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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除使用方法:请先尝试按照中文反写英文,再与英文例句做比较,注意研究表达方式的转换。LANGUAGE BANK用语库About Saying what a text is about描述文章的内容The book is about homeless people in the cities.这本书写的是城市中无家可归的人们。The report deals with the issue of homelessness in London.这篇报道是关于伦敦的无家可归问题。The writer discusses the problems faced

2、by homeless people.作者讨论了无家可归者面临的种种问题。The article presents an overview of the issues surrounding homelessness.这篇文章概述了有关无家可归的种种问题。The novel explores the theme of friendship among homeless people.这部小说探究了无家可归的人之间的友谊这个主题。The first chapter examines the relationship between homelessness and drug addiction.

3、第一章考察了无家可归与吸毒成瘾之间的关系。The paper considers the question of why so many young people become homeless.这篇论文论述了为何如此多的年轻人变得无家可归的问题。LANGUAGE BANK用语库according to Reporting someones opinion陈述某人的观点Photography is, according to Vidal, the art form of untalented people.据维达尔所言,摄影是没有天赋的人的艺术形式。For Vidal, photography

4、 is the art form of untalented people.对维达尔来说,摄影是没有天赋的人的艺术形式。His view is that photography is not art but merely the mechanical reproduction of images.他的观点是摄影不是艺术,而只是机械地复制图像。Smith takes the view that photography is both an art and a science.史密斯所持的观点是:摄影既是一门艺术也是一门科学。In Browns view, photography should b

5、e treated as a legitimate art in its own right.在布朗看来,摄影本身就应该被视为一种正当的艺术。James is of the opinion that a good painter can always be a good photographer if he or she so decides.詹姆斯认为一个好的画家定能成为一个好的摄影师,只要他她一心这样做。Emerson believed that a photograph should only reflect what the human eye can see.埃默森认为照片应该只是反

6、映人们肉眼所能见到的东西。LANGUAGE BANK用语库Addition Adding another item补充说明Bilingual children do better in IQ tests than children who speak only one language.In addition/What is more, they seem to find it easier to learn third or even fourth languages.讲两种语言的儿童比只讲一种语言的儿童智商测试得分更高。此外而且,讲两种语言的儿童似乎在学习第三甚至第四种语言时觉得更容易。L

7、earning another language not only improves children s job prospects in later life, but also boosts their self-esteem.学习另一种语言不仅可以提升儿童未来的职业前景,而且可以增强他们的自尊心。Teaching children a second language improves their job prospects in later life.Other benefits include increased self-esteem and greater tolerance o

8、f other cultures.教儿童第二语言可以提升他们未来的职业前景。此外,还可以使他们获得更强的自信心,对其他文化更包容。Another/One further/One additional reason for encouraging bilingual education is that it boosts children self-esteem.另一个鼓励双语教育的原因是它能增强儿童的自尊心。Studies suggest that bilingual children find it easier to learn additional languages.There is,

9、 moreover, increasing evidence that bilingual children perform better across a range of school subjects, not just foreign languages.研究表明,讲两种语言的儿童学习其他语言觉得更容易。此外,越来越多的证据表明,讲两种语言的儿童不仅在外语学习上,同时在其他各门学科的学习上都表现得更好。His claim that children find bilingual education confusing is based on very little evidence.M

10、oreover, the evidence he does provide is seriously flawed.他认为双语教育会使儿童感到迷惑的说法几乎是没有依据的。况且,他仅有的证据也是有严重缺陷的。Research has shown that first-language development is not impeded by exposure to a second language.Furthermore, there is no evidence to support the claim that children find bilingual education conf

11、using.研究已经表明,接触第二语言不会妨碍第一语言的发展。而且,没有证据支持双语教育使儿童感到迷惑这种说法。LANGUAGE BANK用语库Argue Verbs for reporting an opinion陈述观点的动词Some critics argue that Picasso remained a great master all his life.一些评论家认为毕加索毕生都是一位大师。Others maintain that there is a significant deterioration in quality in his post-war work.其他人坚称他战

