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1、00:00:54,287 - 00:00:57,582这是一个关于我如何老去的故事FLYNN: This is the story of how I died.400:00:58,826 - 00:01:03,289但是别担心,这个故事很好玩 事实上,也算不上是我的故事But dont worry, this is a fun story, and the truth is, it isnt even mine.500:01:03,456 - 00:01:06,417这是关于一个叫长发公主的女孩的故事This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel.600:

2、01:08,294 - 00:01:09,253我们先从太阳说起And it starts with the sun.700:01:11,881 - 00:01:16,427很久以前,一抹阳光从天空坠落Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens.800:01:16,552 - 00:01:22,183在它落下的地方,长出了一朵金色的魔花And from this small drop of sun grew a magic golden flower.900:01:23,101 - 00:01:26,312

3、它能治愈疾病和伤痛It had the ability to heal the sick and injured.1000:01:27,897 - 00:01:31,317看到那边的老婆婆了吗?一定要记住她Oh, you see that old woman over there? You might want to remember her.1100:01:31,484 - 00:01:32,443她是这里的关键人物Shes kind of important.1200:01:34,279 - 00:01:36,197几个世纪之后Centuries passed1300:01:36,364

4、- 00:01:38,533周围逐渐形成了一个王国and a hop, skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom.1400:01:39,575 - 00:01:42,704这个国家的国王和王后深受人民爱戴The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen.1500:01:43,705 - 00:01:46,374王后怀孕了And the queen was about to have a baby.1600:01:47,083 - 00:01:48,042但是却得了重病But she got s

5、ick.1700:01:49,252 - 00:01:50,295非常严重Really sick.1800:01:50,962 - 00:01:52,213她时日无多She was running out of time,1900:01:52,380 - 00:01:55,341这时候人们开始寻找奇迹and thats when people start to look for a miracle.2000:01:55,508 - 00:01:58,761在这个故事里,就是魔花Or in this case, a magic golden flower.2100:01:59,345 - 00:

6、02:02,015对吧!我跟你提过她很重要的Ah! I told you shed be important.2200:02:02,181 - 00:02:04,392并不是所有人都乐意分享上天的礼物Instead of sharing the suns gift,2300:02:04,559 - 00:02:07,145这个女巫葛朵更喜欢独享它的魔力this woman, Mother Gothel, hoarded its healing power2400:02:07,312 - 00:02:10,565她要让自己永葆青春and used it to keep herself young

7、 for hundreds of years.2500:02:10,732 - 00:02:14,110她要做的只是唱一首特别的歌And all she had to do was sing a special song.2600:02:14,944 - 00:02:18,531魔花闪烁(SINGING) Flower, gleam and glow2700:02:19,282 - 00:02:22,994借汝之力Let your power shine2800:02:23,536 - 00:02:26,706闪回时间Make the clock reverse2900:02:26,873 -

8、 00:02:30,668还我容颜Bring back what once was mine3000:02:30,835 - 00:02:33,921再次无瑕What once was mine3100:02:34,047 - 00:02:37,842你看到了,她对着花唱歌 然后就变年轻了,很诡异,对吧?FLYNN: You get the gist. She sings to it, she turns young. Creepy, right?3200:02:38,009 - 00:02:39,719(VOICES APPROACHING)3300:02:49,020 - 00:02:49

9、,979找到了!We found it!3400:02:56,235 - 00:03:00,823金色魔花治愈了王后FLYNN: The magic of the golden flower healed the queen.3500:03:01,783 - 00:03:06,663公主平安落地,她有着完美的金发A healthy baby girl, a princess was born, with beautiful golden hair.3600:03:06,829 - 00:03:08,331(BAB Y COOING HAPPILY)3700:03:08,498 - 00:03:

10、09,791(CHUCKLING)3800:03:10,792 - 00:03:11,793(COOING)3900:03:14,504 - 00:03:15,630(LAUGHING SOFTLY)4000:03:15,797 - 00:03:18,383给各位看官一个小提示 这就是之后的长发公主FLYNN: Ill give you a hint, thats Rapunzel.4100:03:18,549 - 00:03:19,634(GIGGLES)4200:03:20,385 - 00:03:21,594为给公主庆生To celebrate her birth,4300:03:21,

