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1、智慧树知到英语口语直通车章节测试答案 智慧树知到英语口语直通车章节测试答案 第1章 单元测试1、Chinese people, especially married adult men dont like to be given hats.答案:第一空: de 第二空: en2、English is the international language, especially when it comes to . 答案:traveling3、There is no doubt that fewer than _ Chinese are proficient English speakers.答

2、案:福兮,祸之所伏。4、In the video, Michael says, many Chinese do know more than one language. They might know _. 答案:all of the above5、After watching each unit of Learning Tips for Spoken English, youre given some questions to answer, the purpose is not to _.答案:make you know more teachers6、Needless to say, sp

3、eaking English in a (n) _ way is more useful and practical than the formal one.答案:infection7、Put briefly, our college students can learn from this course.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。8、Youll also learn the methods of _ in order to gain confidence through public speaking.答案:how to conduct prepared and imprompt

4、u speeches9、The big challenges that you are bound to encounter can be divided into three categories, they are . 答案:all of the above10、Before Edward came to China, he learned as much Chinese as he could, because he had several reasons except for one fact, he was not to learn how _ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

5、11、Nowadays, less than 5% of Chinese English learners possess barrier-free communication skills in English. _答案:T12、When our students learn English in a college or university, their English level is normally not judged by their examination results.答案:F13、Thai people dont like you to touch their kids

6、 heads, because they fully believe that there is a link between the sky and their kids heads.答案:T14、When you try to become fluent in English, you are destined not to encounter any difficulties even if English is not our mother tongue.答案:F15、Its George Washingtons saying: Wars are fought with weapons

7、, but they are won by men.答案:F16、According to the course, although psychological barriers are _, they can be just as impenetrable as more obvious barriers, such as language differences.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。18、It is often said that The past often _ into perceptions about the future.答案:creeps19、In those

8、 days, they were fully prepared for the college entrance examination instead of being _with practical skills, like communicating effectively in English.答案:equipped20、When they were high school students, they were requested to memorize new words, study English grammar, read passages and write essays

9、day by day for not being armed with practical skills.答案:T21、No one can deny that once our college students are requested to do their unfamiliar thing: speaking more in English, especially with native English speakers, they feel shy and uncomfortable.答案:T22、In Dr. Pans opinion, lack of a good studyin

10、g habit and an effective learning method has also caused our students unhappiness. _ 答案:F23、To be sure, if youre able to realize that you have this fear of speaking English, youre already halfway through the difficulty.答案:T24、Today, this course is going to discuss how to _ break through students psy

11、chological barriers in English speaking.答案:错25、One of the most urgent things that educators are supposed to do is to stimulate students _ incentive, along with the external incentive that they can implement in their own educational settings.答案:Pride26、In short, breaking through the psychological bar

12、riers truly _our certain efforts.答案:luminance 、 a composite chrominance signal27、Generally put, keep your _opened, do well now, even though you really dont know why, go for it, and the doors will open.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。28、Its unnecessary for the teachers to understanding why the college students ar

13、e learning a foreign language.答案:F29、Teachers also need to reflect what a kind of teaching style should they implement in classroom? And what additional elements should they exert to the current teaching method.答案:T30、The only reason why college students cant speak English fluently is that they are

14、truly short of real English environment since Chinese is our mother tongue, and English is our foreign tongue.答案:F31、If students only want to pass their tests and dont care about their future language learning, then they might not speak English fluently.答案:T32、The second step to reduce students psyc

15、hological barriers, according to the course, is to have a better understanding of students different needs._答案:T33、It is no exaggeration to say that, to any non-native English speakers, speaking any foreign language can be easily . 答案:intimidating34、Theres a widespread saying in English, its called

16、it till you make it答案:435、Because you are actually doing it, you are sooner or later turning _into reality.答案:theory36、Certain kinds of practice can be very helpful for _your English speaking confidence答案:boosting37、Karl Marx once said When people are learning a foreign language,they should not _eve

17、rything into their own language.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。38、Having a native English speakers accent or having a talk with people abroad, the former opinion is more important to Dr. Pan.答案:F39、In the mind of most Chinese colleges students, its a face-losing matter if they dont speak English like Americans

18、or British people.答案:T40、If you have a slight Chinese accent, it dose not matter. The most important thing is that youre speaking clearly.答案:T第2章 单元测试2、How should we respond when the American bus driver says hey, whats up to us?答案:Say Hi to him/her3、ODO is adding a slew of words that only recently c

19、ame into general usage, many have been driven by fast-moving trends in_.答案:Technology and culture4、ODO has named the 2015 Word of the Year, and the winner is an emoji, which is called the_.答案:Face with tears of joy5、A gesture is a characteristic of _ communication in which visible body actions commu

20、nicate particular message.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。6、Which of the following are not the common gestures that are used among our college students today?答案:Air Quotes.7、More to the point, you should know not only the literal meaning but also the meaning答案:figurative8、In our daily life, which of following te

21、rm means Mianwu biaoqing?答案:A Poker face9、To tell you the truth, this might make some married men feel uncomfortable, because they are no longer the_ of the family.答案:breadwinner10、It is obvious that _language (s) have/has their/its own collocation of wise sayings.答案:was 、 hated 、 stand 、 got out11、