12、后的作品质量明显下降。Picasso himself claimed that good art is created, but great art is stolen.毕加索自己声称,好的艺术是创造出来的,伟大的艺术却是偷来的。As Smith has noted, Picasso borrowed imagery from African art.正如史密斯所述,毕加索借用了非洲艺术的意象。As the author points out, Picasso borrowed imagery from African art.正如作者指出的那样,毕加索借用了非洲艺术的意象。The write

13、r challenges the notion that Picassos sculpture was secondary to his painting.作者对这种观点表示质疑,即毕加索的雕塑不及他的绘画。It has been suggested that Picassos painting was influenced by jazz music.据说毕加索的绘画受到爵士乐的影响。LANGUAGE BANK用语库because of Explaining reasons解释原因The number of people with diabetes is growing, partly be

14、cause of an increase in levels of obesity.患糖尿病的人数不断上升,部份原因是肥胖人数增加。The number of overweight children has increased dramatically in recent years, largely as a result of changes in diet and lifestyle.近年来肥胖儿童的数量急剧上升,很大程度上是由饮食和生活方式的改变引起的。The increase in childhood obesity is largely due to/the result of c

15、hanges in lifestyle and diet over the last twenty years.肥胖儿童人数的增多主要是过去二十年来饮食和生活方式的改变所致。Many obese children are bullied at school on account of their weight.许多肥胖儿童因为其体重问题在学校受到欺负。Part of the problem with treating childhood obesity stems from the fact that parents do not always recognize that their chi

16、ldren are obese.治疗肥胖儿童的困难部份源自父母有时并不认为自己的孩子肥胖。Childhood obesity may be caused by genetic factors, as well as environmental ones.儿童肥胖既可能由环境因素引起,也可能是遗传因素所致。LANGUAGE BANK用语库Cause X causes Y*X导致 YChildhood obesity can cause/lead to long-term health problems.儿童肥胖可能导致长期的健康问题。Changes in lifestyle and diet o

17、ver the last twenty years have caused/led to/resulted in a sharp increase in childhood obesity.过去二十年生活方式及饮食的变化导致肥胖儿童数量急剧上升。Several factors, including changes in diet and lifestyle, have contributed to the increase in childhood obesity.包括饮食及生活方式变化在内的多个因素促使肥胖儿童数量增加。Research suggests that fast food and

18、 soft drinks directly contribute to childhood obesity.研究表明快餐和软饮料会直接导致儿童肥胖。Genetics, lifestyle and diet are all important factors in cases of childhood obesity.基因、生活方式和饮食都是造成儿童肥胖的重要因素。Even small changes in lifestyle and diet can bring about significant weight loss.甚至生活方式及饮食的细微变化都可能带来明显的体重下降。LANGUAGE

19、BANK用语库Conclusion Summing up an argument总结论点In conclusion, the study has provided useful insights into the issues relating to peoples perception of crime.综上所述,本研究为人们对犯罪活动的认识问题提供了有益的见解。Based on this study, it can be concluded that the introduction of new street lighting did not reduce reported crime.

20、基于这项研究可以得出这样的结论:增加街道照明设备并没有使犯罪案件报案数量减少。To sum up, no evidence can be found to support the view that improved street lighting reduces reported crime.总而言之,没有证据表明街道照明的改进能使犯罪案件报案数量减少。The available evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that the media do have an influence on the public perception of cr

21、ime.现有证据显然可以得出这一结论:公众对犯罪活动的认识确实受到媒体的影响。The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that public perception of crime is significantly influenced by crime news reporting.本研究可以得出的一个主要结论是:公众对犯罪活动的认识受到犯罪新闻报道的很大影响。This study has shown that peoples fear of crime is out of all proportion to crime itse