11、761 - 00:03:25,014国王和王后向天空放了一盏孔明灯the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky.4400:03:25,181 - 00:03:28,893(PEOPLE CHEERING)4500:03:30,561 - 00:03:33,648至现在为止,一切都还安然无事And for that one moment, everything was perfect.4600:03:36,693 - 00:03:38,152好时光总是很短And then that moment ended.4700:03:3

12、9,946 - 00:03:43,992魔花闪烁(SINGING) Flower, gleam and glow4800:03:46,035 - 00:03:49,539借汝之力Let your power shine4900:03:50,039 - 00:03:51,749闪回时Make the clock.5000:03:51,958 - 00:03:53,126(GASPS)5100:03:57,588 - 00:03:58,548(RAPUNZEL CRYING)5200:03:58,715 - 00:04:01,092葛朵闯入城堡,抢走了孩子FLYNN: Gothel broke i

13、nto the castle, stole the child,5300:04:01,259 - 00:04:03,261就像这样,逃走了!and just like that, gone!5400:04:05,555 - 00:04:08,850整个王国上下都在寻找公主,却一直无果The kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the princess.5500:04:09,267 - 00:04:12,270因为在隐藏森林深处的一座高塔中For deep within the forest, in a hidden to

14、wer,5600:04:12,437 - 00:04:13,855葛朵独自将孩子抚养长大了Gothel raised the child as her own.5700:04:14,105 - 00:04:16,774闪回时间RAPUNZEL: (SINGING) Save what has been lost5800:04:16,983 - 00:04:20,778还我容颜Bring back what once was mine5900:04:20,945 - 00:04:23,489再次无瑕What once was mine6000:04:23,656 - 00:04:26,200葛朵

15、找到了一朵新的魔“花”FLYNN: Gothel had found her new magic flower,6100:04:26,367 - 00:04:29,037这次,她决心要将她藏好but this time, she was determined to keep it hidden.6200:04:29,704 - 00:04:32,165为什么我不能出去呢?Why cant I go outside?6300:04:32,332 - 00:04:34,917外面的世界很危险The outside world is a dangerous place,6400:04:35,084

16、- 00:04:37,503到处都是可怕自私的人们filled with horrible, selfish people.6500:04:37,670 - 00:04:40,673你得留在这里,只有这里是安全的You must stay here, where youre safe.6600:04:40,840 - 00:04:42,383明白了吗,小花儿?Do you understand, flower?6700:04:42,508 - 00:04:43,843知道了,妈妈Yes, Mommy.6800:04:47,221 - 00:04:51,684但高塔之墙无法阻挡住一切FLYNN:

17、 But the walls of that tower could not hide everything.6900:04:55,021 - 00:04:56,439每年在她生日的时候Each year, on her birthday,7000:04:56,606 - 00:05:00,068国王和王后都会放飞数千盏孔明灯the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky7100:05:00,234 - 00:05:05,239希望有一天能够明珠复还in hope that one day their lost pr

18、incess would return.7200:05:21,965 - 00:05:23,216(WHIMPERS)7300:05:24,300 - 00:05:25,593哈!Ha!7400:05:26,427 - 00:05:27,428嗯Hmm.7500:05:27,804 - 00:05:31,265看来帕斯卡没躲这里Well, I guess Pascals not hiding out here.7600:05:32,183 - 00:05:33,393(SNIGGERING)7700:05:34,352 - 00:05:35,436抓到你了!- Gotcha! - (SCREA

19、MS)7800:05:35,937 - 00:05:37,063(PANTS)7900:05:37,188 - 00:05:41,734我已经22胜了哦,要不咱们改成45战23胜吧?Thats 22 for me. How about 23 out of 45?8000:05:43,194 - 00:05:45,280好吧,那你准备怎么办?Okay. Well, what do you want to do?8100:05:45,530 - 00:05:46,781(SQUEAKS)8200:05:48,157 - 00:05:52,829不,我觉得不行,我喜欢在这儿,你也是Yeah. I d

20、ont think so. I like it in here, and so do you.8300:05:55,123 - 00:05:57,917拜托,帕斯卡,这里也没那么差了Oh, come on, Pascal. Its not so bad in there.8400:06:11,180 - 00:06:14,601清晨七点,惯例整装行动(SINGING) Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup8500:06:15,560 - 00:06:19,731做家务,先扫地Start on the chores And sweep till the flo

