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1、2018高考英语短文改错讲解与选练题(共12页含答案)1. 谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有:一般现在时与一般过去时错用;and前后动词时态不一致;主谓不一致;缺少动词,特别是be动词;第三人称单数形式错用;主动语态和被动语态错用。2. 名词的常见错误:单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。3. 冠词错误:误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定);误用a/an和the(固定搭配,或泛指、特指;多冠词或少冠词)4. 形容词和副词错误:系动词(am/is/are/was/were/become/go)和感官性动词(smell/feel)后用形容词;词性的误用(形容词修

2、饰名词;副词修饰动词和形容词)。5. 代词错误:代词的主格和宾格(I/me; he/him; she/her; we/us; they/them)错误;反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves)使 用错误;代词的单数和复数使用错误;代词指代错误;多代词或少代词。6. 非谓语动词的常见错误:不定式、动名词作主语、宾语时;and连接的不定式或动名词前后不一致;介词后用动名词形式作宾语;某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式。7. 介词错误:词组中的介词误用;介词意思理解偏差;介词的多用或少用。实战选练题A(2017高考选练)短文改错

3、。 (选自2017·日照检测)Dear Tom,I'm glad to hear that you are very interesting in Guoxue. Let me to give you a simple introduction to it.Generally speaking, Guoxue refers to the excellent traditional Chinese culture, that includes philosophy, literature, history, music, painting and so on. Guoxue h

4、as been playing an increasing important part in China, especially for them students. Not only did it tell us how to study, but it also teaches us how to live. More and more Guoxue courses is given in schools of different levels all over China.If you want to get better understanding of Guoxue, you ar

5、e welcome to China to learn it, feel it and enjoy it. I'm sure you'll benefit from living in two different culture. I'm looking forward to see you soon in China.Yours,Wang Kai参考答案:Dear Tom,I'm glad to hear that you are very in Guoxue. Let me to give you a simple introduction to it.Ge

6、nerally speaking, Guoxue refers to the excellent traditional Chinese culture, includes philosophy, literature, history, music, painting and so on. Guoxue has been playing an important part in China, especially for students. Not only it tell us how to study, but it also teaches us how to live. More a

7、nd more Guoxue courses given in schools of different levels all over China.If you want to get better understanding of Guoxue, you are welcome to China to learn it, feel it and enjoy it. I'm sure you'll benefit from living in two different . I'm looking forward to you soon in China. Yours

8、,Wang KaiB2017·全国卷记叙文假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I st

9、ill remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor's orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!” I was so

10、much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.答案In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I stilleighteenthr

11、emember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the the/my instructor's orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to mebut/yet wentaltogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!”“Turningwords

12、 Turnleft!” I was so nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in thelater sudden middle on the road. of3. so改为but或yet考查连词。根据句意可知作者本以为自己已经掌握了教练说的话,结果一发动车,脑中一片空白。前后文为转折关系,故

13、将so改为but或yet。4. goes改为went考查时态。根据前文中的started可知时态为一般过去时,故将goes改为went。5. word改为words考查名词复数。教练一直喊“加速”“减速”“左转”。 word表示某人说的话时是可数名词,故将word改为words。6. Turning改为Turn考查非谓语动词。分析语境可知教练的话“加速”“减速”“左转”都是祈使句,根据前文“Speed up!” “Slow down!”也可以看得出来。祈使句应该用动词原形开头,故将Turning改为Turn。7. 去掉much考查固定句型。“我”如此紧张以至于无法分辨哪个方向是左。固定句型so

14、that表示“如此以至于”,much为多余成分。故将much去掉。8. late改为later考查副词。作形容词的时候,later是late的比较级,如:Their deadline is quite late. Ours is even later.(他们的截止日期很迟,我们的更迟。)作副词的时候,late意为“迟”;later意为“稍后,随后”。句意:几分钟之后。故将late改为later。9. suddenly改为sudden考查形容词。“我”紧急刹车。suddenly是副词,表示“意外地,忽然地”。 sudden为形容词,表示“突然的,迅速的”,修饰名词stop。a sudden st

15、op表示“急刹车”。故将suddenly改为sudden。10. on改为of考查介词。分析语境可知作者表示“在路中间急刹车”。on the road表示“在路上”, the middle of the road表示“路的中央”,强调的是“the middle”。故将on改为of。 【名师点睛】1. 谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有一般现在时与一般过去时错用;and前后动词时态不一致;主谓不一致;缺少动词,特别是be动词;第三人称单数形式错用;主动语态和被动语态错用。2. 名词的常见错误:单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。例如第75题将 word改为words。

