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1、Oral English Andy lecture notesAndys e-mail: ielts_andyINSTRUCTIONSPlease read the topic carefully. You will be asked to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes.You have one minute to think about what youre going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.People CardsDescribe your best friend.Y

2、ou should say:Where and when you met him/herWhat you do togetherSomething about his/her appearance and personalityAnd explain why you think you are such good friends.1I met my best friend while I was at university. He was in the same class. At first, he scolded me for leaning back on the chair, but,

3、 after a while, we began to become good friends. I used to meet him regularly at an Internet cafe. He went there regularly. We would spend hours there together. He would always lend a hand to me because I didnt know much about computers at that time.Hes a humble guy, never shows off his knowledge, e

4、ven though he can. Hes sincere and doesnt mind mildly scolding you or even himself in all the same sentence. He is usually very sociable, but sometimes he can also be a bit shy. He is good at soccer and volleyball and used to be on the school team. Hes quite muscular and his hair is frizzy. He has v

5、ery droopy eyes, like a puppy, and a very wide mouth.I think the main reason we are such good friends is because we have a lot in common and we both have the same kind of humour. We also always support each other whenever we need help. I think we are such good friends because we dont feel we ever ha

6、ve to pretend around each other, and we are really helpful to one another. I will miss this guy a lot if I go overseas, but since he is always at the Internet cafe, I can email him, and hes probably right there to receive it!2.Describe a teacher that had a powerful effect on you. You should say:What

7、 subject the teacher taught youWhen you had his/her classDescribe the teachers appearance and personality And explain what effect the teacher had on you.First let me tell you about my teacher Zhang Fei, who still works at the Oalian Middle School number 23. She taught me English in school. I had her

8、 class about 6 years ago, and she taught me for a full year.First let me tell you how she looks. She looks very normal except that shes very beautiful inside. Shes tall and thin, but the thing you can notice about her is her wonderful, dark eyes with very bushy eyebrows under her spectacles. I can s

9、till picture her. You know she did not seem friendly at first, because she is very stem when she speaks, and she will not tolerate nonsense, but she is very kind in her own special way. She is also very demanding and clear when she speaks, and her concern is not so much with your grades but your eff

10、ort.The effect she had on me was very powerful. Essentially she taught me that you could be very disciplined and stem and hard working but still be very kind. Before, I thought all teachers who were strict were just mean. After her, I learned that hard work is about not compromising on quality.Descr

11、ibe yourself.You should say:What you currently doWhat you like and dont like doingWhat your good points (strengths) and bad points (weaknesses) areAnd explain whats the best way to become your friend.3Well, to start with, I think I will tell you what I do. I am a lawyer here in Shanghai and Ive been

12、 working as an attorney for about 3 years. My work is interesting, but it involves very complicated issues and often there are various strategies that are necessary for success.I enjoy meeting people and forming new relationships with people. I enjoy hearing peoples stories and I like trying my best

13、 to help them. I also enjoy getting out with my friends and enjoying the entertainment places. I am a big fan of jazz and there are a few places that I go to enjoy it. I can also play the saxophone, and even play in a band at a bar from time to time, but I dont have time to do it regularly.What I do

14、nt like doing? Hmm.1et me think, well I suppose I just dont like having to go through a lot of very tedious details at work, and, quite frankly, I dont like clients who lie to me about their situation. There are some things about the job which I dont like, and Im not proud about everything that I do

15、, but overall I really like it.I think my good points are that Im quite good at communicating. I mean, you have to be as a lawyer. I do know a lot about the law, especially commercial law, which is my specialty. I have a good memory for legal issues and law, and I can use them quite well to argue a

16、point. My bad points are that I am the worst person for remembering directions. I get loot everywhere when Im travelling. If you ask my wife shell tell you that theres nobody as bad as me for getting lost in places.As for how you can be my friend, I think the key thing is that you just need to have

17、a good sense of humour and you just need to be honest in your actions. Actually, I am quite willing to be anyones friend, but I hate people who make a big show of it. I dont need any special favours or gifts to be my friends. If people just act like themselves.well, thats good enough for me.4Describ

18、e a friend or relative who is very different from you. You should say:Where the friend livesHow you met him/herHow he is different from youAnd explain how you can still be good friends even though you are so different.Right, well. I had a tough time thinking about who was most unlike me, but I guess

19、 it would have to be my cousin, Zhou Jiao Ping. Jiao Ping is a person whos so clever when it comes to business that I have chosen him, because when it comes to business I always seem to make the wrong decisions. Jiao Ping is a real estate agent who puts almost every extra RMB into investments like p

20、roperty and stocks. He never seems to lose money.His job alone pays him a reasonable income, but he makes a lot on all the private investments he makes, and perhaps you could call him a millionaire. I, on the other hand, dont dare to invest my money because Im too afraid of losing it, and I prefer s

21、pending my money on things to make me and others feel good.Jiao Ping is a driven man and I like his energy and persistence. Hes not a boastful guy, in fact hes quite modest, but hes a complete workaholic and even if you sit him down for over a minute he will think of things he could be doing. Hes a