21、ors all clean8600:06:20,273 - 00:06:23,818拖地,打蜡,洗衣服,统统擦干净Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up8700:06:23,985 - 00:06:28,323再来一次,等到7:15Sweep again and by then its, like, 7: 158800:06:28,489 - 00:06:32,827我会去看本书或者两三本And so Ill read a book Or maybe two or three8900:06:32,994 - 00:06:37,165画幅新

22、作品,放在我的画廊Ill add a few new paintings to my gallery9000:06:37,332 - 00:06:41,586我会弹吉他,做女红,烧饭,还有最重要的Ill play guitar and knit and cook and basically9100:06:41,753 - 00:06:46,174幻想我的新生活新生活Just wonder when will my life begin?9200:06:55,600 - 00:06:59,771午饭过后是拼图时间,我还射飞镖,烤东西Then after lunch its puzzles and

23、 darts and baking9300:06:59,938 - 00:07:04,317做做手工,跳跳芭蕾,来盘象棋Papier-mch, a bit of ballet and chess9400:07:04,734 - 00:07:08,196制陶器,玩腹语,做蜡烛Pottery and ventriloquy, candle-making9500:07:08,363 - 00:07:12,951来个伸展运动,再来个素描 爬个高,缝个裙子Then Ill stretch, maybe sketch Take a climb, sew a dress9600:07:13,117 - 00

24、:07:16,996再温习读过的书,如果还有时间And Ill reread the books If I have time to spare9700:07:17,163 - 00:07:21,459我就再画些壁画 一定还有空地方可以放得下Ill paint the walls some more Im sure theres room somewhere9800:07:21,626 - 00:07:25,964然后我梳梳梳头发And then Ill brush and brush and brush and brush my hair9900:07:26,130 - 00:07:30,5

25、93每天在同一个地方Stuck in the same place Ive always been10000:07:30,760 - 00:07:35,682开始想啊想啊想And Ill keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering10100:07:35,848 - 00:07:39,185我的未来何时才能开始?When will my life begin?10200:07:41,229 - 00:07:44,565明晚Tomorrow night10300:07:44,816 - 00:07:48,903孔明灯又将照亮夜空

26、the lights will appear10400:07:49,654 - 00:07:52,824就像以前的Just like they do10500:07:52,991 - 00:07:57,745每个生日一样on my birthday each year10600:07:59,330 - 00:08:02,583当它们齐聚夜空What is it like10700:08:03,751 - 00:08:07,588外面会是什么样子out there where they glow10800:08:08,756 - 00:08:12,260现在的我已经长大Now that Im o

27、lder10900:08:12,885 - 00:08:17,348妈妈也许会让我出去Mother might just let me go11000:08:41,080 - 00:08:44,167哇!这里太美了Wow! I could get used to a view like this.11100:08:44,334 - 00:08:46,127瑞德,快点儿!Rider, come on!11200:08:46,294 - 00:08:51,466等等,没错,我爱死这里了 哥们儿,我想要座城堡Hold on. Yep. Im used to it. Guys, I want a ca

28、stle.11300:08:52,008 - 00:08:54,761做完这票,你可以自己买一座We do this job, you can buy your own castle.11400:09:04,979 - 00:09:06,230(SNEEZES)11500:09:07,190 - 00:09:09,108- 花粉过敏? - 嗯- Hay fever? - Yeah.11600:09:11,194 - 00:09:12,236啥?Huh?11700:09:12,862 - 00:09:15,740等等!嘿,站住!Wait! Hey, wait!11800:09:16,574 -

29、00:09:19,327你能想象我未来的城堡吗?我可以Cant you picture me in a castle of my own? Because I certainly can.11900:09:19,494 - 00:09:22,246这么美的景色,一切才刚开始呢!All the things weve seen, and its only 8:00 in the morning!12000:09:22,413 - 00:09:25,458先生们,今天是个大日子!Gentlemen, this is a very big day!12100:09:25,833 - 00:09:29

