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1、七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 雅思口语900句话题1 自己考试常见提问:1. What are your interests?2. What are your strong points? 3. What are your weak points? 4. Can you tell me something about your personality? 5. How do you get al

2、ong well with your friends? 考试必备句子:1. My interests are manifold, including jogging, reading and playing computer games. 2. I enjoy reading books in my leisure time. 3. Im fond of sports and especially like playing badminton. 4. My hobby of climbing mountains keeps me fit and close to nature. 5. Coll

3、ecting stamps educates me in a variety of ways. 6. Im diligent, modest and kind-hearted. 7. Im always ready to help people in need. 8. Sensible of my shortcomings, I always try to overcome it. 9. Being timid is my greatest shortcoming. 10. Im an outgoing girl who likes to make friends with people. 1

4、1. Being easy-going, Im able to get along well with most of the people I know. 12. With a strong determination to succeed, I make steady progress in my studies. 注释:1. leisure time 闲暇时间2. people in need 需要帮助的人3. (be) sensible of 意识到,知道话题2 家庭考试常见提问:1. What is your father? Describe his personality. 2.

5、What is your mother? Describe her personality. 3. Are you satisfied with your family life? 4. Parents are the best teachers to children, do you agree? 5. Describe your family activities in your family. 考试必备句子:1. My father is from a working-class background. 2. My father works hard to support the fam

6、ily.3. My father is the backbone of my family. 4. My family is a two-career family with both my parents working. 5. The decision power of family affairs is in the hand of my mother.6. I have no say in family affairs. 7. My mother queens it over the whole family.8. We have a family gathering every mo

7、nth. 9. Children learn their first lesson from their parents. 10. Whenever I feel frustrated or sad, I turn to my family for comfort. 11. A harmonious family is important for the growth of children. 12. Family is the basic unit of society. 注释:1. decision power 决定权,决策权2. have no say 没有发言权3. queen it

8、over 统治话题3 朋友考试常见提问:1. Do you often spend time with your friends?2. How important is friendship to you? 3. Do your friends have similar hobbies and interests to yours? 4. How do you make friends? 5. What kind of friends are true friends? 考试必备句子:1. I treasure the friendship of a friend in need. 2. A

9、true friend will always be there when you need a shoulder to lean on. 3. The only way to have a friend is to be one. 4. For me, friendship is one of the most valuable possessions in the world. 5. The traditional Chinese believe that a gentleman should be able to die for his friends. 6. To build up f

10、riendships needs the efforts on both sides. 7. People like to make friends with those who have similar interests. 8. Pouring our troubles to friends is a good way of easing off pressure. 9. A true friend will not stand by when you are in trouble. 10. In friendship, loyalty may be the most important

11、thing. 11. Friendship is a comfy situation like home. 12. Friendship is an inner relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty andunderstanding. 注释:1. valuable possessions 有价值的财富2. stand by 袖手旁观3. comfy 舒适的话题 4 同学考试常见提问:1. Tell me about one of your classmates. 2. What is his / her ap

12、pearance?3. What is his / her personality? 4. What do you think of him / her? 5. Do you have a good relationship with that student?考试必备句子:1. I always pour my troubles to her. 2. I adore her delicate skin. 3. Being tender and understanding, she is like a sister to us. 4. We have much memorable time t

13、ogether. 5. We share our sorrows and happiness together. 6. We are birds of a feather. 7. Our friendship is built upon a solid base. 8. I know her inside and out. 9. A bosom friend is one to whom you could tell all your secrets. 10. Her personality is exactly the same as mine. 11. He gets along well

14、 with every one in our class. 12. We have known each other since we were in kindergarten. 注释:1. adore 欣赏2. birds of a feather 性情相近3. inside and out 彻底话题 5 孩子考试常见提问:1. Describe a child that you know. 2. What is his / her appearance? 3. What is his / her personality? 4. What is the general character o

15、f children? 5. What do you think of the child? 考试必背句子:1. She is a spoiled child. 2. Nowadays children are under more pressure of competition.3. Todays children enjoy a higher level of material life. 4. My niece is a lovely child with shinny eyes and tiny feet. 5. She is so adorable that I want to ki

16、ss her flowery face. 6. He is a little emperor of the family. 7. We should train childrens practical skills. 8. In double-career families children are often neglected. 9. Peter and his family live in the flat above mine. 10. He is tall for his age. 11. My nephew wears a very warm smile on his face w