22、thin fellow, has no time for food it seems, and he has this permanent smile on his face. He has quite a sharp wit, and never seems to be serious when you talk with him, but in fact hes always thinking of this and that.Jiao Ping is very generous and lends money to so many people, without even expecti

23、ng them to pay it back. But he spends hardly a penny on himself. He has no wife, and although he has about four homes, he lives in a very small place. You might say he is a miser, but actually he just doesnt care that much for luxuries since he doesnt get any pleasure from them.Hes different from me

24、 in many ways. First, I enjoy spending money to make myself happy. I also have to have a balance of work and pleasure. I dont mind working hard during my work, but I cant stand always thinking about work, and I need some time to just relax. I also dont feel so guilty about wasting a bit of time ever

25、y now and then.Describe a friend, relative or other person who has a good sense of humour.You should say:How you know this personWhat this persons job or major isThe kinds of things he/she says that are funnyAnd explain how this person affects you (i.e. what impact this person has on you)5 Ok, Ive b

26、een asked to describe a person with a good sense of humour, and the person Ive chosen is my classmate Zhang Hui. Zhang. Hui is a boy from Henan. He comes from Kaifeng. He majors in Economics and well, I guess you can say that Economics is not the most interesting subject, especially when the teacher

27、s start drawing graphics on the blackboard. Zhang Hui just seems to know how to make a joke out of it all. He has this funny face, which just adds to his humour.Ill give you an example of how sharp his wit is. The instructor was talking about the relationship of supply and demand, and was looking fo

28、r examples. So Zhang Hui stuck up his hand and said his mother is an example. He said the more money he spends on university, the better grades she demands. After he said that, everyone laughed so hard the professor had to wait for five minutes before he could continue.I guess the way this person af

29、fects me is that he teaches me that there is nothing very serious in life. He puts me at ease and he reminds me that we are all human. I dont get overstressed when I spend time with him because he knows how to make a joke out of everything.Describe a relative of yours who is very kind. You should sa

30、y:Who the relative isWhat he does and where he lives What kinds of kind things he/she does And explain the effect he/she has on you.6Let me describe my grandfather. He was-I should say was because he passed away a few years ago-very kind. My grandfather was just a farmer, and he didnt earn much, but

31、 he found different ways to earn an income, and managed to put my father through university. He lived in a village just north of Beijing and often made the trip into the city. His life was hard, but he never complained about it.I say he was so kind because Ill never forget the efforts he made to hel

32、p me read. I was five years old and I havent learned to read yet. My grandfather spent so many hours helping me because my father had no time. He would force me to come to his place and he tutored me very strictly because he was determined that I would get a head start on the other students. As a re

33、sult, I could read before I entered school, and that helped me gain an advantage in school.Besides the fact that he taught me reading, he also taught me the value and importance of. kindness to others. He told me that you dont do kindness just to gain favour, but because thats what your true nature

34、expects you to do. As well, he taught me that kindness isnt all smiles and praise; sometimes it involves strict and harsh words for the right reasons. He also told me that a kind person always dies happy and I think he also died happy.7Describe a famous person that you admire.You should say:Who the

35、person is and where he/she livesWhat the person doesThe things you admire about this personAnd explain what you think people can learn from this person.The famous person Id like to describe is Fu Mingxia. She was a gold medallist at Sydney Olympic games. In fact, she won four of them. She won them i

36、n the diving competition. Shes now a student at Tsinghua University. So shes quite clever and she will graduate from a top university. Shes about 25 years old. I think she must be blessed by god to be able to dive so perfectly. After all, most divers have trained in diving schools that are very soph

37、isticated, but her training was not so privileged. She just worked hard and had a very committed coach.I think I admire her so much because I can imagine how nervous she felt having the whole world watching her and yet she controlled that nervousness masterfully to make a perfect dive. Well, its tha

38、t ability to control yourself that Id really love to learn. Also, her diving style was unique and very-brave, and because of her innovative style, she has brought pride to her country.I think that people can learn that by being the best at something you are not only helping yourselfbut the whole cou

39、ntry, because high quality is what improves our lives. I think people can learn that nothing is impossible if we set our minds to being the best. We shouldnt always think we can just do what we must to get by. Our goals should be much more ambitious. We should try to be the best because we can take

40、pride from the value of hard work in everything we do.8Describe a person who has worked very hard to achieve something.You should say:Who the person is and what relationship he/she has to you What the person tried to achieve and the outcomeThe persons characterAnd explain how this person makes you f

41、eel.The person I want to talk about who worked hard to achieve something is the famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. Of course, Ive never met him but I did see him once in Beijing. He was coming out from the airport and someone said, Theres Zhang Yimou, and sure enough it was.I once read a biography

42、 of Zhang Yimou. He really had to struggle to become a director. I read that he literally camped out and begged to be accepted at a famous school in Beijing called the Beijing Film and Cinematography Academy. He was five years over the age limit, but he submitted a portfolio of his best photographs

43、to the Minister of Culture, and the minister was impressed and let him in.I also know that he put a lot of effort into making his films artistic and realistic and sometimes he took chances and made some adventurous films. Like in 1987, he directed Red Sorghum and took a chance with the story, which