22、lf.本研究表明,人们对犯罪活动的恐惧与犯罪活动本身并不相称。Fear of crime is out of all proportion to the actual level of crime, and the reasons for this can be summarized as follows.First对犯罪活动的恐惧与实际犯罪水平并不相称,其原因可归结为以下几点。第一,Overall/In general, women are more likely than men to feel insecure walking alone after dark.一般情况下,天黑后独自行走

23、,女人比男人更容易感到不安全。LANGUAGE BANK用语库Consequently Describing the effect of something描述某事的影响One consequence of changes in diet over recent years has been a dramatic increase in cases of childhood obesity.近年来饮食变化带来的一个结果是儿童肥胖人数急剧上升。Many parents today do not have time to cook healthy meals for their children.

24、 Consequently/As a consequence, many children grow up eating too much junk food.现在许多家长没有时间给孩子做健康的饭菜,结果造成许多孩子在成长过程中吃过多的垃圾食品。Many children spend their free time watching TV instead of playing outside. As a result, more and more of them are becoming overweight.许多孩子把他们的闲暇时间都花在看电视上,而不是进行户外活动,从而导致越来越多的孩子变

25、得肥胖。Last year junk food was banned in schools. The effect of this has been to create a black market in the playground, with pupils bringing sweets from home to sell to other pupils.去年学校禁售垃圾食品,结果是学校操场上出现了垃圾食品的黑市交易,有的学生把从家里带来的甜食卖给其他学生。LANGUAGE BANK用语库Contrast Highlighting differences突出差异不同This survey

26、highlights a number of differences in the way that teenage boys and girls in the UK spend their free time.这项民意测验凸显出英国十几岁的男孩和女孩在打发闲暇时间上的诸多不同。One of the main differences between the girls and the boys who took part in the research was the way in which they use the Internet.参与了这项研究的女生和男生之间的主要差异之一在于他们使用

27、互联网的方式。Unlike the girls, who use the Internet mainly to keep in touch with friends, the boys questioned in this survey tend to use the Internet for playing computer games.女生使用互联网主要是和朋友联系,这一点和男生不同,参与调查的男生往往是使用互联网来玩电脑游戏。The girls differ from the boys in that they tend to spend more time keeping in tou

28、ch with friends on the telephone or on social networking websites.与男生不同的是,女生往往花更多的时间通过电话或社交网站与朋友保持联系。Compared to the boys, the girls spend much more time chatting to friends on the telephone.与男生相比,女生花在与朋友电话聊天上的时间要多得多。On average the girls spend four hours a week chatting to friends on the phone.In co

29、ntrast, very few of the boys spend more than five minutes a day talking to their friends in this way.女生平均每周花四个小时与朋友电话聊天。相比之下,很少有男生每天以这种方式与朋友聊天五分钟以上。The boys prefer competitive sports and computer games, whereas/while the girls seem to enjoy more cooperative activities, such as shopping with friends.

30、男生更喜欢竞技性体育运动和电脑游戏,而女生似乎更喜欢合作性活动,比如与朋友一起购物。When the girls go shopping, they mainly buy clothes and cosmetics.The boys, on the other hand, tend to purchase computer games or gadgets.女生购物时主要买衣服和化妆品,而男生往往会买电脑游戏或小器具。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库e.g. Giving examples 举例The website has a variety of interactive exercise

31、s (e.g. matching games, crosswords and quizzes).这个网站有各种各样的互动练习(比如:配对游戏、纵横填字游戏和智力测试)。The website has a variety of interactive exercises, including matching games, crosswords and quizzes.这个网站有各种各样的互动练习,包括配对游戏、纵横填字游戏和智力测试。Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, blogs and social networking sites, have chan

32、ged the way that people use the Internet.* Web 2.0 技术,比如维基、博客及社交网站,改变了人们使用互联网的方式。Many websites now allow users to contribute information. A good example of this is the wiki, a type of website that anyone can edit.现在许多网站都允许用户撰写信息。维基就是一个很好的例子,它是一种任何人都可以编辑的网站。Wikis vary in how open they are. For exampl

