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1、No Signposts in the Sea (Excerpts)By V.Sackville-WestLOGOAbout the novelAbout the authorOther backgroundLOGOAbout the authorBrief introduction Vita Sackville-West (薇塔萨克维尔韦斯特 ) Born 9 March 1892 Died 2 June 1962 Occupation novelist & poet Nationality EnglishMarrige In 1913, at age 21, married the

2、 27 year-old diplomat and journalist Harold George Nicolson. Both Sackville-West and her husband had consecutive same-sex relations(同性恋). The couple had two children: Benedict, born in 1914, an art historian, Nigel, born in 1917, a well known editor, politician, and writer.LOGOAbout the author Vita

3、Sackville-West was viewed as one of the Britains promising young writers in the 1920s.Best known novels:The Edwardians (1930) describes the development of the main character Sebastian within his social world .All Passion Spent (1931) Lady Slane who, after her husband dies,defies the wishes of her ch

4、ildren and grandchildren and retreats to a cottage in the countryside, where she rediscovers herself and her passions. LOGOAbout the novelBrief introduction First published in 1961, this passage is Vita Sackville-Wests final novel before her death in 1962, and its a fitting farewell.Details The nove

5、l is written in the form of journal, narrated by Edmund Carr, 50, an eminent political columnist and a bachelor. He has recently discovered that he has only a short time to live. How shall he spend them? LOGOAbout the novelDetails In this quandary (困惑), he decides to leave his job on a Fleet Street

6、paper, and takes a passage on a cruise ship where he knows that Laura, a beautiful and intelligent widow whom he secretly admires, will be a fellow passenger to Far East. Edmund already deeply fell in love with the sea: beautiful scenery, lackadaisical life - even a part of the hot side is wonderful

7、. At the end of the novel, still walking on the sea ,Edmund was in such a quiet, with his love to the sea, and Lauras affectionate , passeing away peacefully.LOGOOther backgroundEmpire builder(Para.2) Reffering to civil servants and army officers sent out by the British government to administer her

8、colonies.Pharisee(Para.3)法利赛人 The Pharisees(means to separate ) were depending on the time, a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought among Jews that flourished during the Second Temple Era. Clvis(Para.4)克洛维 was the king of the Franks, which was to develop into modern France and

9、Geremany, from 481 to 511, a key period during the transformation of the Roman Empire into Europe.Endymion(Para.5) a handsome shepherd in Greek mythology, was deeply loved by Selene(月亮女神).Olympus(Para.5)奥林匹斯山 It is believed by ancient Greeks to be the dwelling place of the gods. LOGOto cause to feel

10、 happily refreshed and energetic. delight,excite,thrill,animate,gladden.Detailed study(PartIII) In the ships library stands .of the troubled world;(Para.34)Paraphrase: There is a globe in the ships library. But I think the only function of that globe is to compared ocean with land masses and show ho

11、w big is. I have been exhilarated by two days . that I have never been.(Para.34) Paraphrase: The storm that lasted two days has made me extremely excited and happy, but above all, I love these idle days in which I throw off all the qualities, perspectives, values and everthing else that made me as what I was: Im born anew.Thank you !

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