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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2004年6月英语六级真题Part IListening Comprehension(20 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each que

2、stion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example:You will hear:You will read:A) 2 hours.B) 3 hours.C) 4 hou

3、rs.D) 5 hours.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 oclock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose D on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the

4、 center.Sample Answer A B C D1.A) Dicks trousers dont match his jacket.B) Dick looks funny in that yellow jacket.C) The color of Dicks jacket is too dark.D) Dick has bad taste in clothes.2.A) Call the police station.C) Show the man her family pictures.B) Get the wallet for the man.D) Ask to see the

5、mans drivers license.3.A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.4.A) She lost a lot of weight in tw

6、o years.B) She stopped exercising two years ago.C) She had a unique way of staying healthy.D) She was never persistent in anything she did.5.A) The man is not suitable for the position.B) The job has been given to someone else.C) She had received only one application letter.D) The application arrive

7、d a week earlier than expected.6.A) Hes unwilling to fetch the laundry.B) He has already picked up the laundry.C) He will go before the laundry is closed.D) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back.7.A) At a shopping center.C) At an international trade fair.B) At an electronics company.D) At

8、 a DVD counter in a music store.8.A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.B) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie.C) The woman prefers light movies before sleep.D) The woman regrets going to the movie.9.A) He is the fight man to get the job done.B) He is a man with profes

9、sional expertise.C) He is not easy to get along with.D) He is not likely to get the job.10.A) It is being forced out of the entertainment industry.B) It should change its concept of operation.C) It should revolutionize its technology.D) It is a very good place to relax.Section BDirections:In this se

10、ction, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter

11、on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A) He set up the first university in America.B) He was one of the earliest settlers in America.C) He can best represent the spirit of early America.D) He was the mo

12、st distinguished diplomat in American history.12.A) He provided Washington with a lot of money.B) He persuaded France to support Washington.C) He served as a general in Washingtons army.D) He represented Washington in negotiations with Britain.13.A) As one of the greatest American scholars.B) As one

13、 of Americas most ingenious inventors.C) As one of the founding fathers of the United States.D) As one of the most famous activists for human rights.Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.14.A) Because we might be offered a dish of insects.B) Because nothing but f

14、reshly cooked insects are servedC) Because some yuppies like to horrify guests with insects as food.D) Because we might meet many successful executives in the media industry.15.A) From yuppie clubs.C) In the supermarket.B) In the seafood market.D) On the Internet.16.A) Its easy to prepare.C) Its exo

15、tic in appearance.B) Its tasty and healthful.D) Its safe to eat.17.A) It will be consumed by more and more young people.B) It will become the first course at dinner parties.C) It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.D) It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most People.Passage ThreeQuestions 18 to

16、20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.A) Their business hours are limited.B) Their safety measures are inadequate.C) Their banking procedures are complicated.D) They dont have enough service windows.19.A) People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another.B) Young people

17、who are fond of modern technology.C) Young people who are wealthy and well-educated.D) People who have computers at home.20.A) To compete for customers. B) To reduce the size of their staff.C) To provide services for distant clients.D) To expand their operations at a lower cost.Part IIReading Compre

18、hension(35 minutes)Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a si

19、ngle line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.It was the worst tragedy in maritime (航海的) history, six times more deadly than the Titanic.When the German cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes (鱼雷) fired from a Russian submarine in the final

20、winter of World War II, more than 10,000 people - mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany - were packed aboard. An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go

21、down. Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down. Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to claw their way aboard. Most people froze immediately. Tll never forget the screams, says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors. She recalls watching the s

22、hip, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave - and into seeming nothingness, rarely mentioned for more than half a century.Now Germanys Nobel Prize-winning author Gtinter Grass has revived the memory of the 9,000 dead, including more than 4,000 children - with his latest novel Crab Walk, publishe

23、d last month. The book, which will be out in English next year, doesnt dwell on the sinking; its heroine is a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later: Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West (of Germany) and not at all in the East. The reason was obvious. As