33、e, some wikis allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this.各维基网的开放程度不同。比如,有些维基网允许任何人编辑内容,另一些则只允许注册用户进行内容编辑。Wikis vary in how open they are. Some wikis, for example/for instance, allow anybody to edit content, while others only allow registered users to do this.各

34、维基网的开放程度不同。比如,有些维基网允许任何人编辑内容,另一些则只允许注册用户进行内容编辑。More and more people read their news on the Internet. To take one example, over 14 million people now read the online version of The Oxford Herald.越来越多的人在网上阅读新闻。举个例子来说,现在有超过1400万人阅读牛津先驱报的网络版本。Online newspapers are now more popular than paper ones. The O

35、xford Herald is a case in point. Its print circulation has fallen in recent years, while its website attracts millions of users every month.现在,网络报纸比纸质报纸更受欢迎。牛津先驱报就是一个很好的例子。近年来,其印刷版发行量趋于减少,但其网站每个月却吸引上千万的用户。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Emphasis Highlighting an important point 强调重点This case emphasizes/highlights/s

36、tresses/underlines the importance of honest communication between managers and employees.这个事例凸显出经理与员工之间坦诚交流的重要性。Effective communication skills are essential/crucial/vital.有效的交流技巧是至关重要的。It should be noted that this study considers only verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is not dealt with

37、here.应该注意的是本研究只考查了言语交流,在此没有涉及非言语交流。It is important to remember that/An important point to remember is that non-verbal communication plays a key role in getting your message across.非言语交流在传递信息过程中起到至关重要的作用,记住这一点非常重要。Communication is not only about the words you use but also your body language and, espe

38、cially/above all, the effectiveness with which you listen.交流不仅涉及使用的词语,同时也涉及身体语言,尤其与能否有效听取对方的话有关。I would like to draw attention to the role of listening in effective communication.我想让大家注意到倾听在有效交流中扮演的角色。Choose your words carefully: in particular, avoid confusing and ambiguous language.注意用词,特别是避免使用令人费解

39、和有歧义的语言。Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you must learn to listen as well as to speak.最后,也许是最重要的,你不仅要学会说还要学会听。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Evidence Giving proof 提供证据There is clear evidence that TV advertising influences what children buy.有明确的证据表明电视广告影响儿童的购买行为。It is clear from numerous studies that TV adve

40、rtising influences what children buy.众多研究清楚地表明电视广告影响儿童的购买行为。Recent research demonstrates that TV advertising influences childrens spending habits.最近的研究表明电视广告影响儿童的消费习惯。Many parents think that TV advertising influences their children. This view is supported by the findings of a recent study, which sho

41、w a clear link between television advertisements and childrens spending habits.许多家长认为电视广告对他们的孩子会产生影响。这一观点得到近期的研究结果的支持,即电视广告和儿童消费习惯之间有明显的关联。The findings also reveal that most children are unaware of the persuasive purpose of advertising.这些研究结果还显示大多数儿童没有意识到广告的说服意图。There is little evidence that childre

42、n understand the persuasive intent of advertising.几乎没有证据表明儿童能够理解广告的说服意图。The results contradict claims that advertising is unrelated to childrens spending habits.这些研究结果否定了广告与儿童消费习惯无关的说法。Manufacturers argue that it is difficult to prove that advertising alone influences what children buy.生产厂商争辩说,很难证明单

43、凭广告就能影响儿童的购买行为。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Except Making an exception 说明例外的情况She wrote all of the songs on the album except for the final track.除最后一首歌外,这张专辑中所有歌曲都是她写的。Apart from/aside from the final track, all of the songs on the album were written by her.除最后一首歌外,这张专辑中所有歌曲都是她写的。The songwriting with a few minor

