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1、巴朗词表速记(14)前缀aauto a=表语形容词前缀(pred. a.)如:alike, asleep, akinagog 构词:a (pred. a.) + gog (merriment) adj. highly excited; intensely curious. We were all agog at the news that the celebrated movie star was giving up his career in order to enter a monastery.aloof a(pred. a.)+ loof (far)adj. apart; reserve

2、d. Shy by nature, she remained aloof while all the rest conversed.aloft 构词:a (pred. a.) + loft (height). 参考词汇:loftyelevated in character; exalted. adv. upward. The sailor climbed aloft into the rigging.agapegape 构词:a (pred. a.) + gapeadj. openmouthed. She stared, agape, at the many strange animals i

3、n the zoogape v. open widely. The huge pit gaped before him; if he stumbled, he would fall in. Slack-jawed in wonder, Huck gaped at the huge stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the limestone cavern.amiss 构词:a (pred. a.) + miss (wrong)adj. wrong; faulty.Seeing her frown, he wondered if anything w

4、ere amiss, also adv.a=副词(形容词)前缀amok (also amuck) 构词:a (ad) + mok (mad)adv. in a state of rage. The police had to be called in to restrain him after he ran amok in the department store.asunder 构词:a (ad) + sunder (sever, separarte)adv. into parts; apart. A fierce quarrel split the partnership asunder;

5、 the two partners finally sundered their connections because their points of view were poles asunder.请预览后下载!awry 构词:a (ad) + wry (twisted)adv. distorted; crooked. He held his head awry, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night also adj.a=toamass 构词:a (to) + mass (ga

6、ther)v. collect. The misers aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as possible.a(n)=withoutamnesia 构词:a (without) + mnes (memory) + ia (disease). 例:mnemonics(记忆术)n. loss of memory. Because she was suffering from amnesia, the police could not get the young girl to identify herself.amnesty 构词:a (witho

7、ut) + mnes (memory) + ty (n.). 不记仇=宽恕=特赦n. pardon. When his first child was born, the king granted amnesty to all in prison.amoral 构词:a (without) + moral(道德)= 缺德的adj. nonmoral. The amoral individual lacks a code of ethics; he cannot tell right from wrong. The immoral person can tell right from wrong

8、; he chooses to do something he knows is wrong.anemia 构词:an (without) + hema (blood) + ia (disease)n. condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles. The doctor ascribes her tiredness to anemia.anemic, adj.anesthetic 构词:an (without) + esthet (sensation) + ic (a-n)n. substance that removes sensation w

9、ith or without loss of consciousness. His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep. anesthesia, n.atrophy 构词:a (without) + troph (food) + y (n)n. wasting away. Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs, also v.apolitical 构词:a (not) + pol

10、itical =对政治不关心adj. having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs. It was hard to remain apolitical during the Vietnam War; even people who generally ignored public issues felt they had to take political stands.请预览后下载!atypical 构词:a (not) + typicaladj. not normal. The child psychiatrist

11、reassured Mrs. Keaton that playing doctor was not atypical behavior for a child of young Alexs age. “Perhaps not,” she replied, “but charging for house calls is!”ab, ac, ad, af, ag=to acclimate 构词:ac (to) + climatev. adjust to climate or environment; adapt. One of the difficulties of our present air

12、 age is the need of travelers to acclimate themselves to their new and often strange environments.accomplice 构词:ac (to) + com (together) + plice (fold)n. partner in crime. Because he had provided the criminal with the lethal weapon, he was arrested as an accomplice in the murder.accost 构词:ac (to) +

13、cost (sideapproach)v. approach and speak first to a person. When the two young men accosted me, I was frightened because I thought they were going to attack me.accouter 构词:ac (to) + coutre (equip)v. equip. The fisherman was accoutred with the best that the sporting goods store could supply, accoutre

14、ment, n.acknowledge 构词:ac (to) + know + ledge (n.)v. recognize; admit. Although I acknowledge that the Beatles tunes sound pretty dated nowadays, I still prefer them to the gangsta rap songs my brothers play.acquittal 构词:ac (to) + quit (give up) + tal (n.) n. deliverance from a charge. His acquittal

15、 by the jury surprised those who had thought him guilty. acquit, v.adage 构词:ad (to) + age. 取流传久远之意n. wise saying; proverb. There is much truth in the old adage about fools and their money.adroit 构词:ad (to) + roit (right). 右手灵巧请预览后下载!adj. skillfull. Her adroit handling of the delicate situation pleas

16、ed her employers.affidavit 构词:af (to) + fidavit (pledge)n. written statement made under oath. The court refused to accept her statement unless she presented it in the form of an affidavit.经济担保书:affidavi t of supportaffiliation 构词:af (to) + filiate (adopt) + ion (n)n. joining; associating with His af

17、filiation with the political party was of short duration for he soon disagreed with his colleagues.affinity 构词:af (to) + fin (fix, relate) + ity (n)n. kinship. She felt an affinity with all who suffered: their pains were her pains.affirmation 构词:af (to) + firm (sure, positive) + tion (n.)n. positive