24、Grass put it in a recent interview with the weekly Die Woche: Because the crimes we Germans are responsible for were and are so dominant, we didnt have the energy left to tell of our own sufferings.The long silence about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was probably unavoidable - and necessary. B

25、y unreservedly owning up to their countrys monstrous crimes in the Second World War, Germans have managed to win acceptance abroad, marginalize (使.不得势) the neo- Nazis at home and make peace with their neighbors. Todays unified Germany is more prosperous and stable than at any time in its long, troub

26、led history. For that, a half century of willful forgetting about painful memories like the German Titanic was perhaps a reasonable price to pay. But even the most politically correct Germans believe that they ye now earned the right to discuss the full historical record. Not to equate German suffer

27、ing with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.21.Why does the author say the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was the worst tragedy in maritime history?A) It was attacked by Russian torpedoes.B) Most of its passengers were frozen to death.C) Its victims were mostly women

28、and children.D) It caused the largest number of casualties.22.Hundreds of families dropped into the sea whenA) a strong ice storm tilted the shipB) the cruise ship sank all of a suddenC) the badly damaged ship leaned toward one sideD) the frightened passengers fought desperately for lifeboats23.The

29、Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy was little talked about for more than half a century because GermansA) were eager to win international acceptanceB) felt guilty for their crimes in World War IIC) ad been pressured to keep silent about itD) were afraid of offending their neighbors24.How does Gunter Grass rev

30、ive the memory of the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy?A) By presenting the horrible scene of the torpedo attack.B) By describing the ships sinking in great detail.C) By giving an interview to the weekly Die Woche.D) By depicting the survival of a young pregnant woman.25.It can be learned from the passage t

31、hat Germans no longer think thatA) they will be misunderstood if they talk about the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedyB) the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy is a reasonable price to pay for the nations past misdeedsC) Germany is responsible for the horrible crimes it committed in World War IID) it is wrong to equat

32、e their sufferings with those of other countriesPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 a

33、dul who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their precollegi

34、ate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal (名人轶事) reports support this. Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About

35、Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, Never was so dull a boy. Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated.Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school becaus

36、e their, gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: Because I had fou

37、nd it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was difficult to teach. As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong-willed nonconformists. Nonconformityand stubbornness (and Yeatss level of arrogance and self-absorption) are likely to lead to Confl

38、icts with teachers.When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy (神童) studied by David Feldman and Lynn Goldsmith was taught far more

39、about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High-IQ children, in Australia studied by Miraca Gross had much more positive feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all di

40、d well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.26.The main point the author is making about schools is thatA) they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgroundsB) they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented studentsC) they

41、should organize their classes according to the students abilityD) they should enroll as many gifted students as possible27.The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmiths teachersA) to provide support for his argumentB) to illustrate the strong will of some gifted childrenC) to explain how

42、 dull students can also be successfulD) to show how poor Olivers performance was at school28.Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children whoA) paid no attention to their teachers in classB) contradicted their teachers much too oftenC) could not cope with their studies at school successful

43、lyD) behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachers29.Many gifted people attributed their success.A) mainly to parental help and their education at homeB) both to school instruction and to their parents coachingC) more to their parents encouragement than to school trainingD) les

44、s to their systematic education than to their talent30.The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is thatA) their nonconformity brought them a lot of troubleB) they were seldom praised by their teachersC) school courses failed to inspire or motivate themD) teach

45、ers were usually far stricter than their parentsPassage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage,When we worry about who might be spying on our private lives, we usually think about the Federal agents. But the private sector outdoes the government every time. Its Linda Tripp, not t

46、he FBI, who is facing charges under Marylands laws against secret telephone taping. Its our banks, not the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), that pass our private financial data to telemarketing finms.Consumer activists are pressing Congress for better privacy laws without much result so far. The legi

47、slators lean toward letting business people track our financial habits virtually at will.As an example of whats going on, consider U.S. Bancorp, which was recently sued for deceptive practices by the state of Minnesota. According to the lawsuit, the bank supplied a telemarketer called MemberWorks wi