22、They indeed offer us advice about how to live a better life, and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture or society. Theses sayings are called _ 答案:Idioms12、We all know that _are often used as short expressions to describe how someone feels about a situation.答案:

23、该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。13、Collocations are a group of or even more words that usually go together. Theyre often used as short expressions to describe how someone feels about a situation.答案:two14、As a matter of fact, we would use a family tree to _ the relationship among our family members.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜

24、索。15、According to Wikipedia, the term Phrasal Verb is commonly applied to two or three distinct but related _ in English.答案:vt.使一致16、According to Wikipedia, the term Phrasal Verb is commonly applied to or distinct but related constructions in English.答案:vt.使一致17、Truly speaking, some name phrases are

25、 so closely related to the Bible, a collection of texts _ in Judaism and Christianity.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。18、In America when kids want to go to the bathroom, teachers would ask them to do or _. 答案:No.1; No.219、Nowadays, without any doubt, there are tens of thousands of courses _on the Web for our col

26、lege students to study.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。20、If our college students are eager to improve their spoken English, they are truly supposed to _the finest MOOCs from a variety of providers.答案:We would have fallen into chaos.21、The reason why Dr. Pans female student is so crazy about the MOOCs is because

27、 she can watch the foreign lectures with the English-Chinese _. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。22、The key to studying English well is to make English-learning matters fun and enjoyable through the right tools and_.答案:habits23、Truly speaking, being human beings, our relationship with songs and music is deeply an

28、d hugely _.答案:rewarding24、Not surprisingly, music is a (n) _habit, and our college students can take themselves wherever they go and they can listen to them over and over again.答案:easy25、To tell you the truth, well be focusing on how to use daily-used _in English expressions.答案:rather than; that are

29、26、The term Hit someone below the belt means that_答案:hurt someones heart27、Nowadays, many college students in China have wondered: How can we move from _ to advanced levels in English speaking?答案:intermediate28、Its more correct to say that is a religious occasion.答案:S 、 D 、 S 、 D 、 D 、 S 、 S 、 S29、I

30、n Michaels perspective, youd better express your creative ideas in the way that is clearly and delivered.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。30、We should keep in mind that the introduction should contain _to percent of the whole speech.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。31、According to the video, a prepared speech requires the spea

31、ker all the following except?答案:to use profound English32、Dr. Pan in the video explains, In my own teaching, Ive already _ my students to watch their tapes after class.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。33、The useful phrases for this part, namely, how to use personal experiences or her issues or viewpoints, dont in

32、clude_.答案:The topic of todays presentation is34、In the video, who has not been mentioned as a good example for a successful speech?答案:Martin Luther King35、As Henry Hartman says in this unit, Success always comes when preparation meets .答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。36、As an old Chinese saying goes, One minutes

33、 brilliance on the stage takes a _ ten years practice beyond that.答案:remain focused on the research topic、resist the temptation to be distracted by unrelated sites、review the source of all documents related to the research topic、review point of view of all documents related to the research topic、rev

34、iew completeness of all documents related to the research topic37、If you want to become an effective impromptu speaker, you need to_ your energies and efforts in your speaking bank.答案:invest38、You need to invest your energies and efforts in your Speaking bank, such as_.答案:all of the above39、So much

35、so in fact, all the following topics are discussed among three instructors in this unit except for _.答案:education40、According to the instructors in this unit, what is the proper length for making an impromptu speech?答案:3 minutes第3章 单元测试1、For the _ step when I assisted the consul at the Consulate, on

36、e incredible thing truly surprised me.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。2、All of the applicants who were able to speak English fluently would easily get the F1 visa at the Visa Section.答案:F3、According to the video, how can we overcome the cultural barriers?答案:All of the above4、Why did Michael, the consular, refuse

37、 some applicants who could speak English fluently?答案:Because they didnt answer his questions directly5、According to the video, why do many Chinese students prefer to use big fancy long words?答案:They really try to impress the readers.6、In this unit, were going to _ the differences of Sino-Western foo

38、d culture.答案:identify7、Edward enjoys eating at Chinese restaurants in Hangzhou because some Chinese people will compliment him that he is good at eating with chopsticks.答案:F8、Why did Dr. Pan just taste a little bit of baked meat and the broth when he was at Dr. Hyles home?答案:Because he was nearly fu

39、ll.9、What are the features of Chinese food and other Asian food, too?答案:All of the above.10、Take Chinese dinner for example, all the followings can be used as the starter or appetizer except for _. 答案:chicken11、In Chinese higher education, within so many years of rote , most students are taught to s

40、imply take what is said.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。12、The SAT will determine what a kind of college or university the high school graduates are going to, no matter how many grades you have got in school.答案:F13、Successful applicants from high schools in America are on the basis of _.答案:All of the above14、Wha

41、t does Chinese type of sitting truly encourage?答案:one-way communication15、What are the basic skills for foreign teachers to possess according to the video?答案:All of the above.16、It can be easily proved that people between East and West also have their _ compliments.答案:diverse17、It is certain that th

42、e way people communicate is the way they live.答案:T18、If we want to successfully express ourselves in English, we need _.答案:w=019、What is the most common greeting usage in American culture?答案:How are you doing?20、Its more correct to say that Americans would be very cautious of giving a compliment about someones _.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

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