30、,796是啊!今天是个大日子,帕斯卡(SIGHS) This is it! This is a very big day, Pascal.12200:09:29,963 - 00:09:30,964(CHUCKLES)12300:09:31,130 - 00:09:34,050我今天一定要求她让我出去Im finally going to do it. Im going to ask her.12400:09:34,175 - 00:09:36,219长发公主- GOTHEL: Rapunzel! - (GASPS)12500:09:36,844 - 00:09:38,429把你的头发放下来吧

31、!Let down your hair!12600:09:39,389 - 00:09:40,431就是现在!Its time!12700:09:41,724 - 00:09:44,978来了,来了,快躲起来,别让她瞧见I know, I know. Come on. Dont let her see you.12800:09:47,397 - 00:09:51,317宝贝!我都要等老了!Rapunzel! Im not getting any younger down here!12900:09:52,235 - 00:09:53,695来了,妈妈!Coming, Mother!13000:

32、10:13,589 - 00:10:16,759(GRUNTING)13100:10:18,052 - 00:10:20,555欢迎回来,妈妈(PANTING) Hi. Welcome home, Mother.13200:10:20,722 - 00:10:23,891姑娘,你是怎样日复一日地(EX CLAIMS) Rapunzel, how you manage to do that13300:10:24,058 - 00:10:27,103都坚持下来的呢?every single day without fail.13400:10:27,270 - 00:10:29,606你看上去太累了

33、,宝贝It looks absolutely exhausting, darling.13500:10:29,772 - 00:10:32,108哈,这没什么的Oh, (CHUCKLES) its nothing.13600:10:32,275 - 00:10:34,444那我不明白了,怎么让我等那么久Then I dont know why it takes so long.13700:10:34,611 - 00:10:36,988喔,亲爱的,我开玩笑的(LAUGHS) Oh, darling, Im just teasing.13800:10:37,614 - 00:10:38,865(

34、CHUCKLES)13900:10:39,449 - 00:10:40,450好吧All right.14000:10:40,617 - 00:10:43,870妈妈,你知道明天很重要So, Mother, as you know tomorrow is a very big day.14100:10:44,037 - 00:10:45,538宝贝,快看看镜子Rapunzel, look in that mirror.14200:10:45,705 - 00:10:47,123看到什么了吗?You know what I see?14300:10:47,290 - 00:10:51,252我看

35、见一个强大自信,又漂亮的年轻姑娘I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady.14400:10:52,462 - 00:10:54,547哎,看,原来你也在镜子里面Oh, look, youre here, too. (LAUGHS)14500:10:54,714 - 00:10:58,051开玩笑而已,别这么严肃嘛Im just teasing. Stop taking everything so seriously.14600:10:58,760 - 00:11:01,596妈妈,我刚才说到哪儿了,明天是Okay. So, Mother,

36、as I was saying, tomorrow is.14700:11:01,763 - 00:11:04,140乖女儿,妈妈今天有点累Rapunzel, Mothers feeling a little run-down.14800:11:04,307 - 00:11:07,185给我唱唱歌吧,亲爱的?我们之后再聊Would you sing for me, dear? Then well talk.14900:11:07,352 - 00:11:09,604好嘞,妈妈Oh! Of course, Mother.15000:11:18,029 - 00:11:19,322魔花闪烁,借汝之

37、力(QUICKLY) Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine15100:11:19,489 - 00:11:21,074闪回时间,还我容颜Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine15200:11:21,240 - 00:11:22,951抚平伤口,改变命运Heal what has been hurt Change the Fates design15300:11:23,117 - 00:11:25,078寻回逝去,换回新生Save what has been lost Bring

38、back what once was mine15400:11:25,244 - 00:11:26,913- 怎么唱这么快! - 唱完了,妈- Rapunzel! - So, Mother,15500:11:27,080 - 00:11:29,832刚才我说明天很重要,但你没反应earlier I was saying tomorrow is a big day, and you didnt respond.15600:11:29,999 - 00:11:32,669明天是我生日啊!So, Im just going to tell you, its my birthday! (LAUGHS)

39、15700:11:32,835 - 00:11:35,672- 噹噹! - 不对,不对,不可能- Ta-da! - No, no, no. Cant be.15800:11:35,838 - 00:11:39,133我很清楚记得,去年你过过生日了I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year.15900:11:39,300 - 00:11:42,470这才是生日啊,每年都有一次哦Thats the funny thing about birthdays. Theyre kind of an annual thing.16000:11:42,