16、word的意思主要是“单词,消息”,words 可以表示为word的复数,也表示某人说的话。这里指教练说的那些话,故将word改为words。3. 冠词错误:误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定);误用a/an和the(固定搭配,或泛指、特指;多冠词或少冠词)例如第72题 first前加the或my。句中特指开始学驾照的第一天,所以在first前加上the。也可以加上my,my first day表示“我(学驾照)的第一天”。故在first前加the或my。4. 形容词和副词错误:系动词(am/is/are/was/were/become/go)和感官性动词(smell/feel)后用形容

17、词;词性的误用(形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词和形容词)。例如第79题将suddenly改为sudden。suddenly是副词,表示“意外地,忽然地”。 sudden为形容词,表示“突然的;迅速的”。a sudden stop表示“急刹车”。故将suddenly改为sudden。5. 代词错误:代词的主格和宾格(I/me; he/him; she/her; we/us; they/them)错误;反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves)使 用错误;代词的单数和复数使用错误;代词指代错误;多代词或少代词。6. 非谓语动词

18、的常见错误:不定式、动名词作主语、宾语时;and连接的不定式或动名词前后不一致;介词后用动名词形式作宾语;某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式。例如第76 题将Turning改为Turn。分析语境可知教练的话“加速”,“减速”,“左转”都是祈使句,根据前文“Speed up!” “Slow down!”也可以看得出来。祈使句应该用动词原形,故将Turning改为Turn。7. 介词错误:词组中的介词误用;介词意思理解偏差;介词的多用或少用。例如第80题将 on改为of。分析语境可知作者表示“在路中间急刹车”,on the road表示“在路上”, the middle of the road表示“路

19、的中央”,强调的是“the middle”。故将on改为of。C(2017高考选练)短文改错。 (选自2017·潍坊模拟)One day, an old man was returning home after shopping. Suddenly, a bag of waste fell in the sky, nearly hitting him on his head. He was greatly frightening by the unexpected incident. Dropped the things he had bought to the ground, he

20、 ran away rapidly. What dangerous it was.Obviously, the accident caused by a careless neighbour living highly in an apartment. It was that person who was to blame for. Every one of us should behave politely and think more about other. Only when we each behaved properly can our society be changed int

21、o a pleasing one.参考答案:One day, an old man was returning home after shopping. Suddenly, a bag of waste fell the sky, nearly hitting him on head. He was greatly by the unexpected incident. the things he had bought to the ground, he ran away rapidly. dangerous it was.Obviously, the accident caused by a

22、 careless neighbour living in an apartment. It was that person who was to blame . Every one of us should behave politely and think more about . Only when we each properly can our society be changed into a pleasing one.D【2016·全国新课标I】短文改错(10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多

23、有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that 1 live .Though not very big ,but the restaurant is popular in our area .It is always crowded with custom

24、ers at meal times .Some people even had to wait outside My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes th

25、at our business will grow steady.【答案】1. that where 2. but去掉 3. had have 4. honest honesty 5. or and 6. using used 7. becoming前加of 8. the a 9. our his 10. steadsteadily 【解析】试题分析:1. that where 考查宾语从句的引导词。介词后面的宾语从句缺少状语,根据句意判断此处表示地点。故把that改为where。 2. 去掉but 考查连词。Though不和but连用,故去掉but。 【归纳总结】在英语中though、alt

26、hough、while或者as等引导的让步状语从句不和but连用;连词because不和so连用;此外,return不和back连用。3. had have 考查动词时态。 文章是介绍现在的情况,应该用一般现在时。4. honest honesty 考查名词。此处是指诚实是他成功的秘诀,用名词形式。 而形容词honest意思是“诚实的”,是指人的性格特点。 考点:考查短文改错 E(2017高考选练)短文改错。 (选自2017·福建厦门质量检查)One day, some children were playing hideandseek while they heard a boy

27、names Tate shouting. “Help! The golden lion is coming after me!” They go running to help Tate, only find him laughing on the ground. One child said, “You shouldn't do that. If you are real in trouble, nobody will come to help you.”In a rainy day, Tate shouted again, “The river is flooding and I

28、can't swim. Help!” The children didn't believe her this time. But a girl saw everything and called the others to save him. Tate was not sorry for playing tricks on his friend. So from that day on, Tate never did that again.参考答案:One day, some children were playing hideandseek they heard a boy

29、 Tate shouting. “Help! golden lion is coming after me!” They running to help Tate, only find him laughing on the ground. One child said, “You shouldn't do that. If you are in trouble, nobody will come to help you.” a rainy day, Tate shouted again, “The river is flooding and I can't swim. Hel