48、th sensitive customer data such as names, phone numbers, bank-account and credit-card numbers, Social Security numbers, account balances and credit limits.With these customer lists in hand, MemberWorks started dialing for dollars - selling dental plans, videogames, computer software and other produc

49、ts and services. Customers who accepted a free trial offer had, 30 days to cancel. If the deadline passed, they were charged automatically through their bank or credit-card accounts. U.S. Bancorp collected a share of the revenues.Customers were doubly deceived, the lawsuit claims. They. didnt know t

50、hat the bank was giving account numbers to MemberWorks. And if customers asked, they were led to think the answer was no.The state sued MemberWorks separately for deceptive selling. Thecompany dehies that it did anything wrong. For its part, U.S. Bancorp settled without admitting any mistakes. But i

51、t agreed to stop exposing its customers to nonfinancial products sold by outside firms. A few top banks decided to do the same. Many other banks will still do business with MemberWorks and similar firms.And banks will still be mining data from your account in order to sell you financial products, in

52、cluding things of little value, such as credit insurance and credit-card protection plans.You have almost no protection from businesses that use your personal accounts for profit. For example, no federal law shields transaction and experience information - mainly the details of your bank and credit-

53、card accounts. Social Security numbers are for sale by private fams. Theyve generally agreed not to sell to the public. But to businesses, the numbers are an open book. Selfregulation doesnt work. A firm might publish a privacy-protection policy, but who enforces it?Take U.S. Bancorp again. Customer

54、s were told, in writing, that all personal information you supply to us will be considered confidential. Then it sold your data to MemberWorks. The bank even claims that it doesnt sell your data at all. It merely shares it and reaps a profit. Now you know.31.Contrary to popular belief, the author fi

55、nds that spying on peoples privacyA) is mainly carried out by means of secret tapingB) has been intensified with the help of the IRSC) is practiced exclusively by the FBID) is more prevalent in business circles32.We know from the passage thatA) legislators are acting to pass a law to provide better

56、privacy protectionB) most states are turning a blind eye to the deceptive practices of private businessesC) the state of Minnesota is considering drawing up laws to protect private informationD) lawmakers are inclined to give a free hand to businesses to inquire into customers buying habits33.When t

57、he free trial deadline is over, youll be charged without notice for a product or service ifA) you fail to cancel it within the specified periodB) you happen to reveal your credit card numberC) you find the product or service unsatisfactoryD) you fail to apply for extension of the deadline34.Business

58、es do not regard information concerning personal bank accounts as private becauseA) its revelation will do no harm to consumers under the current protection policyB) it is considered transaction and experience information unprotected by lawC) it has always been considered an open secret by the gener

59、al publicD) its sale can be brought under control through self-regulation35.We can infer from the passage thatA) banks will have to change their ways of doing businessB) privacy protection laws will soon be enforcedC) consumers privacy will continue to be invadedD) free trial practice will eventuall

60、y be bannedPassage FourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Its hardly news that the immigration system is a mess. Foreign nationals have long been slipping across the border with fake papers, and visitors who arrive in the U.S. legitimately often overstay their legal welcome withou

61、t being punished. But since Sept. 11, its become clear that terrorists have been shrewdly factoring the weaknesses of our system into their plans. In addition to their mastery of forging passports, at least three of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers (劫机者) were here on expired visas. Thats been a safe bet un

62、til now. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) ( 移民归化局 ) lacks the resources, and apparently the inclination, to keep track of the estimated 2 million foreigners who have intentionally overstayed their welcome.But this laxness (马虎) toward immigration fraud may be about to change. Congress

63、 has already taken some modest steps. The U.S.A. Patriot Act, passed in the wake of the Sept. 11 tragedy, requires the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department and the INS to share more data, which will make it easier to stop watch-listed terrorists at the border.But whats really needed, cr

64、itics say, is even tougher laws and more resources aimed at tightening up border security. Reformers are calling for a rollback of rules that hinder law enforcement.They also want the INS to hire hundreds more border patrol agents and investigators to keep illegal immigrants out and to track them down once theyre here. Reformers also want to see the INS set up a database to monitor whether visa holders actu

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