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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上年 级新初一学 科英语版 本通用版内容标题小升初英语衔接班第6讲代词、冠词编稿老师李梅一、学习目标:了解并掌握人称代词、物主代词、反身代词和冠词的用法。二、学习要点:1. 复习有关名词的知识。2. 人称代词。3. 物主代词。4. 反身代词。5. 冠词。三、课程精讲:(一)重点知识讲解1. 复习名词。2. 人称代词: 主格:I you he she it we you they 宾格:me you him her it us you them 3. 物主代词: (1)形容词性物主代词:my your his her its our your their (2)名词性物主

2、代词:mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs4. 人称代词主格的用法:作主语5. 人称代词宾格的用法:作宾语6. 形容词性物主代词的用法:作定语7. 名词性物主代词的用法:作主语、宾语、表语8. 反身代词:myself himself herself itself yourself ourselves themselves yourselves 反身代词的用法: 如:by oneself teach oneself9. 冠词: (1)不定冠词:a / an (2)定冠词:the(二)课堂练习 1. 完成下列表格:人称代词主格Iitthey宾格you物

3、主代词形容词性myherouryour名词性his反身代词 2. 将下列句中的汉语译为英语:1)Where is _ (你们的) room?2)_ (你) can go to ask _ (他们).3)Is _ (他的) bike new? _ (我的) is new.4)Where is _ (我的) eraser?5)Put on _ (你的) sweater.6)“_ (谁) is it?” “Its _ (我).”7)Its time to go to school. Let _ (我们) go.8)_ (她) is an English girl. _ (她的) name is Lu

4、cy.9)“_ (谁) is that boy?” “_ (哪一个) one?”10)This knife isnt _ (她的). Its _ (他的). 3. 选择填空:1)_ bag is in the desk. A. MineB. MyC. HeD. Hers2)This is a bird. _ name is Polly. A. ItsB. ItC. ItsD. Their3)She brings some stamps on _ way home every day. A. hisB. myC. hersD. her4)Fried chicken is _ favorite.

5、Give some to _. A. us, usB. ours, usC. our, usD. theirs, ours5)The black shoes are _. A. myB. yourC. hisD. her6)Jim, is this your sweater? Yes, its _. A. mineB. myC. youD. me7)A friend of _ is going to be here. A. themB. theirsC. theyD. their8)Most of _ speak English as well as _ do. A. them, weB. t

6、heirs, oursC. their, usD. they, we9)They can teach _ how to use a computer. A. theirsB. theyC. theirD. themselves10)Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and _? A. sheB. IC. hisD. me 4. 在下列单词或词组前填上不定冠词a或an:1)_ bike2)_ hour3)_ apple4)_ banana5)_ egg6)_ exam7)_ university8)_ operation9)_ knife10)_

7、 island11)_ ID card12)_ useful book 5. 用a,an或the填空:1)Is Canada _ English speaking country?2)_ Great Wall is _ longest wall in _ world.3)January is _ first month of the year.4)Is your uncle _ athlete or _ manager?5)Do you know _ moon moves round _ earth?【小贴士】巧记冠词a和ana、an一对双胞胎,长得像来分不开。姐妹二人都勤快,天天都把单杠抬。

8、an姐姐干活爱跳舞,近身元音离不开。妹妹a她更勤快,其余单杠她全抬。物代、指代来做客,姐妹二人歇下来。【同步练习】(答题时间:60分钟)代词练习一、用适当的代词填空。1. Is that car yours? Yes, it is _. 2. How is Mr Li? _is fine, thanks.3. Put on_ hat! I am going to put it on. 4. Who is that over here? It is_.5. The old man lives by _. 6. I am sure I can do it all by _.7. Look, is

9、this room beautiful? I painted it _. 8. Id like to go for a walk. _ too.9. What are _jobs? They are students. 10. We think to _.11. Mary is old enough to take care of _. 12. It is perfume, I made it _.13. Look at _. She is very well. 14. Can you carry this box upstairs by _.15. You and she did very

10、well in the test. The teacher said that he would praise _ and_.16. The story _ made was very good, but you are did not tell it well.17. Give Jane this watch. Give_ this one too.18. Sara is not pleased with _ results in this English test.19. Did you enjoy _at the party yesterday?20. She wants to buy

11、a car of _own.二、单项选择。1. Mr. More has more money than Mr. Little. But he doesnt enjoy _. A. he B. him C. his D. himself2. Lily was 9 years old. _ was old enough to go to school _. A. She, she B. She, herself C. Her, herself D. Her. she3. Jims watch is much newer than _. A. hers B. she C. her D. herse