44、 exceptions is of a very high quality.除了几首歌美中不足以外,歌曲创作质量非常高。With only one or two exceptions, the songwriting is of a very high quality.歌曲创作质量非常高,仅有一两首歌例外。The majority of the compositions are less than three minutes long, with the notable exception of the title track.大多数曲目的长度都不超过三分钟,只有与专辑同名的曲目是明显的例外。

45、With the exception of the title track, this album is a huge disappointment.这张专辑令人大失所望,只有与专辑同名的曲目还过得去。Here is a list of all the bands CDs, excluding unofficial bootleg recordings.这是这个乐队所有 CD 的清单,不包括未经批准非法录制的作品。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Expect Discussing predictions 谈论预测The number of people using mobile phones

46、 to purchase goods and services is expected/likely to more than double by the end of 2015.到 2015 年底,使用手机购买商品和服务的人数预计可能会是现在的两倍多。Experts have predicted/forecast that the number of people using their mobile phones to pay for goods and services should exceed 190 million in 2015.专家已经预言,到 2015 年使用手机支付商品和服

47、务费用的人数将超过1.9亿。This figure is set to reach 200 million by 2016.到 2016 年这个数字可能会达到 2 亿。By 2015, 800 million mobile phone users worldwide will be participating in social networks via their phone.到 2015 年,全球将有8亿手机用户通过手机参与社交网络。Sales of mobile phones in 2009 were lower than expected.* 2009 年的手机销量低于预期。The c

48、ompanys announcement of 1.26 billion handsets sold for the year is in line with predictions/expectations.公司宣布本年度手机销量为 12.6 亿部,符合预期。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Fall Describing a decrease 描述下降 Car crime in Oxford fell significantly last year.去年牛津的汽车犯罪显著下降。 Car crime fell by about a quarter over a 12-month period

49、.* 12 个月内汽车犯罪下降了约四分之一。 The number of stolen vehicles dropped from 1013 to 780, a fall of 26 per cent.被盗汽车数量从 1013 辆减少到 780 辆,下降了 26%。 According to this data, 780 vehicles were stolen, 26% down on the previous year.根据这份数据,780 辆车被盗,比去年下降了 26%。 There was an 11% drop in reported thefts from motor vehicl

50、es, from 1871 to 1737.机动车财物盗窃案件数量下降了 11%,从 1871 下降到 1737。 These figures show that, as far as car crime is concerned, the main trend is downwards.这些数据表明,就汽车犯罪而言,大趋势是下降的。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库First Ordering your points 梳理要点This study has the following aims: first, to investigate how international students

51、in the UK use humour; second, to examine how jokes can help to establish social relationships; and, third, to explore the role that humour plays in helping overseas students adjust to life in the UK.本研究有以下几个目的:第一,调查在英国的留学生如何运用幽默;第二,考察笑话如何帮助建立社交关系;第三,探究幽默对留学生适应英国生活所起的作用。Let us begin by identifying so

52、me of the popular joke genres in the UK.首先我们来辨别一下流行于英国的一些笑话类型。Next, let us turn to/Next, let us consider the question of gender differences in the use of humour.接下来,我们来探讨一下运用幽默的性别差异问题。Finally/Lastly, let us briefly examine the role of humour in defining a nations culture.最后,我们来简略地探讨一下幽默在界定民族文化中所起的作用

53、。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Generally Ways of saying in general “通常”的表达方式Women generally earn less than men.女人通常比男人挣钱少。Generally speaking, jobs traditionally done by women are paid at a lower rate than those traditionally done by men.一般来说,传统上由妇女干的工作比传统上由男人干的工作报酬低。In general /By and large, women do not earn as

54、 much as men.总的说来,女人不如男人挣钱多。Certain jobs, like nursing and cleaning, are still mainly carried out by women.有些工作仍然主要由女性做,比如护理和清洁。Senior management posts are predominantly held by men.高层管理职位大多由男性担任。Most senior management posts tend to be held by men.大多数高层管理职位通常由男性担任。Women are, for the most part, still