17、hen he is happy. 12. He is strong-willed and usually finds out ways to get what he wants. 注释:1. pressure of competition 竞争的压力2. adorable 可爱的3. wear a very warm smile 面带灿烂的笑容话题 6 同事考试常见提问:1. What is his / her appearance?2. What is his / her personality?3. What do you think of him / her? 4. Do you hav

18、e a good relationship with that colleague? 5. Do you like to work with that person? 考试必备句子:1. He always brags about his achievements. 2. He is so careless that no one wants to work with him. 3. You should not say bad words about your colleague behind their back. 4. Mutual respect is vital in establi

19、shing relationship with others. 5. The relationship among colleagues is more complicated than the campus relationship. 6. He is the soul of the team. 7. A competent colleague sometimes poses threat to you.8. The members of our office get along like a family. 9. He is younger than his age, but he is

20、quite professional. 10. My colleague Todd is much of a friend and he is ready to help me any time. 11. A good colleague is supposed to be efficient and cooperative. 12. Working in a project is a good practice of team spirit. 注释:1. brag about 吹牛2. behind their back 在他们背后3. pose threat 构成威胁话题 7 名人常见考试

21、提问:1. Tell me something about a famous person that you like. 2. Why do you like him / her? 3. Why is he / she famous? 4. What do you think of idol worship? 5. Are you influenced by this person? 考试必备句子:1. Premier Zhou Enlai is the person I admire most. 2. Nowadays many young people consider TV stars

22、as their role models. 3. The young actress achieves international fame with only one movie. 4. It is immoral to probe into peoples privacy even if they are not famous. 5. We should learn from the shining points of the stars while being cautious against their shortcomings. 6. I admire Chairman Mao fo

23、r what he has done for the Chinese people. 7. He is not only successful in the IT field, but also active in the charity drive. 8. Kaifu Li has written a book named Be The Best Yourself, which is popular among young people. 9. He is my idol both in my study and life. 10. I like the songs of this sing

24、er, particularly their lyrics.11. Every successful man must have had a lot of failures before he becomes a star. 12. Every dog can be successful. 注释:1. role model 榜样2. probe into 刺探,调查3. charity drive 慈善事业话题 8. 邻居考试常见提问:1. Do you think its important to have a good neighbor? 2. How do you get along w

25、ith your neighbors? 3. How should we deal with the relationship with neighbors?4. Whats the difference between a neighbor and a friend? 5. What qualities do you think a good neighbor should have? 考试必备句子:1. The relationship between neighbors in rural areas is closer than that in cities. 2. We Chinese

26、 always say that a near neighborhood is better than a distant relative. 3. My neighbor often brings over some delicious food she makes. 4. Sometimes the noise on the other side of the house makes it difficult for us to fall asleep. 5. Neighbors need more understanding between them. 6. I am always ca

27、reful not to make big noises at night. 7. A good neighbor is better than a brother in the next village. 8. Its better to keep on good terms with our neighbors. 9. When problems occur, neighbors should try to understand each other. 10. A good neighbor is supposed to be helpful and considerate. 11. I

28、pay visits to my neighbors almost every day. 12. It is our duty to give a hand to our neighbors when they need. 注释:1. rural area 边远地区,农村2. keep on good terms 保持友好关系3. give a hand 帮忙话题 9 老人考试常见提问:1. How should we treat old people? 2. What do you think of old people? 3. What are the general characteri

29、stics of old people? 4. What role do old people play in the family? 5. What do you think the old people should do to spend the rest of their life? 考试必备句子:1. Respecting old people is a long-standing tradition of China. 2. China has entered the aging society period.3. Old people sometimes behave like

30、children.4. The rich life experiences and wisdom of elderly people are a treasure. 5. Aging is an unavoidable natural process. 6. In my family old people are honored. 7. When people grow old, sometimes they turn to be irritable and stubborn. 8. Many young people neglect their duties to the old ones

31、in the family. 9. Different people should be more understanding to each other. 10. In China old people often shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the babies. 11. Old people pass down tradition to the younger generation. 12. Many old people today are even more open-minded than the young. 注释:

32、1. long-standing 长久存在的2. irritable 易怒的3. open-minded 思想开放的话题 10 老师考试常见提问:1. Tell me something about a teacher who has taught you.2. Whats special about him / her? 3. In what ways are you influenced by him / her? 4. What are the most important qualifications to be a good teacher? 5. What do you think

33、 of the Chinese tradition of respecting teachers? 考试必备句子:1. A teacher should teacher not only knowledge but also morals. 2. Patience is an important quality required of a teacher. 3. He is very much devoted to the cause of education. 4. He treats us as if we were his own children. 5. Teaching is an

34、honorable profession. 6. My parents are my first teachers. 7. The school shall create a stimulating atmosphere to attract great teachers. 8. As the science develops teachers should improve their teaching methods to satisfy the requirement of the modern society. 9. Teacher should motivate students to

35、 be creative. 10. A good teacher shall encourage rather than simply preach. 11. Teachers are required to learn something about psychology.12. All students should be treated equally. 注释:1. stimulating atmosphere 挑战性环境2. teaching methods 教学方法3. preach 说教话题 11 领导人考试常见提问:1. What are the most important q

36、ualifications to be a leader? 2. Who is the leader that you adore most? 3. Where does he / she work? 4. Why do you like that leader? 5. What would you do if you are a leader? 考试必备句子:1. A good leader is always working hard like a horse. 2. As the CEO of this company, he is under much pressure. 3. I l

37、ike those leaders who are friendly and easy-going among his employees. 4. Good leaders are close to their employees. 5. Rules and regulations are the best way to standardize a company. 6. Since he is the leader, he is supposed to take the lead. 7. If I were the leader, I would be on equal terms with

38、 my employees. 8. A professional leader is always ready to take challenges and risks. 9. He is responsible to make important decisions and budgets for the company. 10. He is an expert on finance and good at interpreting the government policies. 11. A sales manager is supposed to sell service andprod

39、ucts to potential customers. 12. She is playing a role of a manager and a role of a mother at the same time. 注释:1. work hard like a horse 像马一样辛勤工作2. take challenges and risks 迎接挑战和风险3. make budgets 做预算话题 12 书籍考试常见提问:1. Do you like reading books? 2. What kind of books do you like to read? 3. What kin

40、d of book is a good book in your opinion? 4. Do you read for pleasure or for information? 5. Do you buy books to read or borrow them from libraries? 考试必备句子:1. A good book should not only have in interesting plot, but also a significant theme. 2. Books are beyond my interest. 3. Recently I have been

41、reading a book written by Mark Twain. 4. I often poke along in secondhand bookstores in search of interesting used books. 5. I prefer romantic stories to realistic novels. 6. Nowadays the market is full slipshod books churned out in a few days. 7. Novels on great heroes are popular in China. 8. Peop

42、le have different tastes for books. 9. You can find all kinds of books on the Internet for free. 10. I read romantic novels in my spare time for pleasure. 11. We should resist pirated books to protect theinterests of the authors. 12. In order to borrow books from the schoollibrary, I applied for a r

43、eading card. 注释:1. beyond my interest 我对某物不感兴趣2. poke along 闲逛3. churn out 粗制滥造话题 13 衣服考试常见提问:1. What kind of clothes do you like?2. How do you get information about fashion? 3. Whats the difference between the clothes at present and ten years ago?4. What are the most fashionable clothes in China no

44、wadays? 考试必备句子:1. I always wore hand-me-downs when I was a little girl. 2. I like baggy pants because they are comfortable. 3. I do not like skintight clothes. 4. I admire the fashionable clothes on fashion magazines, but I wont wear them. 5. Clothes demonstrated on fashion shows are not intended fo

45、r everyday use. 6. Different occasions require you to wear different clothes. 7. You should wear formal clothes on important occasions to be polite. 8. Young people are keen for fashion. 9. Nowadays people have more choices for clothes than ten years ago. 10. China is a great manufacturer and export

46、er of clothes. 11. Clothes made of cotton are healthier than those made of synthetic materials. 12. Old people are more conservative about what to wear .注释:1. hand-me-downs 兄姐穿后接着弟妹穿的旧衣服2. baggy pants 灯笼裤3. skintight 紧身的话题 14 计算机考试常见提问:1. How often do you use a computer? 2. In what way do you use a

47、computer? 3. How “computer literate” are you? 4. How much have computers changed your life? 5. What do you gain from using a computer? 考试必备句子:1. Our life is made more convenient because of the invention of computers. 2. Computer provides people with different sorts of entertainment, such as listenin