18、 assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath. Despite Toms affirmations of innocence. Aunt Polly still suspected he had eaten the pie.affix 构词:af (to) + fix v. attach or add on; fasten. First the registrar had to affix his signature to the license: then he had to affix

19、his official seal.affliction 构词:af (to) + flict (hurt) + ion (n)n. state of distress; cause of suffering. Even in the midst of her affliction, Elizabeth tried to keep up the spirits of those around her.affront 构词:af (to) + front (当面顶撞)n. insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect. When Mrs. Prou

20、die was not seated beside the Archdeacon at the head table, she took it as a personal affront and refused to speak to her hosts for a week, also v.allay 构词:al (to) + lay (put down)v. calm; pacify. The crew tried to allay the fears of the passengers by announcing that the fire had been controlled .al

21、locate构词:al (to) + locate (put, place)v. assign. 请预览后下载!Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster, many people perished.alloy 构词:al (to) + loy (mixture)n. a mixture as of metals. Alloys of gold are used more frequently than the pure metal.all

22、oy 构词:al (to) + loy (mix)v. mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate. Our delight at the Mets victory was alloyed by our concern for Dwight Gooden, who injured his pitching arm in the game.allure 构词:al (to) + lure (attract)v. entice; attract. Allured by the song of the sirens, the helmsman steered th

23、e ship toward the reef. also n.appease 构词:ap (to) + peacev. pacify or soothe; relieve. Tom and Jody tried to appease the crying baby by offering him one toy after another. However, he would not calm down until they appeased his hunger by giving him a bottle, appeasement, n.ab(s)=from abhor 构词:ab (fr

24、om) + hor (fear)。参考词汇:horrorv, detest; hate. She abhorred all forms of bigotry. abhorrence, n.ab(s)=away (from)abscond 构词:abs (away) + scond (put, place)v. depart secretly and hide. The teller who absconded with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on Americas M

25、ost Wanted.ensconce 构词:en (v) + sconce (put, place)v. settle comfortably. now that their children were ensconced safely in the private school, the jet-setting parents decided to leave for Europe.abstemious 构词:abs (away from) + tem (wine) adj. sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. 请预览后下载!Concern

26、ed whether her vegetarian sons abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him.ab(s)=not, negativeabsolute构词:abs (not) + solute (loosen)adj. complete; totally unlimited; certain. Although the King of Siam was an absolute monarch, he did not want to behead

27、 his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidelity.abusive 构词:ab (wrong) + use + ive (a)use: abuseabusivedisabuse adj. coarsely insulting; physically harmful. An abusive parent damages a child both mentally and physically.al=the alchemy 构词:al (the) + chem (chemistry) + ist (person)n. m

28、edieval chemistry. The changing of baser metals into gold was the goal of the students of alchemy. alchemist, n.alcove 构词:al (the) + cove (cave)n. nook; recess. Though their apartment lacked a full-scale dining room, an alcove adjacent to the living room made an adequate breakfast nook for the young

29、 couple.anti=againstantagonism 构词:ant (against) + agon (hurt) + ism n. hostility; active resistance. Barry showed his antagonism toward his new stepmother by ignoring her whenever she tried talking to him. antagonistic, adj.anticlimax 构词:anti (agaisnt) + climax (高潮) n. letdown in thought or emotion.

30、 After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anticlimax, anticlimactic, adj.antidote 构词:anti (agaisnt) + dote (do)n. remedy to counteract a poison or disease. When Marges child accidentally swallowed some cleaning fluid, the local poison control hotline instructed Marge

31、how to administer the antidote.请预览后下载!antiquated 构词:anti (agaisnt) + quate (?)adj. obsolete; outdated. Accustomed to editing his papers on word processors, Philip thought typewriters were too antiquated for him to use.apo=away from; not; toapostate 构词:apo (away from) + state (stand) n. one who aband

32、ons his religious faith or political beliefs. Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as anapostate.apostasy, n.apothecary 构词:apo (from) + thecary (receptacle)n. druggist. In Holland, apothecaries still sell spices as well as ointments and pills.apothegm 构词:apo

33、(to) + thegm (say)n. pithy, compact saying. Proverbs are apothegms that have become familiar sayings.auto=selfautocratic 构词:auto (self) + crat (rule) + ic (a)adj. having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial. A person accustomed to exercising authority may become autocratic if his or her power is u

34、nchecked. Dictators by definition are autocrats. Bosses who dictate behavior as well as letters can be autocrats too. autocracy, n.autonomous 构词:auto (self) + nom (govern) + ous (a)adj. self-governing. Although the University of California at Berkeley is just one part of the state university system,

35、 in many ways Cal Berkeley is autonomous, for it runs several programs that are not subject to outside control.autonomy, n.autopsy 构词:auto (self) + ops (see) + y (n) = search in person. 参考词汇:opticsoptics n. examination of a dead body; postmortem. The medical examiner ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death, also v. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 请预览后下载!

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