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1、浙江省 2018 年 7 月高等教育自学考试翻译试题课程代码: 10050请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上.词语翻译201.将下列词语译为汉语:1)old bum6) whim2)Newton7) a delighted giggle3)average annual rainfall8) warm-blooded animal4)merge9) lobby5)wisdom born of experience10) welcoming banquet2.将下列词语译为英语:11)福利工厂16)小叔子12)北洋军阀政府17)工头13)文物18)行使主权14)基本方针19)章程15)郁金香20)社会生

2、产力 .改错题10下列单句译文有差错,请加以改正,并将正确的译文写在答题纸上。1. 原文:从此以后,我就特别注意聋哑人的特征。译文: Since then, I have paid special attention to the characteristics of deaf mutes.2. 原文: Some six million head of cattle were driven up from Texas to winter on the high plainsof Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.译文:有六百万头牛从得州放牧到科罗拉多、怀俄明、蒙大拿

3、等地的高原上。3. 原文: Yet the Nile has been changed by modern man in a way not yet fully understood.译文:然而,现代人却以一种连他们自己也不完全明白的方式使尼罗河发生了变化。4. 原文:Since 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China s GNP nearlyquadruple.译文:自1978 年以来,中国经济以年均近10%的速度增长,使其国内生产总值几乎增长了四倍。5. 原文:Many children were p

4、laying close to the water, and we were stunned by their ignoranceand daring.译文:许多孩子在靠近水的地方玩耍,他们那样大胆,那样无知,使我们非常吃惊。6.原文:“You know my name as well as I know yours!”1译文:“你知道我的名字,就像我知道你的名字!”7. 原文: I had to shove back that ridiculous hat again. This push, however, was the last.译文:我不得不把那顶可笑的帽子又往后推一推。不过这可是最

5、后的一推。8. 原文: These oils may be bought at any chemist s.译文:这些油在任何一家化学品商店都可以买到。9. 原文: For the purpose of this Convention any Contracting State may, by domestic legislation,assimilate to its own nationals any person domiciled in that State.译文:为实施本公约,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住于该国的任何人同化为本国国民。10. 原文:哈佛为增进中美两国人民的相

6、互了解作出了有益的贡献。译文: Harvard has made useful contribution the enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples. .填空题20根据下列单句原文或课本中的翻译理论知识填充空白,然后将答案写在答题纸上。1.翻译的标准是:(一) _ (二) _ 。2. The industrial revolution is a long train of changes starting from 1760. 工业革命是指从 1760 年开始的 _.3. In the

7、gathering dusk Ahmed and his five companions had invited me to join him._, 阿赫迈德和五个一起干活的人早就约我去和他们玩儿。4.中国能够依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给。China can _ through self-reliance.5. Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling.有些老年人因为怕死而_。年轻人有这种情绪是_ 的。6. “ It s

8、not a city, the place I mean. At least it wasn t when I was there. It was a little sort ofplace.”“不是城市,我是说那个地方不是城市。至少我上那儿去的时候还不是一个城市。_ 。”7.十三岁,她就和几个女孩子去东亚毛纺织厂当小工。At thirteen , _ to the East Asia Woolen Mill to do odd jobs.8. There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. The drill may just miss the oil

9、 although it is near; on theother hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level.石油钻探有很大的偶然性。钻头可能到了离油很近的地方而没有碰到油;另一方面, 也可能在 _ 打出油来。9. 合营企业生产经营计划应报主管部门备案。The production and business operating plans of an equity joint venture shall _2the competent authorities _.10. Mr. Prime Minister, I wish to thank

10、you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks.总理先生,我要感谢你的非常 _ 的讲话。 .选择题20从下列所给的选项中选择正确的选项。1.He laughed and he said a little bit measuring with his finger and thumb. A. 他笑了起来,接着说: “一点点。 ”一面说着一面用食指和拇指衡量着。B.他笑了起来,接着说: “一点点。 ”一面说着一面用食指和拇指比划着。C.他笑了起来,接着说: “一点点。 ”一面说着一面用食指和拇指笔划着。2. Readability的最适合译文是A.

11、可读性B.读起来上口C.顺3. At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts.A. 田地外边是寸草不生的棕色沙漠,有的地方突然隆起像是小山,有的地方则平平的伸向地平线。B.在有的突然隆起如小山,有的平平伸向地平线的田地的边缘是寸草不生的沙漠。C.寸草不生的沙漠位于田地的边缘,那些田地,有的是小山,有的延伸向地平线。4. 以下说法正确的是A. 鸠摩罗什主张意译B . 释道安主张意译C.玄奘倾向于意译5. It d

12、oes not do to live in memories, in regret for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead.A. 生活在回忆中,生活在美好往日的悔恨中,生活在对去世的朋友的忧伤中,是做不了什么事情的。B.最不管用的就是生活在回忆中,生活在美好过去的悔恨中,生活在为已故朋友的哀伤中。C.老想着过去,总觉得过去怎么好怎么好,或者为已故的朋友而忧伤,这是不妥的。6. “ Come along, or it ll be dark before we get to Stourcastle. ”A. “

13、快跟我们一起走,否则我们到达斯图堡前天就黑了。”B.“一道走吧,要不然,我们赶不到斯图堡天就要黑了。 ” C.“来吧,否则我们天黑前抵达不了斯图堡。 ”7. The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination.A. 我面前身材高大,衣着讲究的先生显然唤醒了我先前想象的老海怪的遥远的叫声。B.站在我面前的是一位身材高大,衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。C.我面前的是一位身材高大,衣冠楚楚的绅士不禁使我想起

14、遥远的老海怪的惊叹声。8. 科技英语的特点不包括:A. 严谨周密B. 重点突出C.行文典雅39. Noncompliance penalties were so slight as to have little more than harassment value. A. 不服从的惩罚很轻,因此比骚扰的价值大不了多少。B.因违法而科处的罚款微不足道,从而只有恼人心烦的意义。C.违法的刑罚是如此之轻以至于比骚扰的价值还小。10. Which of the following phrases is typical English?A. high schoolB. to buildintoC . t

15、o completely smash.段落翻译301.将下列短文译成汉语20Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they wereperfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn t hold with such nonsense.M

16、r. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big,beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her ti

17、me craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere.Privet Drive: a name of a streetbeefy: 魁梧的2.将下列短文译成英语10丝绸之路沿途的大批历史文物、引人入胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化,使这一长途远游成了世界上最精彩的旅游项目之一。在丝绸之路的中国段,沿线散居着许多少数民族,他们对来自世界各地的游客都以礼相待,热情好客。这里的食物和工艺品不同于中国中部的食物和工艺品。这里的民间传说,如同天方夜谭一般神奇,听来别有一番情趣。4

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