40、637 - 00:11:43,638(SIGHS)16100:11:44,430 - 00:11:48,893妈妈,我就要成年了,这次我想要Mother, Im turning 18, and I wanted to ask.16200:11:49,394 - 00:11:52,063我真正想要的生日礼物(SIGHS) What I really want for this birthday.16300:11:52,230 - 00:11:54,524我都想了好多年了Actually what I wanted for quite a few birthdays now.16400:11:54

41、,691 - 00:11:56,734宝贝儿,拜托,别老是嘟嘟囔囔的Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling.16500:11:56,901 - 00:11:59,445你知道我最烦这个的了,叽叽咕咕的You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah-blah-blah-blah.16600:11:59,612 - 00:12:02,198烦死了!我就是说着玩儿的,真是傻丫头Its very annoying! Im just teasing. Youre adorable.16700:12:02,365 - 00

42、:12:04,117我非常爱你,亲爱的I love you so much, darling.16800:12:05,493 - 00:12:06,786(PASCAL SQUEAKS)16900:12:10,039 - 00:12:11,624我想去看孔明灯(EX CLAIMS) I want to see the floating lights.17000:12:13,376 - 00:12:15,420啥?(CHUCKLES) What?17100:12:15,586 - 00:12:19,299我想你带我去看孔明灯I was hoping you would take me to se

43、e the floating lights.17200:12:19,757 - 00:12:22,468哦!你说那些星星吗?Oh! You mean the stars.17300:12:22,885 - 00:12:24,053就是那个Thats the thing.17400:12:25,555 - 00:12:28,391我画了星象图,星星是一成不变的Ive charted stars, and theyre always constant.17500:12:28,558 - 00:12:32,353但这些,它们每年在我生日的时候出现,妈妈But these, they appear e

44、very year on my birthday, Mother.17600:12:32,520 - 00:12:34,397只在我生日那晚Only on my birthday.17700:12:34,564 - 00:12:39,652我老是觉得它们是为我特意准备的And I cant help but feel like theyre meant for me.17800:12:40,570 - 00:12:42,405我要去看它们,妈妈I need to see them, Mother.17900:12:42,572 - 00:12:45,992不是从窗户里,而是亲身去感受And n

45、ot just from my window, in person.18000:12:46,159 - 00:12:48,703我想知道它们是什么I have to know what they are.18100:12:48,870 - 00:12:52,832你想要出去?为什么,女儿You want to go outside? (SCOFFS) Why, Rapunzel.18200:12:53,583 - 00:12:56,377看看你,就是温室里的一朵小花(SINGING) Look at you, as fragile as a flower18300:12:57,170 - 00

46、:13:00,923才刚刚发芽呢Still a little sapling, just a sprout18400:13:01,090 - 00:13:03,885你知道我们为何隐居高塔You know why we stay up in this tower18500:13:04,052 - 00:13:05,553- 我知道,但是 - 没错- I know, but. - Thats right.18600:13:05,720 - 00:13:09,474为了保护你,亲爱的To keep you safe and sound, dear18700:13:09,641 - 00:13:12

47、,310我早就知道,这一天早晚会来Guess I always knew this day was coming18800:13:13,311 - 00:13:15,980迟早你会想一个人出去闯荡Knew that soon youd want to leave the nest18900:13:16,731 - 00:13:17,857就快了,但现在还不行Soon but not yet19000:13:18,232 - 00:13:20,485我们不谈了!相信我,亲爱的Shh! Trust me, pet19100:13:20,860 - 00:13:24,656妈妈是最好的老师Mothe

48、r knows best19200:13:25,615 - 00:13:26,824(HATCH THUDDING CLOSED)19300:13:27,033 - 00:13:29,953妈妈是最好的老师,听妈妈的话Mother knows best Listen to your mother19400:13:30,119 - 00:13:31,120(SCREAMS)19500:13:31,287 - 00:13:33,081外面的世界太可怕Its a scary world out there19600:13:33,247 - 00:13:34,707妈妈是最好的老师Mother kno