44、was a bit controversial, and he also used an unknown actress at the time named Gong Li. He then went on to produce a lot of award winning films, and now he is Chinese best-known filmmaker. You can say that he is a bit of celebrity now.I dont know that much about his personality. I know he is a perfe

45、ctionist and he expects things to be perfect when he directs. He loves natural things in life and he expects actors and actress to be that way as well. He is quite rebellious but, I think hes realistic, and willing to make compromises as well.I guess I look at Zhang Yimou as being the kind of person

46、 that a lot of Chinese aspire to be. Hes sort of cool, courageous, and blunt. He also makes the simple beautiful, which in my mind is a kind of magic.Describe a person who knows a lot about something.You should say:Who the person is and how you know him/herWhat the person knows a lot aboutHow he/she

47、 learned about this skill or area of knowledge And explain how this person affects you.9The person I will talk about is my former Chinese Literature professor in University. He has his PhD in Chinese Classical Literature, and also has a Masters of Asian Studies from the University of Cambridge.This

48、person is just a walking library who has so much stored knowledge of Chinese literature that you wonder how one brain could hold that much knowledge. He has written 13 books on various writers including Lao She, Lu Xun and others. He did his thesis comparing English literary stories and Chinese clas

49、sics. He has appeared on TV programs and even was the guest of a TV show in England while he was visiting there. His English is spectacular, and he could probably teach just that if he wanted to.Amazingly, my Professor actually said he was not that good of a student until he got to University. In fa

50、ct, the University that he initially studied in was not that high ranking, but he scored well and then did his Masters elsewhere. It was while he was doing his Masters at Cambridge that a lot of other scholars started to take notice of him. His interest was peaked after he met up with the famous Har

51、vard professor Pairbanks while he was in England. They collaborated on a couple of projects together and published a number of journal articles. He returned to China and then went on to get his PhD at Beijing University.How did this person affect me? He opened up my mind completely to the world of k

52、nowledge. You see, before I took his class I looked at literature as this kind of high-level intellectual science. I believed that you had to understand the techniques of deciphering it. But what he taught me was that most of the authors had a true desire to ensure that anyone could read their works

53、 and so the biggest trick is to pretend that you are working with the author. You should imagine yourself as a co-author and read for the experience and the incredible insights into human nature.Describe a friend, relative or famous person who you think is similar to you.You should say:Who the perso

54、n isWhat he/she doesSomething about the persons characterAnd explain how he/she is similar to you.10I have a friend who is quite similar to me, and I suppose that is why we are such good friends. She is my mothers friend actually, but I call her my friend too, although I dont dare address her in the

55、 same way as a friend. I call her Auntie Li Wie. She is an old friend of the family, and used to work for my mothers store before she got married to a fairly well off jeweller. She doesnt work, but she is quite active. In fact, she is head of a nature club in Chengdu, and is a volunteer worker at th

56、e Giant Panda Breeding Research station, where she helps maintain the site.Aunt Li is a person whos quite shy, and she loves nature. She will do anything to get close to nature, and will even stay out in the woods for a few days camping. Some people think shes crazy because shes over 50 years old bu

57、t she will still do that. She believes in preserving the natural state of things, and will even carry back litter that she finds on the ground that others have dropped or thrown carelessly. Aunt Li is also a vegetarian and will have nothing to do with meat. She doesnt condemn others for eating meat,

58、 but she does hope that one day the world will be full of vegetarians like her.I think shes similar to me in her beliefs about the environment, and we share the same attitude about nature. I also like going outdoors, and I would never throw litter on the ground. I sometimes also do a bit of voluntee

59、r work at the Panda Centre, and I love the efforts that they do there. I am not a vegetarian, probably because Im not strong enough to be one, but I do mainly eat only chicken and fish. I hardly ever eat any pork or beef. I think our dreams are similar-that one day the environment can be restored to

60、 a state where all humans and animals can live in comfort and happiness.Place Cards11Describe your past place of work, school or university.You should say:Where it is or wasWhen you study or studied thereWhat you remember about it (briefly)And explain why you remember it more than other companies or

61、 schools.Ok, Id like to describe my former middle school, which is located in Fuzhou. Its been so long Im not sure if I can really describe it well. Wen, I studied just what everyone studied, and I guess you could say that I was a normal student-nothing fantastic.What I remember is the big gate outs

62、ide of it, which was regularly opened and closed. We would wait there patiently to get in. The building was fairly big, and the entrance was typically wide with some important pictures of historical figures. It was typically box-like. What I remember most is the playground. It was fairly large with

63、two baskets, and at the side there was a corridor where kids would play ping-pong.I also remember the dreaded teachers staff room, which was a place no student wanted to be in. It was lined with small desks and tall stacks of paper.I remember this more than other places because it was the place wher

64、e I was most affected, since I really started to grow up here. It was like a second home, and I went through so many different emotions there. I grew up, and it contained some of my best and worst memories. When I was going to this school I could never imagine life beyond middle school. Now that Im going to university it seems like such a long time ago. I do miss it a lot, but I wouldnt want to return to that life since it was so structured and controlled. I prefer my life now as a university student.Describe your apa

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