55、 paid less than men.女人的薪水多半仍比男人低。Economic and social factors are, to a large extent, responsible for women being concentrated in low-paid jobs.经济和社会因素在很大程度上导致女性集中于低报酬工作。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库However Ways of saying but “但是”的表达方式Politicians have promised to improve road safety. So far, however, little has

56、been achieved.政客们承诺要提高道路安全。但是,迄今为止成效微乎其微。Despite clear evidence from road safety studies, no new measures have been introduced.尽管道路安全研究已得出确切依据,但仍未实施任何新措施。Politicians have promised to improve road safety. In spite of this/Despite this, little has been achieved so far.政客们承诺要提高道路安全。尽管如此,迄今为止成效微乎其微。Alth

57、ough politicians have promised to improve road safety, little has been achieved so far.尽管政客们承诺要提高道路安全,但是迄今为止成效微乎其微。Some politicians claim that the new transport policy has been a success. In fact, it has been a total disaster.一些政客宣称新的交通政策非常成功,实际上却是彻头彻尾的失败。Government campaigns have had a measure of s

58、uccess, but the fact remains that large numbers of accidents are still caused by careless drivers.政府的宣传活动取得了一定的成功,但实际情况是大量的交通事故仍然是由于驾驶者疏忽造成的。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Illustrate Referring to a chart, graph or table 描述图或表This bar chart illustrates how many journeys people made on public transport over a three

59、-month period.这个柱状图显示三个月期间人们乘坐公共交通往来的次数。This table compares bus, train, and taxi use between April and June.这个表比较了四月至六月公交车、火车和出租车的使用情况。The results are shown in the chart below.结果显示在下面的图表中。In this pie chart, the survey results are broken down by age.在这个饼分图中,调查结果按年龄划分。This pie chart breaks down the su

60、rvey results by age.这个饼分图按年龄对调查结果进行分类。As can be seen from these results, younger people use buses more than older people.从结果可以看出,年轻人比老年人乘坐公交车的频率更高。According to these figures, bus travel accounts for 60% of public transport use.从这些数字看,乘坐公交车出行占公共交通使用率的 60%。From the data in the above graph, it is appar

61、ent that buses are the most widely used form of public transport.从上图的数据明显看出:公交车是公共交通中使用最广泛的类型。LANGUAGE BANK 用语库Impersonal Giving opinions using impersonal language 用客观的语言发表意见It is vital that more is done to prevent the illegal trade in wild animals.应进一步阻止非法买卖野生动物的行为,这一点至关重要。(Compare 比较:)We have to d

62、o more to stop people trading wild animals illegally.我们必须进一步阻止人们非法买卖野生动物。It is clear that more needs to be done to protect biodiversity.显然,应进一步保护生物多样性。(Compare 比较:)We clearly need to do more to protect biodiversity.很明显,我们需要进一步保护生物多样性。It is unfortunate that the practice of keeping monkeys as pets sti

63、ll continues.不幸的是,将猴子当宠物饲养的做法仍在持续。(Compare 比较:)Its absolutely terrible that people still keep monkeys as pets.非常糟糕的是有人仍将猴子当宠物饲养。It is difficult for many people to understand the reasons why certain individuals choose to hunt animals for sport.许多人都难以理解为什么有些人选择捕猎作为消遣。(Compare 比较:)I cant understand why

64、 anyone would want to kill animals for fun.我不明白为什么有人会以猎杀动物为乐。Unfortunately, it would seem that not enough is being done to support tiger conservation.遗憾的是,在保护老虎方面给予的支持似乎还不够。(Compare 比较:)Governments arent doing enough to help tiger conservation.政府没有采取足够措施促进对老虎的保护。There is no doubt that the greatest threat to polar bears

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