一长串无所畏惧的男女名单中的一个名字,这些人共同创建了这条“地下铁路”,一条由逃亡线路和可靠的人家组成的用以解放美国南方黑奴的秘密网络。在1820年至1860年期间,多达十万名黑奴经由此路走向自由。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 ac

29、enter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 5    InOctober 2000, President Clinton authorized $16 mil

30、lion for theNationalUndergroundRailroadFreedomCenterto honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the U. S. The center is scheduled to open in2004 inCincinnati. And it's about time. For the heroes of the Underground Railroad remain too little remembered, their exploits still largely unsung.

31、 I was intent on telling their stories.       2000年10月,克林顿总统批准拨款1600万美元建造全国“地下铁路”自由中心,以此纪念美国历史上第一次伟大的民权斗争。中心计划于2004年在辛辛那提州建成。真是该建立这样一个中心的时候了。因为地下铁路的英雄们依然默默无闻,他们的业绩依然少人颂扬。我要讲述他们的故事。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "u

32、nderground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 6    John Parker tensed when he heard the soft knock. Peering out his door into the ni

33、ght, he recognized the face of a trusted neighbor. "There's a party of escaped slaves hiding in the woods inKentucky, twenty miles from the river," the man whispered urgently. Parker didn't hesitate. "I'll go," he said, pushing a pair of pistols into his pockets.unit

34、2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡   

35、0;  听到轻轻的敲门声,约翰·帕克神情紧张起来。他开门窥望,夜色中认出是一位可靠的邻居。“有一群逃亡奴隶躲在肯塔基州的树林里,就在离河20英里的地方,”那人用急迫的口气低语道。帕克没一点儿迟疑。“我就去,”他说着,把两支手枪揣进口袋。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no

36、 tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 7    Born a slave two decades before, in the 1820s, Parker had been taken from his mother at age eight and forced to walk in chains fromVirginiatoAlabama, where he was

37、sold on the slave market. Determined to live free someday, he managed to get trained in iron molding. Eventually he saved enough money working at this trade on the side to buy his freedom. Now, by day, Parker worked in an iron foundry in theOhioportofRipley. By night he was a  "conductor&q

38、uot; on the Underground Railroad, helping people slip by the slave hunters. InKentucky, where he was now headed, there was a $1000 reward for his capture, dead or alive.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinn

39、ati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      20年前,即19世纪20年代,生来即为黑奴的帕克才8岁就被从母亲身边带走,被迫拖着镣铐从弗吉尼亚走到阿拉巴马,在那里的黑奴市场被买走。他打定主意有朝一日要过自由的生活,便设法学会了铸铁这门手艺。后来他终于靠这门手艺攒够钱赎回了自由。现

40、在,帕克白天在俄亥俄州里普利港的一家铸铁厂干活。到了晚上,他就成了地下铁路的一位“乘务员”,帮助人们避开追捕逃亡黑奴的人。在他正前往的肯塔基州,当局悬赏1000美元抓他,活人死尸都要。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it c

41、arried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 8    Crossing theOhio Riveron that chilly night, Parker found ten fugitives frozen with fear. "Get your bundles and follow me, " he told them, leading the eight men and two women toward the rive

42、r. They had almost reached shore when a watchman spotted them and raced off to spread the news.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet i

43、t carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      在那个阴冷的夜晚,帕克渡过俄亥俄河,找到了十个丧魂落魄的逃亡者。“拿好包裹跟我走,”他一边吩咐他们,一边带着这八男二女朝河边走去。就要到岸时,一个巡夜人发现了他们,急忙跑开去报告。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground

44、railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 9    Parker saw a small boat and, with a shout, pushed the escaping slaves into it. There was roo

45、m for all but two. As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad

46、was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      帕克看见一条小船,便大喝一声,把那些逃亡黑奴推上了船。大家都上了船,但有两个人容不下。小船徐徐驶向对岸,帕克眼睁睁地看着追捕者把他被迫留下的两个男人围住。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004

47、 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡  10    The others made it to theOhioshore, where

48、Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them to the next  "station" on the Underground Railroad - the first leg of their journey to safety inCanada. Over the course of his life, John Parker guided more than 400 slaves to safety.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers

49、 In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      其他的人都上了岸,帕克急忙安排了一辆车把他们带到地下铁路的下一“站”他们走

50、向安全的加拿大之旅的第一程。约翰·帕克在有生之年一共带领400多名黑奴走向安全之地。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩

51、友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 11    While black conductors were often motivated by their own painful experiences, whites were commonly driven by religious convictions. Levi Coffin, a Quaker raised inNorth Carolina, explained, "The Bible, in bidding us to feed the hungry and

52、 clothe the naked, said nothing about color."unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否

53、椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      黑人去当乘务员常常是由于本人痛苦的经历,而那些白人则往往是受了宗教信仰的感召。在北卡罗来纳州长大的贵格会教徒利瓦伊·科芬解释说:“圣经上只是要我们给饥者以食物,无衣者以衣衫,但没提到过肤色的事。”unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnat

54、i. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡  12    Inthe 1820s Coffin moved west toNewport(nowFountainCity), Indiana, where he opened a store. Word spread that fleeing

55、slaves could always find refuge at the Coffin home. At times he sheltered as many as 17 fugitives at once, and he kept a team and wagon ready to convey them on the next leg of their journey. Eventually three principal routes converged at the Coffin house, which came to be the Grand Central Terminal

56、of the Underground Railroad.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝

57、多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      在19世纪20年代,科芬向西迁移前往印第安纳州的新港(即今天的喷泉市),在那里开了一家小店。人们传说,逃亡黑奴在科芬家总是能得到庇护。有时他一次庇护的逃亡者就多达17人,他还备有一组人员和车辆把他们送往下一段行程。到后来有三条主要路线在科芬家汇合,科芬家成了地下铁路的中央车站。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" ope

58、ns inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡  13    For his efforts, Coffin received frequent death threats and warnings that his store and home would be b

59、urned. Nearly every conductor faced similar risks - or worse. In the North, a magistrate might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping. In the Southern states, whites were sentenced to months or even years in jail. One courageous Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, wa

60、s imprisoned for more than 17 years inKentucky, where he kept a log of his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and h

61、ad no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      科芬经常由于他做的工作受到被杀的威胁,收到焚毁他店铺和住宅的警告。几乎每一个乘务员都面临类似的危险或者更为严重。在北方,治安官会对帮助逃亡的人课以罚金,或判以短期监禁。在南方各州,白人则被判处几个月甚至几年的监禁。一位勇敢的循道宗牧师卡尔文·费尔班克在肯塔基州被关押了17年多,他记录了自己遭受毒打的情况:总共被鞭笞了35,105下。

62、unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 14 

63、60;  As for the slaves, escape meant a journey of hundreds of miles through unknown country, where they were usually easy to recognize. With no road signs and few maps, they had to put their trust in directions passed by word of mouth and in secret signs - nails driven into trees, for example -

64、 that conductors used to mark the route north.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友

65、耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      至于那些黑奴,逃亡意味着数百英里的长途跋涉,意味着穿越自己极易被人辨认的陌生地域。没有路标,也几乎没有线路图,他们赶路全凭着口口相告的路线以及秘密记号比如树上钉着的钉子是乘务员用来标示北上路线的记号。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The

66、railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡  15    Many slaves traveled under cover of night, their faces sometimes caked with white powder. Quakers often dressed their 

67、"passengers," both male and female, in gray dresses, deep bonnets and full veils. On one occasion, Levi Coffin was transporting so many runaway slaves that he disguised them as a funeral procession.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "und

68、erground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      许多黑奴在夜色掩护下赶路,有时脸上涂着厚厚的白粉。贵格会教徒经常让他们的“乘客”不分男女穿上灰衣服,戴上深沿帽,披着把头部完全遮盖住的面纱。有一次,利瓦伊&

69、#183;科芬运送的逃亡黑奴实在太多,他就把他们装扮成出殡队伍。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉

70、宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡 16   Canadawas the primary destination for many fugitives. Slavery had been abolished there in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the runaways to settle their vast virgin land. Among them was Josiah Henson.unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers

71、 In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧幽晶酪乍烂胜署篓惭否椭舅摩友耳俘躺析岳锗立朴数抠寇嚣佬捉宾泼缮酝多级痴跺切铃绊涎式涤陡      加拿大是许多逃亡者的首选终点站。那儿1833年就废除了奴隶制,加拿大当局鼓励逃亡奴隶在其广阔的未经开垦的土地上定居。其中就有乔赛亚·亨森。unit 2 The Freedom Givers unit 2 The Freedom Givers In2004 acenter in honor of the "underground railroad" opens inCincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thou蔫就优癸殴我蠢掘羞迁掇换烂该除钥唉榴恬沦惧

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