49、ws best19700:13:34,874 - 00:13:35,875(GRUNTING)19800:13:36,042 - 00:13:37,794一步走错,后悔莫及One way or another Something will go wrong19900:13:37,961 - 00:13:39,504我保证I swear20000:13:39,671 - 00:13:42,382恶棍,流氓,毒草,流沙Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand20100:13:42,548 - 00:13:44,592食人族,毒蛇,瘟疫Cannibals and

50、snakes, the plague20200:13:44,759 - 00:13:45,760- 不! - 没错- No! - Yes.20300:13:45,927 - 00:13:48,471大虫子,尖牙的吸血鬼Also large bugs Men with pointy teeth20400:13:48,638 - 00:13:51,975算了!不说了,你会让我难过And stop! No more, youll just upset me20500:13:52,141 - 00:13:55,103妈妈在这里,妈妈保护你Mothers right here Mother will p

51、rotect you20600:13:55,270 - 00:13:58,439亲爱的,听妈妈的话Darling, heres what I suggest20700:13:58,606 - 00:14:02,652停止幻想,陪着妈妈Skip the drama Stay with Mama20800:14:02,819 - 00:14:07,573妈妈是最好的老师Mother knows best20900:14:07,740 - 00:14:08,908(LAUGHS)21000:14:09,867 - 00:14:12,620妈妈是最好的老师,妈妈保护你Mother knows best

52、 Take it from your mumsy21100:14:12,787 - 00:14:15,498靠自己,你将无法生存On your own, you wont survive21200:14:15,665 - 00:14:18,501拖沓的裙子,幼稚,笨拙Sloppy, underdressed Immature, clumsy21300:14:18,668 - 00:14:21,462那些人会生吞活剥了你Please, theyll eat you up alive21400:14:21,629 - 00:14:24,674轻信,天真,娇小可人Gullible, naive Po

53、sitively grubby21500:14:24,841 - 00:14:27,510笨拙还有迷迷糊糊的Ditsy and a bit. Well, hmm, vague21600:14:27,677 - 00:14:30,471另外,我觉得还有点婴儿肥Plus, I believe, getting kind of chubby21700:14:30,638 - 00:14:34,642这么说是因为我爱你Im just saying cause I wuv you21800:14:34,809 - 00:14:37,770妈妈最懂你,妈妈在帮你Mother understands Mot

54、hers here to help you21900:14:37,937 - 00:14:43,109我只有一个要求All I have is one request22000:14:47,280 - 00:14:49,824- 宝贝在听吗? - 啊?- Rapunzel? - Yes?22100:14:51,326 - 00:14:55,121不要再说离开这座塔了Dont ever ask to leave this tower again.22200:14:57,206 - 00:14:58,374好的,妈妈Yes, Mother.22300:14:59,000 - 00:14:59,95

55、9Oh.22400:15:00,501 - 00:15:02,629我太爱你了,亲爱的I love you very much, dear.22500:15:03,421 - 00:15:04,964我更爱你I love you more.22600:15:05,340 - 00:15:07,425我最爱你I love you most.22700:15:08,635 - 00:15:10,720不要忘记我说的话(SINGING) Dont forget it22800:15:10,887 - 00:15:14,432否则你会抱憾终身Youll regret it22900:15:14,599

56、 - 00:15:19,020妈妈是最好的老师Mother knows best23000:15:23,191 - 00:15:26,235噹噹,我过一会儿再来看你,亲爱的Ta-ta! Ill see you in a bit, my flower!23100:15:28,738 - 00:15:30,114我在这儿等你回来Ill be here.23200:15:47,465 - 00:15:48,675(PANTING)23300:15:52,428 - 00:15:53,554(GASPS)23400:15:53,888 - 00:15:55,098哦,天哪Oh, no.23500:15

57、:55,264 - 00:15:57,767天哪,天哪,天哪,麻烦了,这下麻烦大了No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. This is very, very bad.23600:15:57,934 - 00:15:59,519这下捅大篓子了This is really bad.23700:16:01,062 - 00:16:02,563他们老是把我的鼻子画得这么难看They just cant get my nose right.23800:16:03,189 - 00:16:04,482你现在还管这个?Who cares?23900:16:04,649 - 00:16:07,694

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