48、g to music and watching films. 3. It is said that radiation of the computer screen is harmful to our health. 4. Many young people indulge themselves in surfing on the Internet and neglect their studies. 5. Pregnant women should not sit in front of a computer too long. 6. I am a computer novice.7. Fo

49、r me, computer is a means of study and entertainment. 8. Computer viruses can cause a lot of damage. 9. Many people are obsessed with playing computer games and neglect their studies. 10. Computer can be a two-edged sword. 11. Computer is a problem while it brings convenience to people. 12. Computer

50、 has received more and more socialattention from all walks of life. 注释:1. novice 新手2. be obsessed with 着迷3. two-edged sword 双刃剑话题 15 烹饪与食物考试常见提问:1. Who cook in your family? 2. Do you cook at home? 3. How do you learn cooking? 4. What kind of food culture do you have in your country? 5. Do you like t

51、he food in your country? 考试必备句子:1. China is a country with a splendid catering culture. 2. There are eight major cuisines in China. 3. Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot. 4. Roast Beijing duck is a famous specialty in Beijing. 5. I like Cantonese food because its light in flavor.6. My mother has excel

52、lent culinary skills. 7. I learn cooking from my mother and cookery books. 8. I often watch cooking programs on TV to learn cooking. 9. My father is a gourmet. 10. My mother always experiments on new dishes. 11. Food in restaurants always has too much MSG. 12. My mother is health-conscious and prepa

53、res food with little MSG and salt. 注释:1. gourmet 美食家2. MSG 味精monosodium glutamateis (short for MSG)3. health-conscious 注重营养和健康的话题 16 金钱考试常见提问:1. How important is money to you? 2. What is your attitude towards money?3. If you have one million Yuan, what will you do with it? 4. Do you think different

54、generations have different opinions about money? 5. Do you tend to save money or spend money? 考试必备句子:1. Money is not the thing that I am after. 2. We should not let riches govern us. 3. The young people tend to be loose with their money. 4. Many young people borrow from Peter to pay Paul.5. Time is

55、often compared to money for its preciousness. 6. Many low income families can not make their ends meet. 7. Old people are often thrifty in money. 8. You obtain money in a right way and use it thriftily. 9. “Money talks” could not be applied to every situation. 10. Thrifty is one of the traditional v

56、irtues of Chinese people. 11. Money is often where all the trouble starts. 12. We should cultivate childrens capability of dealing with their money. 注释:1. riches 财富2. be loose with ones money 大手大脚花钱3. borrow from Peter to pay Paul 寅吃卯粮(拆东墙补西墙)话题 17 信或卡片考试常见提问:1. Who send the card or letter to you? 2

57、. Why is it sent to you?3. Do you like sending e-mails to others?4. Do you often send letters by mail?5. Do you send letters to others for business or personal reasons? 考试常见提问:1. Modern science and technology brings a huge impact on peoples way of communication. 2. Letters are gradually giving way t

58、o e-mails. 3. E-mails are faster and almost cost free. 4. Traditional cards and letters are not environment-friendly as they are made of paper. 5. Sometimes writing a letter is more polite and more formal. 6. After receiving a gift, it is thoughtful to write a thank-you note. 7. Old people tend to l

59、ove the sensation of traditional letters. 8. Young people today prefer to call rather than write letters. 9. Whenever I receive a letter from a friend I feel happy.10. Most of us have been harassed by junk mails. 11. A letter written in pen can express the feelings much more deeply than an e-mail. 1

60、2. E-cards are much more popular for its convenience and sending speed. 注释:1. give way to 被所取代2. environment-friendly 有利于环境保护的3. junk mail 垃圾邮件话题 18 礼物1. Describe a gift that is important to you. 2. On what occasions do you send gifts to others?3. What kind of gifts do you send to others?4. How do C

61、hinese people see gifts?5. What kind of gifts do Chinese people value most? 考试必备句子:1. We send gifts to each other on important occasions. 2. Sending gifts is a way of expressing your gratitude to some person. 3. Gifts represent our best wishes. 4. When people are choosing gifts, they tend to be influenced by advertisements. 5. In my opinion, the givers sincerity is more important than the price of the gift. 6. We tend to send nutritious food to old people a

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