12、lf 4. Would you like _for super? A. something Chinese B. Chinese somethingC. anything Chinese D. Chinese anything5. _ piano is too old, but she still liked playing it.A. She B. Shes C. Hers D. Her6. Who taught you English last year? Nobody taught me. I taught _. A. me B. myself C. mine D. I7. That b

13、ike is _? A. he B. him C. his D. it8. We bought _ a present, but _ didnt like it. A. they, them B. them, they C. themselves, their D. theirs, they冠词练习一、单项选择。1. There is _ house in the picture. There is _old woman near_ house.A. an; a; the B. a; an; the C. the; a; an D. a; the; an 2. He has already w

14、orked for _ hour. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填 3. Alice is fond of playing _ piano. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填 4. Beyond _ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _space.A. 不填;the B. the; the C. 不填,不填 D. the; 不填 5. _ terrible weather weve been having these days! A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 6. Where is Ja

15、ck? I think he is still in _ bed, but he might just be in _bathroom. A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the 7. When do you have _breakfast every day? A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 8. Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _public places. A. the; 不填 B. 不填; the C. the; the D. 不填; 不填

16、 二、冠词填空:在下列句子空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划。 1. There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall. 2. This is _ useful book. Ive read it for _ hour. 3. _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse. 4. _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day. 5. Lets go out for _ walk. 6. Its too hot. Open _ door,please. 7. Th

17、ere is _ woman over there. _ woman is Meimeis mother. 8. _ sun rises in _ east. 9. _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China. 10. Are you going to do it _ second time? 11. Washington is _ capital of _ USA. 12. _ Turners are living at the end of _ Turner Street. 13. He joined the army in _ spr

18、ing of _ 1995. 14. _ old man is _ teacher. He likes playing _ basketball after _ supper. 15. After I had _ quick breakfast,I hurried to school. 16. Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producing _ wool and _ meat? 17. They went to _ Peoples Park,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday. 18. I oft

19、en watch _ TV in _ evening. 19. _ day of _ December 20,1999 is Monday. 20. Tomorrow is _ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _ Christmas tree today. 21. I think _ maths is more important than any other subject. 22. He often goes to _ school by _ bike. 23. What does this _ word mean, _ f

20、ather? 24. What _ important news!【试题答案】代词练习:一、1. mine2. He3. your4. her5. her6. myself 7. myself 8. Me 9. their 10. ourselves 11. herself 12. myself 13. her 14. yourself 15. you, her 16. you 17. her 18. her 19. yourself 20. her二、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B冠词练习:一、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D

21、6.D 7. D 8. A二、1. a;an;the 2. a;an。第一个空的a是泛指,第二个空的an是指“一小时”。 3. An;a。这两个空都是泛指,故都用不定冠词。 4. The;the;a。前两个空都是特指,故填the;后一个空中的a相当于every或each,three times a day意为“一天三次”。 5. a。go out for a walk意为“出去散步”。 6. the 7. a;The。前者泛指,后者特指。 8. The;the。第一个空用the表示太阳是世界上独一无二的物体;第二个空用the是因为在方位词的前面一般用定冠词。 9. The;the,。第一空用t

22、he是因为在河流名称的前面用定冠词;第二空用the是因为在形容词最高级前面用定冠词;第三空用“零”冠词是因为专有名词前一般不加冠词。 10. a。a second time意为“再一次”、“另一次”。the second time意为“第二次”。此句填a是表示动作的重复,而不能用the(表顺序)。 11. the;the。第一个the是特指美国的首都。第二个the用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前,故应加定冠词。 12. The;the“the 姓氏的复数”表示“一家人”或“夫妻二人”。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the。 13. the;。表示在某一年的季节名称前应加定冠词。 14. The;

23、a;。在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。 15. a。三餐名称前若有形容词,则可在形容词前加冠词,此处是泛指,故用a。 16. ;。此句意为“农民养羊是为了产毛和肉吗?”前两个空也可填定冠词,意为:“那些农民养的那些羊是为了产毛和肉吗?” 17. the;the。普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the。 18. ;the。TV前不加冠词。“早、午、晚”名词前加冠词。 19. The;。第一空是特指。日期名词前不加冠词。 20. ;a21. 。学科名称前一般不加冠词。 22. ;。go to school上学。by bike骑自行车。 23. ;。指示代词不能与定冠词连用。 24. 。注意news是不可数名词,故不能加a。专心-专注-专业

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