30、p!” The children didn't believe this time. But a girl saw everything and called the others to save him. Tate was sorry for playing tricks on his . So from that day on, Tate never did that again.F【2015·陕西】短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌系的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个

31、单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My soccer coach retired in last week. I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party. My mum makes the better biscuits in the world, so I decide to ask

32、 her for help. Mum taught me some basic step of baking. I insisted on doing most of the baking myself. I thought the biscuits were really well. My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.At a party, my coach, with a biscuit in his mouth, asked surprisingly who m

33、ade them and joked, “I might have to retire again next year just get some more of these biscuits.”My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoy the biscuits with happy laughter!【答案】 1.去掉in2.anything 改为something3.better改成best4.decide改成decided5.step 改为steps6.well改成good7.after改成when/whil

34、e8.a改为the9.just后加to10.enjoy改为enjoying 【解析】80.句意:妈妈教我一些基本的烘焙的步骤。step 是可数名词,用复数steps。81.句意:我认为这些饼干很好。做表语用形容词,well改成good。82.句意:我唯一的错误是在我将它们打包的时候将它们掉在地上。after改成when/while83.这里是特指第一段提到的退休聚会。a改为the。84.句意:我可能明年要再退休一次,只是想得到更多这样的饼干。用不定式做目的状语。just后加to。85.句意:我最喜欢的照片是我和我的教练在聚会上开心地享受饼干。of后面接动名词,my coach and me是逻

35、辑主语,enjoy改为enjoying。【考点定位】考查短文改错【名师点睛】这篇短文改错是记叙文,短文的内容和学生的日常生活有关。错误之处的设置都是平常学生容易错的地方。考查点比较全面,各种词性都考查到了,也涉及到一些语法知识的考查,如:非谓语动词,时态等。G(2017高考选练)短文改错。 (选自2017·吉林省仿真模拟)With the progress of society, the volunteer spirit has spread all over a country. More and more people are willing to be volunteer an

36、d take part in volunteer activities. Get involved in volunteer work means a lot to our society. Firstly, you show loving care for others when you are doing voluntary service. You pass love and civilization on to others with their volunteer work,and make others to feel that there are always people ca

37、ring about them. This made our society more harmonious. Secondly, people whom you help may influenced by your good deeds and follow your lead. In a result, all people may help and care about each other, or the world will become a better place to live in. Since volunteer work is so meaningfully, we s

38、hould call on more people to take part in volunteer work actively.参考答案:With the progress of society, the volunteer spirit has spread all over country. More and more people are willing to be and take part in volunteer activities. involved in volunteer work means a lot to our society. Firstly, you sho

39、w loving care for others when you are doing voluntary service. You pass love and civilization on to others with volunteer work, and make others feel that there are always people caring about them. This our society more harmonious. Secondly, people whom you help may influenced by your good deeds and

40、follow your lead. a result, all people may help and care about each other, the world will become a better place to live in. Since volunteer work is so , we should call on more people to take part in volunteer work actively.H【2014·四川卷】 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1.5分,共15分)下面短文中共有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。

41、增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm go off. If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. Stay close to you

42、r teacher and classmate. Don't panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet and calmly. Soon the firefighters will come and put out a fire. If it's a false alarm and there is no fire, your teacher will lead us back to the classroom. If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt

43、, tell your teacher immediately.【答案】 with -about。go-goes。wait 后加for。classmate -classmates 。trying -try 。calmly-calm。a the 。us-you。去掉when。andor。wait 后加 for 。考查短语搭配。and wait your teacher to lead you outside 。固定短语:wait for“等待”,其中wait是不及物动词,如后面有宾语,则加介词for。classmate -classmates 。考查名词单复数。Stay close to you

44、r teacher and classmate.从内容可知此处是指许多同学们,应该用复数形式,把classmate改为classmates。trying -try 。考查谓语和非谓语。Don't panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet。解题关键是and连接的词前后需一致。根据前面panic判断此处用动词原形try。calmly-calm。考查形容词的用法。remain quiet and calmly。Remain是系动词,后面用形容词作表语,故把calmly改为calm。a the 。考查冠词用法。Soon the f

45、irefighters will come and put out a fire.。在文中fire是特指概念,故用定冠词the。us-you。考查人称代词的用法。your teacher will lead us back to the classroom.根据前面your teacher判断此处指带领“你们”,把us改为you。去掉when。考查宾语从句。If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt, Notice后的宾语从句意思完整应该用that引导,when多余,所以去掉when。andor。考查连词的用法。If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt。从句意判断此处是提出两种假设情况,所以用or表示“或者”,把and改为or。考点:考查短文改错。

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